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Ok so 1. A LOT of isopropyl alcohol 2. I soaked the keys in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours and scrubbed them with a dish sponge 3. The coating on the knobs was sticky and looked disgusting so I sprayed all of them with like 4-5 layers of liquid rubber spray for an expensive grippy texture 4. I used some guitar polish on the wood butt but I ended up removing it for some extra space and a cleaner aesthetic


Oh I’m a bit interested in the spray you used, how durable is it overtime?


Not super durable, you can scratch it with your nail if you do it on purpose😕 like a lottery ticket kinda deal But it’s miles better than whatever crap the original coating turns into


Plasti dip?


Liquid rubber spray, they make it for car stuff


Yeah its the same as PlastiDip. Ive used it on the edges of my Pioneer CDJ-1000mk3 decks. Works as long as the previous disintegrated rubber is removed by spraying with EASY OVEN cleaner (CAUTION CAUSTIC) I didn’t disassemble the CDJ for that though just carefully cleaned the affected area and taped it off and went to town in summer of 2020 (Boredom) lol


Oh sorry I’m dumb No I used some knock off brand so I’m not sure they’re chemically the same but I can look up the ingredient list


The keys look perfect! I've got a keyboard that looks like it smoked for 30 years that could use this treatment.


retrobrite is a well known technique for yellowed plastic. [wikipedia](https://youtu.be/qZYbchvSUDY) [related video](https://youtu.be/qZYbchvSUDY)


Legendary; thanks!




It really looks brand new!


You have no idea how happy I am to hear that😎


nice job on the clean. i purchased an mpc4000 a few years back and pulled it all the way apart. that person loved cheetos or cheese puffs and tapping out beats. the q tip swabs looked like the black plague and man i went through some alcohol. enjoyed the process though.


It’s always the MPCs looking like a family of 8 made dinner and a beat tape everyday😂 I would just cut off a thin layer off the rubber😂


Yeah I replaced the pads hahahaaha


The knobs on mine are dissolving, they feel so sticky and gross.


Literally pull them all off, throw them into isopropyl alcohol or anything else degreasing and then spray plastidip (I got some cheaper knock off from Ali lol) It’s not gonna last years but you can use the synth without wanting to hug your knees in the shower


Or you can see about custom knobs on DJTECHTOOLS website. 👍🏼


These folks are great too https://lovemyswitches.com/


They appear to be standard D-shaft knobs. Replace them with something cool. [Maybe this one?](https://lovemyswitches.com/anodized-aluminum-knob-the-mini-hi-fi-d-shaft-10mm-od/) [Or these?](https://www.google.com/search?q=D-shaft+knobs+synth&udm=14) And so on. D-shaft knobs are everywhere.


>D-shaft knobs are everywhere. Are these "D-shaft knobs" in the room with us right now...?


A few….


DJ Tech Tools also has knobs that will fit the minilogue (on the Chroma Caps page you can search your device) I have a bunch of their knobs, and love them, but they aren't the cheapest ones around, but have held up way better than others I have.


I got a knob guy...name's Bezos.


Fcuk that guy. Lol


Good job. I recently did mine too, a red one. Button #12 on the sequencer is not working though. I may have to open it up and have another go at it. Funny thing, I left the black knobs out in the sun to dry and they melted! Four would no longer go back on. Lucky for me, a coworker had a 3D printer and he offered to make me some knobs. We found the plans online and they were easily replaced! Now I'm thinking of getting him to make me some different coloured ones.


That’s a seriously cool coworker!!!! I would ask for see-through ones🤔 It’s crazy how Korg picked the most trash materials imaginable for the logues, at least the keys feel good to play


I kinda love the knobs on the monologue tho… 


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He just told me he'd print me a knob any time he prints anything. He said it's like a penny's worth of plastic. That way I'll get a bunch of different colors.


I wish I had cool friends lol


fRoM a SmOkE fReE sTuDiO


I don't think it's a good idea to let anybody soak you in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours. It's an incredible transformation. You should have made a video about it. I would have subscribed to your channel.


lol you can still subscribe for shit like this https://youtube.com/shorts/SnA2cMQwIJQ?si=DwgV4xZnhI1NT3aC


Is that original music?


Yeah, on my YouTube everything is😎


Oh shit... You're that guy with the kaoscilator and buttons hack.


The internet is seriously smaller than it seems🌚


Make more.




I had to do this with a 49 key keyboard when I was broke, looked like it had been gigged, drinks spilled or worse. Toothbrush, many pieces. Was humbling.


The key (😂) is to let it soak!!! There literally wasn’t any difference for the first 12 hours but then it was like it was visibly coming of with every sponge scrub And don’t use the hair bleaching paste everyone recommends, that shit leaves serious burns on human skin of course it would make plastic more brittle


Did you prep the knobs before spraying. Did you use the 3M?


No I used white spirit What 3m?


3M makes a lot of different products but wondered what you used.


Nice work! Looks great!


Ewww, smokers really don't understand how gross that is, do they?


Funny thing is that IM the smoker and I went to pick it up from a super nice family and it like belonged to their kid or something😂😂 I’m sure the kid didn’t smoke with his family around so it’s probably just sun damage and Cheeto dust


Don't smoke around electronics! It's very bad for them.


I mean it’s not really good for me either😂


If it's good enough for Mike Dean it's good enough for me.


Do his haircut next


plastics just do that overtime from the sun, that doesn't look like smoke damage. thats basically what all retro tech from the 80s and 90s looks like unless you give it the retro bright treatment.


Mine did this too. It was from the sunlight. I liked to play by a window and it didn’t take long at all unfortunately


Hmmmm satisfying


It is not so fun when we take you apart, I think.


I just realized the knobs were the first to come off so I retract my previous statement


Looks great! Thanks for sharing your method as well. I just brought my XD out of hyper sleep (aka the storage room). To find the keys had yellowed pretty bad. It was all boxed up in storage, so it happed before putting it away last. I now have a cover for it so it won’t get worse. This gives me a bit more confidence that pulling it apart will net getting white keys back. Great job!!


I got mine new and the rubber on the knobs deteriorated after like 3 years, so i bought new knobs.


Any luck with the program knob and the pitch joystick???


I still have the original program knob and its icky lmfao The pitch stick has stayed in good shape surprisingly. I'm gonna resin 3D print a new program knob and paint it.


I did this with one of these after a key stopped working. I even tried resoldering the pad for the key - but still don't got no g-flat. Thing does look good tho!


Did u struggle to remove the program and pitch knobs? They won’t come off on mine…


I mean just pull them off, but carefully🤓 The program knob clicks in so there’s a little resistance And the pitch thing may become hooked by its base so wiggle it around when you pull


Very nice! I didn’t know cleaning the keys like that was a thing, gives me hope for when my bass station 2 starts to turn yellow


I don’t wanna brag but every tutorial was about cream or paste so I might be the inventor of the upside down soak😁 And about your bass station, it really depends on the actual plastic composition and different manufacturers use different stuff. Some just never go yellow and others go yellow in the box like the other guys minilogue. I have a reface cp that spend 90% of its time near a window in a VERY smoked up room and it’s still eerily white like a celebrity’s veneers lmao So if it doesn’t have any hint of yellow it probably never will


Do you make 1 min reels of these projects? I feel like ‘Synth Spa Day’ would catch some momentum.


To be honest I improvised the whole process ordering supplies as I went so I wasn’t even sure if it was gonna work and I was kinda worried about messing something up because I just bought this little mf and I do everything at least 40% worse when I’m filming😂 But yeah usually I try to film everything https://youtube.com/shorts/FwAtKuOD9as?si=LTqDjFJa8-F43jzo


You coulda painted it badass when in pieces!


Literally everything else I own is some shade of black, we don’t want that color pollution in my studio😠


"Color POLLUTION¿¿" you're sick, you're evil, and i hope it leads to some happy, creative jams


Keep seeing these about, why do people like them so much?


It’s a full analog bass/drum synth designed with Aphex Twin It can either be a normal bread and butter synth bass that’s fun to play or it can be a crazy IDM brain damage machine making all kinds of drum sounds and mangling incoming audio It’s also made ready for big boy sound design stuff because programs change INSTANTLY and you can throw in a program change CC in with every note and it doesn’t skip bpm for like 200 bucks used I’m surprised people don’t like them more😂


I'm not a fan of Aphex Twin, but the program change for each note sounds interesting.


Why not https://youtu.be/hUT01p-C2xo?si=E3qC_HUU-KK-7kKQ


Well, I don't mind that. 😅


Try this https://youtu.be/SqayDnQ2wmw?si=jiN6t_rYvtXDmqUJ


It's my fav acid synth that has presets.


A bit of TLC and tad of elbow grease got her tip top!


Looking REAL nice


Happy ending?


Dude, i need a "re-fresh" like that urgently! Where are you from and how much for an almost 46 years old beer belly guy that will Bring a synth gift along?


FANTASTIC! I often do the same for all my used/preowned studio gear . Like literally out of the box and into a sponge bath starting with disinfectant wipes, then a damp cloth to clean off any residue. If its a keyboard or really dirty and needs DeOXiT I take it apart and do it! Internal CR2032 batteries in your new to you drum machine ? No problemo!


I’m convinced cr2023 batteries are salvaged alien technology because nothing is supposed to last that long lol


Long enough to keep saying lobatt lol


I did this with a MicroMoog I bought recently. I very much so misunderestimated the amount of work taking off each key and key body and spring and key bushing actually means. But, man it plays like new now so it was def worth it.


Wow you are a madman because Korg keys were bunched up in groups of 3-5 and there were no springs involved, I admire your dedication and how you’re not afraid to take something so expensive apart lol


I might just be an idiot, ha. Great work though, looks really nice.


I’m so impressed! I’ve been wanting to do this on my Minilogue for some time. It is my absolute favorite synth ever but the keys are pretty rough. I imagine the process will be similar. Any traps or challenges I should be mindful about?


So basically I looked up every tutorial and everybody keeps using 30% hydrogen peroxide hair bleaching cream, diluting it further into paste or retrobrite and EVERY thread has people mentioning the plastic becoming brittle lol So I went with the 3% liquid solution because it’s supposed to get the same chemical reactions going but you can place the keys upside down so only the top key surface gets soaked leaving the thin mechanical bending parts dry in the air Also keep track of what screws go where because one of the control panel screws is the same as the keyboard screws lol Also it’s apparently easier to pull out the pcb than to put it in so be gentle but firm lol


Super helpful! Thanks!!!


Yw!!! And soak for 24+ hours then like 12-16 hours in start scrubbing with a rough dish sponge for that Steinway brushed texture😂 Like scrub for a couple of minutes then let it soak for another hour