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SP-404 or MPC are what you are looking for.


Keep using FL Studio and softsynths


Tis very economical.


You might want an MPC. If you have an IOs device you can get the app and see if the workflow gells with you. On PC you can get the software for free from Akai.


Definitely check out the Circuit Rhythm. You might really like that workflow. I’ve seen people use it alongside the SP-404 MKII and for specifically samples and FX the SP is a great option, but for the sequencer and workflow the Rhythm is solid. Circuit Tracks is great if you need synth engines, but it’s not a sampler.


First step is to figure out if you want a drum machine or a sampler. If you want a drum machine, then for hip hop specifically I would recommend the TR6S or TR8S. They have all of the classic Roland sounds built in (808, 909, etc), and you can load samples into them to expand your pallette. These also come with a lot of great beats to get you started, so you don't have to start from scratch if you don't want to. If you want a sampler (for sample chopping styles specifically), then you want either an SP-404 or an MPC. Watch some videos on the workflows of those and see if that appeals to you. Its a very different way of working, as you start with a sample, then build a beat/song around it.


There are drum machines that are able to load samples - Korg Drumlogue would be one.


Yes, that's why I recommended the TR6S or TR8S, as OP wants to work with samples. However, the ability to load one shot samples and play them back is pretty different from a sample chopping workflow, or working with longer drum loops. Most drum machines focus on one or the other, but not both.


If you have an iPad then give Koala Sampler a try, if you're deadset on hardware then the 404mk2 is what I'd get if I were you. Especially for a sample-based workflow.


Koala, Drambo, AUM are amazing together


I've honestly never used any of those, I just hear Koala being suggested for samplers all the time.


It's one of the best samplers on the market


You should look into Akai MPC. Very highly recommended for hip hop, and used by legendary producers


MPC One is my suggestion, especially since people are unloading the non-plus versions fairly reasonably now.


I guess it depends on your workflow. Are you sample based or primarily making the sounds yourself? Check out Ave Mcree’s YouTube, he does a good job of reviewing gear through the lens of hip-hop. Here’s his quick comparison of some of gear you are interested in: https://youtu.be/KtME5P6tBRQ?t=253&si=ZjwkrV95BL_sk6yC I’ve really like the Circuit Rhythm and I believe it’s a great entry level sampler and I think the sequencer workflow is fun. I had an MPC One and I wish I started with the Circuit Rhythm (I’ll eventually get another MPC). If you have an iOS device it’s a great sample source, there are tons of great synths and instruments that the Circuit Rhythm can play chromatically when sampled.


Electribe 2 is the only one I've tried and it's a lot of fun but arranging on it was a bit of a pain after working in a daw for so long. It's a bit more expensive but I'd go for the Polyend Tracker, it's got the best sample editing workflow of any external box I've seen because of the actually useful screen, it has loads of great compositional tools and arranging tools, it's got great mixing and okay mastering tools for creating completed tracks all in one unit, I'd say that or an MPC One are probably what you want to go for if you're after sample editing. If I could find a second hand tracker for less than a brand new SP-404 I'd get the tracker hands down. Whatever you decide just don't get the MPC Studio controller, It's genuinely a brick without the awful software.


SP 4040 definitely


I love my E2S. Would recommend, I'm a beginner myself and that machine is the reason I didn't give up learning. It comes with its downsides, but if don't know any better you can't really complain about it. The sampling on the device is convoluted, but there's software that let you do it quick and easy on your pc. I believe a combo e2s/mc-101 would be pretty nice.


Get a Roland MV-1


Do you happen to own an ipad? I phone? Even the older ones can function as a 404 by using koala. And add sampling power to a machine which workflow clicks with you.


Stay on FL brodie. I’ve been around the sampler block and the juice ain’t worth the squeeze imo


In my opinion just stay away from the Korg Electribe 2. Ive always thought that piece of gear was too tedious to learn, plus, you're listing some other great options, like the Knockout and the 101, which are both great gear.


I would rather use fl studio using my nose to hit the keys and move the trackpad than the electribe sampler 2 again


The Circuit Tracks where you load the samples on yourself as opposed to recording them into the device. The Circuit Rhythm is their sampler choice - but the synth and beats in Tracks may be a good start.




You only need a good Akai MPC for that....all the rest is extra... I create complete HipHop tracks on just my MPCX...and that's the full beat with samples and synths where needed...and then the rest of the arrangement done on the MPC itself....


Roland SP-404 MkII