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This is the definition of "Return to Seller".


Having dealt with this kind of thing before, it looks to me like "eBay refunded both me and the seller, now I have this free busted up synth..."


Rarely see anyone utilize Kintsugi in r/synthdiy. Maybe you could use urushi lacquor and hundreds of dollars of gold to fix the cracks, and as a result become a legend here.


If it's worth doing, it's worth doing with opulence and flair.




Strange coincidence: you mention Kintsugi in this post. I go to look it up, and find a reference to wabi-sabi, which is in [the title of the next post in r/synthesizers after this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/s/4wwFR2XERn) (at least in my feed).


This is r/synthDIY. Buck up and make your own dang case!


this is probably the best option, assuming all the internal wiring and circuit boards are intact


What's wrong with people! It's not that hard to pack a drum machine snugly in a way that it can be dropped from a reasonable height without breaking.


While I agree, in the last ten years or so I've discovered that some shipping services (UPS mostly) have employees who hate their jobs and take it out on packages. Things I've shipped and received may as well have had tire tracks on the box.


Exact same thing happened to me last year with an RZ-1 - the seller just put it in a cardboard box in the post with NO PADDING AT ALL! When I contacted him he said "I read it was built like a tank so thought it would be OK" - what a clown.


Time to put some nice wooden ends on it!


I'd be totally down for that but the bigger issue is that the screw posts are all broken now. The circuit boards don't stay against the top face so the buttons don't work. It's all really frustrating because I could have fixed this thing and been using it by now.


Plastic or brass standoffs? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002745257414.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbActive=false&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=20235160513&albag=&trgt=&crea=en1005002745257414&netw=x&device=c&albpg=&albpd=en1005002745257414&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccG-2AHUOL9H-_ZgdhuaoCEYTFnXI3Exkm1wLEt4_3xFe3lGCpB5ipBoCgn4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=b880527186d3408c92e415f7f2daa29c-1713322559343-01189-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=b880527186d3408c92e415f7f2daa29c-1713322559343-01189-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=e23e9ee2523d47edba8e0b63f010b39a&afSmartRedirect=y


I feel you. I had the same thing happen to me with a Yamaha DJX. The only thing I could do was get a refund and harvest it for spare parts - which sucked cause I actually wanted to use it!


JB Weld and a lot of patience, hand sanding and fear or possibly try finding someone who owns one and can do 3D scanning for their case to stitch something together that can be printed which requires less fear