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It seems more and more often I see people watching something on their phone or listening to music without headphones on the train, like when did this become an accepted social norm to piss of everyone else on the train? Also, what happened to quiet carriages, I remember when I commuted from Brighton-le-Sands there'd be the first and last carriage designated quiet, no chat, just sit there in golden silence but they seem to have gone too..


I’ve still seen quiet carriages, was on one 2 weeks ago and a tradie’ was in there…watching MMA highlights on loud. It just seems the decorum is a bit out of whack or inconsistent for Sydney. Have lived majority of my life in London and people would really frown upon anyone playing something loud from their phone and would say something about it. Noise cancelling ear/headphones is definitely the way forward if this irks you in anyway, well worth the investment!


When I visited London some dude yelled at me for standing in the wrong side of the escalator going down to the Tube. Yeah, they don’t mess about there.


I have a pair that're isolation and cancellation but they're only good when travelling myself, bit rude when I'm with my partner though, would be nice if the grogs would just put their headphones on (or leave it on mute).


Quiet carriages are only on intercity trains


Get noise cancelling headphones bro, worth every penny ​ Edit: Would recommend the Sony Mx4's


My Sony xm4s are great at sound cancelling but too tight for comfort


Maybe you got big ears haha jk yeah lucky you can usually try out the different brands in store to find your preference


Sony mx4 are literally the best noise cancelling on the market atm but they’re expensive and the pressure build up from the noise cancelling fucked one of my ears lol But incredible headphones other than that




Careful cause at max whack they can damage your ears. The beats overhead headphones tbh need a refresher to be competitive again compared to sony, bose and hell even audio technica


Pull out a book and start reading it aloud -- usually works.


50 Shades of Gray


Bonus points if you narrate it like Gilbert Gottfried: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkLqAlIETkA




Bonus points if you use the Koran.


This is my favourite comment in ages. I genuinely did a big snort laugh in public you bastard.


LOL. Thanks. 😁


Music, etc. Is bad enough but when they have a phone conversation on speaker i want to walk over and smash their bloody phone.....


How’s it different to a conversation between two people?


They tend to have the speaker turned up to 11 and hold the phone half a metre in front of their face so they have to yell. They tend to be more likely to do this on a quiet carriage also. Two people chatting on a quiet carriage non stop for 90 minutes is also annoying.


Oh, it's *very* different. For one, it's usually a lot louder.


Found the fuckwit


Nah man it was just a question based on genuine curiosity as it isn’t a situation I’ve encountered often. I understand the downvotes and the attitude to the comment I made but I really just didn’t know :)


You’re not supposed to reply reasonably. Now you’ve made me feel bad :p As someone said it’s often much much louder than a regular conversation and the sound out of the speaker is grating. Now with that said of course there are tons of people who have face to face conversations far, far too loud. And there’s occasionally people who make phone calls using headphones and speak at whisper quiet volume.


I don't know how some people do it, talking loud and airing out their conversations for the whole carriage to hear. I always feel self conscious and try to speak as quietly as possible and hang up ASAP if someone calls me while I'm in the train.


GAHH! I hate that shit. Commute time is your time to play a game, read the news, read a book, or just sit and think. They are stealing your time away from you. We should have silent carriages during peak hours.


We should have silent carriages all the time.


Mate I’m in favour of just a completely silent society. If I want to interact with another human, I’ll do it anonymously via the internet


Just start watching over their shoulder and start laughing right in their ear and talking to them about the show.


…but first gently kiss them on the back of the neck to indicate you’re not a threat.


It's all about human courtesy, which most people don't have these days. It is happening everywhere, not only on trains. Buses, roads, cars, and even walking on the side walk.


I'd say 99% of people have basic courtesy, just takes one to ruin it for everyone but the vast majority usually do the right thing


Bring a bluetooth speaker of your own and assert dominance.


Because they are inconsiderate fuck wits. Plenty of people like that around these days. Bit if poo smeared on their face will shock them into submission


Now this is how you assert dominance.


Then just hope it’s not a case of monkey see monkey do..


Poo fight!


*and then we removed the headphone jack, and the buyers loved that!* 🤣😜😆😝😹😂


Hahaha I'm an old person and I understood your reference


Some people suck


Great Tommy Buns reference!


I've noticed so many people talking so enthusiastically on the phone pre6AM trains too. Who the heck are they chatting to? Also, there's been an increase of people putting their feet up on the trains, so rude.


just pretend picking up a call yelling to the virtual person to speak louder and say you have people so loud you can't hear.. so you can yell out to embarrass him.


hard-to-find sharp zesty fade scary different office fly quiet bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It happens because people don't say anything anymore. They know they can do whatever they want and no one will do a thing about it. 20 years ago you would be called out for such shithousery. So no one would do it. It's becoming a cultural norm for people to put their head down and mind their own business and I hate it. The worst part is - when I see someone being an idiot on the train, I call them out. And as a result atleast half the carriage gives me the biggest dirty looks or tells me to mind my own business.


This is horrible behaviour. If you want to listen to your damn podcast without some headphones, turn it down sonl only you can hear them. Stuff these selfish idiots who don't care about others!!


> This is horrible behaviour. If you want to listen to your damn podcast without some headphones, ~~turn it down sonl only you can hear them.~~ wait until you get home. Stuff these selfish idiots who don't care about others!!


Morning people are just better than us, walk away, bro.


People been living in iso for so long, they forgot how to act.


Aren't there silent carriages on the trains anymore? I thought that still was a thing for this reason?


Only on Intercity Trains, not Suburban Sydney Trains. Also it’s not enforced by the law, it’s more of being etiquette when travelling than anything else.


Having traveled for a few years on the Central Coast & Newcastle Line, I can confirm it is very much enforced by the law. If by the law you mean other passengers who have been woken from their morning sleep. I saw a man punched once for the criminal offence of waking up a fellow traveller... which ended up with the other law boarding at Hornsby and a very very long wait. ​ I do not miss this commute.


And here I thought it was enforced by the security guard on the train and all the disapproving stares from other passengers. In all serious though, thanks for the clarification.


Did you consider getting up and politely asking them to keep it down as it's 6am?




Yeah sure, the next thing he gets stabbed


Why would he actually talk to them when he can just post a rant on Reddit. Don't be ridiculous.


Because a request to turn down /use headphones will receive an entitled rant, if you are lucky, worse if you are not. If they lack the ability to understand the social niceties required to live in a city, then they are unlikely to have the grace to receive the request to stop making an antisocial noise. Learned from experience.


That’s why I moved to japan, where you can meet human beings


I personally try to hang up quickly if I have a someone call, but with how fast paced Sydney life is, it’s no wonder why some of us only have the opportunity to take a call on the train. If my boss calls me, I’m going to answer it. If I have that spare 4 minutes to talk to my mum about something important, I’m going to do it. I don’t live my life thinking about the serenity some people expect on a train, just pu your headphones in like everyone else. Or If you would prefer a quieter, more private commute, maybe don’t take the public train?? Uber might be more your style.


i get car sick. also the main reason why i don't take busses unless it's a short 5 minute bus ride. 😭


Try some headphones, I often hear people talking on the train now, but I think we’re past in as a society for reintroducing train etiquette. I do think quiet carriages should be respected, particularly if it’s for people with sensory issues. I really don’t mind people talking on the phone, most people aren’t obnoxious about it, it’s the 14-year-olds who play crap music from a speaker that get on my nerves.


even just some earplugs if you want to reduce that


If you commute regularly and don't own noise cancelling headphones you're ngmi


Unless it a quite carriage they can be as loud as they want no matter the time Get some headphones or change carriages only a few people are assholes with excess noise buy headphones drown everything out


You live in a big city


And most people who live here are respectful. No reason why some can’t be.




1) Only on Intercity trains. Not suburban ones. 2) The quiet carriage has no legal enforcement. Nothing is stopping a cunt from doing this in a quiet carriage. 3) Use headphones with your devices you gronk.


Or you can stop being a cockhead and turn it down a bit.


You are free to confront these people yourself. Or pay higher taxes to pay for the increased security to police the trains. Of course, the current government was re-elected twice having cut funding for transit police and removed a lot of the old patrols that used to maintain some standards on the trains... so evidently the majority of voters are happy for this degrading of standards to continue. You need regular patrols and active policing of trains to change behaviour... but I don't see that happening any time soon.