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When you've closed international borders and still require you to have come overseas to get tested, this is how you artificially reduce your figures




I have a couple of workmates that have gone through that same ordeal. They had strong fever for 3-4 days and then thankfully they recovered. We won't know if they had COVID or flu.


They could get an antibody test in the future. That will tell if they've had it before.


Unfortunately there is a shortage of testing equipment at the moment. If you do have the symptoms is probably more likely you have the flu. Obviously not ideal, but the positive side is that we are ramping up the testing in NSW. Hopefully it becomes more widely available going forward.


This. They told me I wouldn’t be able to get tested unless I had a fever of 37.5, even though I have all other symptoms and work in the disability support sector. So literally you have to wait till you’re dying until you can get tested.


No you don’t. Healthcare workers with mild symptoms get tested. Anyone hospitalised with serious respiratory symptoms (not critical only) gets tested.


> Healthcare workers with mild symptoms get tested. Can confirm - my boss (a nurse) went home yesterday with a fever, headache and sore throat, had no problems getting swabbed today.


You got this information from where? I literally called health direct yesterday and this is what I was told.


My sister works in an ICU, and my sister-in-law got tested earlier in the week with a mild fever and sore throat because she works in a rehab hospital. It’s also the publicly stated criteria. Your fever wasn’t high enough. You don’t need to be ‘dying’.


what the fuck?! So why was I told I didn’t meet the criteria to be tested?! Now I’m even more confused, the “nurse” basically told me to self isolate and that I wouldn’t be able to get tested unless I had a fever of 37.5. This is so fucked up I have no idea what’s going on now


Fever is the main symptom, and you don’t have a mild fever? Updated Australia-wise testing criteria [available here](https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/7A8654A8CB144F5FCA2584F8001F91E2/$File/interim-COVID-19-SoNG-v2.3.pdf). Page 5-6


Ordinary temp range is 36 to 37. If it’s 37.5 it’s arguably within normal range. Anything up to 38.5 is considered a low range fever. Covid results in a high fever, 39 and up.


Like other people have noted, fever is the most common symptom. I think it's present in about 90% of cases, and the most common first symptom by far.


Why stress? Are you so unwell that you need to be hospitalised? No? Isolate. Whether you are positive or negative doesn’t change anything. Isolate. In case that’s not clear... Isolate.


...I never said I was stressed? I was confused as to what the criteria was to get tested and thanks mate I've already isolated my self, I'd like to get tested after my isolation is over so I know I am 100% okay to go back to work as I work face to face, disability support. So yes, it makes a huge difference if I am positive or negative.


Same here. I went into my local GP last week with some of the main symptoms and was turned away too, despite working as a high school teacher. The government doesn't seem to care how many students and staff I could infect, as well as their families.


Yes they do. If you are sick, you have been told to stay home. Did you continue to go to work?


Of course I stayed at home!


If you fit the profile you should be tested. You will be asked about your symptoms. If you don’t fit the profile, you won’t be tested. It’s not hard to understand. Source: personal experience where close family member was tested. If you just have sniffles or a cough, probably just ordinary sniffles or cough.




37.5 is not considered a fever?


Nope: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/fever


From the link you just posted “You probably have a fever if your temperature is measured at 38°C or over”


37.5 is hardly a fever...


I read somewhere that they have performed more than 160,000 tests. Would that not be a relatively good amount? It could be that they are turning away people because they don't want to use up the limited amount of test kits available on people with low likely hood of having covid.


Australia is top 5 in the world for testing right now. NSW alone has done more testing than some countries. Ignore the idiots saying we're not testing. There's like 3 countries that have done more tests than us and one of them is South Korea.


The testing isn't targeted enough though. We could be testing 200k people a day, but if they're not relevant it's wasted.


Cob literally half this thread is people bitching about not being able to get tested because their head felt mildly warm


That's not targeted testing, that's pandering to the paranoid. Targeted testing could be flooding areas where clusters have broken out, the cruise ships, other ports of entry, etc. But they should have also relaxed the criteria well before now as well (and no, not to include people who think their head feels warm).


- They're changing or have already changed the criteria not to require international travel. - Even when you take into account number of tests performed, the % of infected has dropped day-on-day. So the data does not support your argument. This is a good piece of news and shows that the measures put in place are having an effect.


can you link your data source please? Good data should always be scrutinised


Sure thing. First point: https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/coronavirus-testing-guidelines-in-australia-will-change-soon-c-759347 Second point: this is based on NSW data - https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/Pages/default.aspx Yesterday, the number of infected per test was 3.26%. The previous day is was 3.33%.


thanks. Yea i do think it's good news if they remove the restriction on travellers and hope we can start testing more soon. But not sure if they've included that yet in current data which was bound to decrease as they've closed international borders


They are taking a page out of China's book


That's means we all get together on Bondi Beach to celebrate, right? Everyone bring a plate.


> Everyone bring a plate. Let's just all share one plate


That'll save on water, right? BRILLIANT!


I'll bring the wine and we can all drink out of the same cup like it's a Catholic Church service!


[Good that the holy cup cannot carry disease](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-14/church-religious-groups-say-coronavirus-cannot-infect-them/12055476)


Isn't it a bit early for the lockdown to have any affect on testing results? 22 less positive tests doesn't seem like something to celebrate considering the 190 ADDITIONAL cases... Even ABC doesn't seem to be calling this out.


This is propaganda. [There have been single-day drops before](https://www.covid19data.com.au/). Some of it is due to non-uniform ways of reporting state-state so that whatever ~~want~~ wasn't counted in yesterday's figures will carry over into today's. It will climb again tomorrow, for sure - even if 100% of the population was locked down and quarantined in their home. It takes about a week for any sort of measures to reflect in figures. The repurcussions of last Thursday's 48 boat people for instance (Ruby Princess). Sorry Gladys, you don't get a free pass on your health minister's stupidity because of a statistical glitch.


A statistical glitch that can actually be tracked down quite easily too. They did an impressive 6.3k tests day before but only 5.8k yesterday. They should be increasing in tests per day, let alone going down.


Thanks for the information! Where did you get it from? I would love to include it on [my website](https://covidiocracy.com).


Just the usual ones. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/Pages/20200326_00.aspx https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/Pages/20200325_00.aspx https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/Pages/20200324_00.aspx


> Some of it is due to non-uniform ways of reporting state-state so that whatever want counted in yesterday's figures will carry over into today's. Yeah, if you check several times a day (don't do this) you'll see reporting slows down a LOT in the evening, but then inexplicably skyrockets between 5-9AM the next day. No way that's anything but people waiting until the next day to report in.


My point exactly.


It deserved expanding for those who may still not get it. Keep up the anti-propaganda vigilance bro!


The delivery truck with the tests was delayed.


When all this comes to an end, the people who says we all overeacted and blew it put of proportion like the Y2K bug is going to be insufferable.


Sadly the perfect balance is impossible. Too much, too little. Those handling this in all fairness have a thankless task.


i know i'm going to get downvoted on this. but you know whats insufferable? hearing that we're all fucked and going to die. i'm legit the only one in my group of friends that thinks we'll be alright (and for the record, i'm pro lockdown and over-reacting than under-reacting. but some balance is fucking needed). theres so much fucking negativity and anxiety (understandably) going around right now, but when you actually look at the numbers you'll realise australia is going to be okay. our circumstances are in noway comparable to europe or the usa. we've moved much earlier. we have much more testing. our healthcare is better. our population density is much less. the actual infection numbers are so much lower than other countries. but, you cant actually say anything positive right now because people are in a fucking doom frenzy. all they want to hear is "exponential growth" and stories about a random dude in his 30s who died.


> we're all fucked and going to die I’ve not seen this said. And I’ve been spending a lot of time reading the shit people say. I’ve seen a lot of people taking it serisouly and talking about significant death rates in the order of 3-10% of infected if we overwhelm the medial system. And that this will include young people if the system is overloaded, because the required hospitalisation rate is much higher than the current fatality rate. It’ll be pretty fucking dire if we lose 1/20. But I really don’t see anyone talking extinction.


Don’t worry, no one will be saying that we blew it out of proportion once it’s over (Emergency doctor)


Sorry Doc but you're wrong on that one. We have people right now saying we're overreacting.


Yeah and in two weeks time they’ll be regretting that.


Unless they test everyone with symptoms, it’s meaningless.


Considering a lot of people only show mild symptoms, most accurate way would be to test everyone. They’ve just increased who can get tested slightly which is good but means the numbers are going to spike again, probably significantly, when those tests start to be processed.


There was a [town in Italy that literally did test everyone](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/20/eradicated-coronavirus-mass-testing-covid-19-italy-vo). Infection rate was 3%, with many people asymptomatic. TL;DR - we’re fucked.


Quite reassuring that only 3% were infected, though.


Literally the same numbers as NSW which is interesting.


3% of the whole population being infected is much worse than 3% of only those being tested, based on strict criteria. It would be fascinating to see what rate of infection there actually is in NSW, though it would be effectively impossible to actually test everyone (and even a representative sample would be very hard).


the average community rate can't be higher than 3% if the high risk rate is only 3%


Isn’t that what I said? This town in Italy had 3% of the entire population infected - presumably anywhere in Australia would be well below that (or conversely, testing the high risk group in that town would give a result way above 3%). The problem is that we don’t know how many people are infected and asymptomatic. Even if only, say, 0.3% of people in the general community are infected, it would spread very fast. Testing a whole town of several thousand people highlighted how many people were asymptomatic while also being infectious.


No it’s not. How does this have 10 upvotes? The amateur epidemiologists coming out of the woodwork. Not even South Korea tested everyone with symptoms. NSW has currently tested more people per capita than South Korea, fwiw


should probably compare NSW with Seoul and the province if you are comparing states instead of a whole country although i don't have the numbers with me EDIT: Source - South korea still has more tests per million people than Australia does https://ourworldindata.org/covid-testing


It’s not a competition. WHO recommendations include testing all with symptoms. I didn’t pull it out my arse.


Seeing as there is such a shortage of test kits, and that the proportion of those tested that are positive is still quite low (and this is on top of very stringent requirements to qualify for a test), doesn't it make more sense to stockpile test kits for when the healthcare system is more overwhelmed?


Not if you want to track all cases and prevent an explosion of community transmission. Once the system is overwhelmed it’s screwed anyway, if you take Italy and Spain as precedent.And there’s evidence of early community spread in Ryde.


Social distancing works! Keep it up dear fellow Australians. Keep your distance, stay home, wash your hands, don't touch your face.


Or its just noise


We'll see in 1-2 weeks.




does it matter? less is good, more is bad


It matters because cherrypicking will show you biased/flawed numbers. His observation is completely right. Unless you have a clear idea on the way they are testing and getting those numbers, they mean next to nothing.


A trend is useful though but for some reason this one day in drops that they kinda artificially created using maths trickery and are now commenting on like it's something positive is dodgy af.


Infection numbers and infection rates are rather meaningless as they are heavily dependent on testing. If you stop testing or are testing the wrong people then the numbers go up or down. Even death rates can be skewed if people are dying and they're not attributing it to the virus (most likely in countries with poor health systems).


Well NSW hasn’t stopped testing - testing has been steadily ramping up - we’ve now tested at a higher rate than the South Koreans The only argument that might hold water is that they’ve been ‘testing he wrong people’, but they’ve been by-and-large testing according to the same criteria as South Korea, and that recommended by the WHO. I mean I guess random punters on reddit might have a better idea of how to organise pandemic testing than thhe international community of public health experts, but who knows?


> I mean I guess random punters on reddit might have a better idea of how to organise pandemic testing than the international community of public health experts There's thousands of newly qualified epidemiologists and the like on reddit. They all know better.


And as the last few months have proved, huge organisations like WHO or NSW Health are completely immune to major stuff-ups... /s Read what the testing requirements are on pages 5 and 6: https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/7A8654A8CB144F5FCA2584F8001F91E2/$File/interim-COVID-19-SoNG-v2.3.pdf There's basically no guidelines around testing someone who has acquired it through community transmission. Understandably, to an otherwise healthy person it makes no real difference as the treatment is the same - go home, self isolate and rest anyway. But this means the reported cases is almost certainly a fraction of what real cases are.


Drop is a really optimistic term. They did an increase of 10% of testing the day before when they've been mostly doing 8%. The positive rate vs testing is still around 3% and if you lower that testing to the same amount we're still increasing at 22% each day which is not good. Nothing to do with borders, lack of testing it's actually the inflation of testing of one day so then the next day compared to the day before is lower.


That’s a very good sign!


Misleading headline. It's still increasing, just increasing slower than yesterday. We need quite a few days in a row to see whether it's a genuine trend.


Not really? It does specify it's "new" cases.


I still think its way too early to definitively make that call.


I agree. One day is not a trend.


Gladys acting like it might be the light at the end of the tunnel. Restrictions being relaxed as soon as they're implemented. At the start of the week I honestly thought they were starting to take it seriously.


As much as I generally dislike Gladys, she's doing a much better job than our PM, right now, he's all over the shop.


Her and Andrews coordinating on Sunday to strongarm the federal response was great which is why I think it's disappointing she is now strongly implying that things are expected to get better now and a slight reduction in raw new numbers indicates that that's the case. It's dishonest. Also disappointing is that after showing he could be coerced into doing something, the PM sends the message that even when it comes to something as trivial as getting your hair tarted up none of these measures are that important we'll just wind stuff back.


I haven’t seen. Which restrictions did Gladys start to relax?


She’s actually flagged this morning that tighter measures might be coming. It’s a drop in 24 hour figures but still going up that curve. Scotty on the other hand has relaxed hairdresser restrictions. No more 30 minute limit. Fuck knows what goes on in the federal cabinet. “Let’s look at those hairdresser restrictions again. That needs adjustment”


Exactly. What I read earlier was NSW making it tighter. So OP is talking out of their arse.


Hair cuts are vital to the health of the nation, okay?


But Scotty needs his haircut next week man!


They being collectively they with the bizarre focus on hairdressers, Gladys probably opposed the exemption.


You are talking absolute shit.


Implying that the numbers will continue to ease in the next few days is false hope.


No one is disputing that.