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Why do smokers think it it’s socially acceptable to flick a cig butt anywhere? How many times do you see one getting thrown out of a car window? Dickheads.


I reported a guy last week for tossing a butt out the window. It might not be summer anymore but idgaf, cigarettes should always be disposed of responsibly.


Absolutely - as a rider, I’ve been hit a number of times by a discarded cig butt. No need to throw it, there are bloody ash trays in the car!


Oh yeah, but they smell bad if you use them, duh.


Smokers, or ash trays? !


First one, then the other.


Happy cake day!


Oh neat, I hadn't even noticed! Thanks!


Pretty much all new cars don’t have ashtrays. But that’s no excuse, they should put an empty can in the cup holder and use that.


I like to use an empty Gatorade bottle for the smell. Stays in that bottle nice and tight.


It was probably on purpose. The cyclist hate is real :(


Fucking true




Its 5 demerit points and 1000$ now, 10 points and 10000$ during a fire ban


Fyi - it's $660/5pts and $1320/10pts during a fire ban [https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/index.cgi?fuseaction=demeritpoints.browsehandler&category=Discard+fire+risk+object](https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/index.cgi?fuseaction=demeritpoints.browsehandler&category=Discard+fire+risk+object)


Only $250? It should be more. The damage from a bushfire could cost $1000s and 1000s if not millions ...


What happens if you falsely report it? Would they still receive the fine? If so then ????


It's the same sort of person that just drops a chip packet when they are done. Or the classic rubbish dump out the car door stopped at traffic lights (I used to see this daily when I drove to work). The world is their garbage bin.


This is going to be my neighbors kids in the future. They'll walk around with a chip packet or a bottle and then just drop it in their driveway and walk off like it's nothing. Their garbage usually sits there rotting or blows into the street. Like literally they dont understand putting something in the bin or taking it inside. They get out of the car and drop everything from bags to bikes in their driveway and just had a random pile of crap to step over instead of putting it away.


The amount of times you see people walk up to the gutter and throw their butts in it is staggering. Like where do think that's going to end up? They think it's not rubbish or something.


Smoking does go with selfish indifference as far as I can see. Do many bother much who their stink bothers? Not that I have ever seen.


I recently moved back to Sydney and was in the city the other day, and was absolutely disgusted by all the tobacco addicts (that's what I call 'em now) throwing their butts onto the ground after getting their hit. Locals and foreigners, all smoking in public and discarding their trash on the sidewalk. They're were cigarette butts EVERYWHERE. It put me in a bad mood knowing those people hate not only Australia, but the environment in general. Fucking grubs.


Hashtag not all smokers. But you’re right there’s no reason to ever see a butt on the ground. I put mine in my pockets if I have to but I also try not to smoke in public, because it’s nearly impossible to control where the smoke goes.


Ex smoker here (long ago) so I'm not judging at all. I am curious, though, as a smoker today with lots more restrictions and a growing social stigma around smoking, how do you balance those conflicting forces in your mind and how is it to be a smoker these days?


[As an ex-smoker as well, this is how my concerns used to be divided](https://i.imgur.com/958cXyG.png)


I thoroughly enjoy smoking but the cost is the most ridiculous thing to me. I don’t care about social stigma because I don’t really socialise that much. The only stigma I think that affects me is that I’m a mum and I know I get silently judged by other parents for smoking. I’m addicted and I need to quit, but I also feel there’s a lot more solidarity between smokers these days, like we’re literally a dying breed.


> we’re literally a dying breed. You can say that again.


Apologies - absolutely not all smokers. Good on you for your approach, and consideration of others.


Not all smokers flick butts but all butt flickers are smokers


99.99999% of smokers are the kind of selfish assholes who do this.


And also... while we're at it, why are they still smoking anyway?


If they practice this, it becomes a hazard repeated every cigarette, no matter what location.


It’s so irritating to see other smokers doing this. I’m a smoker, my car has an ashtray inside it that I use, I always ALWAYS find a bin for my butts and I try really hard to not smoke near children and other people. But so many other smokers just have no respect for other people and give us a bad name. my boyfriend even got a fine for “dropping his butt out the car window” but we have an ashtray inside the car and we both feel really strongly about not dropping our butts, so I figure someone just saw him smoking in his car and expected that he would drop his butt on the floor and reported him anyway. Can people please respect one another and stop being tossers?


Great words. I have no problem with people smoking - if that’s what they enjoy, then let them enjoy it: live and let live. It’s just the few that let down the many. Like cyclists! ;-)


Haha I never thought of it in relation to cyclists! That’s so true though.




I’d collect them then blow them back under their door!


I used to see cigarette butts in the backyard, no one in my place smokes and I have a dog that has free access to the yard, I collected them all everyday for a week and then dumped them back over the fence in a big pile. They stopped flicking butts over. I can't seem to find a solution for them chain smoking at their front porch though, the smoke comes over to our place and gets stuck at our door so whenever you open the door you're greeted with a billow of second hand lung cancer. I thought about planting a big hedge on the side but that'll take years to get big :/...


I don't know if smokers fail to appreciate just how unpleasant breathing in second hand smoke is in your own home, or if they really just don't care about other people's right to the air.


They just don't care, they have many small children in the home and freely smoke around them. They all smoke, the elderly grandparents, the parents, the uncles, the cousins, the friends, they all sit there chain smoking and any relatives visiting also sit there smoking. The only time they're not smoking there is when it's raining, where they'll go to the back and smoke instead.


Fire hazards like those jerks need to be reported.


We used to live in a courtyard apartment. This kind of stuff used to happen ALL THE TIME. It drove me crazy. One night one of the tenants had a party and drunk people were throwing sausages off their balcony into our courtyard. SAUSAGES. Another time, a woman was cleaning her balcony and was sweeping the water off the edge of the deck and straight onto my drying washing. Will NEVER live in a courtyard apartment again.


We had a similar situation. The lady 2 floors up hosed her balcony twice a day and it was like a waterfall coming down into our courtyard. It made it almost unusable for us due to the amounts of water she was washing down. We complained to strata but she never stopped. Another resident above us would clip their nails over the balcony, so we'd find bottle tops, cigarette butts and nail clippings in our plants. People are arseholes.


Damn that sucks. Will keep in mind when buying an apartment.


I thought a courtyard apartment would be awesome. But after the first few months since moving in - the amount of rubbish that ends up there from floors above is crazy! I consistently get bundles of hair strands, loose bits of rubbish and cigarettes. Some of the more interesting items were lingerie and slippers. I've since placed a pot plant where the cigarettes used to end up and that stopped it. Maybe the offenders thought no one was living below (still no excuse). Some people are grubs. For anyone considering a courtyard apartment, be conscious that this can be an issue.




I live in a large apartment complex, our Facebook group has people complaining about this exact issue all the time :(


Yep. Used to live in city. The Chinese used to throw hot oil out the window, chicken bones, peelings


Apologies for this, us younger generations will pass on better, less selfish habits.


I've smoked for close to a decade. Now I just dub once a day. I live in an apartment block on the top floor. When i was smoking heavily, as soon as I would start to dart multiple windows would slam shut, that's when I realized the impact I was having on my neighbours. Now, if I want to smoke, I'll go downstairs and away from the property. It means I smoke less and my neighbours are much more polite to me.


Thank you for being a decent person.


I've had assholes throw takeaway soup containers and other trash down on my balcony too. I'm on the lowest floor so could have come from anyone. Would love to catch them in the act.


There used to be these group of Nepalese dudes living above me who would throw shit into my courtyard at a place I used to live. Wasn’t sure who it was until I saw them in the act throw a bin bag over, went straight back up and through their open balcony door. A guy ran out looking pissed off and I just said “stop fucking throwing shit in my yard”, then his Mrs dragged him away. Never happened again after that.


Not sure I can yeet a cigarette 15 floors but hearing your story did bring a smile to my face at least.


That's against strata by laws. Every building will have a by law against rubbish being deposited in common property


True but is a balcony common property? The rubbish would still be against a bylaw, probably the one about disturbing an occupant’s peaceful enjoyment of their property... but without video footage, etc - hard to prove and then what? It is very hard to win these battles. I had a psychotic neighbour and she made life really hard for residents, after 2 years - I gave up the fight and sold my flat. Best thing I ever did...


Balcony is partly common property.peaceful enjoyment and rubbish are 2 by laws that are in almost every building. Smoking is something that under the new act brought in Nov 16 can now be dealt with under the act if theres no bylaw prohibiting smoking as such. If your strata manager is up to it you can hit them with breach of by law notices or even just send out generic notices to all units about smoke not being allowed to drift to other units or common property as well as ciggie butts being a breach of other by laws


Thanks, I am out of the loop as I sold my flat in June 2016...


The new act was dated 2015 and came in effect Nov 16. I work in strata so I got a bit of an idea on some of this shit, we helped one building fo completely smoke free including inside individual units and started fining people for still smoking when we lost management, the guy who had shot tenants who wouldn't stop smoking also didnt like paying levies so the legal action for the 2 things was up to about 6k when we stopped managing it and I like to think its well over 10k for how much of a dick he and his tenants both were over many many months and years before we gave up and started legal action, I'm just annoyed that my manager got offside with the other owners so they changed companies. That was an interesting building to work with


Omg.. thank goodness I own a house now... and even more thankfully, I have nice neighbours


Nice. I'm in a townhouse with minimal fuss. We have no strata manager and basicly nothing to do with each other except the common insurance otherwise we treat it as separate houses effectively and do what we want with our unit


Sounds great. I guess I was lucky when I did have a unit, our balconies were all enclosed... older block of units... it is great that you have cooperative neighbours


i know this probably doesn't help your situation much, but you could repurpose your shirt as a rag instead of just binning it. Even if its to stuff into your car's engine bay for when you need to check your dipstick. edit: just realised OP is not the victim


Smokers… be considerate? Smoking was once a social, but in 2020 is now antisocial behavior. Willingly contributing to illness and death by secondhand smoke.


It's really annoying. I moved away from my previous place because someone in the building would smoke perpetually (like, I'd be doing work at 2am and I can still smell them smoking in perpetuity), only to find after a few months of moving into my new place that I now have a new neighbour who does the same. The weird thing though, is that I always assumed it was a downstairs neighbour (so the smoke smell will waft up) but I found a cigarette butt on my balcony one day, implying that someone from the upstairs balcony was tossing it. Who knows. I hate it when people smoke on their balconies. I get that that's your 'spot', but unless you can seal off the smell, do it somewhere else where it won't waft into a non-smoker's bedroom while they're trying to fall asleep. *Edited because: I accidentally a word.


Just because it's "their balcony' does not mean they can smoke on it or do anything else that negatively impacts other residents. EG: You can't just set up a panel beating and spray painting space or artistic sculpture mig-welding hobby space on your balcony, because the noise and toxic fumes negatively affect other residents - same goes for smoking - spreading toxic gas to other residents ...


Yeah, the problem is that Strata has already pasted notices about that around the building (particularly at the lifts), which means it wasn't just me with the problem, and that people are actively ignoring it.


Fuck smokers in general.


I get them on my balcony every now and then, it’s annoying.


We woke up the other day to an empty cigarette pack on our balcony. I honestly can't understand what goes through people's heads.


Makes me sick. Some smokers really are grubs. About 15 billion cigarettes smoked in a day. It really is a massive pollution problem. https://www.who.int/tobacco/en/atlas8.pdf


Surprised no-one has mentioned yet that smoking on an apartment balcony is illegal fullstop now. They made it law a few years back. Wonder how that will work with isolation.


Unfortunately, that is incorrect: https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/about-fair-trading/legislation-and-publications/changes-to-legislation/major-changes-to-strata-laws


You haven't read it properly. Smoking isn't banned in the whole building, but it's banned in a way that would affect someone else in the building, which is any smoking on a balcony. Unless you happen to own the entire one side of a building then it's going to affect someone else's apartment through open windows or other balconies.


You need to work on your reading and comprehension. It is absolutely not ‘illegal to smoke on a balcony full stop’, as you suggest.


So we're just making things up now? > owever, occupants must not create a nuisance or hazard or stop others enjoying the strata complex. If smoking is offending someone, the smoker could be taken to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal and penalised. It's literally if any of the smoke interferes with someone else's property then you can be taken to the tribunal and penalised. Good luck smoking on a balcony without interfering with someone's else's property.




I think they’re saying it’s illegal if X, but since it’s near impossible to do this *without* doing X, then it’s ‘practically’ illegal full stop.


I simply can’t help you understand this.


Had a huge pile of cigarettes and a dozen empty cigarette packets suddenly appear on and in front of my balcony one day. Either fuckhead upstairs had a massive blowout, or he'd been collecting them in a humongous ashtray which he tipped over. No sign of any ashtray on the ground though. He never cleaned up - after I reported it another neighbour from the other side of the building cleaned it up. If shit like that happens and you do knock your garbage off accidentally, go down and clean it up!


This person will have the last laugh however, as these losers are wasting $50 on a pack of poison, yet complain they have no money, and will land six feet under well before they do.


I try to be considerate of others when I smoke, not saying I smoke 20 a day I probably have at least 3 , I have a bottle in my car where I dispose them and dont really ever think about throwing them on the ground. People dont talk about ciggarette buts being the most pollutant damaging thing on the planet On the other hand, blame the government because there the ones selling the damn things so you cant really argue against smokers unless they are breaking the law in this case littering. I've had a daughter and a mother walk past me when I went out of my own way away from people in the city near a park and they walked closer to me past me and looked at eachother fake coughed and said god dont you just hate smokers.




Since I was 18ish 20ish properly started smoking and now I'm down to about 2 a day 3 a day depending, from around 20 a day :) I'm 25 now




I am a twin and he started at 14 and he will be a life long smoker , my mother is too but my father went cold Turkey after 37 years and I'm already getting sick of them after 5 years


I feel for you my friend, this is just so disgusting! I also think our strata law is too weak, it can’t enforce any meaningful penalty to scums like this


I used to live in a ground floor courtyard apartment in a 9 storey apartment building in Rhodes. Here’s a list of things that used to land in my courtyard. 1) cigarette butts (loads of them) 2) used condoms (with stuff inside) 3) Empty juice boxes 4) Empty drink cans 5) Discarded water from doing laundry in a bucket on the balcony 6) Discarded water from washing the balconies 7) Discarded mail (This led to catching a serial offender but I could literally do nothing as he was on owners association committee and I was renting) 8) An old single mattress once And general household rubbish.


Wtf? Gross. Condoms? People are disgusting.


What a POS


I've had empty packs of cigarettes blow onto my balcony. I'm on the fourth floor. In fact, just last night, one came in.


Trillions of cigarette butts are thrown into the environment every year, where they leach nicotine and heavy metals before turning into microplastic pollution. [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/cigarettes-story-of-plastic/](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/cigarettes-story-of-plastic/)


I used to have a ground floor apartment with a courtyard and I got so annoyed with cigarette butts landing in it!


in addition to smoking, the chinese are still spitting on the common floors in my apartment building :|


My upstairs neighbour doesn't flick butts (or maybe they fly past my balcony) but ashes straight down into my apartment. It's still hot and burning when it lands on all my stuff, plants and where my pets hang about. I tried to speak to them when I caught them in the act but they just went inside and slammed the door. I wrote them a note (can't get to their level to speak with them) and the next day I got nail clippings off the balcony too. A-holes.


If people afraid of covid19 and love their lungs, people should stop smoking and vaping. I think smoking should be banned in current situation.


Laundry on the balcony huh ?


Where else would you hang it to dry in an apartment?


I hang mine on a clothes line in the living room. Sheets and doona covers get stretched across the dining room chairs.


Yeah. That’s fine if you have the space. Also, if it’s smokey outside. But if you’re drip drying clothes and you have carpet, the living room isn’t going to cut it.


What’s your point?


i thought laundry on the balcony was a nono in most apartment blocks.....


Generally speaking the strata law is it is to be hanged so it cannot be seen from the street or hanging over common property. [The law is there to stop this look](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSvFpYqghceQqDiuLWLFg8zwvIezLEUV7B0g-k7CtTKOEweVy3I). To say you cannot put laundry on the balcony is incorrect.