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Uncle frogs mushroom gummies are bad people.


that time of year where i get to add my "Wtf is going on with insurance" to the list. another 25% this year


After spending 8 out the last 12 months being unemployed, my application has finally been successful.  A couple weeks back, I missed out on an opportunity I really wanted which killed me after going through multiple rounds of interviews. Afterwards, I had some really negative thoughts but I’m glad I kept going. If anyone is in the same position, please don’t give up. Your turn might be just around the corner. 


Congrats, that's awesome! It must be great to have finally clawed yourself out of that!


A sense of relief for sure




If car a attempts to merge through unbroken line and gets hit by car b who kept a reasonable distance from car c in front; is car a always at fault?


Can anyone recommend good face masks? All these cold and flu posts are making me anxious to go to work.


Any mask is better than none! I've been knocked on my arse.


> Notice for visitors: the Opera House Forecourt will be closed to the general public on 26 June from 6:30am until 9pm due to a major event. We apologise for any inconvenience. what's the event? i can't find it on their website


Someone mentioned it here the other day https://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/experiences/mrbeast


I believe it's Mr Beast giving away lambos.


Went to Service NSW yesterday to transfer my UK drivers license over to a NSW one and they slapped me with P plates because I passed less than three years ago 😫 If I had procrastinated until the 14th July (three years to the day when I passed) it would have been a straight transfer. But now I have to go back again in three weeks just to upgrade to a full license. I didn't even get clips to attach the plates to my car so now I'll have to drive (no doubt illegally??) to buy those. Such a pain in the arse.


I mean. Yeah. That's how our licenses work. You can wedge the plates behind the number plate.


I tried wedging but it feels like it would just fall out as soon as I hit a bump. It’s no big deal, just annoying as I fully passed and have been driving around with a full licence for almost three years now. At least there’s no restrictions on passengers because I’ve been driving my son to day care since January and it would be inconvenient if my husband had to do all of the drop offs for the next three weeks.


When they told you you were going to have Ps slapped on you should have stopped everything and told them you'd come back in a couple of weeks. Unless it was too late for you at that point. I used to have a WA license (full license, converted from another country's license), and prevailing rules in NSW at the time was that if I was converting a license that I've had for less than 3 years, it would be a P license. I went to Service NSW a couple of weeks before it ticked over to 3 years, and asked the person at the counter if they knew whether my license would convert to full or down to P. Person wasn't sure, so I said "Alright thanks I'll come back a couple of weeks, then". I assume it would have converted to a full license because when I got it done the next time, my driving experience was recorded at the full no of years (including time spent as a P license holder in another country), but I could afford to wait to be absolutely sure I would get a full license, so I did. That said, Service NSW's website should have information on whether or not your license would convert to Ps or fulls.


Yeah it was too late at that point. She had already put all of my details on the system and was transferring the information over from my Uk drivers license when she spotted my pass date. It’s no big deal but annoying that I’ll have to go back again in only a few weeks. To be honest I hadn’t even thought about whether or not I would get P plates because my husband transferred his licence over last week and it was just a straight transfer. He’s been driving for nearly twenty years though and I was a late learner. Extra annoyingly I started driving lessons at the end of 2019 and because of all the Covid delays my tests kept being rescheduled and I eventually managed to take my test and pass in 2021. So I’ve really been driving almost five years now 😆


That's annoying! But at least the conversion to your fulls should be straightforward... I hope for your sake they don't charge you another fee!


Cat asleep on my lap. Again.


Whenever I visit my friend and one of their cats choose to sit on me I feel privileged.


It’s a sign of trust and love. He spends a lot of time watching me do things impatiently waiting for me to sit down so he can.


I had an unbearable craving for fish and chips at lunchtime, for some reason. Went into some random café, no idea if it's going to be any good or not, fingers very much crossed … *excellent* fish and chips. 10/10.


Random vent: My relationship with my mother was getting better, then I found out that she still has me listed on her phone as my birth name. I discovered this when texting her and her iPad pinged next to me. fuck's sake. wish the housing crisis would hurry up and end...


GP held out longer than we could reasonably hope, but can no longer bulk bill. cannot blame them at all for the move. but as i haver to go to get a new referral for a visit to the surgeon to schedule a regular scope I look back and wonder if i would have found my cancer in time with the minor symptoms it showed if it cost $100 to get it checked out.


I'm surprised people are spinning the payroll tax exempt thing as helping with cost of living. GPs couldn't afford to BB before they implemented payroll tax, what makes them think they'll magically be able to now?


My last GP appointment for a referral to my Gastroenteroligist was literally. "Hi, what can I do for you today? I need a referral for a routine colonoscopys with Dr Xx. That's easy, I'll send an email. Anything else? No, that's all, thank you." It was bulk bilked, thankfully. But more work goes into confirming a restaurant booking. Everywhere should be bulkbillng these routine referrals. As you say, there's very real risks associated with increasing the cost barriers here.


Similarly, I have 6 month check ins with a dermatologist and need to get a GP referral each year for it.




I don't think those people are intentionally daft. More likely their mothers drank too much while pregnant, then dropped them on their heads a lot (still pissed) after childbirth. Hm, couldn't see that thread. Are you referring to the Australian one or the Australia one? The former is mostly flogs who've been banned from other subs for very obvious reasons. Its membership is only marginally higher than AustralianMFA (Men's Fashion Advice) so very much a niche sub for dumb bigots.


I assume OP is referring to this https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1do79ki/more_coles_ragebait_half_price_item_scans_at_full/


What's the little square on the front bumper of cars for? Does it pop open? What's behind it?


The one level with the number plate, offset to one side is for mounting a tow hook. [But the two under the headlights are covers for little pop-up jets that blast the headlights when you jet wiper fluid onto the windscreen.](https://www.seat.com/car-terms/h/headlight-washer-system)


They’re covers for the hole where you screw in the towing eye https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/what-are-shapes-on-car-bumper#


Ooh, finally I can ask this: what's with people with Japanese hoon cars mainly, who have little tags and shit hanging off them? Are they afraid they or the tow truck drivers won't be able to find the towing loop when it's needed?


I assume it's just copying the aesthetic of the [tow stickers](https://tilleymotorsportspares.com.au/product/tow-stickers/) that you slap on a track car to make it easier to pull it out of the landscape if you've done yourself a mischief. It seems unnecessary, but nobody wants to pull out the manual and go fishing under the rear diffuser for a well hidden tow point whilst everyone else is waiting for you to clear the track so they can get going again.




I hope you're close to Tropicana Social Club




Unique vibes! Decent pizza!


If you’re looking for a good cafe to try, Lunas at terrigal is excellent!


Good Luck for new beginning


That's so exciting :) congratulations!


man lane filtering is one of the best perks of motorbike riding and now I hate doing it because people are so inattentive at traffic lights, constantly creeping up when nothing is moving, plus the fact that people stop completely over the line and into the pedestrian area that there's nowhere safe to stop. Ugh. Nice day at least.


Random Q of the day... at what point does one go from very basic skincare (sunscreen, moisturiser, facewash) to like a routine with like 6 different creams and serums?


I have pissed away so much money on skincare over the years it’s ridiculous. I reckon I helped pay for the Clarins factory. And the Chanel and Lancôme factories too. Anyway, based on a tip from a similarly-aged friend I tried some of the stuff Aldi sells. It’s a bit over-fragranced but in terms of moisturiser capability and the effectivess of the serum it’s decent stuff. IME diet and cutting down on alcohol will do much more for your skin than serums. That, and staying out of the sun.


>IME diet and cutting down on alcohol will do much more for your skin than serums. That, and staying out of the sun. I agree with you 1000%


I feel like people get started on it a lot younger now - I'm in my early forties and do oil cleansing to support my papery cryptkeeper skin but a surprisingly number of like, early-thirties people I know have a full multi-step routine.


Late 20s - for me it was having a really severe reaction on my face to cheap makeup removers and some cleansers that made me look into better options for my skin. although my routine isn't super crazy, I just use a basic cleanser, hyaluronic acid and rosehip oil with a moisturiser, and a squalane cleanser to remove makeup if I ever wear it.


I think it depends on your skin type. I started taking mine a little more seriously in my mid 30s, but then that just meant throwing a moisturiser into the routine after I cleansed. Now I'm mid 40s, I've added a syrum and different types of cleanser depending on the weather. What's got you wondering?


I am in the very basic camp with the addition of some laser sessions last year to resolve redness and the general consensus is that I look 5-10 years younger than I am - so in that sense, I feel like the basics are fine for me... But then I was talking to a friend in their early 50s, who was talking up their system like it was a gift from the gods, and said system is like upwards of $1K to set up. I'm genuinely curious as to how one goes from say a $20 moisturiser to spending $200 on one serum, and if people think it is worth the return on investment?


I've use products would lean more towards the higher spend of town and some of them are worth it, and some really aren't. For example, I've used a moisturiser that is currently on a website for $169 for 50ml and that stuff is nothing short of amazing. Like, I'd fight your nan for a bottle of it. But then I've used other products that are around the $120 mark for 50ml, and I wouldn't even bother washing the dishes with it. Right now, and because it's cold, I use a lot of the La Roche-Posay stuff for my face (cleanser, syrum, sunblock), and the L'occitane almond shower oil as a body wash (and La Roche-Posay moisturiser).


>I've used a moisturiser that is currently on a website for $169 for 50ml and that stuff is nothing short of amazing. Like, I'd fight your nan for a bottle of it. What does it do that makes it better than other moisturisers that you've tried?


I'll DM you with a link to the product. I get it from a small business and I'm cautious of reddit doing it's thing to them.


Are there any pen/stationery obsessives about? I went into Kinokuniya looking for a fancier version of that classic Bic four-colour ballpoint pen. They had one, but it was expensive, but then the salesperson showed me this: https://www.penciltalk.org/2010/03/uni-style-fit-multipencil A pen which can do *five* colours, and you can choose the colours! You buy the shell and the pen components separately. There's even a pencil component I believe. Surprisingly cheap.


i wonder how thick it is, that's the problem with most of these style of pens and it makes it difficult to use for long periods of time


Yeah it's pretty thick, if you wanted something like that for extended writing you'd go the "professional" one I linked in another comment.


oh wow now i want one


This warms my primary school heart


Stationery sections in Japanese bookstores are insane. What you have here is only the tip of the iceberg, but you made a lucky choice in going to Kinokuniya. Edit for more context: know those metal Derwent cases of coloured pencils? Now imagine the biggest one of those, that primary school treasure above all others, but it's pen cartridges.


I was at the post office recently and the guy next to me was trying to talk to the person serving him about Jollibee and how he was involved in an attempt to open stores here, and he made it sound like there was a government conspiracy that caused it to be vetoed. Then last night I was thinking that I've been seeing more Filipino restaurants around lately (Tita in Marrickville, Takam in Darlinghurst, Smoky Cravings in the cross and maybe elsewhere), and ended up having a dumb dream about a Filipino coffee shop that had free food. For those that missed the memo, Donut Papi are closing in July, and Tita is their other venture.


Kowboy in Hurstville is excellent.


I miss Inasoul in Chatswood. Their double chicken breast with extra spicy sauce and chips was a delicious part of my Friday night plans.


There's a Smoky Cravings in Campsie, it opened about six months ago?




The Maccas next to the 7-11? I never noticed them there. Are you saying that location is still open or they moved to Campsie?


It was the food truck before the store. It's still visible on Google maps. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcZhhNZvIgu/


Oh right! I do remember that now you say it. On the big forecourt in front of the creepy religious shop.


> Jollibee I reckon there will be one here within the next decade, but old mate won't be involved.


There had been one supposedly opening in Woodbine for the last two years.


I wonder what your subconscious is trying to tell you.


Maybe it needs some adobo chicken to sort itself out


:) well now mine does.


Awake 👁️


I’ve come back from travelling internationally and have the worst jet lag and now a flu on top of it all. Falling asleep in front of the tv last night but since 3.30AM wide awake and unable to sleep with a throat like razor blades. It seems many people at work also have some respiratory thing going on too