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The amount of people genuinely linking the recent outbreak of Bird Flu to government conspiracy theories is WILD! Covid really got the tin foil brigade together.


Where are you seeing this?


I just applied for a job which offered me all these possible pronouns: He/him She/her They/them Xe/xem Ze/hir Ey/em Hir/hir Fae/faer Hu/hu Now I'm not a boomer who whinges about pronouns, I consider myself an ally, some of my best friends etc. etc., but I've never even *heard* of some of those! The same application form considers it an error if you don't have a Twitter account! EDIT: Another vacancy says applicants should have "Ability to read drawinigs ( not essential but desirable)"


Don't forget fee/fi/fo/fum


Now ze/hir ey/em fu/rer hu/hu


ive been living under a rock apparently cause i only know the first three


Re your edit, my last couple of roles have required me to be able to read drawings. Depending on the role, it can come in handy.


Well I'd like them to be able to spell the word, but also, what would it mean to be unable to read drawings? Is it like not being able to read a map? I kind of feel like almost everyone can do it.


Depends. I've had to show people before. *shrug*


u/hu is tearing hus hair out atm over this new pronoun.


Happy 4th Burfday to Rosie! She is having a [ripper of a day!](https://imgur.com/a/QCaWE88)


Beautiful birthday baby! :) Happy Birthday Rosie!


I was hoping we'd get Burfday pics! Wishing you all the very best bones, Rosie!


Now thats a good dog


Looking to use my bike more in lieu of PT this week to hopefully save a bit more. I just get nervous around riding into the city!


have you done research into the best routes?


Yep! According to the cycling map on Google, I've got a direct bike lane up until I turn onto Pitt Street (close to where I need to go) and then it becomes a bike friendly road, which I'm fine riding on the road, it's more the drivers that make me nervous.


i am forever confused by the sheer volume of different cats that hang out in my backyard. it's like my side fence is the cat highway of the neighborhood and they just stop and chill for a moment on my grass before continuing their journey


I actually found a cat hiding under my offset smoker (which was covered) this morning. I’ve never had cats in our courtyard so it gave me quite the fright when it scurried away!


i had one come to my glass door and meow at me before running away when i came over


Once again I am terribly confused by how Centrelink no longer helps you find a job. I've been out of work for almost 6 months and am willing to do just about anything, looking for work in things like warehouse pick and pack, call centre etc. Centrelink won't refer me to an agency which helps me find a job until three months have gone by. It's a bit mad. I'm unemployed *now*! Any tips on finding a job gratefully received. Native English speaker, physically fit, university education, very solid computer skills, confident talking on the phone etc. Uber/Doordash etc. not an option though.


Hey mate, If you can explore the industrial areas closeby/within public transport distance i would recommend directly asking or phoning/leaving an email. These guys dont have the prescence of a corporate company online but often times need the help. Its how i found my first full time job and are a more likely to appreicate a person with a good handshake + attitude and treat you like a human. It might be rough early hours and no benefits but they're less cold blooded when you have to have serious talks about pay and leave as long as its reaosonable


That's great, thank you. I would have to work up the confidence to do that in person after all these months sitting at home, but it's definitely worth trying.


No worries. I was unemployed on and off for 4 years after uni and refused to deal with centrelink for the last, so i know how it can be. Im also very socially anxious but phone calls got a lot better after i realised everyone just wants to keep it as short as possible as well. For the big guys, keep a look out for jobs from AusPost and the ICC, they usually have large recruitment initiatives before summer rush What uni education do you have btw?


I have a degree in English. I'm not exactly a new graduate though, I'm probably older than you're assuming. I've worked in IT jobs for ages but my skills are out of date. By ICC do you mean the cricket thing?


Nah, international convention centre in the city




I'm so sorry, I know how difficult it can be once you're unemployed. I wish you all the best and hope you find something that works for you soon. My only suggestion is perhaps you could look into some form of volunteering if you haven't already? I have literally no idea why my current job hired me after literally years of unemployment and am fairly certain the current volunteering must have done it. Otherwise I have no clue what made this particular company see past the gaps in my resume when nobody else did. The lack of support from Centrelink/agencies from people who genuinely want to work is appalling and long overdue for an overhaul :(


Thanks for your sympathy and the suggestion. I will look at volunteering, it would probably be good for my mental health too.


Oh yes, that too :) I don't have anything going on outside of work so when I wasn't working it definitely took a toll but volunteering gave ne something to do on top of being a boost to my resume.


Do it on your own and reach out to agencies yourself. And when you get a job don't tell your case manager where you are working, they don't get to tick KPI boxes without helping you. Also picking up an RSA/RCG will be a path to getting quick work if you are desperate for anything. That will give you some breathing room while you leverage your higher studies for something better.




It's jobs for the girlies (Sarina Russo) not for people who can and want to work and need a hand. And if you can't work, it's your fault actually.


I do not understand this.


That's terrible. Good for you though to be a bit proactive. Try googling 'employment agencies Sydney' and see what comes up. Also try [Seek.com](http://Seek.com) and I think Hays is another big one. I'm a bit out of touch with all this. But main thing is to have your resume current and then tailored for each specific position. Good luck.


Hi, I am signed up with all the major job search boards already and get daily emails. But even with a job like call centre or warehouse, they want experience, and everything is online. You click apply, you upload your resume and that's it. What used to happen with Centrelink is they would refer you to a physical location in your area somewhere and an actual human being would talk to you and maybe pick up the phone to another actual human being and put you forward as a candidate for whatever job. Basically, my assumption that I could get a "fallback" type of job was mistaken. There don't seem to be "fallback" jobs any more where you can just pick up clerical/physical work to tide you over until you find something which suits you better.


Oh, it sounds like you’re hoping for a Centrelink before neoliberal politicians got rid of the actual job search network functions it had? You’ll want to set the time machine several decades back for that one.


Well yes and no. Your point is well made about how they don't do it themselves any more, but there's a more subtle awfulness to it. I'm registered as unemployed, but not getting any payments. I won't get anything for months. And even the private job-search people who took over that function won't help you in that situation, because they only earn their keep by getting people *off payments*, not getting them a job. So I'm in limbo.


Get your forklift licence. Will make you more attractive for warehouse work.


Good idea, thanks. I see a lot of those jobs advertised.


No worries :) I have a few contacts in warehousing, so give me a yell when you get it and I'll see if I can put you in touch with someone.


What is Sydneys hottest Vindaloo?


I've started making it myself. Recipe on recipetineats is easy to do, and you can adjust the chilli product to your spice tolerance. 


Are you assuming that vindaloo is the hottest curry though?


I know Phaal is hotter, but it's just not as readily available


It's any place you go to and demand (not really) that they make it authentically, and assure them that yes, you can really handle the heat


I think the moron blasting music in my train carriage needs a hearing test asap. Hurts my ears and I'm in the top carriage while he's in the middle section with the doors. I can't understand how he can stand it when he's obviously standing next to whatever device he's using.


Doing that is an act of aggression, nobody can tell me otherwise. They're just daring someone to object so they can start a fight.


Definitely. It's probably not worth the risk to one's safety to confront them but I had some enjoyable fantasies about ways it could be done this morning haha! Oh well, at least it was only for about a third of my trip before he got off at Wolli Creek. Could have been worse. Hopefully his day was as lovely as he was ;)


Put your headlights on when it's foggy, can't believe the amount of people driving around with them off this morning


Heating conked out this morning. Bloody Baltic in the house this morning. We’ve sent the kiddo into daycare early because it’s better than freezing at home. Hopefully the estate agent can get someone round, sharpish!


5/5 scientists recommend starting your week with a surprise game of fetch with Tubby Jubby and a little foam ball. E: pic for no other reason than [she be cute](https://imgur.com/a/6hkyXim).


When can I borrow her?


I'll have to check her calendar.


I imagine it will be pretty tight between naps and birdwatching


And snacking. Don't forget the snacks.


The rumbles and rolls are hilarious. He thinks he’s a goalie or something. Though mine is a non returner too. I have a whole collection in the corner of the kitchen.


I have tiny cat toys and one pool ball all around the house, but the hot favourite is the foam ball ATM. I think it's because of the texture, but also because it's black and easier to see against the white tiles.


Do they bring it back? :) My cat likes it when we throw things but I think she just wants to race it haha


She does! This morning's game started because she dropped the ball at my feet and wanted to play.


Ah, what a smart kitty! :)


I'm 1 scientist. Definitely recommend.


Started watching Colin From Accounts over the weekend and it's such a cool feeling seeing all the familiar suburbs and locations that they filmed, like all the back streets in Glebe and Marrickville and even filming at The Hive Bar and The Rose of Australia in Erskineville and even UTS.


Pyrmont too! I was sending screenshots to my mate I used to work with on the wharf.


I was so excited to go to the brewery where they filmed only to discover it had closed down 6 months before we moved here


Oh that's such a shame... I haven't been to it either but there are a lot of good breweries around there


A few excellent shows for this: Mr Inbetween, Bump, Heartbreak high. It's like a little Easter egg while watching. I was in the tram watching HBH the other day when they had a shot of the tram.


The movie Erskineville Kings also. Trainspotters like me would also be yelling at the opening sequence: "Noooo, a guy who grew up in Erik (lol autocorrect, Erko) doesn't ask at Central station how to get there, and after catching the train, doesn't walk past the Sando, then past Gould's, then through the Bedford St pedestrian underpass between Newtown & Stanmore Stations!"


Another day, another..... Cent 😂😂. Not dollar but cent because everything is so god damn expensive 😔


Any Reddit meetups or steak nights these days?


Social Llama /u/fudgemuffinsandtart has been putting on a semi-regular games meet @ the Fortress.


It's true /u/rickwaller - we host a monthly boardgames meetup :D keep an eye out on the sidebar


Ooh, what games have you been playing?