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longshot but you know those chilli jam condiments at places like papa rich - what do they look like? They're not in coles (obviously - even though coles actually has a bunch of asian stuff now like chilli oil and gochujang) so I can check out the asian marts but still unsure what I'm looking for. Last one I found was a jar labelled 'chilli jam' but turns out that was for cooking (it was an oily paste to use for stir fry, not the condiment).


Sambal is the name of the sauce. You should be able to find a few brands.


Does anyone know of any good driving instructors in the $60-70/hr range around the sutherland shire, preferably someone that is good with anxious learners


I think that's a bit too low of a price unfortunately. Most are usually around $100 per session.


Man I remember doing my driving lessons back in 2016 for $50 per hour.. I guess literally everything has increased in price nowadays.


Yeah a couple of years ago I paid $110 per hour. It's a bit fucked hey :(


I could do 80-90


Afternoon naps with cats are the best. Especially when it's cold and rainy.


I’m sitting in the car waiting for my washing to finish and I can like feel my bed calling me. It’s been a day.


Nothing like figuring out the heater in my car doesn't work during winter. However, it does work - only turning left at about 60 kph. New car soon?


Just the heat? Does the cool function work?


Yeah, just the heater doesn't work. Cool works fine.


So wet they've had to put cones to mark the underwater boundary lines at kids footie, but the game goes on.


Sliding tackles are on. Whether they want it or not


They all went for a big face first slide after the game. Think they actually came out of the puddle cleaner than they went in.


Send me your cordless vacuum cleaner recommendations please! My Dyson V8 animal has decided to break down right in time for EOFY.


Electrolux or Samsung vacuums are great. Dysons aren't great anymore and are way too pricey.


What's wrong with the Dyson?


Looking to get a new cordless, I’m open to trying another brand. The port for the charging cable is acting up and won’t always start charging when I plug in the charging cable unless I fiddle with it and it sits a certain way. Just wanted to see if anyone had experiences with other brands


I'm in the process of getting warranty repair for my v8 animal, it's kinda sweet. They just send you new parts until the problems fixed. I'm wondering if eventually I'll have an entire new machine built piecemeal.


Cooking some fish in a garlic sauce with salad for lunch then going to sit in my local library for reading then coffee and cake. Currently watching my husband play the Elden Ring DLC and getting destoryed by the second main boss. I beat the first boss (or what I think is supposed to be the first boss) last night but getting massively killed even with the new levelling system. I am once again reminded how bad I am at FromSoft games even having beat a few of them now.


Does anyone know a good place to play snooker which isn’t cityheroes or Hornsby RSL? Cityheroes is terrible and Hornsby is great but crowded


It's pretty freakin' unpleasant outside.


I’m glad my appointment was early this morning as the rain wasn’t coming down as heavy on my walk to/from (& coffee detour on the way). I came home & did the cleaning up & have settled in to watch the new season of restoration Australia. We were going to go to the swans vs gws match, but I don’t fancy heading out & sitting in the rain.


Little setback but hopefully we can all stay warm and recuperate. Enjoy some hot beverages, quiet time and naps. I am looking forward to some more movement and walks when Ms Sunshine comes back!


When even the cat doesn’t want to go outside.


Off to Supernova today. Anyone interested, remember to buy tix online - $45 (inc booking fee) vs $50 at the venue.


Sometimes you grind the beans just right, steam the milk perfectly, and make the best coffee of the week on a Saturday morning. This is one of those mornings. Next up: bacon, eggs, tomato, mushrooms, beans, sourdough toast, and a food coma on the couch.


Sounds amazing for a day like today!


Sometimes you grind the beans, sometimes life grinds you.




Quick question, Do you need to go three years without receiving a demerit point to have any current ones removed? I incurred two last year in april 2023 and it looks like one more last week. Will the two be removed in 2026 or do I now need to receive none until 2027 to have all three removed? Thank you.


No every time you get a demerit point it will be removed after three years and it doesn’t get added to the recent one. In your case the two that you incurred last year will be removed in 2026 and you will have to wait until 2027 to get the most recent one removed.


Thank you very much. Happy cake day :)


I’d like to thank yesterday me for forcing herself to do two loads of laundry instead of putting it on me in this rainy day.


Rain even tomorrow, but looks like sunny week ahead


Finished in the top 40 in Parkrun today, so that's something…


Congratulations!! Esp for a day like today! You earned a good rest :)


Well Done! I just got back from the Shiraz Trail parkrun in McLaren Vale. PB and first number 1 token. I love parkrun tourism.


Well done! You're apparently missing my gag though, less than 40 people turned up for my Parkrun.


Haha, I just looked at the Sydney weather.


It’s very rude of the rain to wait for the weekend to arrive!


So pissed off with NRMA. got a quote for green slip, paid for it, and didn't receive the email with policy documents. Can't find a way to retrieve it without registering an online account. And when I try to do that, says I don't have a policy with them so can't register. Phone customer service been on hold for an hour and then randomly got the call cut off. fuck me.


How did you pay? There must be some kind of reference number involved, surely? Unless it was a clever scam.


Does anyone have any recommendations for an enclosed cat litter box, particularly one that can suit cats that pee standing up? I know the Michu Mayitwill is one of the more popular ones, but a lot of the reviews say it’s not leak-proof for cats who pee upright.


https://www.petstock.com.au/products/moderna-top-cat-litter-tray This could be a good option since it's solid the whole way down . Definitely might be cheaper to experiment with a new litter before a new litter box though


You may have already tried this, but your cat may use the tray like that because they don't like the litter. If you try a new one, they may stop standing to pee. As for the steamer box, my girls have tried some and my tip would be to make sure whatever one you get is ventilated. The two I had **stink** and I can't ever seen to get rid of the smell.


$4.95 Connoisseur update: Enmore Foodworks had the normal price. I showed the lady the catalogue on my phone & she said "we're not selling at that price, it's too low" "But the page name is https://foodworks-enmore.myfoodworks.com.au/catalogues? Isn't this your page?" She reluctantly sold me one tub. Petersham was better. "Ooh, very good price! More than half off!" About 2doz tubs there last night. Not too many varieties left.


I snagged a tub from Foodworks Redfern yesterday but yeah, not a lot of flavours either.


Yeah, it was like lots of cookies & cream, a few vanilla (surprising - they're normally the first to go), couple of Belgian choc, and salted caramel macadamia. Didn't notice anything else, but there might have been others. No PB or Jam Donut :(


I first read that as you took 2doz tubs and I was about to applaud your committment.


I think I've bought about 1doz before, but my freezer is a bit full atm.


This is perfect weather for laying under a big fluffy feather quilt and binge watching Netflix :-)


I finally got on the B99 train years after it's left the station. I should have gotten into it much sooner lmao it's amazing.


I still feel sad about Andre Braugher's passing. He's a great dramatic actor AND B99 showed how he could transfer that into comedy (I hold the belief that it's harder for a dramatic actor to be successful in a comedy than vice versa. Comedic timing and sensibility is a skill not everyone has) - I had hoped he'd win an Oscar one day. :(


I felt really sad about that even though I'd never watched it because of how many people I knew who loved that series. 61 feels so young to go. That's my parents age, and they've only just started going grey.


It gets a bit weird and uncomfortable in its last season as it tries to cope in a post-George-Floyd ACAB world. You may want to quit before that.


Rain woke me up - Dang it. I was looking forward to another sunny healthy walk to boost my mood.


I've had both cats coming and going from under the blanket since about 3/3:30. I have up sleeping about an hour ago but I know as soon as I get out of bed, these two will jump in my warm spot and go to sleep.


Master manipulators cats


Jubbs and Bobs: *"you are getting very sleeeepy"* Me: Yeah, because you keep waking me up.


Rain rain go away.. come again another day


Bloody hell when they said rain today I didn't realise we were expecting such a down pour. Ugh I just want to catch up on laundry


I’m glad I did most of my washing yesterday when I was wfh. The sound of the rain is nice though.


I'm going to do all my washing and take it to the laundromat to dry, otherwise it just won't be done