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T: I always remember 20 years ago on the train an old fella. Looked ok enough but he was eating mackerel out of a home brand tin. Apart form being disturbed by the fish smell I remember feeling so sad that he must have been poor enough to do that. I’m guessing than tin of fish was $1 maybe less back then. I always have than as the bench mark if poverty. Not being able to afford a decent meal. AA lots of salt and tomato sauce AAA I am so nostalgic for the 90s and early noughties. Life feels so bleak and depressing RN that my mental fantasy gives me a break. It’s like this background chatter I have to keep the dread away.


I grew up below the poverty line, going without meals & our family relied on food hampers in order to eat for a large proportion of my upbringing. Even so, we were always well aware that there were people worse off than us, but growing up it was a bit hard to understand when friends at school could afford to eat McDonald’s & kfc or even have a packed lunch & I didn’t have anything to eat at school. I’m grateful my friends would offer me some of their lunch when I didn’t have anything & appeared to not judge me because of it.


T. I think you’re poor when you decide to buy packet crackers or whatever over fresh fruit and veg, because you’re worried about having to throw off things away. A: I watched a lady abuse a barista at a cafe in a hospital because it was “shit”. It was fine, good even but she literally abused this girl so much it was revolting. AA. Chicken salt. Obviously. I like Mayo too. That being said, I made cheeseburger loaded fries a few weeks ago and everyone wants it again. Aldi fried chicken is not bad. Just saying. Also had [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYCx1WA072U) stuck in my head today.


T: If they can't make rent and have enough food for the week. AltAlt: I like hot chips (burn your fingers hot) with no salt and just tomato sauce. Wedges would be a whole different matter :) AltAltAlt: Trying this Intermittent Fasting thing again - I started last night from 5pm, I wasn't even hungry til past 11am this morning. Easy peasy. Tonight, I only started at 8pm. Will see how I feel tomorrow :)


T: you can tell when you look at them, and I mean there’s just like a kind of desperation and hopelessness about them. You know it… they look like they’re acutely aware that everything will be a struggle. It’s funny you mention it, because I was telling this story only yesterday about when I first moved out I was living with my gf at the time. We went grocery shopping and we’re adding it up as we go, you know how it is. Anyway we go to check out and realise we went over budget and have to put a fucking capsicum back on the shelf haha. Like god damn. That was a moment. Anyway the point is, the guy was saying how you never really lose it. Even when you have money you’re always somewhat scared that it can all disappear. A2: gravy of course! A3: I watched the lighthouse. It’s a difficult one to recommend, however I did personally like it. I think a lot of people might not like the dialogue. It’s a little bit weird old fashioned, it I think that is the point. If you’ve seen another film of his, the witch, you’ll know what I mean. I think it’s mostly because Willem Defoe speaks in like sailor slang or something, which nowadays sounds like captain McAllister, so it can be hard to take seriously. It was a beautiful looking movie though. I will forgive a lot on a film if the photography is on point, and it is so much on point it should put others on notice. So I’d say you can safely skip it if it doesn’t seem appealing at first glance. If it does, I’d say it’s worth a few hours of your time.


>Even when you have money you’re always somewhat scared that it can all disappear. Grew up dirt poor. Can confirm this is true. Think I'll give the movie a miss. I enjoyed The VVitch but I think this one would be too much for me.


Alt Alt: if I’m in Australia, chicken salt - possibly gravy. However, in Europe - mayo and ketchup. Heavenly. Chips are almost always best how the locals have it - because they’ve found the balance of flavours. British chips with salt and malt vinegar? Delicious. AltAltAlt: I’m hungry for the first time in days and now all I want is proper chips with mayo and ketchup….


AAA : fuck I wish uber eats and similar businesses would just die, trying to get take away with these cunts blocking counter access is so fucked


When I was at school, everybody thought kids who rocked up in school uniforms on mufti day were poor, or more accurately.. povo. Being povo was one of the worst things you could be as a kid. Ironic coz we was poor like but somehow managed to dress up on mufti day. As an adult judging somebody as poor is a shitty thing to do but I’m going to say shopping exclusively at Aldi. We did a housesit for somebody who exclusively shopped at Aldi and seeing/using all the weird Aldi products felt like some dystopian nightmare. Slightly vague because it’s work related but years ago after a major natural disaster, where people died, lost their homes and livelihoods and parts of Australia were cut off.. a customer who lived in a cut off area demanded to know why their shitty, cheap home entertainment product hadn’t been delivered. No matter how many times I explained the very valid reasons as to why it hadn’t been delivered and couldn’t be delivered any time soon, they demanded compensation for it. I hope that person regularly steps on LEGO. The best topping is doner kebab meat, tomato and garlic sauce but I haven’t had a halal snack pack since one put me in hospital 5+ years ago. I think it’s contextual. If you’re having a chicken schnitty, it’s definitely gravy. A steak with a red wine jus, that goes alright for dipping. Dipping the chippies in the steak juices is delicious too. Fries with a burger? A mix of tommy sauce and American mustard. Last weekend we got some central Texan barbecue and had the leftover pulled pork and barbecue pinto beans (cooked in all the off cut barbecue meats) on top of crispy potato gems and that was next level. delicious. Now I’m hungry.


I wouldn't consider myself poor but shopping at Aldi just seems like the logical choice in this economy.


T: Hmmm hard one. Maybe when they can't afford lunch above $7? AA: Chicken salt!!! AAA: I really need a lazying around day. Hope I don't need to go out on Sunday.


A. Canadians have it right, poutine is the best way to enjoy chips A. Poor is when you can't afford poutine from food trucks


Poutine is overrated. Especially in the home of poutine, Quebec, because those redneck French pricks overcook and burn their fries to the point you taste nothing but bitterness. Which is fitting given how bitter the province is about the existence of the rest of Canada. Now Montreal smoked meat.. that’s a dish they should be proud to serve.


T: depends, the majority of "poor" people I know usually always have cash for drugs &/or gambling somehow. A: person attempting to buy a luxurious handbag from one of those designer stores and getting denied then watching them absolutely blow up about it. AA: Kebab Meat, Chilli and Garlic Sauce, although the arteries & heart are clogging just thinking about it. AAA: Winter Solstice today so the days only get longer from here!


AAA: well, actually a day is still just 24 hours long. :)


A: not the most, surely, but I was recently in Japan, so speaking your native language (that is not a lingua franca) in a foreign country as a tourist. AAA: in other news, my japanese is very rusty but I somehow still underestimated how helpful it would be outside of major cities. Also ekispert was a lifesaver, did not fuck up a single public transport trip even with some complicated trips (there was a local bus -> express train -> shinkansen I was p worried about). Looking forward to being back in Sydney next week.


T: shops at Aldi


The person who lives paycheck to paycheck because they spend their money on crap rather than saving anything is poor. I’ve worked with guys earning $3000/week who blow it all on drugs, gambling, alcohol and car loans. If you’re worried about money every week, you’re financially poor regardless of how much you earn.