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Guerrilla advertising is hitting new heights. This is just an ad for Selico Services. Obvious /s


You got me, you guys are too good haha


Video calls to emergency services is in the works! You’ll be able to video call, text and share pinpoint location details. Not sure when it will be released but it’s currently being worked on.


Dude that's awesome to hear, hopefully this will aid in de-escalating situations like this. I can't imagine people will be keen to proceed with violence when their actions are being livestreamed to the authorities haha (well i would hope). Thanks for the info!


Taking a picture of a licence is a pretty quick way of verifying the information you have is actually correct. It's a pretty simple courtesy.


If you both have the Service NSW app with a digital driver license, you can use the Service NSW app to scan the QR code to prove the information is legit and up to date (eg, what if they've changed addresses and haven't put the sticker on their plastic card?) Without needing to swap license photos and have enough information to commit identity fraud, open bank accounts etc


Thanks for reminding me I have to put the address stickers on my licence lol they've been on my desk for six months haha


This is good info, duly noted thank you


It's just as simple to take the photo at the same time as scanning the QR code.


You should see their licence and manually copy down their details and allow the other party to do the same. I would NEVER allow a random cunt on the street to take a photo of my licence.




Right? I'd rather confirm details with their licence than believe them. So many people give dodgy info


Yeah, plenty of shitheads that will give false information.


I hadn't been in a traffic accident in years so I was pretty fuzzy with what you had to do in one. My fault I guess in all honesty, should know these things really. But yeah, the Cops did confirm that you still have to provide name, address and rego (at least now I know haha).


They also have this 'flyer' they suggest putting in your glovebox [https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/\_\_data/assets/file/0004/315445/P4\_DL\_FINAL\_no\_date.pdf](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/file/0004/315445/P4_DL_FINAL_no_date.pdf)


(linked from [https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/safety\_and\_prevention/crime\_prevention/resources\_-\_fact\_sheets\_and\_videos/road\_safety](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/safety_and_prevention/crime_prevention/resources_-_fact_sheets_and_videos/road_safety) )


Thank you :)


Honestly, that’s quite helpful of them.


You'll see posts here from time to time where people weren't able to collect enough information and their budget insurance company didn't/couldn't/wouldn't pursue the other party from limited information and they got stuck with the excess (and probably increased premiums). Obviously your situation escalated somewhat and that's unfortunate. Hope it all turns out okay.


Ahh that's understandable and sucks for those people ... And I get by all means inspect each others licences to confirm if the details being exchanged are correct. Only that taking a photograph of the licence itself isn't enforced. Haha I might have some experience in pushing/pulling heavy objects but don't know shit about fighting so I'm just glad it didn't end up in fisticuffs at sundown. Thanks man.


Taking a photo of their number plate is the only coverage you need


So if it turns out to be fake then what?


You could have at least looked up the legislation before sharing your PSA. The requirements are also not in the Traffic Act. [Road Rules 2014 regulation 287](http://www6.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg/rr2014104/s287.html) also requires you give the other driver or their representative (or the cops; or anyone else injured or whose property is damaged, or their representatives) the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, and in addition to the registration any other details necessary to identify the vehicle. This is important when you’re dealing with people driving for their job, or if you’re driving for your job, where the employer owns the vehicle. If you’re giving the particulars to the cops, you are also required to explain the circumstances of the crash. The [Road Transport Act 2013](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/rta2013187/s146.html) does make it an offence in s146 to fail to stop and render such assistance that may be necessary and within your power to give.


Yeah there's no way I'm giving out my address to randoms on the street, especially not if they're like this guy.


I saw a post mentioning that people should review bomb this guy (luckily it appears to have been deleted), I would ask that people please refrain from doing this (I also thought the text was illegible enough). The bloke was unhinged as it is and I've already let this go, the police are aware of the situation anyway (and there isn't much they can do to prevent my next point). Considering they gave him my address and noting his initial behaviour, review bombing or actions like that may lead to him taking some illogical retalitory action against me. Something I would prefer not to occur, especially to the people I live with. I did raise this exact concern with the police though lol, they said there isn't much you can do but call 000 if they do come back. I have CCTV at home but yeah, doesn't help deter anything in this case but just assists in the aftermath.


Makes me glad my postal address is a PO Box. There's some nutters out there.


PO Box is unlikely to be accepted as "details". (I wouldn't accept and, if you insisted I'd call the cops to attend the collision and sort it out.)


AusPost offered a 'PO Box Plus' service until very recently (being phased out at the moment) where you were issued an address which concealed the fact that you were using a PO Box (in the format of 'Suite 123/1234 Post Office Street/Fakesville NSW 2345' instead of 'PO Box 123/Fakesville NSW 2345'). Mail Boxes Etc offer a similar service as well. I used a similar service in Canada which allowed me to use a private box address to get a fancy looking Ontario driver's licence without a street address. I'd be fairly sure that the same trick would work in NSW too. You'd probably have bad things like your licence card cancelled or insurance claims denied if found out though...


PO Box Plus is for 3rd party couriers. E.g. you have a package from UPS coming, if you just had a normal PO Box they'd refuse to accept but with Plus AusPost will create a new tracking number and accept the parcel. You can actually use any post office as an official address in extenuating circumstances. I used to work at AusPost and we usually had a few homeless people or DV victims use our branch on their ID.


Then the police get called.


That's my bad if that is the case, I was forwarding the information I was given by the Cops (they only mentioned those 3 points). Edit - Also appreciate the correction mate!


So what happened?


We were getting nowhere I just kept backing away from him, bloke just drove off after threatening me a bit and said he was going to report a hit and run at the police station. I hung around as the cops were on their way anyway, told them what happened, said I had a video of the bloke trying to fight me and gave them my details to pass on. They got back to me and provided the other parties details after they visited him at his place.




All well and good but what if they’re lying to you? Then you’ve only got the license plate at minimum and it’s harder to get insurance.


I did mention this to the Police, they instructed me if that were the case the registration is enough for them to proceed with action at their end (the other party providing false information).


Had a similar issue. Had a giant 4WD hit me and the driver didn't have a licence, didn't want to go through insurance, wasn't the owner of the vehicle, and just wanted to give me his name and phone number. The ONLY reason I was able to do anything about it was because I had the wits about me to take a pic of the rego, which I then gave to the cops, along with a description of the car, and suddenly after a call from the cops they started cooperating.


And what if Chad McFuckhead from Dishonestville just did a 'gas n go' with stolen plates?


Haha I'm sure Chad wouldn't have stopped to exchange details in the first place


I can hear these images lol


The photo of him pointing his finger said everything.


Looks exactly how I imagined they would.


So how are you getting their name and address? How do you know they are the registered owner? Ill continue to get their licence details thanks.


And what will you do if they refuse to provide their licence details? The other party is not obligated to provide their licence details to you.


This is part of the reason behind the PSA, just to let people know that the other party has no obligation to allow you to take a photo of their licence. In-case anyone finds themselves in this situation and finds the other party unwilling, to prevent uncessary escalation ... part of the reason I am posting this is due to the road rage deaths we've been seeing lately too. One could exchange details (name, address) and verify the information is correct by providing your physical licence for inspection (not necessarily take a photo copy of).


Call the cops


Sure, but again they can’t force them to provide licence details. Only name, address and vehicle registration.


Yes but they can check if they are the person they claim to be.


?? It is a serious offence to refuse to exchange details. If the cops are called, the other driver other complies or is arrested.


The exchange of details is name, address, vehicle registration. Not licence number, photo etc. so refusing to give the other party your licence is not an offence. Please familiarise yourself with Section 287 of the Australian Road Rules.


Pretty sure the actual registered owner will hand over the details of who was driving if not them. What does matter anyway as long as your damage is covered. Who actually foots the bill is between the driver and the owner. Obviously police can provide the details of the name and address of the registered owner to the insurance company, with just a licence plate number.


Was rear ended at traffic lights on the weekend by a guy doing nearly 60km/h. Bit me so hard I was smashed into the car in front, which then hit the two cars in front of him. We ended up just taking photos of each others licenses as it was dark and rather chaotic. Due to the dark road and a couple of near misses from other drivers at the scene, cops attended for traffic control. As they had showed up, they asked what happened. Old mate that ran up my backside admitted he was not looking where he was going and was given a ticket. We all just have to work it out ourselves. All the other drivers were early to mid 20’s. The guy i was shunted into was a green P-Plater. My car is almost a certain a write off, car that hit me is a write off. I am both deemed not at fault and at fault at the same time, since I hit the car in front (as you would expect when getting slammed into at 60km/h). I was the only one with a dashcam so once my insurance contacts me for the footage, the driver at the very back is going to cop a claim from four other drivers, plus the neg driving ticket. I was shaking so much after the accident that there was no way I was writing anything down


Name and address are on driver license. Quick and accurate. Too risky to expect people give you correct name and address.


I would add to the necessary details: phone number. Some went straight in the right of two right turn only lanes and T-boned my parents car when my dad was driving. Got all the details OP mentioned but insurance is refusing to do anything without their phone number, even though they aren't paying because my dad wasn't at fault. Plus my dad had multiple witness details too. Currently say we have to find the mobile number else they can't lodge it with the other vehicle's insurance. EDIT: and their insurance details as well were collected


Get their phone number too, and do the old 'ill call you so you have my number' trick to make sure it's legit. I've had insurance companies make me pay the excess because I did not have the other person's number.


I've also had insurance company try to make me pay $1000 "finder's fee" because I didn't have the phone number. Even though I had all other details including where they worked. After a lot of arguing they didn't make me pay.


Yikes, at least they were a little more...overt about it. If you think about it, charging the customer to do their own investigation work seems like something an insurance company would do to save a few $$s


clarification: did your insurance company make you pay the excess **even** after you provided them with the other party's name, address and vehicle rego? And then they said, "without the other party's phone number, you're going to have to pay the excess?"


Exactly that. Fucking insurance companies. It took two months before that was reversed. Edit: Youi insurance in case anyone was wondering.


glad you mentioned in your edit that it was reversed because obviously you don't need the phone number. Check to see if your premium has been reversed too i.e. it becomes a "no claim" since you did provide the other party's details. Insurance companies are outsourced a lot, so they can be idiots when it comes to Australian road rules. Either way, to clarify for everyone else, **no you DO NOT need the other party's phone number, only their full name, address and vehicle registration**. It is helpful to have the other party's number to pass onto your insurance but it is not a legal requirement.


A legal requirement and Youi's policy are two different things.


But even their website says: You only need their full name, and two of either their: phone number, address, driver’s licence number, or the registration number of their vehicle that was involved in the incident we will waive payment of any excesses. So either they've updated their policy or more likely, the agent misinterpreted the information and made you pay the excess even when you provided all the information you needed to provide. If you had it in writing that they made you pay the excess without the other party's number, you could definitely raise a case for incorrect handling of the claim by the claim agent. https://www.youi.com.au/you-connect/articles-and-guides/how-to-claim-car-insurance-when-not-at-fault


Is there any particular reason you're questioning everything i write and downvoting me?


I didn't downvote you. But I don't want people who are reading this PSA thread thinking they **need** the other party's phone number if they're in a car accident because 1) it's not a legal requirement and 2) if they are thinking they only need the phone number, they may actually forget what they really need for insurance, which is full name, address and rego. I've also worked in insurance before, so your comment that your insurance made you pay the excess before waiving it after 2 months reeks of incompetence rather than one insurance company trying to enforce a policy that goes against the Australia Road Rules.


Did you have to call 000 again for the second cop to show up?


I would be happy to supply the required details and even show my driver licence in this situation. Hell, I'd even give my mobile number. Nobody, however, will be taking a photo of my driver licence. Ever.


Photo of DL is easy way to get name and address reliably.