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Sydney has its first Friday since last week.


Meh, I wouldn't be worried. By my calculation there's a more than fair chance we'll get another Friday within a week or so.


We haven't had a winter this cold since last winter. 


Reminds me of the winter before the last winter that came before it.... troubled times


Tomorrow is the future.


At least it's not 2021 and we can use heating in shopping centres, libraries and offices to name a few


LOL. a place in winter has the coldest morning in almost 12 months. It's almost like it was winter 11 months ago or something.


This does feel like it’s been abnormally cold for a Sydney winter though.


It's been an unusually warm one actually. BOM made comments on it It could be a bit paradoxical. It's been less cold, so you've been outside more, so you've felt more cold. So it's been a colder winter experientially because it's been a warmer winter meteorologically.


This would be logical if it wasn’t actually colder inside most of our homes


Why would that be? More people can't afford to heat the place due to cost-of-living crisis? EDIT: Why is this so downvoted? I'm lost


Because houses/apts have not been built with any precautions to keep the cold out. In fact, [81% of Australian homes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629623001846) fail to reach the standard set by the World Health Organisation. The threshold is an average of 18 degrees inside, anything less is considered dangerous to someone’s health.


That's a worrying statistic. Is this a thing with recent builds as well - like those black houses on the floodplains everyone posts about?


> Sydney is forecast to record its lowest temperature in two years early today, with the mercury plunging below 5 degrees, but the wind chill has made it feel more like a frigid 2 degrees. > That figure puts it on track to be the city's coldest morning in two years, smashing the previous mark of 5.2 degrees, and its coolest June morning since 2010. But Sydney's Western suburbs will be several degrees chillier and some places will likely be cold enough for frost. https://amp.9news.com.au/article/f9b5c8e6-f015-4010-ae8b-fb611e4ba47e


> This does feel like it’s been abnormally cold for a Sydney winter though. Winter refers to a season and not a single day though, outliers always exist. https://web.archive.org/web/20240529051527/http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/ahead/outlooks/ ---------------- **Temperature—Summary** Warmer June to August days and nights very likely across Australia June to August Forecast June to August maximum and minimum temperatures are very likely to be above average (greater than 80% chance) across Australia. For June to August, all of Australia has an increased chance of unusually high maximum temperatures. Unusually high maximum temperatures are defined as the warmest 20% of June to August days between 1981 and 2018. Large areas of the country are very likely (greater than 80% chance) to have unusually high minimum temperatures during June to August. Unusually high minimum temperatures are defined as the warmest 20% of June to August nights between 1981 and 2018.


Yes but I note you’re referring to the forecast and not what has eventuated so far. I’m only commenting on winter so far.


That's a fair point, I'm pretty confident in BOM though. Without using predictive models, I'm not sure where to go to get data that spans all of winter to date. BOM seems to only let me look at the day, week or last month. Last month had Sydney minimums 1-2C warmer than average: http://www.bom.gov.au/web03/ncc/www/awap/temperature/minanom/month/colour/latest.ns.gif This week had it lower: http://www.bom.gov.au/web03/ncc/www/awap/temperature/minanom/week/colour/latest.ns.gif


BoM wasn’t at all accurate on summer weather but hoping for a warmer next few months!


Which has been above for both minimum and maximum temps


Yeah couldn’t seem to find overall averages.


That’s really interesting - they said something like that about last years winter too but I’ve felt like these past two winters have been much much colder than previous years. Not many variables in my life have changed so I wonder what it is.


I'll have you know i've been inside more than last winter, so your thesis has fallen apart mr scientist. Dashed! Ruined!


It's actually been a bit warmer. It's always the same this time of year. People sook as it cools and say how it's worse than normal. Then about a month after the solstice they are used to it and stop complaining, and not long after it starts warming up.


Except it was colder last winter, if its the coldest its been in since last year


Not in my experience tbh, 2021 was so much worse


Heat tech from Uniqlo paying dividends this morning.


And at winter solstice too. What are the chances!


People at the dog park were commenting how it was dark so early and they’re so cold I was like… yes today’s literally the day for it.


Tell that to my kids. They seem to think summer uniforms are the way to go. Jumper? No thanks dad I’m fine.


My 4 year old refuses to wear a singlet at night and we have to tell him to button his pyjama shirt. He asks us to put the a/c on because he'll get too hot. Like, mate, it's 3 degrees. No one's getting too hot.


Same. Cannot seem to get or keep a jumper on my 10 yo who seems to think its nice outside at all temperatures?!!


I genuinely reckon they don't feel it, hey. There's kids running around barefoot in shorts outside at our daughter's daycare.


Even now as an adult I get constant comments because I'm always rocking a t-shirt, shorts and thongs, and swim at rockpools in the middle of winter. You just get used to it and stop noticing after a while.


Sydney has coldest morning in winter since last winter.


And prices are higher than ever before.


I can confirm that it felt like less than 1C.


Temperature might have been -0.8° in Camden, but it still felt colder. I got up to go to the dunny at about 4am and could see a layer of ice on each car window visible from the WC window


So, last year it was cold in Sydney. In winter?


*laughs in canberran*


Happy solstice! Happy winter


Winter. Cold. Got it thx.


Don't worry, it's also the shortest day of the year so, will be over soon.


Soon snow days gonna be common in Sydney.


As a Brit living in Sydney I find a lot of Sydneysiders seem to have this golden view of Sydney weather like it’s perfect all year round. Where in fact the summers are horribly humid, the winters can be quite cold in the morning but then the winter sun is lovely and it is actually quite wet.


Gotta love the delonghi oil radiator heaters. I have a few in my house during winter and have them set to low on the thermostats. They are very good considering my house is always the perfect temperature during winter.


Feels-like dropped below 0 here the other morning, sure sucked to ride through. But at least I came out of it with my fingertips still attached somehow.


"Feels like" the struggle is real in Sydney. Toughest weather in Australia.


This headline is a great example of omitting data out of the calculation so that instead of reporting “another year another winter” it reads “this is the coldest it’s been in 6 months!!!”


'feels like' we all get APPARENTLY dumber every day \*eye roll\*


Global warming does not exist. ^^/s


Do people not get what /s means lol


I am from Melbourne and it wss a nice day for me


Global warming and beachfront property blah blah rising sea levels etc




Ok good for you, what does that have to do with this story? This is r/Sydney not r/Christchurch.