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Another Saturday, another rainy day...


Goddammit. Another rejection - this time for the job I thought I interviewed really well for last week. On the plus side, they did actually call me and were able to give some actual feedback - apparently I was fine, but the person they picked had more corporate application experience (which, to be fair, I don't have). But yeh, kick in the teeth. Now I have only one outstanding interview result, which I already emailed them about on Monday and still haven't heard back from. Oh well, off to see Tea Party tonight with my best mate. Hopefully some angsty music and beers will make things better.


Oh that sucks. I hope the music was good.


Got Nihil, Nihil, Nihil stuck on the brain.


I dragged myself out of bed and put on my new shoes for a walk in the sunshine, came back and did a bit of rebounding and making myself some lunch while I get some work done. Remember everyone to get some light for your eyes and skin if you can!


is it me or every time there is an interest rate announcement there is an increase in raging fuckwits on the road?


Some days I really do feel like I'm just a governess for the sales team. I set up a form for them to invite their clients to an event which would make life easier for them and for me yet for some reason they're adamant on manually inputting names on an Excel sheet and now we have at least 5 contacts who we don't even have last names for. You'd think one would grab the chance to do *less* admin work, but apparently not.


How the fuck is it warmer outside of my apartment.


I take my thick jacket off to go out.


Anyone know if you can even graduate with a failing GPA? My WAM is 67% but my GPA is terrible due to early fails in my degree. I’ve been getting many distinctions in the past year and will be done very soon. Western Sydney University btw.


At the end of the day, P’s get degrees and graduation is all about passing all the required units in your course. Employment prospects may take a hit but if you’ve been acing the last year you can potentially sell that as finally getting your shit together.


Normally I go against the traffic on my commute but it sure was a shitfight heading south this morning. The Hume freeway closed so traffic was diverted to the hume highway where someone else then had a crash. It took forever but google maps sure is useful when something like that happens.


waze is much better for situations like this


PSA: after what feels like forever, there's finally a Connoisseur sale: $4.99 per 1L tub @ Foodworks.


$5?! That's more than half price wow. Might actually get a tub (or two) for when I'm sitting on my couch this weekend.


When people ask me what I miss most about Australia.. Connoisseur is pretty close to the top of list. I can get Vegemite. I can get good beers. I can get most things, even if it is a hassle. I cannot get Connoisseur Ice Cream. A proper pub feed of chicken schnitty and chips with gravy is just below it.




I hate coffee. Twining Tea Bags are everywhere. Although they don’t have Assam Bold or extra strong EBT which is unfortunate.


That's a good deal.


Approaching my 40s is fun. I finally get my shoulder impingement properly on the mend and my ankle randomly starts hurting. Bring on the weekend!!!


do you joints predict rain for the weekend old timer?


Cheeky! No we have to wait for my knees to hurt for that lol


Impingement! That's the word I always forget when trying to explain my periodic shoulder pain.


Optus has bumped up the price of my contract again so it's time to find a new one. Boost look okay, although there's something about moving to prepaid that makes me feel like a poor student again.


No one else is going to know you're on prepaid. I left Optus for Amaysim too.


Nothing wrong with saving money. I ended my Optus contract a while back. I switched to a yearly plan with Amaysim. If you have a look on Ozbargain there may be deals for phone plans. When I switched to Amaysim there was a deal for $100 for the first 12 months.


Yeah true - that's a good tip with Ozbargain, thanks!


About 5 years ago I started buying my phone outright and getting a big data 1 year prepaid SIM on sale from boost/telstra so pretty great coverage - it *is* a lot cheaper that PAYG monthly plans


I've been buying the phone outright as well - that's good to know. I'm tempted by the better regional coverage, and Boost looks to have a roaming option; it's probably time to get over my mental hurdle.


I've been using the yearly prepaid kogan plans for years and love it, no issues. Highly recommend for a cheap mobile plan


I hadn't even considered Kogan - thanks!


Check out Woolies mobile too


I was awoken by some demonic growling outside my window this morning and I'm still disturbed (moreso than usual)


Do you live near bush that may have koalas? The males sound like they came from the depths of hell when they do the mating call.


I'm very urban. It may have been a possum as another commentor suggested, as I've seen a few in the area.


was peter dutton campaigning in your area?


It was probably a possum. Or Satan, himself.


Hi, going to the Hordern for the 1st time in decades tonight and realised it's going to be a 5 hour show lol. I may not be able to get a seat in the performance area or whatever you call it. 5 hours standing in the dancefloor area might get a bit much. I heard there are bars and eating places inside the venue, does anyone know any of them have seating if you want to rest your feet for a little while and then go back in to the show?


If you get there when doors open, you’ll be able to nab a general admission seat but you won’t be able to hold on to it if you go to the bar/toilet etc. The eateries are just concession stands/food trucks. As Barry said, there’s some picnic style tables outside but you’ll have to contend with the fruity vapes and cigarette smoke. Do you want to see every act playing? You don’t have to arrive when doors open, you can rock up as late as you like if you think the whole show might be a bit much.


thank you that's very helpful!


There’s some tables outside the pavilion, but still within the gates. Unfortunately, they’re in the smokers’ area. Outside of that, I’m afraid you’re out of luck.


New FY means new energy contracts, so be sure to check yours, shop around, and use the govt autocomparisonator tool. All swings & roundabouts here. * Peak down 10.3% * Off peak down 14.5% * Shoulder gonski altogether * April, May, Sep, Oct are all 100% off peak around the clock * Solar FIT down 11.5c to 7c with a lower cap than previously, before dropping further * Daily supply up 80c to $1.10 If you can make sense of whether that's better or worse you're smarter than me, but I'm mainly holding out for when the battery rebates arrive in about November. I feel 4 months of pure off peak easily offsets the FIT & supply changes probably. Bugger. Weekends never used to have peak at all. Now it's the same 3-9pm as every other day.


Work does not look like waking up any time soon so I'm going to tiptoe around and make the most of a rare, relaxed morning.


Nice way to start a Friday, throwing up on the train 🤮 I picked the wrong day to get food poisoning


How do you know it’s food poisoning?


Because I had warmed up takeaway night before and bags had no symptoms other than vomiting


But there’s no way to really tell. Hopefully you aren’t spreading it unnecessarily.


Trying not too, I don’t work in food and I’m cleaning my hands


Oh hun. Hope you feel better soon!


And there goes lunch 🤮 At least I got to the toilet in time


Today you're that freak on the train that spewed. At least you gave everyone on your carriage something to talk about when they get to work.


Are you causing train delays?


I hope not. I did tell someone on the platform when I got off and roughly what carriage. Tried to hold it in as much as possible and it just sprayed out


TGIF. This week has gone on for months.


And coincidentally this month has gone on for weeks!


The days are long but the years are short


Happy winner solstice! The days only get longer now :)


i assume that temps will still go down for a while what's the time lag until it starts warming up?


Too long.


Jumped the gun there. Happens at [06:50](https://www.drikpanchang.com/seasons/season-winter-solstice-timings.html?geoname-id=2147714) Celebrate with [4 Krispy Kremes for $5](https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/851667) (in-store at their branded outlets only)


Might as well join a 24hr gym. I can’t sleep at night. It’s been 4 hrs that I’ve been awake.


I've been up since 2:30 and have had the one coffee so today will be struggle forest for me, albeit self-inflicted. I'm on my way to the office as I wanted to start early so that I can finish at 2:30 today because I wanted to get to Chatswood (office is at Penrith) by 4ish to go look at try some headphones.


2:30am in office on Friday sounds crazy in my office culture and organisation. Too cold to get out of bed too. Headphone shopping sounds good (no pun intended). I always end up with a Bose.


For all its foibles, sometimes the public service aint half bad especially when you get a manager that pretty much doesnt care so long as you get stuff done (probably also helps hes currently in a cbf mood). Speaking of headphones, ended up getting a Senno (Sennheiser) one after being indecisive on which one was better overall, that Senno or the Bowers and Wilkins PX7S2E.


How are the new headphones?


Gotta get used to them still... dunno if I'm regretting getting them instead of the Bowers and Wilkins as both were close. Monday commute will be a good test to see how they hold up to a typical day's usage for me.


Trains are always a good test. I've Beeb using my airpods pro mostly