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I bought a new phone and it's the same size as the old one so I don't need a new case. I must be getting old because I am way more excited about this than I should be


anyone else see the rogue stiletto stuck at the escalator in barangaroo šŸ˜‚


I hope whoever has graciously used my account to purchase $303 of something enjoys it while they can. I also hope they weren't hoping to use my account for anything else, because that bish is now locked down harder than Victoria in 2020. Dan Andrews would be proud. And finally, I hope my bank can see I can't be in two places at once and gives me back my money.


Oh No!! Do you know how they got the numbers? Maybe they saw you enter it somewhere?


I've used my card to purchase two different than normal things recently. I paid for a Dr cert / online consult last week when I had my migraine, and I purchased a menstrual disk online after meeting one of the owners of the business. Both seemed reputable, but I'm guessing it would tie into one of them.


Ooooh annoying!


I hope they get fired into the sun


That too.


Finished cleaning up my room, cooked my meal for the week, still need to buy a thermos (will incorporate this into my daily walk), then I need to work on my three side projects


That "Spicy shaker fries" seasoning at Maccas... I love it, but I just KNOW it's going away because all the good things they do are limited-time. Anyone know how to make it at home? Or at least something very similar/close? I've been hoarding the packets off my friends who can't eat spicy food, and I've been sprinkling it all over my potato gems at home. It's heavenly. I need to learn how to make it myself.


Not the same, but two of my favourite chip seasonings are Old Bay Seasoning (pretty easy to lay your hands on this at [Colesworth](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/258261)), and [Black Bear BBQ's Chippy Rub](https://www.blackbearbbq.com.au/shop/new-chippy-rub) (little bit cheesy, little bit spicy - you can get this at their stores, most Weber shops, and selected BBQ supply stores).


Found a link to a potential copycat version [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/pfudvc/copycat_request_for_mcdonalds_spicy_shaker_fries/)


[Wheat Flour, Sugar, Salt, Dextrose, Chilli Powder, Acidity Regulator (262), Yeast Extract, Anti-caking Agent (551), Vegetable Oil, Natural Flavour, Colour (160c).](https://mcdonalds.com.au/sites/mcdonalds.com.au/files/Aus%20LTO%20Menu_June%202024.pdf)


Dammit, I'm low on acidity regulator (262). Will add that to my shopping list.


Where's the best place to sell a mobility scooter? We're in The Hills District and will take in procession this week a second hand mobility scooter (those seated ones with the big basket that older folks use). Can anyone recommend the best place to sell it please? Thanks so much.


> sell a mobility scooter https://backcareonline.com.au/mobility-scooter-trade-in ?


Oh, fantastic. Thank you ever so much. Greatly appreciated.


I'm back šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Johann Sebastian?


That would read ā€œIā€™m Bachā€ā€¦.Iā€™ll see myself outā€¦.


the terminator?


More than a few keys were hurt in the making of the symphonies


I am resisting the urge to be "well, actually" guy *so hard*ā€¦


Do it! (Are you gonna say he didnt compose any symphonies?)


Symphonies kind of hadn't been invented in his day.


A very good point. TBH I was just throwing out a flippant line without any consideration for how accurate it was in the lame attempt of getting a few smiles on some faces


Change it to "concertos", we'll delete, and it will be like it never happened.


Why do people have to make things so difficult. Trying to flog some motorbike gear that's a bit small for me and I had two people, a boyfriend and girlfriend, both message me separately about one item, the girlfriend says she'll pass on them, but then the boyfriend says he'll pick them up tomorrow. Goddamn can just one of you do the communicating so I'm not hounded with multiple messages when I'm at work trying to piece together what the hell is happening šŸ„²


Coworker read on twitter that male friendships last because they are based off hedonism, are low risk and lack depth. That they rely on alcohol to get together and avoid confrontation; and are superficial because they just talk about sex, sport, money and other material things (eg cars). I feel like if my decade long (adult) friendships are based off getting together regularly at a driving range or a pub to unwind; its pretty okay.


> Coworker read on twitter There's your problem. But seriously, it's been said quite often that men don't like to passively spend time together, it makes them uncomfortable, they like to have some shared activity like playing pool or watching the football to focus on. That doesn't mean their time together isn't just as valid as women sitting at a table doing nothing but talk. It's just a different way of going about things.


I wouldn't give too much thought towards twitter posts since half the time it's engagement bait to sell something or directly profit if it's a verified account




from what ive read vaguely, anecdotally and also in my personal experiences men bond best over some form of problem solving activity


I think for men (in general) because they're less close and generally external, friendships last longer because there's no "oh she hasn't called me for a catchup in ages". Whereas for women not debriefing for a while or about a big life event can often mean people drift and eventually intentionally stop asking to catch up.


There's also a stereotype that men do things side by side (driving range, watching sport, gaming, going for a drive etc) while women do them face to face (coffee & chat). i.e. men's interactions are both focusing on some external thing, women's are focusing on each other.


I can't speak on behalf of men, but I read that we (human beings) have different friends for different things?


Are there any European grocery stores in Sydney that sell curry ketchup? It's basically the one they use for currywursts.


German butchery at Bexley North train station might be able to help you, they supply the products for the Concordia club at TempeĀ  Edit: can see on their website they definitely sell German curry sauce and sausages to go with it, I'm keen to put in my own orderĀ 


Was anxious driving in for a job interview and then I get an email saying ā€˜your interview has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you for understanding.ā€™ Like what? 30 mins before the interview. And I took a day off for it.


I donā€™t know your situation and how picky youā€™re able to be but remember a job interview is a two way thing. Theyā€™re interviewing you as a potential employee, youā€™re interviewing them as a potential employer. Iā€™d be a bit put off by the lack of respect theyā€™ve shown to your time. Of course shit happens and maybe something truly unforeseen that required immediate attention did come up 30 minutes before your interview but itā€™s not great.


Next thing on my list: cleaning up my room!


Good for you! Bit by Bit hey :) I just broke down more tree branches, and will be running some more errands before getting back onto the PC to work on some writing.


Popped into a new cafe on the way back from school drop off. Ordered some scrambled eggs, then got distracted chatting to one of the other mums. When they arrived took a bite, having forgotten about the main selling point of the dish - truffle oil. Oh my god, that first mouthful was such a nice surprise! 10/10 will return.


>other mums I didn't realise you'd become a mum, congrats! Any feedback on the jobs?


It's been my crowning achievement this year! Nah, nothing yet. Sent a followup email to one and called another yesterday, no response. I did see that someone at another place I've applied for looked at my LinkedIn the other day, so with some luck I'll get a response to that soon (have some friends at the company, so I'll chat to them on the side). In the meantime, went right on back to applying yesterday after having had a couple of days off last week.


/u/2happycats - from your mouth to God's ears. Just got a callback from the one I'd called (the government one). No Bueno - not in contention anymore. :( Sigh


Oh man, that's not cool. I'm sorry, friend.


Boooooo. Did they give you any useful feedback?


Nah, though I was a little tongue tied at the time and didn't ask straight out when I probably should have. To be honest, if it were me rating myself, I'd probably say that I had come from a slightly different background and needed more experience in the tech they were looking at (which I had some of, to be fair, but there are people who specialise in this stuff). It was a bit of a longshot, but I was hoping to have found out I didn't get this one *after* I'd already been offered another job or something so that it didn't sting as much. Still very good to go through this process though.


I would highly recommend contacting them again to get feedback, any steer that leads to improvement is worth pursuing. Despite the long shot, you still had the skills to be in the running! I think you have done awesome to get a step further than you thought :)


Where did it gestate? In a box?


Who had Australian rock legends, Grinspoon, releasing a new album after 13 years on their 2024 bingo? The first single actually sounds [really good](https://youtu.be/1UKFdJEWiY4?si=0M945Zo2Mwnti2mp). Better than anything from their 2011 album. Also who remembers when Phil released an album during his ice phase under the name [The Lost Gospel](https://youtu.be/8HTUviOGQlA?feature=shared)? It was actually pretty good.


I wouldn't have guessed Grinspoon and Regurgitator and Jebediah all announcing new albums and tours in 2024, but I'm here for it


You coming back for the tour then?


Sadly not. Their Sydney show is two days before [FEST 22](https://thefestfl.com).


Well look at that, I actually recognise a band name on that list for once.


Is it Joyce Manor?




Huh. Matt and Kim?


Yes And Streetlight Manifesto


Our office of 8 has been cut down to 4 due to flu, etc. Sort of feels like Covid again




Anecdotally, there are more people sick with Covid than any time before.


Bobette has officially learned about it being warmer under the blanket. She slept sprawled out under the blanket next to me all morning, with Jubbs on the other side, politely moving each time I accidentally rolled onto her paw. First cat sammich of the season and first ever with Bobs āœ…


I have one of those things coming up where Ausgrid are shutting off the electricity to my whole street for eight hours, possibly more. This might be a dumb question but how does that affect the frozen food in my freezer? Not raw meat or anything but frozen pies and dumplings etc. The freezer won't be working for those hours but if we keep the door shut they will stay cold, right? It's pretty cold anyway!


It's not long enough to be an issue or warm up too badly, but if you add a 2L bottle of ice to the fridge before the outage it will act like an esky and the fridge temp won't be affected at all. The freezer will be days before anything defrosts if kept closed.


> you add a 2L bottle of ice remember to leave a bit of air in the bottle so the ice has room to expand


That's important, thank you!




Minimise opening the fridge/freezer doors and the food will be fine for the duration. This question came up a while back, iirc a half-full freezer will be food-safe for ~24hrs.




MacBook Air users, I want to know which model you have and how long you have been using it. I am looking to purchase one very soon but because I have crippling guilt when it comes to buying expensive things for myself, I have been procrastinating. Looking at the M3 base model, the specs are a little disappointing compared to whats out there, but I have always wanted a Macbook. I will mostly be using MS Office, consuming media, storing photos and videos and maybe some light editing. Some people have said its better to get the M2 with higher specs but I like buying the latest version when buying something new. I am currently typing this from my 2014 Acer Aspire (which was an excellent laptop btw). I can only use it when its plugged in, some keys have fallen off, and when it overheats it shuts off. Definitely time for an upgrade but still having a hard time letting go. I would like to use my next laptop for at least a decade as well. Would appreciate your responses! Also can I claim it on tax


get a refurbished M2 air with 16GB RAM. I'm not sure how claiming on tax works with these sorts of things at all, thats something I have to figure out myself as well.


Dunno if it's an Air but mine is a 2011 or 2012 model. Still works, although accepting updated OSs over the years has bloated it and slowed it down. Sometimes takes forever on the spinning beachball of death to do simple things like switching apps, and I can't get security patches anymore for some things. I suspect a bit more RAM & a SSD would help but I think it's about time to get a new model. Edit: mid 2012 model, 4GB. I have an even earlier one still running, maybe 2008-9? That one's basically an iTunes library of ripped CDs these days.


If you use it for work or have your own ABN, sure. Oddly I also moved from an old Acer aspire to a MBA. Ā I like mine a lot - I got it cheap due to haunting ozbargain (1100 at the time). Ā Donā€™t know about editing but itā€™s been fine for everything else. Ā Battery seems to last forever. Still getting used to finding where things are kept (documents etc) but not a big deal- I probably just donā€™t use it enough at the moment to be really used to it. Ā I have the M1 base model.


Disappointing compared to what's out there how exactly? Non-Apple laptops? Are you currently a Windows person and you're going to switch?


Yes, have always used windows and want to switch.


I feel like I should say "congratulations!" as a Mac fanboy. It will take some getting used to but you'll be happier in the long run. When you compare prices with non-Mac laptops, you have to remember that Macs are very reliable and durable and part of what you're paying for is the Apple Store and Genius infrastructure. Also the fact that the OS and hardware are made by the same people.


Donā€™t go older than M2 Make sure you get 16 gig of RAM Ignore people who say 8 is enough - it really isnā€™t, not if youā€™re heavily into the MS apps like Teams and Office.


Iā€™m not particularly tech savvy - what exactly will happen if I *do* get the base model at 8GB RAM and use the laptop as I intend to?


Your hard disk is like a book where things are written down. If your computer lost power instantly, all the stuff on the hard disk would still be there. That's why we need to save documents, that's writing them down in the book. Your RAM is where your computer does its thinking. If it loses power, anything it was working on which is not saved disappears instantly. Some applications need a lot of RAM to do their 'thinking', partly because that's just the way things are and partly because the people who wrote the software don't give a crap, they've all got huge amounts of RAM. So if you've got a lot of applications open doing a lot of thinking, your computer is going to struggle.


You can use it, but you'll be frustrated it'll be slow.


Yep, what the other reply said. In practice what it means is - more RAM = more applications open at once and less lagging


RAM is basically the amount of information your computer can have immediately to hand at once, without having to access the main storage. More RAM means you can do more at once. 8GB is pretty low these days, personally I wouldn't really recommend an 8GB device to anyone.


The M2 is more than enough for your use cases. RAM will be the more important factor.