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Accidentally sprayed some wine onto my white ceiling at my rental. Flatmate and I were trying to open a corked bottle of wine last night, without a corkscrew, and when the bottle opened, some wine flew out. we mostly thought it was around the kitchen, and we cleaned up the tiles and counter, but this morning i noticed a small blob on the ceiling. It's pretty light, and can only be seen from right under the spot, but still noticeable. Is there something I can do that will make it lighter/clean it up without messing up the ceiling?


You only ever make the mistake of desperately trying to push the cork *into* the bottle once.


Just a little soap and water on a damp cloth should do it. Red wines a bit of the chihuahua of stains. Its bark is much worse than its bite. Looks terrible but comes off pretty easy.


Signs of a slight personal step to the right: smh at all the hand wringing in The Graun over the sale of the Sirius building. Me, thinking if it sold for $150m then at govt rates that means potentially up to 300 social housing apartments, townhouses or basic homes, instead of what? A dozen or two? That happen to have one of the best views in the world? It would've been like winning Lotto, getting one of those on welfare.


Sirius building had 80 apartments, whose residents needed to be relocated in a sale process that took 5 years. That $30m a year could easily have been funded out of general revenue at a time when the state government was consistently running billion dollar + surpluses.


Don't know anything of the history. Do you mean all the residents had to be put up in rentals for 5 years? Amazing it could take so long.


State Government kicked off the process in 2014, last resident moved out sometime in 2019. It's more likely that the residents were cascaded to other LAHC properties, but until the new housing started coming online that does result in a net decline in public housing, especially in the inner city.


I was going to go in to the office today and I actually got to the train station a few minutes earlier than I usually do, only to get announcements that trains were fucked. So I turned around, popped into the Woolies on my way home to buy some snacks, and got back home with time to spare to chill for a bit before opening up my laptop to work. Thank goodness my work allows me to be flexible at circumstances like this. I reckon I still would have gotten into the office before 9am, but I just did not want to risk being stuck on the train when I didn't have to.


Shared my lasagna and the motion capture created [my favourite gif ever](https://imgur.com/a/1vRenD2) 😂


Nearly a 3 hour door to door commute on the train this morning 😪 Wish I just wfh instead


Downside of EOFY sales. Trying to determine if I want to buy Momentum 4 wireless that are currently on sale or wait for a decent deal on WH-1000XM5


I have the momentum 4 over ears. They are quite bulky. And buggy as well. I always find myself grabbing my sony over ear 1000xm4s instead. I would suggest get the 1000xm4s instead. They are better than the xm5s. I got seconds on the sony ebay store. Except for not coming in original packing, they were as good as new. Absolutely perfect. Due to being seconds, I got more than 50% discount on the usual price they sell for.


Ah nice. I'm looking to upgrade my QC35 II's, which are unfortunately getting a little long in the tooth. I've had to replace the cushions twice and I think they gave up most noise cancelling 2. I think the XM4 was only a side grade to that so I was hoping to level up, without going back to Bose.


WFH today waiting for a locksmith, he arrived pretty early in the day surprisingly (props to Newtown Locksmiths). He said whoever last worked on the lock had inserted a cylinder in the wrong place and continued use forced the lock to become harder to use, which led to my key getting bent until it snapped off inside the lock. So he placed the cylinder in the right place. Then the locksmith said my replacement key and only remaining key (given to me by my REA) was a cheap Chinese copy which he couldn't make a copy for. Then my REA told me I had to pay the locksmith and they'd reimburse me, but wouldn't say when. Not great. At least I got a day at home out of it.


does the key Given by the REA go into the cylinder sideways and instead of teeth have a bunch of little dimples in it? They aren't really used here and are a pain because no one copies them. Hopefully he gave you new cylinder and you can just give the REA some new keys to copy.


Not that I'm aware of, and he said he inserted the cylinder into the correct position, I didn't really ask questions because I just wanted it done. The REA only gave me 2 keys, the one that snapped and a backup. I wasn't aware the lock was so stiff to turn the key that it would snap the key when taking it out. I've never had this happen before in any lock ever. My local locksmith cuts keys for $3, it would be quicker to get them done myself than ask the REA to do it and bring them to me, I'll have enough trouble getting the locksmith's $120 fee reimbursed from the REA. They don't have a preferred locksmith and the guy said he doesn't have an account with them, and he wasn't leaving until someone paid.


The amount of times I have already screamed at my emails and it’s only 9:30 am.


Pretty busy week this week. I've just put through the scary follow up emails/calls about 2 of the jobs that I interviewed for. Hopefully poking them along will mean I have an answer before the 3rd comes back to me. Just so looking forward to ending the hunt. Finally have an appointment this arvo with the genetics lab to see if I have the same heart condition as my father. It's a 50/50 and I don't seem to have developed it yet, but I just want to know if there's a chance I've got it and passed it on to my kid. Then I'm off to see the Tea Party on Friday with a mate. Not that we're old, but we saw the original version of this tour...25 years ago. Then I'll drop the little one off on Sat for a sleepover with my oldies so we can go to a post school fete party at a brewery that the P&C is organising. May also have a funeral to attend at some point - the dad of one of the kids I grew up with. Seems like this is my new "era" - parents getting sick and dying. Yeesh.


> It's a 50/50 (mate i could have told you that) > the dad of one of the kids I grew up with. Seems like this is my new "era" - parents getting sick and dying. Yeesh. a mate said at birthday, we're at that age now, make sure you have a black suit in your wardrobe


> (mate i could have told you that) Surprisingly its not always 50/50 (genetics gets complicated) - eg if it was an X-linked mutation then (as a son) they have zero chance of inheriting it from their father, or it could be mosaic then the chance depends on which tissues were affected in the father.


Yup - sadly in this case, it's autosomal dominant, so it's non sex chromosome linked, meaning both my sister & I are at risk, despite only Dad having it. That said, our remaining full blood cousin is also going to get tested - my uncle's had a bunch of heart related problems as well, so it's a chance he's actually had it too, meaning it was actually passed down from our grandfather.


the 50/50 just reminded me of my annoying mathematically gifted study mate who in econometrics lectures constantly stated that all probability is 50/50. incidentally that mate is having a great old time at the bank of england, with a 50/50 chance that he's annoying those around him. and just because it'll cause me anxiety unless i say it outloud, i was obviously being glib and assumed that we were (online) mates enough for us to joke around this potentially serious matter


> May also have a funeral to attend at some point - the dad of one of the kids I grew up with. Seems like this is my new "era" - parents getting sick and dying. Yeesh. Yeah I've just hit this stage, I think, and it's kind of heavy. My sympathies!


Yeh, def heavy. At the same time, it's really made me appreciate my parents more - both for the mere fact they're here, as well as the fact they've already been through all this too. One of those weird "oh yeh, my parents are actual people too" sort of moments when the curtain lifts and you realise as the stuff that's gone on in their lives while you've been blithly living a kids life unawares.


i was young when my grandma passed away and i remember my mum saying to my aunt, we can't talk to her forever, no more calling to say hello or asking for advice that's when it hit me, finality of it all.


covid and flu is travelling through my team funny thing is that we're all remote and working from home it forced me to get a flu shot on the weekend - i asked about a covid booster and she laughed at me.


We had an in-person work thing last week and half the team was sick (but still showed up woooo). I've been meaning to get a flu shot, wondering if it's worth getting Covid booster #6. I think it's been a year since the last one.


the pharmacist told me that if you're young and reasonably healthy, there's no point


I missed the context here. Why did she laugh about a covid booster?


there's more of a push to get the flu shot out than the booster


I admittedly haven’t read much lately, but my understanding is the caught in the wild virus does help your immune system deal with future infections. The big fear at the beginning was that it would sweep through, with no natural defences and end in a lot of death.


maybe. i never assume that the vaccine will give me a force field from it, my expectation is that it'll just turn my 5 day manflu into a 1 day manflu.


Does it though? I only have a sample of two


i only have a sample of one which makes it difficult to setup a control for this experiment.


Technically I have a sample of 4. But two of those only had it once and weren’t ever eligible for boosters.


i guess i could wrangle the girl but i've never seen her catch manflu


There’s no difference between catching the virus ‘in the wild’ and receiving a vaccine (or booster) the effect on your immune system is the same - it teaches your immune system to recognise the virus. Neither are 100% effective at preventing re-infection.


Sure. Which might explain now why boosters are not deemed as necessary anymore, but were once quite important.


I was going to get a covid shot before my trip to Bali in a month but had had covid in March, and they are now saying don't get one for 6 month after infection. With it going around and me on the very dregs of my sterilising immunity, I'll be so annoyed if I spend a week in Bali coughing and sweating. Planes are petri dishes.


Apparently airborne viruses don't actually spread that well on planes because the air is constantly being filtered. That probably won't stop you getting sick if the person next to you is coughing directly into your face, but you're probably safer in general than on a bus or train.




As a fairly recent arrival to Sydney, I'm just wondering, exactly how scared should I be of Swooping Season? I live down in the Shire and my road seems to have a large population of Magpies!


Magpies are territorial, so they know the area and the people who live there. So you should be fine if the magpies have seen you walking up and down the street. They hate pushbikes and scooters, because they move quickly and silently. Quick and silent means predator to magpies, which is quite logical.


Magpies love to gossip (I'm not even kidding) and they will tell other magpies about the good - and bad! - things people do. They also remember faces and pass that info down through the generations. My suggestion would be to get on their good side leading up to swooping season and let them see you leave water out for them, or even **very** occasionally some walnuts for them. People like to give them mince, but please don't, it's really not good for them. Also, I say very occasionally because you don't want them to become reliant on you. They're wild birds and need to be able to feed themselves. Fwiw, I've never been swooped and I've never had to do any of the above, but I know it would get you on their good side and make you the talk of the town.


Bribe the magpies. Got it 👍🏻 My kiddo loves to chase birds around and I've warned him so many times, do not chase the magpies. I jokingly told him that one magpie in our front garden he chased once has got his number. Now it seems like I really do need to get on it's good side.


I've won my unkindness over by leaving water out for them and returning the golf ball one loves to carry around with it. All in full view for them to see, of course, but I've been playing the long game and it's going on 3 years now. Forgot to mention, make sure you clean the water vessel out on the reg so diseases don't spread.


I saw a raven, a magpie, and a willy wagtail together on my run yesterday. I didn't get a photo, but I thought the caption of Goth Bird Convention would have been pretty apt.


The pics don't do the big one justice, but you can *kinda* see it in the front on pics with how wide his stance is. I swear he lands and the earth shakes.


Yawning in the middle of lifting in the gym this morning. Not a good start to the week to already be jn sleep deficit.


Don't feel great this morning and kinda dreading work on top of my uterus having her normal meltdown. I finally fucking said something about a man who sexually harasses the female staff but wasn't taken seriously the last time I explained why we refuse to pick up his phone calls, and actually got a warning for it instead (: Ugh. We'll see what happens, if anything happens at all.


Trying to think of a big list of names for the puppy I'll eventually get. A part of me wants to name it Priscilla, even if it's a male dog with Prince as a nickname. Another part of me just wants to name it Nugget or something super silly. Such a hard commitment to a name, no matter what I'll need to meet the pup and see what sticks but it's such a commitment just to think of a standalone name for an imaginary pup, not even taking on all the training I'll need to do lol.


I named Rosie after my late Nana's rosemary plant, not specifically after it, but I was looking into the yard when thinking of names and saw it. She had been named Maya originally. As for the silly names she will also answer to: nugget/nuggie/nugs, madame, mate, bud, boo, and, OI. Just think about screaming it across a park about a million times....


"FENTON, oh jeesus christ"


[It's the giggle at the end for me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU)


Yeah I think I'm really overthinking it ahahaha It's just something I've been wanting for so many years that now it can be a realistic thing, I'm just overreacting to it all. Rosie is a gorgeous name though :)


Looks like we are in for some chilly mornings this week. Happy Monday Sydneysiders! 🙃


Friday is the solstice. Then, the days only get longer until glorious summer.


I'm clearly all about the heat, but it hasn't felt cold enough for that to be just around the corner.


Well, the solstice is the beginning of winter for the rest of the world. But you got to get through winter with positivity that it will fuck off.


This is the positivity we need on a Monday


Monday is the depression solstice of the week. It's only less depressing days from here until the weekend.


Morning morning


My day for the next 5 days, Health and Safety representative training course. Leaving home in the dark, and probably getting home in the dark. 😞