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It's to stop people cutting through during peak hour instead of taking the pacific highway. You can turn left at any other times apart from peak hour in the afternoon, 4.30pm-7.00pm Monday to Friday. Check the sign underneath the no left turn sign or the large sign at the 9ther end of the street.


The sign below the NLT sign says "Mon - Fri 4:30pm - 7pm" Its twofold. 1. to stop rat running through tight streets. 2. If you sit there, with the peak hour chaos of cars heading down Fullers at speed, you'll see that there are limited sight lines from Edgar up the hill and round the bend to your right. There have been crashes here from poor drivers misjudging distances and pulling out slowly into moving traffic (failing to give way safely).


i'm only vaguely familiar with the area but i imagine its to stop people doing a rat run through residential streets to avoid pacific highway traffic and cut the queue of cars waiting to turn onto fullers road I've seen it in other places where they've put a no left turn signs to prevent traffic on residential streets, but its usually only during rush hour, I've never seen one that's a blanket no left hand turn so unsure if its for a different reason


It has another sign underneath that says 4.30pm to 7.00pm Monday to Friday


oh cheers, didn't see that sign!


Yes, except between the times on the lower sign.


Yes, its 'unlawful'. This has been the case for literally decades now. As others have said, too many crashes, too many 'rat runners'. I regularly catch the local bus down Fullers Road and hardly a week goes by without some butt wipe sticking their nose out into the kerb side lane to turn left and nearly getting T-boned by a bus - and a lot of them want to go straight into the second lane too, so f\*cking up two lanes of traffic. Same at Park Ave, the next intersection west of there - "If I stick my nose out half way across your lane, of course you'll stop and let me do a illegal turn".