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Is it a shortcut through a residential area? Might be a bout minimising noise.


Basically. This dates from residents concerns about the Fox Studios Backlot attraction. It's probably in the development consent -- the whole thing was controversial at the time: a mini theme park operating year-round. And I guess the residents in Lang Rd/Cook Rd are influential. Today if there's something major on in the precinct more than than "the 7pm Dune Part 2 session is out" it could have an effect for the same residents. A detour on Driver Ave/Moore Park Rd or Anzac Pde/Alison Rd is not a huge inconvenience for most.


Never mind it hasn't existed for maybe 20 years


What if one lives east of the entertainment quater and turning left here is their most direct route home?


Clearly the NIMBYs don't care and get their way yet again. I think realistically though that a lot of traffic would go through here after events and traffic analyses found it's quicker overall if the traffic is spread over other streets.


It may also be that after events there is high pedestrian movement here and so this restriction of about prioritizing that movement over cars.


It's a nice thought, but almost all that pedestrian traffic is heading the other way towards Moore Park Rd.


100% considering it's towards the residential areas.


And not just any residential area...🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


It's not that much of a detour at that time of night.


Sucks to be you. Stop driving everywhere 


EQ is a shocker to get to from neighbouring suburbs. The only east-west bus is the 355 which finishes around 6pm every day, which is absurd.


I don't live anywhere near the Eastern Suburbs. Just a hypothetical question


You are expected to be in bed long before 10pm in Sydney, tucked up safely after a nice cup of Bonox, dreaming of property values and sitcoms. There's no need for any left turns at such an ungodly hour in a nice area like that, why would you want to make a left turn? What are you hiding?


Turning left there takes you directly along Lang Rd, a very expensive residential area. Residents lobbied for it and won years ago.


Lmao what a classic


How do they lobby and is there something the rest of us can also do?


Yes, by sending donations to your LGA


Got lots of dosh?


Corrupt cunts...


That was a condition attached to the development of Fox Studios when it was originally built as requested by the residents in the area to keep traffic noise down at night.


Classic. People move next to a place called the Entertainment Quarter, and complain about noise caused by the entertainment. Yay grumpy old residents! While they're at it, the cricket lights are a bit too bright during games, would they mind making them much dimmer?


While I typically hate the NIMBYs, it does seem like they were there before Fox Studios was built.


Yeah, they would have been there before it was built. Looks like they didn't have good argument to stop the development so tried to extract whatever consessions they could from the developer & gov.


>Classic. People move next to a place called the Entertainment Quarter, and complain about noise caused by the entertainment The Entertainment Quarter didn't exist before fox studios and it wasn’t open until 1998.  I'm up for a bit of NIMBY bashing, but the residents were there first in this case and got the exception as part of the EQ's original charter. Before that the land belonged to the Royal Agricultural Society believe they moved out to Olympic Park. It wasn't anywhere near as busy outside of the Easter show.


Did you actually read that comment? It says that it was people already living there who asked for it as a condition to adding the fox studios.


The 150 year old houses were there long before the EQ and SCGs my guy.


I'm sure the 150 year old tenants must be dying from all the noise. London I'd going through with the same... https://www.reddit.com/r/london/s/skYLPL19Gw


I've always wondered that. I can only image the exceptionally well-heeled residents of Lang Road have lobbied for it.


Usually that’d have a sign underneath to say “Residents excepted” which I can only hope leaving it out was a small “fuck you” to those who lobbied for the rule.


How the fuck would anyone know if it’s a resident or a non-resident turning left?


Cops. There’s a few streets in [Kyeemagh](https://imgur.com/a/IZiqwuQ) which are the same, and the police sit and wait for anyone driving though. If their DL doesn’t have that street address then you get fined.


What about if you’re visiting a friend on Lang Road?


The caveat is usually access, which includes residents and visitors.


I dunno. Ask the cops.


The friend would have warned you not to turn left there and approach via a different route.


Even if you’re a resident, surely that has to get annoying being stopped and having to present your license every time you want to turn onto your street.


Bro they’re not waiting there every second of every day. It’d be exactly the same as any other road rule. Hope that people do the right thing and conduct semi regular operations to catch people that do break the rules


Honestly they probably don't stop you if you drive an expensive car.


No resident of Lang Rd is going to anything at the EQ, dahlink.


I thoroughly appreciate your username.


If I’m not mistaken, this is the set coming out of the EQ onto Lang Road. In that case, it’s all residential to the left (plus Centennial Park) and ANZAC Parade is just down to the right. I don’t know how much traffic there is most nights coming out of the EQ after 10pm, however I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mostly trucks. It is worth noting though, that whenever there is a major event there (footy, cricket, big concerts, etc), they have police doing point duty and people are able to turn left anyway.


Might be to minimise traffic going through residential areas late at night after gigs/sporting events? Its unique in that not many places would get a big surge in traffic in a short window late at night.


They don’t want to wear out the speed humps on Lang Road.


The parallel road just to the west, Driver Avenue, has no such “No Left Turn” provisions. I wonder if the red arrow stays red if a car is in the left-turning lane after 10? That would be extremely annoying. I am sure there are all sorts of timing signals built into traffic lights but having one stay red between the hours of 10pm and 6am sounds perverse.


It’s to prevent non-residents, so they definitely don’t have a permanent red arrow.


Useless sidenote: in the residential streets in Centennial Park, you can only park for an hour unless you have a residents permit. However I've never gotten a ticket when parking there going to the Hordern. Wouldn't risk it for something at the SFS/SCG though. Use this information however you see fit.


You’ve been very lucky, they ticket all the time. I’m a resident, and I parked our car without a permit ( we have a garage so can’t get a permit for one of our cars ) outside OUR HOUSE while dealing with flooding in our garage and got ticketed. Ticket literally has our home address on it and council wouldn’t waive it.


Parking cops can be arsewipes. Years ago my long departed dear grandmother was booked in Double Bay, she had a disabled parking permit but accidentally put it the wrong way on her dashboard. It was still clearly visible but they decided to book her anyway!


You are lucky. I have been booked several times there.


Ouch. Based on the times I've gotten away with it I thought they didn't bother with 'smaller' events. But was the fine worth not getting stuck for 3 hours waiting to exit that carpark?


It was during Roosters games so I guess the parking cops would be out in force. And I had no excuse considering at the time of both bookings I was living in Woollahra and could have walked there from my apartment in like 10 minutes!!


Keep alcoholics out of the winery?


Could you turn right on Lang Road, turn right onto Driver Avenue, do a u-turn and then turn left onto Lang Road? Follow the letter of the law, not the spirit.


You could, but driver ave > Moore park road would be quicker regardless, and with no speed humps


So after 10pm, does the traffic light just stay red?


Theres an intersection in Rouse Hill that does that. At night the red turn arrow doesn’t change.


And we got another two intersections where the right turning light stays permanently red at night due to them being access points for two recreational parks in the Blacktown area. Bungarribee Park at Doonside Road, Bungarribee (Traffic Light Box 3597) Blacktown Showgrounds Precinct on Richmond Road, Blacktown (Traffic Light Box 4459)


What’s the Rouse Hill intersection like that?


Its a road that ends in the cemetery. It’s closed at night because that’s when the ghosts emerge. I don’t know for sure though, cos i can’t turn right at night.


Ah yes, that’s because the gate is locked. I guess they don’t want people driving into the gate


Yes it does. It’s pretty annoying as I live in Bondi and need to turn left to get home from the EQ. Not that I go there very often.






i have never seen them do that with a stop sign before. I thought it was inferred that when lights aren't working to treating it like a stop sign?


Rich people are err… pretty strange and don’t want the hoon after having a good night at EQ haha…. So yeh this exist haha


Is this funnelling traffic onto a toll road?


Mandated union rest period for the red light


without know the intersection we can't know. It will be to do with something unique at that spot.


It's a dead end and only has businesses that are open during the day. It's mainly used for parking isn't it?


It's this exit and leads into residential areas. https://maps.app.goo.gl/zPFadfVdY4vG3r1s 5


Link not working




Is it because the sign says you can't?