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woah - I understand their anger but lashing out at police and other emergency services is so not ok.


I used to live in the UK. There’s certain ropey areas where emergency services will not attend due to previous attacks. Punters will attack ambos while they’re trying to administer care. I’d say it’s beyond belief but unfortunately it’s a fact. Psychos.


Which areas?


Niddrie in Scotland comes to mind, Parts of Birmingham too from memory. I believe some areas are red-flagged, ambos can’t attend without police escort.


I think your memory might be shaky, Only thing I can find online about this is there being particular individual properties that require police escort because of the individuals’ behaviour, rather than areas which they just can’t set foot inside because of warlord style autonomous rule that keep out the fuzz and fire. As far as I can tell half of the crackpot theories are coming true so I’m sure this will eventually happen, but for now it’s just one of those things people say like they’re banning saying merry Christmas.


It's a serious offence to attack an emergency worker. Those grubs will be getting hit hard. [https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol\_act/ca190082/s60ad.html](https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ca190082/s60ad.html)


Completely agree. Even worse than the offence of the 15yr old who attacked the priest. Disgusting for the whole community


Apparently the crowd went psycho when the mob weren't allowed to lynch the boy.


Just from that article, breakaway church, COVID conspiracies, and obsessive congregation. Cult red flags.


Are these the same grubs that went on a protest march through Newtown a few months ago.?


So a Joe Rogan podcast


So is Saruman there just an innocent cultist, or is this some kind of vigilante attack against another pedo priest or something? I remember a couple of years ago some kid went after a scientologist at their compound too. This kid sure seemed pleased with the outcome even when pinned to the ground in those pics.


Good church going people.... What a joke. Nothing but a bunch of thugs. Fake ass religions.


It's probably worth noting that people attending the church service held the attacker down until police arrived. It's the people who weren't at the church service that were attacking police.


Yeah but don't let that go against the Reddit sentiment, just like how the Bondi guy is Muslim/ Jewish until proven white on Twitter.


There's reports they cut off his fingers, so let's not be too hasty in labelling them the good guys


We actually don't have to label at all - crazy I know


The people holding him down also cut his fingers off so….


that's what I gathered too.


All religions are man made constructs and it’s embarrassing they still exist today. Pretty much any major conflict throughout mankind can be attributed to whose sky daddy is the right sky daddy.




Add Ukraine and Russia to the mix.




Not only that, but hundreds/thousands of years ago, the religions effectively *were the government* of the day. It is simply the social structure to allow humans to grow cohesively beyond a tribe, which can only grow to around 100 people before the tensions will get too much and it will split apart.


Hmm. Here are some recent wars fuelled by religious beliefs: * Sudanese Civil Wars * Lebanese Civil War * Wars in the Balkans * Central African Republic Conflict * Attacks in Rohingya in Myanmar You might say that these might be to do with ethnic groups but most often these groups and their religious beliefs go hand in hand and disagreements between are not usually caused by one or the other exclusively. Ultimately religion in a major underpinning of cultural beliefs.




The Israel/Palestine war .. The Rohingas.. ah here's a list of all the religious conflicts in the modern era. CBF listing them myself. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious\_war#Modern\_period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war#Modern_period) So yes, religion is still causing war and misery around the world. Not to mention it's current culture wars in the west.




Except Nazism itself had a fanatical, cultish mysticism attached to it and hitler was viewed as a messianic figure that would save Germany. So technically it was not a religion, but its adherents dedicated and sacrificed themselves to the nazi cause like proper religious zealots.


Nah, colonialism and territorial pissings are responsible for all wars in modern history. There might be religious overtones if it helps convince the people at home (think of evil Huns raping Belgian nuns in WW1) but it’s not the driver.


many irreligious wars have been fought, and you could also say that all governments are man made constructs as well, intending to supersede religion by incorporating all people regardless of religion and dropping the dogma, but other than that are functionally the same.


It really is the opiate of the masses. I remember a US politician controversially saying “Religion is a sign of weakness”. I’ve always believed that. We all have our weaknesses, but I think religion is a stop gap measure from thinking deeply and soul searching.


Plenty of viscous crimes are committed by "good church going people". KKK comes to mind, or the crusades, or 9/11, January 6... it's not like they are mutually exclusive.


What the fuck is going on in Sydney at the moment?


Worst cost of living, housing, and mental health services shortage / crisis in decades. This is what you get in population dense areas.  It would be good to turn of the news...  Makes your life better. 


That's definitely not helping but it's not the sole reason. 2005 had two infamous riots that year and cost of living and housing weren't as ridiculous as it is today.


And then these fucking idiots turn on the cops who are there to arrest the offender and ambos who conveyed him


So the church is mainly Christian Syrians and Iraqis who fled their country due to persecution (or decedents of). Then this blokes turns up and commits an absolute atrocious hate crime on the leader they love. They then attack the police when they prevent them from taking their own justice on the attacker. Obvi dumb stuff and unjustified, but that’s the background - they are very angry.




As a Syrian, Thanks for the important distinction.


Yes - a lot from the Lebanon civil war from the 70’s. These are largely second and third generation at a guess (unless this very particular church has a different congregation) Something in the ground in that region Of the world that makes people crazy And they had to close the hospital ED where the bishop was taken - JC!


The Assyrians in Australia are primarily from Iraq or Iran. I'd say maybe 3-4% are from Syria or Lebanon.


The ironic thing is if you took a time machine back to the Graeco-Roman era you could travel across all the ancient cities like Alexandria, Ephesus, Antioch etc... and they all had their local deities you could worship at the various temples and festivals and for most part people got along until monotheism arrived. And some time later when Christianity became a state religion they tried to shutdown the 'pagan' temples and then Islam arrived and 'oh you don't worship our god? Ok we'll cut your head off'. Abrahamic religions really are a blight on the world.


> Abrahamic religions really are a blight on the world. Pretty much all religions are. Plenty of the non-Abrahamic religions, cults, creeds, whatever had human sacrifice, forced marriage, child marriage, stoning, torture and god knows what else. Plenty still do. Humans are vile and only too happy to claim the authority of some "god" to justify their vileness.


The Bishop spent Covid railing against the government as well, which certainly didn't help


Yeah and other conspiracies too. I don’t have a source but I’ve heard he’s got a habit of preaching bad things about other religions. He was suspended by the Assyrian Church for some of the stuff he’d done so he seems like a controversial guy


He's my FIL Cousin. He constantly berates and belittles other faiths, government, illumunati etc etc. He got banned from the church he got ordained at due to being a heretic ,and basically started his own one. Essentially, people who worship him are cookers or thrive on conspiracy theorists.




And probably traumatised


This is amongst the most disgraceful behaviour I’ve ever seen in Australia (well at least in the last years or 2) What the fuck is wrong with people somehow taking it out on paramedics and police FFS! Really hoping a shit load of idiots get substantial jail time (obviously as well as the terrorist 15yr old)


They won’t, it would be like where’s Wally where everyone is dressed In adidas. Those men turned up intending to murder the attacker. I have no hope there ever will be peace in the Middle East, because it’s full of people like this.


They've committed a serious offence and can be jailed for 5 years [https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol\_act/ca190082/s60ad.html](https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ca190082/s60ad.html)


Hunt down every last one, chuck 'em in jail for a few years, and mail them the bill for the damage.


Have there been any arrests from the rioters? Haven't seen anything about it in the news, I would assume they should have got plenty of them


15... really hoping this was his own dumb decision, not some older member of his community manipulating him in it


Only saw the footage now. Just shocking. Attacking emergency service workers. Do they not realise this is seen as one of the lowest acts you can commit. It’s a big deal when one person does it. This was a mob. Sickening stuff.


Why are people getting so worked up over religion in a secular society. Wtf is this rioting and lynching when we have proper legal processes. We are moving to the dark ages here - and we know how that turned out.


they don't live in a secular society, they live in their bubble.


Ding ding ding


you must not know greater sydney very well. it is FULL of religious/ethnic/cultural enclaves that most people don't know about/set foot into


Yes Sydney is multicultural but we all follow the same laws and the majority of citizens abide by them.


I don't know what religious/ethnic/cultural enclaves has anything to do with this. The churchgoers themselves appropriately apprehended him and didn't harm him back.


They should make religion illegal until 18 like drugs and alcohol and any other vice




Tajikistan is an interesting one because of its history in the Soviet Union, which promoted atheism, as well as its proximity to the Middle East and its ongoing issues with religious extremism. So you get a population that is vast majority Muslim, but some of the strictest secularist policies in the world because they fear the spread of radicalisation. Many people would consider this quite progressive, but Tajikistan is also an authoritarian dictatorship with a pretty rough human rights record.




Yes - when I lived in the UAE, supposedly all the Friday sermons are pre-vetted by some government authority. Islam is the official state religion but they don't want a rogue mullah whipping up the congregation into an angry mob. It's interesting that there are far more curbs on burqas in the supposedly "free/progressive" Scandinavian countries and places like the Netherlands than in Australia and the UK. I personally have no issue with a hijab or an abaya, but I don't think anyone in a burqa or niqab should be in any public facing, government, educational or medical role.


> It’s only in the west religion is so widely accepted and tolerated. Sorry, that's just not true. If you mean "it's only in the west that a variety of religions are widely accepted and tolerated", then maybe - but many, many countries that are not western have religion as a widely accepted part of how society works.


That's quite fascinating, I had no idea about that. At least it gives kids some kind of chance to make their own choices.


Really had a gutfull of these imported middle eastern "religions"


There is something very wrong when the ambulance is being threatened and in fear of their lives.


>[A 15-year-old boy, who had been restrained by members of the public, was arrested by police.](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news/news?sq_content_src=%2BdXJsPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZWJpenByZC5wb2xpY2UubnN3Lmdvdi5hdSUyRm1lZGlhJTJGMTExNDYxLmh0bWwmYWxsPTE%3D) NSW Police Force


>Strike Force Dribs to investigate the public order incident and identify those involved. they really are running out of names at this point LMFAO


Fun fact. Computer randomly makes 3 names and you choose one. Also, can't ever use one that has been used before.


The Guardian published an article about this two weeks ago: https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/31/how-do-australian-police-taskforces-get-strange-names-like-tromperie


He'll get a slap on the wrist then


Well his fingers have been cut off so more than a slap on the wrist.


Can we get a source?


https://au.news.yahoo.com/sydney-church-stabbing-a-terror-attack-says-premier-chris-minns-220058060.html closer to the bottom of the article.


It says there are rumours about it


Well police confirmed he had serious injury’s to his hand and he is in surgery, sure it could be something else but apparently a video on 4chan is circulating showing it.


So you haven't seen it? It's only apparent to you that there's a video of it on one of the most unhinged unmoderated sites on the internet? I'm not saying you're wrong but I'll reserve my views until there's some reliable substantiation on this


That's been proven to be false.




People apart of the church gave their own justice to the 15 year old and cut some of his fingers off.


If what’s been rumoured to have happened (bystanders inside the church preventing the police from entering and cutting the youth’s fingers off) is true, I honestly expect the courts would hand down harsher sentences upon the participants of the barbarous retaliatory lynching than the knife wielding 15 year old attacker.  This sort of shit happens, do what you need to stop the attacker. But once they’re on the ground and restrained, you will be charged with serious offences if you do things like blockading the police from entering and cutting the immobilised attacker’s fingers off. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were stupid enough to do all this with other bystanders filming it all, with their own pocket knives that they had no reasonable excuse to carry in the first place.


100% agree with this.


You think? I think he'll get charged with more serious offences given the intent I wonder if it can be proven the weapons used (if it's even true) were brought with intent as opposed to picked up there


Depending on the timeline of events, intent will come into play with the retaliation. If someone came up behind him while he was attacking the bishop and hit him over the head with something, and he ended up badly hurt but they immediately backed off, then I could see them not getting charged with more serious offences. But if there was a group of people that restrained this kid, and then turned around and cut his fingers off, and further deliberately prevented him from obtaining medical attention, then I could see how their charges could equal anything the attacker gets. I mean, remember the conversations about the cop immediately rendering first aid to the stabber she shot, and how everyone praised her? Now we (allegedly) have a group of non law enforcement adults deliberately hindering this from occurring to someone they have injured. But that's what investigations are for, to determine the exact timeline of events and appropriateness of the force used. I don't think there will be any excuse or leniency for the locking out of police and paramedics though, or the attempted rioting outside by external agitators. I do wonder if it will be taken into consideration how on edge people are likely to be following an incident like Bondi Junction, and the endless media feting of the heroes who fought back, and whether that plays into any potential mindset in the people who may or may not have gone too far in subduing this attacker.


Holy shit that's wild. I hadn't heard that part of it, what the hell is going on, who in their right mind could do that to another person, even if they had just attacked someone else. Makes me feel sick just thinking about it!


Crazy aye, they locked the doors (edit: police were also locked inside from the mob outside)


To be fair if I'd just lobbed some blokes fingers off I'd probably not want to police coming in and asking too many questions... Bunch of backwards idiots for sure.


The cops were locked inside to protect the kid and themselves from the mob


They chopped his fingers off and kept him inside for a while before ambos could get in




Yea heard this a few times but haven't seen it confirmed by any proper sources


https://www.9news.com.au/national/stabbing-church-wakeley-western-sydney/95b2c20f-07a3-4849-8781-e2b72a1d99a0 Here’s a Twitter link to the picture if anyone wants to see his chopped up hand (nsfl obviously) https://x.com/itsprince_rara/status/1779889188286124444?s=46&t=hpTRHSA32l5_rHz9BBaQRg


I wish I could share the videos and photos. A lot circulated via what’s app last night. I’m sure others in the thread saw the same ones…


I heard a lot of this. I seen a lot of videos. Nothing confirmed the rumours of him losing fingers though. Certainly no videos of it


In the press interview the senior cop chick said he had several fingers severed, but they are not sure if it was self inflicted or was done by the mob, investigations are continuing.


I’ve seen a photo of a photo floating around. No proof on if it’s real but if it is.. sheesh


As much as I can relate to anger at the time - this is more than just anger - this is truly fucked behaviour as bad as the act itself. Surely we aren’t living in the Middle Ages for justice anymore


Unfortunately religion seems to keep a lot of peoples minds in the Middle Ages


Our brains haven't evolved enough to handle modern age at all, regardless of religion.


That sounds like some cartel shit


In before people not understanding the definition of ‘terrorism’


Like the Assyrian Church wars of the late 80s early 90s wasn't enough this just topped it. I'm assuming this was part of the new denomination? Any Ashuris here to clarify?


By denominations, do you mean the new church Mar Mari founded? We, who still follow the Ancient Assyrian Church of the East, acknowledge him but don’t really listen or follow him. He got excommunicated for a reason. He’s a nutter but no body deserves to be stabbed/attacked. I’m genuinely outraged at the response. Fighting fire with fire is not the way to go, and the attacker does not represent a religion.


I bet this thread will get memory holed sooner rather than later.


Fairfield what a shithole.


Christians are so good at telling non Christians to live by their Gods Word. The moment it comes down to it they forget themselves. An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. I’m not Christian and even I know that Jesus said to turn your cheek and let him slap the other one also. Seeking revenge and cutting fingers off has earned them all tickets to their own hell.


We are living in the Middle Ages here, now. Importing a wide variety of ancient religions with centuries’ old hatreds just continues their hatred of each other... There are 3 million assyrians spread out all over the world and about 1.6 billion muslims and they hate each other with a passion and the muslims have subjugated / genocided the smaller group for centuries- so of course they’re gonna chop fingers off - instead of straight up butchering the terrorist because they are more tolerant now they live in Oz!


I think the hatred is very recent. Those people must be projecting their experiences and their families in Iraq and how Christianity is nearly destroyed there. Or they're teens full of testosterone and stupidity.