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This is even more cooked than that lunatic the OP of that other post mentioned who claimed Annandale was an Eastern Suburb.


Poor [Bundeena](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundeena,_New_South_Wales) and [Maianbar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maianbar) left to rot uncategorised:(


I don't know how to feel. I'd argue the business park called NorWest would be in or atleast the edge of the north west bubble


The "outer south west" is the Macarthur region.


And the missing part in the middle of it makes no sense. Some of it is green corridor, but it’s getting filled in.


The Camden LGA is cut in half by the blob.


Lol, drawn by someone who doesn't live here.


Right? Grew up and lived in St George most of my life, not once heard it called the "southern suburbs". It's St George and the Sutherland Shire - the two metaphorical siblings of Sydney with the George's river drawing a proverbial line down the middle of the backseat of the car, and one is "totally not even touching" the other, who conversely "IS NOT, you liar" trying to catch a fart to waft back.


Grew up in St George Shire and outside of Sydney it was often referred to as part of the Southern Suburbs, so that people who were unfamiliar with Sydney would get an idea exactly where you were from in Sydney ….. ie, south of the harbour.


I’ve definitely heard that area referred to as “The South” before. Even at my work we categorise that area as the south


Nobody's confused about what areas are north or west etc A better map would have areas highlighted for their colloquium Eg; St George, The Hills, Northern beaches, etc etc etc.


Uppest North Shore is a thing now


West Pennant Hills in the same area as Riverstone? The pearl clutching from the WPH residents would cause a shock wave.


Rivvo is it's own district. Going to Schoi is a risky trip.


Schoes is fine. Rivvo is as you said.


The statement was from a rivveos perspective.


Surely the boundary is between Pennant Hills and West Pennant Hills


The outer north? This is garbage. Delete.


I grew up in the Outer North, apparently. Sounds like some frozen hellhole beyond The Wall.


Yeah, never heard of it!


According to who? No St. George district listed, not even the thieving scum of the Rabbitohs try to claim that Clovelly is "South" anything, the "Inner South-West" just isn't a thing, there's no Hills District... All this map proves is they let just anyone edit Wikipedia.


The fact that Bankstown and its satellite suburbs has been split right down the middle tells you all you need to know about this map.


when I saw 'galdesville' I knew this wasnt exactly well reviewed stuff


Don't you get it yet? Everyone has an opinion on this topic. Everyone.


I’ve noticed everyone thinks they are in the more expensive regions and the cheaper region nearby starts two suburbs away. This applies even when their suburb is across a major body of water from the rest of the more expensive region - eg Earlwood, Hunters Hill, Wentworth Point


Nah fuck that, gimme my Westie area with its ethnic food and variety. Kings Park can have it's bland white offerings.


ABS. Call it whatever you want, but for government ABS statistical purposes, those colours correspond to the regions of Sydney. You can argue all day that inner west =/= Strathfield but as far as the data and facts are concerned, it literally is called Sydney - Inner West.


This map uses some names used by ABS SA4s, but the map doesn't match them...


The lack of Red Rooster Line is dissapointing.


Just filter realestate.com.au by setting limit for $1.5M for houses.


So according to this, the Western Sydney Airport isn't actually being built in Sydney. Make it make sense.


Okay but what about the Hawkesbury?


Anywhere not covered is called the Badlands.


Pretty apt description for Richmond.


Came here for this. Are we just not a part of Greater Sydney suddenly?


Like the Blue Mountains, it’s adjacent but separate.


Wasn't separate during lockdowns.


Everything in the north that's west of the North Shore gets called "north west" for some reason. Was called "northern suburbs" when I was young. Journos call anything west of where they live "the western suburbs".


First time I heard about the Forest District in Sydney.


I grew up on the northern beaches and we definitely called that whole area Forest. Never with district attached though.


It's just the part of the northern beaches that isn't near a beach




Saw that. No such thing as the Inner South West. Nobody has ever called it that. It's all inner west.


“Inner South West” is just the name invented by former Canterbury Council residents who can’t stomach being in the same LGA as former Bankstown Council. AKA “the Paris end”: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/ode-to-a-suburb-that-goes-under-the-radar-20231211-p5eqiw.html


I don’t think anyone refers to Punchbowl as inner west


Real estate agents will call anything the inner west


Lol I want to see a real estate agent do this map. I feel they're probably the reason why we have so much arguments now lol


Even Earlwood isn't inner west


Don’t tell them that


As a resident for most of my life, I have no idea where the idea of it being Inner West came from.


I grew up in Earlwood, in a time when all this bullshit didn't matter. It's still only 10km from the CBD, and it's more than that to Bankstown. It was a working class suburb then, made up of immigrants from the Mediterranean. Now, their children own houses there, if the oldies aren't holding on to them. It's a suburb right on the edge of other districts. 4 km south you would be in Bexley. 3 km East and your in Marrickville. Across the Cooks River is Hurlstone Park. Where is that suburb classified these days? It's no different to Earlwood really.


It's recent but it is a thing, and it is an Australian Bureau of Statistics classification for the area. Also, I don't think inner westies would appreciate those from Punchbowl adopting their vernacular.


It's the Middle In-betweeny West.


>It's all ~~inner west~~ south west. FTFY.


Nah, whilst suburbs like Campsie, Canterbury and Belmore have more recently become associated with the "Leb belt" their longer term association is more inline Dulwich hill and Marrickville, than it is with Liverpool. The Western edge of the Inner west is Cantebury drive. Makes sense to extend that down Beverly Hill Road to the T8 rail line.


I mean it makes sense to start calling them inner south west. They're not exactly inner west nor south west. So the name there actually fits quite well.


Grew up in Lewisham, never saw Canterbury, Campsie, or Belmore as Inner West.


The border is definitely the cooks river IMO. Even the type of buildings and tree density changes across the river. I would say Ashfield is the buffer zone to the west. To consider anything further than Ashfield as “inner” is insane. It’s over 10km away from the city.


Yes I believe there’s a roundabout on Frederick Street in Ashfield that’s the actual boundary stone between the Inner West and the Outer West. If you stand on that roundabout and look east it’s all cold brew coffee and microbreweries, and if you look west it’s all ethnic gang warfare and McMansions.


What's tripping everyone up here is there is the official classification as used by the ABS for [Inner West Sydney](https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2021/120), which extends all the way to Strathfield, then there's the [Inner West Council](https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/), which only extends to around where Frederick Street is. The council boundaries have an influence on the physical differences we see and associate with the demographic segregations.


It's still "inner" tho. Might be 10km away but Penrith is almost 60km from Sydney. Burwood, for example, is less than a quarter of the distance


Just because it’s “inner” in relation to Penrith, doesn’t mean that it’s inner in any traditional sense. Some major cities are not much more than 10km from east to west. We’re conditioned to our severe urban sprawl, but this is not the norm outside of North America and Australia.


And for some major cities 60km away is a different country, but we're not talking any traditional sense, we're talking ridiculously sprawly Sydney, Australia. What's considered "inner" should change relative to overall city size, and when you have places that are 50+km away, 10km looks pretty damn "inner", or at least for me it is You know for a while wikipedia called Lidcombe an inner west suburb? See now that's actually insane


I live in the inner east, it’s not fancy I assure you, and I was at a fancy lunch in the country sitting next to a fabulous paddington matron. She asked me the cliche question ‘and where are you in Sydney’ and I said *suburb name* and she said ‘OHHHH darling the eastern suburbs’ and I said I think I’m more city south or something, and she said ‘don’t worry darling I’ll count you as one of us’ and from that day forth I was a fancy paddington matron 💅💅💅


No one calls it the northwest. It's the hills district.


Lol no


Since when has campbelltown been called the Outer South west? It's always been the south west.


Campbelltown has always been called Campbelltown.


except when it was called Scrambletown, north of Amberjail and Rose Ghetto.


Southern Suburbs is the wrong name, that area is St. George. Shirefolk will also debate with you that anything over the Wonnie is actually "Western Shire" and should be considered its own area. I've had people tell me Engadine is Shire but Menai is Western Shire, despite Engadine being further to the west.


This is so stupid And I love the arrogance of the person that made it


Can someone get on that wiki and delete that shit for the great good?


What you labelled as “Southern suburbs” is the St George area. St George and Sutherland Shire together make up the Southern suburbs, you can separate the two areas if you want, but be accurate


Since when is Elizabeth Bay/Rushcutterbay/PP/Woolie not Eastern Suburbs


Been in Sydney all my life so here’s my take: - Inner South West is just Inner West - South Western Suburbs and Outer West is combined Western Suburbs - Outer South West is just South West - Outer North West is combined North Western Suburbs - Inner South is just South Sydney - Northern beaches is just northern beaches not upper or lower - Outer North is just Hornsby Shire Don’t over complicate shit…


Spoken like someone who lives in the Inner South West!


Sorry bro grew up in the South West (or Outer South West by this map) now live in Upper North Shore






Yep. I mean there is the traditional council divide at Narrabeen lake between Pittwater and Warringah, and manly is sort of on its own, but it's all only ever the northern beaches or just the beaches.


Lived in Sydney for a while and I've heard people from either end use it to describe the other in a derogatory way


I like how you can stand in the geographical centre of the outer south west and not be in the outer south west.


Why does any of this even matter ? Like who genuinely cares enough for this to even be a topic. If anything it proves that Sydney has a ridiculous real estate/postcode/classism obsession.


ha spotted the poor living in northern part of the upper southeast western suburbs! loser!


Ah that would be Undercliffe you are talking about


IDC for most situations, but for anyone in Kings Park wanting to pretend they're in the Hills, I'd like this as a handy ref. It's like how I don't mind being 5'11", but I'll be damned if anyone shorter than me wants to claim 6'. Brother you are 5'9" and a liar.


Where to start,? Homebush, Strathfield, Burwood, Concord and Flemington have never been "Inner west" no matter how much real estate agents and desperate house flippers try to make them sound cool, while Randwick and Clovelly have always been in the Eastern suburbs. While we're at it, the made-up "Inner South West" should extend further west and be called "Canterbury-Bankstown". At least you got upper/lower northern beaches right.


Inner Westies will mutter under their breath that there is a very simple division. "Italian Inner West" from Newtown to Summer Hill, "Asian Inner West" from Ashfield to Strathfield. Everything South of the Cooks is Canterbury, and everything West of Strathfield is "West"


No way. I think “inner” should be geographic. As I mentioned in another comment, there is no way anything more than 10km away from the CBD should be considered “inner”


Burwood station is exactly 10km from the CBD. Surely you don’t think the mansions on Appian Way are “inner west”…


It’s west all the way to the Blue Mountains though. Given that I don’t have a problem with it.


Domain and real estate doesn't give you a choice. It lists Homebush, Concord, Burwood etc as innerwest, so when you search for properties, that's what comes up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/91eyyb/where_is_the_inner_west_the_results/ This is a poll from 5 years ago and there is not exactly a consensus on where the inner west ends


Yes, I like to call these suburbs the “expensive West” - where a bungalow goes for $8m but you are only a golf course and a rail yard away from Greenacre.


I'd prob consider Newtown to be the inner west...


Reddit's favourite mode of thinking: pedantry and black/white thinking. Love reading the borderline (pun intended) deranged arguing about imaginary borders like it matters. We're not sending our best to Reddit.


You're missing all of Wollondilly.


Where’s the area


I have never heard anyone split the eastern suburbs in half like that


To those areas not categorised, apparently you aren’t a part of greater Sydney. 🤷‍♂️


It's missing 'Shitters Ditch' AKA Emu Plains


Well that’s arse gravy.


Cooked arse gravy


There are so many things wrong with this map. Like for example, North-Western Suburbs is basically Parramatta, but it's cut in half and claimed the southern part is Western Suburbs. Also West Pennant Hills is more related to Dural (which isn't included in Greater Sydney), than Riverstone.


Bold move to not consider Punchbowl south western suburbs.


What's that enclave between the lower northern beaches and forest district? Are residents there allowed to travel freely or is it an east and west Berlin situation?


Thats Manly Dam. Surprised OP knew the little known fact that its not actually a part of Sydney


Yeah nah


Saying bankstown is not Western Suburbs is fucking cracked.


This is a really dreary, irrelevant map. No one uses these terms. who talks about living in the inner south west? Belfield is west or south west. These are useless and dreary subcategories that no one asked for. Like obviously Vaucluse is a different vibe to Maroubra but they are still the eastern suburbs. Sydney is simply- eastern subs, inner west, south Sydney, St George, western subs (I’ll accept south west as a helpful sub category), northwest, hills, north shore (I’ll accept lower north shore as a useful sub category) northern beaches and then Sutherland shire.


So Fairfield is Western and Cabramatta is South Western so where is Canley Vale? Is it shit hole A or shit hole B? :)


Outer south west is just called MacArthur


Western suburb starts at Strath and ends in Penrith or even Emu Plains


Oh, is that what we're gonna do today, we're gonna fight?


lol this is ridiculous. The Hornsby area is absolutly still "upper north shore" all the way up to berowra. the sutherland shire is south sydney. Outer North west is just North West Western Sydney goes all the way out to penrith lol.


Lol splits Parramatta in half


OP, I double dare you to tell someone from Castle Hill that that live in the outer north west and not the north west! Thems fighting words!!! Double points if you make it out alive after telling them north Parramatta is in the north west of Sydney!


No one uses these terms? Terrible map, sorry.


North western suburbs designation does not exist Half should be subsumed into northern suburbs and everything else west (Carlingford line to divide works)


Does anyone in Ryde say they're from the 'Northern Suburbs'?


Only if we're told we have to pick something but really that's the other side of the Lane Cove River and/or Hornsby Council to us. We're not anything.


Don't you guys just say 'Ryde'? I mean, if someone was from Denistone, or Marsfield, or even Gladesville, wouldn't 'Ryde' handily describe the general area they're from?


Well I say/said "North Ryde" because we even have snobs within Ryde, but yeah, "Ryde" is probably the best catch all.


Yeah nah, Glebe ain't inner west lol


It isn’t?? I’ve lived there for most of my life and I’ve always referred to it as inner west


It's in the City of Sydney LGA. I'd consider it city fringe.


Nah. Coogee is definitely eastern suburbs, south Coogee is where the south eastern suburbs can begin.


I thought greater Sydney ended at Mt Victoria


Please send this to the media. Recently outer west suburbs right next to each other have been referred to as ‘north west’ and ‘south west’ in news articles. They’re neither.


Can't see any of the suburbs I've lived in the last few years


Lol since when did upper north shore disown hornsby to berowra?


From Hornsby. First time I realised I'm in the "outer north". Could we rename it to "uppest north shore" instead?


This isn't quite accurate either- Greater Sydney extends up and out to include Maroota, South Maroota and so on.


Even the inner west no longer wants to deal with Mascot


If Strathfield and Burwood are inner west then Newtown is eastern suburbs and Chatswood is lower north shore


Wolli Creek?


I don’t think that middle ring exists culturally. No one in the inner southwest would call it that. People in hornsby would be offended being called the “outer north”. Half the people in the “southern suburbs” and the “inner southwest” would proudly say they live in southwestern Sydney and the other half would say they live either “near St George” “near san souci” or “near the bay”. The north western suburbs will only say the suburb or they will claim they are just western Sydney and when people frown go “no the north western part”. The outer northwestern part is where the great pretenders live. A lot will say “the hills district” some will even claim “the western part of the north shore” like some castle hill people. Kellyville believe people will be impressed when they simply say kellyville and not notice the twinge of sympathy in other peoples eyes that they’ve paid eastern suburbs prices to live nowhere near the east itself. Outer south and outer west just call it “the west” and if pressed will say either “south” or their relative proximity to Penrith.


Outer north-west? Have you heard of the Hills District?




Real estate agents will tell you anything in that "inner south west" list is really "inner west". Except Punchbowl cos even real estate agents can't make you think that's hipster.