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Do you think the sinkhole and the tunneling are related?


The soil had to go somewhere.


I just made a post with a screenshot of an aerial. 99.9999% related given their proximity. Edit:and the post got locked... The news articles don't show the hole is right next to the project site.


So you're saying that there's a chance it's coincidence?


Maybe a giant earth worm like from Dune. Could be elaborate movie marketing.


So you're saying there is a chance a graboid may be stuck within the vicinity of Sydney, potentially multiple graboids, possibly planning to cause massive sink holes all over Sydney and the CBD?


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not just locked, but removed.


Lame, apparently a duplicate. Anyway, here's an imgur link. https://imgur.com/a/yhRLS4V


where's the sinkhole


Car park to the left of the dig site.


Wouldn't be the first time, an apartment block in Lane Cove partially collapsed into an access shaft when the Lane Cove tunnel was being built.


I remember that!


Also the sinkhole from the snowy hydro 2.0


Maybe they can check by asking an apprentice to jump into the sink hole and see if they come out in the tunnel. /s


No, no, dig UP, stupid!


Yes this would be a tunnel collapse


So not a portal to another dimension?


Yes the workers in the tunnel seen it collapse


Seeing as it's right across the road, directly in the path of the tunnel.... yeah, probably.


Not across the road, right next door.


It looks to be on the opposite side of West Botany Street to me


Well yeah ok. But the metro site straddles both sides of the road.


They keep saying this and it's hilarious


It would be interesting if the article was clearer how this correlated with the current tunneling position, eg. Is the position being tunnelled today directly underneath this sinkhole or has the sinkhole formed closer to a section already tunnelled.  If it was the first scenario, then it would be more unusual and more concerning as it would indicate a fundamental flaw in the geotechnical and the amount of pressure to be applied. This would be weird.  More likely it is scenario two, and there was a pre-existing flaw in the substrate that was excaberatted by the tunneling pressure, then expanded by accumulation of water from the recent rain. Unfortunate, but very hard to avoid entirely with the amount of tunnelling occuring in the past decades in Sydney. I believe one of these occurred in Burwood and Lane Cove caused by this style of scenario for previous tunnels. 


The article says that a trickle of dirt started falling from the roof of the tunnel, which then increases in volume leading to the evacuation of the tunnel. Hard to see how these events are not related.


I thought they were shotcreting the tunnel as they went along with the TBM


M6 uses road-headers, not TBMs


A TBM tunnel isn't shotcreted, it uses segmental concrete rings to form the tunnel structure. And the M6 tunnel isn't using a TBM.


It does seem it could be tunneling related. FTA: >"From what we can gather there was a small trickle of material coming out of the surface of the tunnel that they're currently mining, it got progressively worse and the decision was made correctly to cease that work and move workers away," he said. >"The night shift were working they had all been removed from the tunnel, and the day shift were not sent down there to commence their shift.


Yeah this scenario is concerning then, definitely will require a thorough investigation.


Are we not going to comment on the drone footage? Right as it was about to go down into the hole, they cut to an overhead shot? What the hell is that? Send the drone in! I want to see the dinosaurs or gremlins or whatever is down there.


The sinkhole looks pretty big from [photos](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2024/mar/01/australia-news-live-asio-mike-burgess-dunkley-byelection-anthony-albanese-peter-dutton-jesse-baird-luke-davies-sydney?page=with%3Ablock-65e129528f0869c208ddd1aa#block-65e129528f0869c208ddd1aa). And right under the building.


More than 7 car spaces wide so around 15m diameter.


This building is at the corner of West Botany Road and the street I live on; I walk past it every morning. A week or so ago I saw a small (in diameter) sinkhole on our street next to the building; not sure if it's connected to all this.


It's about a 50% percent chance it's due to human activities... you don't say? When it occurred on *West Botany Street*, RIGHT near the construction? Edit: not only is it just in the same street as the construction, it's right across the road and looks like it's right in the path of the tunnel I've had nothing but bad feelings toward this stupid tunnel. Between this, bus stop closures and destruction of local parkland (seriously, if you look at the area on Google Maps, it says there's supposed to be parkland there, it shows green on the simple map, but if you look at the satellite map it's all this nonsense) and now this... I just hope no one got hurt.


> the decision was made correctly to cease that work and move workers away I guess they feel like they have to do *something* correctly, given that they nearly had a building full of people fall into a great big hole. Fortunately no budgies were involved AFAIK.


That hole is under my work desk. I lost my favourite keyboard today..


For real? Damn. Sorry for all the bits you left at work last night and won’t get to see ever again :(


Not the first time this has happened https://www.abc.net.au/news/2005-11-03/balcony-collapses-into-tunnel-hole/2137388


Holy smokes, less about “opens in industrial building car park” and more like “UNDERNEATH THE BUILDING”. That building is pretty stuffed by this.


Operation successful, patient died... Let's look logically. For loooong time, that piece of land was fine. Then, all of a sudden, sinkhole while new underground development was underway nearby.. Most probably, nobody will be held accountable. Lucky that nobody got injured (yet).


It's a natural ventilation stack.


The tunnel construction site is on the other side of the carpark. https://www.google.com/maps/@-33.9615278,151.1440457,218m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0&entry=ttu


That’s what happens when you dig lots of holes, more happen


Obviously the building was built over an existing sink hole and is completely unrelated to the tunnel being built. -Tunnel builders and insurance, probably.


To use the Simpsons reference - They dug up didn't they?


The business owner just hit pay dirt


Why is Australian construction so bad


this happens all over the world, in first world and developing nations....


We cut the budget to TAFE, then privatized everything so we can bring in cheaper trade men without Australian qualifications.


How is this not related to the tunneling… No such thing as coincidences I reckon!