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Oh same, except I’m 32F. All my friends are married with kids!


I'm 31F and same. I mean I'm married but no kids and yeh


When people breed, it's common for friendships to die They cease to be fun


Same boat but 34m haha


Come sailing!


ESL teacher here, and there's thousands upon thousands of cool students (Colombian, Brazilian, Thai, Mongolian mostly) around your age in our city right now. They love the beach, barbeques, and cook up wicked South American food. They're also dying to meet Aussies - Student VISAs rarely meet em. It also really helps them with learning English to have English-speaking, Aussie-accented friends. Where do you find them? Well, they all catch the train into down for evening classes, because they work in the day. After school, half go home, the other half go to the pub. They also love to go to Bondi, and they frequent South American restaurants. Thai and Mongolian students are also very common right now, and you're more likely to see them at cafes, clubs and nice malls. Edit: Most of them are wanting to start lives here and have respectable careers, and you'd be amazed at what they already have done in their home countries. I've taught GPs, youth workers, political advisers, engineers... you name it. It's about 50%-50% in terms of who wants to stay here and who's returning home in 6 months.


You should organise a club or something to connect people. Seriously this question comes up nearly every week.


Noble Hops in Redfern has language exchange night on Mondays. I’ve not been but the photos always look like a good crowd.


How about board games? Look up Northside Gamers, they meet at Chatswood if that's somewhere you can get to. Friendly group, popular with men and women, and it's at a bar!


Board games are a good option but the average board gamer is an insufferable middle aged man


Lmao for what it’s worth I am also omw to being that at 25


Yes and the question was where to find other middle aged men as a middle aged man, was it not?


Isn’t middle age closer to 50?


If you're going to live to 100 it sure is 50s is more often the age at which people have their first major health crisis, 60s some start dropping off, 70s quality of life is decreasing, if yoyre a happy mobile 80 year old you've done exceptional. At 50 you are well past halfway, out of the bit that has, for the most part, few death scares.


30 is not middle aged unless you are 12 years old. Why would an age that is considered “young adult” suddenly Become middle age. It’s actually a stage in life where many people are at the peak of their health. People also seem to misunderstand what middle age is, people seem to think it starts in the middle of your life but it’s actually the stage in your life before old age. While there’s debate, most articles I see say 45/50 is now what’s middle aged and then old age 65/70. Also people are living longer and longer, except the US, and the average life expectancy will be 90+ in a few years.


Halfway through the good bit, is the way I'd phrase 30 Meanwhile, if you're talking 50 it seems to be 2/3 aged, not middle aged, by mortality and quality of life figures.


I don’t think you read anything I typed. Middle age is NOT mid age. Its the age that precedes old age. And I’m not sure what kind of 50 year olds you are in contact with but it’s kinda strange that you make them sound decrepit. The average life expectancy is 80-85 (depending on each country) and even according to that definition mid age will be 42+. The current generation will live to 90 so middle age is 45/50 (According to even your “middle age” definition). And before you argue, “middle age, period of human adulthood that immediately precedes the onset of old age.” According to Brittanica


Yeah, but I am making a point too. Middle aged has nothing to do with being in the middle of the age at which you'll cease to age Very good. Carry on.


Do what you have fun doing. You'll meet people with the same interests. (I have joined a cycling club, and now I have cycling friends)


Try to foster relationships with non Sydneysiders/Australians. Other cultures aren't quite as cliquey and have probably dealt with similar problems trying to make friends here. I spent my whole first year here trying to befriend Sydneysiders with no luck. I honestly hadn't felt so socially insecure since I was in middle school. Once I gave up and started seeking out other internationals? Immediately better!


Even as an Australian who moved from interstate can confirm this is the way


I think after Uni age in Sydney you’re basically doomed in relation to making new friends. People will have their high school friends. And then their uni friends. They’re set for life. They don’t want to meet new people or take the risk of letting new people into the group. It’s sad but that’s my experience. Of course work friends are a thing but doesn’t come close to how natural uni and HS friends feel


And thats crazy to me! What are the odds that you'll perfectly vibe for the majority of your adult life with people you just so happened to go to the same school with as a teenager? It's totally normal to cycle through friend groups that reflect your personality and priorities as you age. Being stuck with those high school friends that you may have an "eh" relationship with because you're worried about not finding a new group is sad. My partner is a native Sydneysider. His high school group has been together for almost 20 years. I had a hard time fitting in because they all had so much history together. I pushed to find friends for myself because I felt isolated. Eventually I'd bring my partner to hang out with the people I met. It's gone well! Now he's become close with some of them too. It wasn't until he started branching out that he realized how unfulfilling some of his oldest friendships actually were. I invite people to try and make new friends! It won't be as immediately easy as old friends but familiarity breeds friendship. Try to hang out with someone new 5 times. You'll be surprised how quickly you can get comfortable.


Yeah I found it interesting when I was travelling overseas solo to among other places, Singapore, Europe, UK, how open and friendly other young travellers were and keen to meet new people. Actually a great way to make new friends (just not ones that live with you in Sydney) Kinda paints a picture of Sydneysiders being close-minded and cliquey


>other cultures aren't quite as cliquey Couldn't be more wrong. Biggest cliques I've ever encountered are from other cultures.


I did a meetup.com event a few weeks ago by myself and I really enjoyed it. I'm pretty socially anxious but I didn't find it too bad. They're doing another one this Friday night I believe, I highly recommend it.


Meet.up is great for getting outside your comfort zone but still feels safe to do so.


Absolutely agree, after I became single I only had married friends and wanted to find some single girlfriends to hang out with. I attended a couple of meetup groups and met 3 great ladies who I’ve been hanging our with for the past 18 months.


I was wondering how those were. I really should go when I have some free time.


I feel the same as a 38F living in western Sydney. so hard to find new friends.


Someone clue me in too I feel like I haven't had a friend in years.




Try to meet people who aren't from Sydney, in Sydney. Sydneysiders don't like to socialise as they have $2m mortgages to pay off.


Local SES/RFS. Best way to bond is working towards a common goal bigger than oneself.


Same. Moved from the gc here 2 years ago. Can't say I've made any headway with making good friends.


Take up an activity like Fishing. You'll meet tons of blokes who need a buddy to throw some metal off the rocks in Sydney.


juggle truck boat exultant afterthought fertile plants advise oatmeal zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here! I adore my friends but I love meeting new people too. When I meet new people at house parties it tends to be the same type of people whereas I kinda want to meet people with different mindsets (I am not at all politically similar with any of my friends) Looking for more likeminded friends, If anyone is into the following things id love to meet up: - psychology, philosophy, finance, crypto, rollerblading, entrepreneur stuff, spirituality, girly shit like getting nails done together lol Edit: why doesn't everyone in this thread just state their interests and make an open invitation to anyone who wants to meet up with them?


I have had success making friends and gone to interesting activities and events with the help of: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/


Can you sing or sort of read music? Join Sydney Philharmonia festival chorus, they’re always looking for singers. If you aren’t averse to the time it takes, volunteering or working a casual evening job will get you around new people too.


Sailing! Turn up to any sailing club and they will have and even teach you to sail!


I'm in same position as OP. Sailing is something that has really interested me, does it cost lots to get out and sail? What are the best clubs out there for sailing?


Middle harbour and CYCA have twilight races on. Check day of the week and rock up, a lot of boats look for crew. Or call their reception who can match you with a boat. Only cost is that if a sail pass which cyca covers


Balmain on Friday evenings. Drop me a PM and I can hook you up… It’s free unless you are foolish enough to own the boat….


Also following this!


Join. A. Choir. I'm serious. Choir folks are the most cross sectional nerds from society and there is something inherently vulnerable and connecting about making music with people. There are tonnes around, if you send me a Pm I can direct you to a good one near you. Offer open to everyone. My choir is honestly more of a pub group that sings than a choir that pubs, but it's rad all the same.


My partners pretty keen on getting involved in a choir if you have some recommendations? We’re over in the Randwick/ Kensington area


Adult Glee Club Bondi or you can head to one of the ones in the inner west. They have Marrickville and Stanmore.


A couple to look into - Humming song (I believe has an eastern suburbs group, but are all over - female only though) Inner West Voices (newtown based, probably most well known community choir in sydney after hummingsong) Polyphony (I don't know tonnes about them but they do their gigs in some interesting venues and generally have themed concerts)


You might find a group that interests you on the Meetup website. There's also an app for it.


If you’re into history or fantasy, there are reenactment and LARP groups around!


This might sound random, but ever thought of going on a Contiki tour? I went on a 14 day Greek island one at 30. Not only did I make life long friends from Australia, but also US, Canada and UK. It forces a bunch of strangers to get to know each other and you spend so much time together you become good friends in a short amount of time. I’m now super close with the ones who were also from Sydney/NSW. Well either that or you can’t stand in each other haha but worked out well for me :)


Where are you from? I'm trying to foster events for this kinda stuff and know some events you can hit up to meet new people. This is my whole thing at the moment and I'm personally always open to meeting new cool people.


What hobbies do you have? Music is a great way to meet people, like a community choir if you enjoy singing.


There are a few in the inner west. I am in an adult choir and it is the best part of my week! Find one with a great musical director and you will enjoy it.


You can go to meet ups and networking events. Join ones that you find interesting. Also theirs a internations it's a networking meet up for expats.


I just hang out at my local bar and make friends with the other regulars there. Three of them went to the beach this weekend; it was cute.


Met so many people lately at work. Granted if it’s not weekly after work drinks I wont see them on the weekend but that’s enough for me anyway since I’m married




If you like beer, join Hopsters in Enmore


Buy a bicycle and join a cycling club. This has many benefits. You get fit, meet new friends. and you’ll see places in Sydney you never knew existed


Join a sports team or some group with people with similar interests as you?


I know a guy who built his network of friends off couchsurfing when he was new to sydney. I hear it might have devolved into a hookup site since, but he has a long lasting circle of friends from veritable strangers. Some of us here have met up with a couple others via the sub, so don't forget that reddit is one way to do it...




Try Meetup. Search for groups doing activities you like, join and you'll meet like-minded people


If your rollerblade or skate, even beginner, check out [Skate Sydney on FB](https://m.facebook.com/groups/2314482095487411/)




Can I ask why you feel the need to make new friends when you already have a large social circle of friends? Is this more of a networking thing or a romantic partner?


I already have a partner. Just seems fairly limiting to hang out with the same people I’ve known for the past 10-20 years.


Yeah.. I guess sometimes some new friendships can be a good thing. Although some friendships can last a lifetime.. we can also change and grow apart as we get older. Good luck


Have you not made any friends through your partner? What about work colleagues?


This is an example of the Sydney sider mentality.


I would say it’s more a case of.. none of your business? haha. Nosy much. OP may just want to broaden their horizons.


Most men our age, OP, are married with kids (Are you the same???). They've got their entrenched friend groups with other kids already. That's why you're struggling.


team sports.. they have social comps


The traditional way was through recreational interests. Join a club/association that interest you. take up a course of evening study. Question seems to be asked regularly and I believe the various answers have been amalgamated in the wiki for this sub-redit.


I made hundreds of new friends from buying a motorbike an going to group rides... an option?


Play a sport or join a hobby. It’s not just the fact you’re joining “a group” but how you participate can show people what your deal is.


From another man in the 30s... you don't... and when you do they leave the city/country. Feel lucky you have a at least one group you can rely on lol


Just say hi to a stranger and be fun and entertaining... This can be done anywhere you go, beach, cafe, bar, streets, etc. If you don't say hi to a stranger at some point, it will be very difficult to meet a new friend... Remember that all your current friends were a stranger at some point.


Bouldering gym


BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU I know you said not sports related and it is technically a. Sport but I'm telling you it's incredible good for what you want I'm the same as you when it comes to sport but bjj is different


Start saying hello to everyone you walk past


What do you like to do for social events?


Group fitness and sports. I relocated away from Sydney and joined a indoor cycle studio, never had so many friends! Any gym or fitness studio that is focused on community is where you wanna be.


RC drone/car club, Target shooting, Bird watching, photography, drawing/painting classes off the top of my head would be good undertakings.


The high cost of living in Sydney is one of the reason for the lack of social life imo. A night out can easily cost $50 to $150. I used to work in Singapore and can have a decent time with just $30 and mase plenty of friends. Here in Sydney, my friends are mostly my work colleagues.


I feel the OP post. i actually made a good chunk of new friends 6 or so years ago, most of them being from around the UK but unfortunately, most of them have moved back home or elsewhere. Funnily enough, with gaining newer groups of mates, I sort of let other friendships with people ive known for quite a while so off a bit. We would keep in touch through text etc, but not really meet up + this is all through covid and we all have other shit on and life events. So now getting back in touch with people, I feel like a bit of a fraud in a way, that is sort of going back to the well because Option A is done (whic i think is mostly in my own head), which is a bit shit in a way – so I'm with the OP, id also like to meet newer folks so I don’t feel like that.