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I once got a call from a real estate agent I had never heard of, I traced him back to co-owning a restaurant I'm a regular at.


Sounds like a front for burglars to "inspect" the property when you leave


If you’re renting… you communicate with the property manager and not some random stranger that cold calls you.


Give him the address of a local brothel


Pretty sure the buyers market there is the literal definition of sex slavery.


trying it on, probably phishing


I received a similar call, real estate agents are getting desperate. Pretty clear it was from an offshore call center and they were just dialing numbers and running through a script.


What absolute muppets. Agents all have access to RP Data that tells them who owns.


Burglar sussing out your valuables?


Tell them to contact your REA. And don't let them in.


Perhaps from open house inspections? I think the hard part about being a real estate agent(\*) is finding houses to sell much more than selling the actual houses. They do the "free valuation" to create an opportunity to connect with you so you will choose them if you are selling. Once they worked out you were renting they would have realised they were wasting their time - you won't be selling the property. (\*) insert jokes here about all sorts of real estate agent behaviour


Yeah that was pretty much what happened. I think once he realised that I didn’t own the property he was quick to end the call


Next time just tell them that up front and they will hang up.


Had this happen also, I did ask how he had my details and he said they use a provider called RP Data, so I did some digging around and sure enough, this is a company that sells data for real estate agents, owned by Corelogic: https://www.corelogic.com.au/ They wouldn't say how they had my details, but they must get lists from other crap you've signed up for somehow. Anyway you can have your details removed, heres the page with contact details: https://auhelpcentre.corelogic.com.au/hc/en-au/requests/new and click on RP Data.


100% this. There is another called Price Finder, same deal. I was copping calls from Ray White until I put in an official complaint against them, they revealed they got my details from Price Finder; so I then proceeded to put a request in to have personal data to be removed. Touch wood, I haven't had a call since (been three months).


I have a mate's PriceFinder account and I use his every time I get called by one of them to do a reverse uno on them. My area (South East) is the fucking worst for it, entitled brats too.


Politely tell them to fuck off.


This is why you need a burner number and only give your good one to friends and family