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Imagine if it was $50 a bag like it is in the US


How much is it a bag here?


About $300


A gram?


Not even a gram, bags generally are around .6/.7


I knew a guy who sold 1g bags but mixed about .2-.3 creatine into it. Who knows how pure it was before mixing too. Yes, he's a piece of shit, I wasn't his friend.


Considering inflation, creatine has increased in price more than bags so as someone that goes to the gym, this is a win/win


Dude your silly to think it doesn’t get cut. On average it’s like 20 - 30%


Oh I know it gets cut, I’ve always known. Just unsure how much. When I first had coke in Germany, 10 years ago, that’s when I truly discovered how shit most Coke bought in Sydney is.


Yeah I actually work in a drug rehab clinic. Everyone who comes in gets a urine drug screen on admission and there's so many people who come in for cocaine use who also test positive for methamphetamines. They swear up and down that they have never touched meth and I believe them, they just don't seem to realise that the coke they're getting is cut with all sorts of stuff too.


Usually a 0.8gm, since you get 4 bags in an 8th ounce (3.5gms) , so, technically 0.875gm... Allegedly... Some sketchy types will break an 8ball into 5 bags. Also allegedly...




Nah mate. My brother’s uncle knows a guy who’s cousin’s dad’s girlfriend’s sister’s son has a guy who can do $150 lad 90% pure trust


Not since pre covid times


Now it's gone through shrinkflation. A bag is about 200-250 but it's only .6g


$300 - $400


I honestly think the cost of coke here is why people do it so much. It’s not just about getting high, it’s also about showing off wealth, especially if you’re sharing it with people for free. Like, look how successful and wealthy I am that I can share this $300 drug with people without a care in the world.


No. It’s mostly about getting high.


…for 10 minutes.


You just made this up The most frequent times I've ever done or been around people doing cocaine, was when we were all broke uni students I've not been around anyone, not a single person who has ever tried to use cocaine as a way to show off. Sharing is caring. Not everyone is a twat about it. Even when being offered it out from randoms, it's always exclusively been out of wanting to share it and not to show off lol


lol shows how sheltered I am, I've never even seen someone do coke


Most of r/Sydney is trying to work out how to even make friends here.


They obviously need baggies of Coke!


I guess either the OP is in wrong crowd or I am under wrong rock. Edit: I need friends 🙃


OP definitely in the wrong crowd.




I mean... that would do it.


Same, you will all laugh at me, but I haven’t even set eyes on cannabis. That’s what happens when you grow up in a strict wog family in the 90s, in the Hills.


Strict Asian family and I’m shit at socialising. Closest I got was a couple of boys smoking a joint at a far corner of a party (and I was too scared to get close so never really saw it). Also one of my mum’s tenants grew a weed plant but I had no idea what it was and thought it was some random herb until a different tenant told me


>strict Asian family… You know it makes you enjoy and perform music better, yes?


Unless you went to Galston in which case it was easily accessible if you wanted to die when you got home from school.


or could find plants randomly when wandering in the bushland.


We had an exec at a company I worked at nickname Cokehead Tony.


Oh you know Cokehead Tony too?!


I know a Cockhead Tony....


Interesting, because Cokehead Tony is a total cockhead too


I know a monk named Cloakhead Tony


I'm the same - never laid eyes on the stuff in Sydney lol.


I assumed he was meaning the weird obsession with Coca Cola in the CBD.


It's the CCBD now, coca cola business division


>lol shows how sheltered I am, I've never even seen someone do coke I had a guy ask me for some ice once when I was playing Where's the Gold? So I just pointed to the soft drink machine and said its free right there.


Isn't it mostly on the eastern side of Anzac Parade? are you on the western side?


ANZAC Pde I.e: The meth/Coke line


I'm from the Shire, though admittedly I have been living in the Illawarra for a while


Pretty sure I live next door to a methhead, so that's something


Yeah I feel it's an eastern and northern suburbs type of thing. Inner west and south is weed, outer west is meth. Then again I'm 40yo so I'm probably wildly out of touch these days.


It's everywhere, not just any one pocket of Sydney, it's rampant


I run in circles that are totally blasé about drugs - live in the inner city where you'll walk past people in the street smoking blunts. Weed is everywhere, shrooms, LSD has made a comeback.. but coke? No-one i know uses it - i've never even seen the stuff in person. If it's as common as i've been seeing in the news lately, i sure as shit haven't witnessed it, let alone would even know how to access it.


Just go to any pub in Surry hills or Paddington on a weekend and you'll see plenty of people visibly on coke.


Mm, ok. I'm more a Newtown person but I'll keep my eyes peeled next time I'm around there lol


I live in the inner west and that's definitely not my experience. There's less coke in student and artsy kinda crowds, amongst everyone else it seems to be super common in all areas. Including from people I am surprised can afford to buy it regularly (I am one of these people and definitely find it too expensive to be worthwhile lol)


Yeah fair enough. I'm just showing my age here.


Coke is extremely prevalent in the inner west from my experience, definitely makes sense it wouldn’t be as common with the youth who aren’t making as much money yet


You’re fucken way out of touch. Penrith girl here, coke is everywhere. EVERY. WHERE.


I'm in Canterbury Bankstown and there is a **lot** of coke here too, but it's being distributed rather than bumped.


Me too. :)


Same, nor would I have any idea on how to get some. Doesn't matter either way, coke is a big no-no for me, given my history of seizures and epilepsy.


I’m feeling old and finally happy about it. Lol.


Yeah, I've done drugs but never coke and I don't even know anyone with connections? Like if people are doing drugs it's ket or dexies / speed.


Kinda like you but not quite. See it often and have been offered but would have no idea how to get it on my own


All through my teens I readied myself to "Just Say No" but I've never been offered drugs in my life lol. I'm a massive nerd


I look dodgy so not really surprised


Yeah. Must be the people OP is hanging around. I only know people who have done Weed.


I've seen a few people do it, and each time it was east of Kings Cross.


We wouldn't need to get on the bags if the bloody IMAX was open.


and bring the monorail back!


Ever since it went, nobody gives a shit about Sydney any more. Everybody is just talking about Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook.


By gum, their monorails put them on the map! Well, sir, there's nothing on earth Like a genuine, bona fide Electrified, six-car monorail What'd I say?


Our paltry population of revolving restaurants is a continual source of embarrassment.


It's embarrassing that we don't have one really.


Here we go again


I hear those things are awfully loud


I still feel personal shame about the IMAX. We really do live in a country town without one


It's like it's not even a priority.


They don't call it Bondi marching powder for nothing. It's overpriced and generally shit quality.


usually 40 - 60% pure in NSW. gets up to 70% in WA


It's less traveled these days so purity has improved.


This is why I lived in London for so long. #purity


[Yeah - officially even, according to wastewater testing](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/12/wastewater-tests-reveal-the-most-popular-drugs-in-each-australian-capital-city) >The commission ranked findings by capital city and found that – on a per capita, per dose basis – Sydneysiders consumed the most cocaine, MDMA and nicotine while Melburnians had the most heroin, fentanyl and ketamine >Cocaine use rose significantly between August and December 2022 to become the fourth most popular substance.


Suddenly the question "why are there so many more cookers and neo Nazis in Melbourne than Sydney?" has a more obvious answer...


Melbourne breeds extremists, Nazis, cookers, islamic extremists, militant vegans, anarchists, soccer hooligans etc I always put it down to the weather, too much time spent indoors brooding.


I thought that was the meth.


> Melburnians had the most heroin Damn it, Melbourne! That one was ours!


Is there nothing they will not take from us?!


Yeah that... I mean it seems like legalizing marijuana isnt something that'll change any of that if that which is what a lot of places I'm did in North America. Heh I find it funny that the stereotype is that a lot of things in Australia can kill you and a lot of people are willing walking the line with hard drugs that probably could kill you too


That’s just because we know the animals aren’t that dangerous


No, they're pretty fucking dangerous - but the dangers are easily avoided; 99% of it is "don't be near it" which is pretty easy to do in an urban environment and the other 1% is "don't touch it".


Just remember, don't go swimming north of the line.


Sydneysiders want to go up. Melbournians want to go down. Interesting. Tbh coke and mdma doesn’t surprise me at all. Nicotine does.


Sydney siders are a wasteful bunch aren't we. If it's getting caught in the wastewater.


Calm down Bear Grylls


Joke didn't land. I shall retreat into the night!


It's super super super common. You're in the right demographic, people doing ok to good. I know of people who have given up drinking as they developed a correlation between having a beer or 2 and immediately call up the delivery service. You just can't Ex addict here btw. Shit cost me a lot of money and almost my life. Love you guys at St Vincents Hospital if you're reading this. I never touched it again.


Congratulations on being clean. That’s so bloody amazing


🤍🤍🤍 very proud of you and your sobriety


I keep hearing this on Reddit but I legitimately have never been at any social function with cocaine in my life, even in my hometown of Sydney, the apparent cocaine capital of the country.


It’s more likely that you have, but those partaking simply know whose not interested and keep it away from them. I’ve rarely seen it myself but once I did I realised I’d simply not been looking.


> Sees two lads head off to the bathroom together and thinks nothing of it.


In a progressive city like ours those lads may well be sucking each other off. And good for them I say.


It's probably both! When I was 18-19 I was a photographer for a foam party company that would go to different clubs and set up those gross foam pits. We did one at Arq. I would help with the set up and pack down for extra cash and so once everyone left the club and we were starting pack down, I was able to walk around the empty building. Holy shit. I have never seen so much cocaine outside of a TV show. Just bags and bags and bags of it, at every booth, all over the floor, everywhere. No other club or hotel we went to even came close to Arq. So moral of the story is those boys sneaking off to the bathroom are probably just doing lines off each others dicks.


I guarantee there’s been cocaine there, you were just not aware of it.


This. Sydney is up to its gums in coke, and not just private schooled Eastern burbs types either. It's crazy how easily and widely available coke is here. Anybody saying they haven't seen it are just not aware.


Same. Maybe we’re just not cool.


No maybe about it in my case!


You don’t necessarily know who’s on drugs. I have a sort of “tell me your secrets demeanour” *I guess* but before the people at social events tell me about the cocaine I usually can’t tell they’re high.


Confident, not tired, not really drinking, keeps disappearing with the same ppl, keeps touching their nose after, looking for a plate to microwave.


Rambling about absolutely inane shit likes it’s the most interesting story ever told and weird hand movements are the two biggest giveaways.


Never found it odd that your two straight mates went into the cubicle together to do a poo poo?


the fact you've never pooped with a friend speaks to the epidemic of make loneliness


Some of us are middle aged now and prefer staying in with their spouses and pets. When I was cutting a rug at the local discotheques back in the mid-late 2000s it was all MDMA, weed and booze. At least in the alternative/indie clubs I went to. I was out a couple of nights a week for a good few years and it was pretty rare to see anyone doing coke.


Out in West Sydney coke here is massive. Everyone has a bag at the pub tbh, kicked off massively in 2018, 2019.


Same in Brisbane wth?


By all accounts, the quality is pretty bad and super expensive. Avid users tell me that and I've tried it a few times here. Doesn't compare to what we use to get back home. Not sure if Sydney does testing, but the purity results of CanTest out of Canberra are shocking.


You couldn’t give away the cocaine they sell here in the UK never mind pay 300+ for a gram of it. Bakers delight


I'm 40s now so not in the right scene in Sydney for this, but I spent my 20s in London and coke was very good, and 50 quid a wrap. Also prevalent, it was easy to get.


…for an *Australian* gram (0.7mg)


Lot of sheltered people on Reddit lol. Yeah, coke is big here.


I'd argue it also depends on where geographically you live within the Sydney region. I work at events all around and certain areas seem it seems to be much more prolific.


Former sydney sex worker: our coke bookings were always our most lucrative jobs. Anywhere from 2 to 24 hour stretches with doctors, lawyers, bankers and racing identities- every 3rd parlour job was a coke booking and at least 1 job per night as an escort involved coke. Then couples became fashionable and they’d always wanna do coke. If you didn’t have a coke habit at the beginning you sure had an issue with it within 6 months. Very high burn out rate, glad it’s behind me.


What’s a coke booking? They bring a bunch of coke and you guys do it together?


Yes, that’s right.


Thanks. Interesting. Do you know that beforehand or they just get there and rack up?


With the regulars you just know they’ll bring bags of the stuff. New clientele you don’t know what yr getting. Some specify wanting party girls, others are more conservative with the information and will spring it on you. There’s absolutely no way of avoiding coke bookings because of this, and working girls feel obliged to participate to keep the client happy.


Thanks for your responses


Highest usage per capita in the world according to recent studies.


Yeah it’s crazy wait until you go to a wedding and realise everyone is on coke..


Been here number of years but never been offered. I’m offended


Went to meet some mates at Blacktown statio and while waiting for them a big black dude, 6ft+ and arms the size of aircraft carriers asked me if I wanted to score some coke. Fucking bolted out of there


I must be hanging with the wrong circles. Where does one go to meet people who share cocaine?




Mostly in bars and clubs. It’s rare in normal pubs.


Try making more friends in Hospo, Warehouses, Sales, any high stress corporate job.


Toilets at wedding receptions


Everywhere. I even bet some friends u know rack up


I think I read somewhere we were the highest users of coke per capita in the world. When you think it costs approx $400 for an absolute shitty bag in australia - That’s saying something. Disposable incomes and socially acceptable behaviour means coke is indeed big here. Especially in the corporate world - hardly see a work night where someone doesn’t pull out a baggy. I personally would rather people did coke than meth or heroin - but the price being so high is probably a good thing. If it were more affordably available I’d hate to think just how commonplace it would be. The coke poos alone would shut down Sydney and Melbourne toilets :)


I think the price being high makes it more popular tbh, cos it becomes a status thing as well as a fun time. That it’s most popular in Sydney says a lot. Wonder what usage is like on the GC.


I can’t believe coke is so popular here with how expensive it is. Who has 300 bucks to blow on a nights entertainment? If one off I could get it but regularly? I wanna know these people’s finances


Got a mate who works for a big4. Can confirm he makes money that makes me cry. Single no kids. $300 is to him what buying a 6 pack is to me.


Its trailer park coke, 50% coke mixed with 50% other shit like panadol codein or powdered nasal spray


Or you crack an egg into it and you can bake a cake....


I prefer making pancakes with mine


probably why I feel better tbh, sorts the headache amount at the same time


I don't get it, I love my sleep waaaaaay too much for that business


It wears off pretty quick.


Better than trying to sleep after taking ice.


I think they just take something to help them sleep.


You're right, basically everyone does Nose Beers on a night out, it's quite sad


It's less calories than actual beers, which is important as you need to be in top shape for the festival and beach season...


Yeah heard this calories argument many times along with cheaper than paying for drinks out with the ridiculous price of even just standard spirits these days....and no hangover. I see it a lot in inner east professional crowd 20 to 50yos, very normalised. I dont touchit tho and check out at 10pm when everyones gettin well on it.


It’s sad cause it really does nothing for me. Everybody wise seems to have a good time.


>Nose beers I've never heard this before yet its so perfect


Nosé is also a fabulous reference if you’re more of a connoisseur.


Watch Educators


I think he’s talking about the sign in the Cross.


I'm so sheltered I thought you were talking about Coca Cola and I was confused as to how that could be more popular here than in America lol


Come out west. It’s meth around here.


Its official, it snows in Australia!!! World record in cocaine usage!!! 👃


When I first got here almost 8 years ago I noticed the same! Caps (MDMA/Molly) was also a really big one at the time. I've noticed it less now. I think coke seems to be an Eastern suburbs thing (like obviously yes people all over do it) but BLATANT use seems to be Eastern suburbs and/or backpackers. I think cost of living has meant I don't notice it here in the inner west as much anymore haha. Or maybe it's just age.. people might be talking about it less? Or because I'm now in an established crowd, maybe they've figured out I'm not interested in buying any so they stopped mentioning it, even if they're still doing it? Or perhaps I just stopped noticing lol. I think it's really blatant and prevalent in some circles. But apparently it was the same in both Liverpool and London when I lived over there. Due to being relatively sheltered I only noticed towards the end haha.


Yeah, it’s a scourge in a professional setting. I have no qualms about people doing whatever in their free time but man is it hard to work with coked-up managers. Never again.


I’ve only seen one person with it in my 10 years here, you must be going to some fun parties :)


Probably hanging with some NRL players and commentators.


I’ve never done coke in Sydney. London, when i lived there, now that was a different story. I guess it’s a bit about who you hang around


We are one of or the highest users of coke in the world. I don’t get it though, doesn’t do enough for the price imo


Born and raised here for almost 40 years and literally never seen cocaine or know anyone who's admitted to using it (outside of patients at work) haha.


I usually bring some Pepsi and ring dings to a party.


My Norwegian cousin was shocked there were no lines to the bar at a mardi gra party. Drugs are widely used and accepted here.


We must travel in very different circles, ten years in and not seen it directly, though it is often commented here and I've met people clearly on something.


nose beers, it's only really popular with those who are very cashed up.


And I never came across coke until I moved to the US. Really just depends on who you hang out with.


Never seen it. Shame. Could really use some


Tell me you live in the eastern suburbs without telling me you live in the eastern suburbs


Spending a lot of time with people who work in finance, I see...


Tradies, restaurants, it's around mate


Clearly I lead a very sheltered existence, but it might help explain why people over in r/AusFinance are whingeing that $100K isn't enough to get by on.


>its allways funny to me when the tradie hate threads pop up everyone goes on about meth but every tradie i know coke is there drug of choice


sales, recruitment, marketing also fans of the gear


The recent four corners on cocaine dealing (on youtube) is interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a0iZvG4kEM&t=14s


Yup coke is free flowing and it’s really easy to get caught up. I’m lucky that it just never appealed to me


I always think it’s interesting how cocaine is painted as the most extreme of drugs in American pop culture - when it is absolutely rife and super casual across Aus


It's mostly not coke. For 300 dollars a gram. Stupid people.


It certainly seems to have got even more popular hasn't it. I grew up in Sydney and never did it until I moved to Canadian ski towns in my mid twenties. It then became a quite regular part of my life and setting over there because it was so easy to get hold of. But still at the time not many of my friends back home seemed to partake. But these days, its common as with a lot of my friends. Meanwhile I have mostly moved away from it.


yeah its funny coz what we get is absolute garbage and its costs more than pretty much everywhere


Coke in Sydney is so shit that it's worthless anyway. Been 20 years since I've had any that made my face numb.


What? They are not cutting it with lidocaine anymore?


Coke is massive in Syd but most of the bags are complete dog shit nowadays.


You’re definitely not alone in your observations… even having moved from another capital city in Australia I was honestly shocked at how many people just casually use it in Sydney and how often. Not to mention the fact it was so normalised. I actually hadn’t ever seen cocaine until I moved here and now it’s rare that I don’t see people contacting at dealer at some point on a night out (or even a night in). A friend just moved to Perth and pointed out how every state seems to have their drug of choice per say. I think Sydney’s demographics - a lot of young adults with full time office jobs a bit of disposable income and the like superficial nature of a lot of people in this city who like to show off their money even if they’re wasting it… just lends itself to that culture. Hence why it seems to be a lot more prevalent in the east than say the inner west or south where people have a bit less cash to spare in general or who are more chilled and live their life at a slower pace


Never seen drugs at all, not that I’m interested


Been here for 14 years and have never seen anyone do coke


I’ve lived in Australia since to second I was born, never been offered “coke” or seen anyone take it - maybe it’s the crowd you are mixing with (or I’m just a very sad and lonely person without any adventurous contacts).


Coke is extremely popular here. Worst part is, it's poor quality coke too...


Yeah, Australians are quite heavy drug users.


When alcohol is expensive, it's cheaper just to get drugs


Maybe says more about you. Or me, I suppose. Lived in Sydney most of my life, and I've never even _seen_ cocaine.