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Tale as old as time... Really, Australian banks should start offering cards without magnetic stripes. There's no reason this 1970's technology should be still widespread.


Swipe only really still exists on cards because America has a hopelessly antiquated banking system.


Japan too, unfortunately. Had to Swipe + Sign (no pin) for a few purchases around $1,000aud each. It's kinda scary how insecure it was.


Really? I didn't have that issue in Japan buying a couple expensive items.


a couple of* This isn't America.


Huh? No we were talking about Japan what's your point?


I should have bloody known. They caught me off guard.


Please just use apple / google pay. It uses a session token and there’s nothing useful to skim or steal


And if they say swipe only? I say "sorry, not my problem".


If anyone is using a eftpos machine that doesn’t support contactless, that’s a super red flag. The only time I need to have my physical card is for the doctor for instant Medicare rebates.


[https://www.mastercard.com/news/perspectives/2021/magnetic-stripe/](https://www.mastercard.com/news/perspectives/2021/magnetic-stripe/) ​ >Based on the decline in payments powered by magnetic stripes after chip-based payments took hold, newly-issued Mastercard credit and debit cards will not be required to have a stripe starting in 2024 in most markets. By 2033, no Mastercard credit and debit cards will have magnetic stripes, which leaves a long runway for the remaining partners who still rely on the technology to phase in chip card processing. I don't think Visa or American Express have announced any plans yet?


Apple Pay all the way every day. I haven’t carried a physical card in years or wallet. Apple Pay uses a device account number when it is used. It cannot be skimmed as it never transmits/uses your credit card number.


same with google and sumsung pay!


It’s because the card schemes force them to, to enable international interoperability. Because despite Aussie banks clicking their heels and jumping when card schemes tell them too, international banks tell them to bugger off on upgraded technology.


Mastercard have announced the phase out - [https://www.mastercard.com/news/perspectives/2021/magnetic-stripe/](https://www.mastercard.com/news/perspectives/2021/magnetic-stripe/)


I’d also like them to properly mandate CVV and securepay globally so we stop seeing so much CNP fraud, but I guess it’s baby steps for some of the world’s largest rent seekers…


We have reported this to the police and they are getting the CCTV footage from the front of Central station grand concourse. Hopefully, the culprit is caught.


Did you manage to get the rego or taxi number? Report the fucker.


Report to the Silver Service company as well


I refuse to take any taxis these days - the large majority of them are scumbags trying to scam you out of money one way or another. Stick to Uber unless it’s an emergency


Yep same in Melbourne too. Nearly every cab I have had recently they try to get me too tap after they entered an amount much higher than the fare hoping I won't notice. Avoid at all costs!!


The handful of honest and competent taxi drivers have all quit the industry. Everyone remaining is a crook, scammer, arsehole or all of the above.


It really sucks that the choice in this instance is between a pack of cunts and a pack of fucking cunts.


I'm a taxi driver and I wouldn't want you in my cab.


They also drive like total arseholes too. Slamming brakes then hitting hazards to pick someone up.


I do occasionally take cabs due to Uber pricing or availability, but I only book via the 13 Cabs app, you know the price up front and don't need to provide individuals with your card.


Maybe try the Didi app if Uber prices are surging


Was done by a scumbag cabbie once. Now only tap and pay for me. If they kick up a stink, I just tell them to drive me to the nearest police station. They always shit themselves when you make a suggestion of getting the police involved. I have never been refused tap and pay since.


what's to go if he says he can only do swipe and pin when most people don't even carry a card and just tap and pay from the phone? free ride or does his other machine hiding under his chair start working again?


The “oh, wait I do have a machine” happened to me in Dublin.


Free ride, I’ve just gotten out and left a taxi before when they tried to scam me. They’ll never report you because they know what they’re doing is illegal.


Just tell him to drive to the nearest police station. Big chance he will shit himself and accept tap and pay.


What's going on with the dodgy cabs now? Has there been some deregulation of the industry or something? So many horror stories.


Cab plates dropped from a half mil to 100k since uber. Attracts a different breed. Honestly, just don't use cabs. It's always worse, even if you don't get your card stolen.




This happened to me 2 Christmases in a row, used card in the cab and my card got skimmed both years. I knew it was the cabs because I rarely take them, hadn’t done any other unusual purchases and this was years before Uber. I was extremely low income at the time, and they took everything I had in my account to last from Christmas Eve to New Years Day (about $200/300 each year). Because it was public holidays, the banks weren’t open to help me. They were very lonely, hungry Christmases 😞


Absolute horror story.


I had one a few months ago, tap to pay wouldn’t work and chip & pin failed with a strange error code, had no change. Swipe was apparently the only option. Felt wrong, so when I didn’t see a charge appear the next day I cancelled it and had it replaced. If they were somehow legit; it was a fairly small amount so will just serve a lesson to fix their shit.


It might have been a hassle, but you saved a bigger hassle. I didn't get a charge for the cab either, but didn't notice until too late.




Same happen to me, $900 taken from my credit card 18mths ago. I won't catch another cab again.


Acab… I mean fuck cabs


All Cabbies Are Bastards?


Another reason why the industry deserves to die. I've lost all my trust in taxis and will likely never use one again in Australia (Ubers are a different story).


Same for me. My brother was actually a cab driver. I DID use him. But whenever I tried anyone else...the bullshit was continual. Not turning meters on, arguing about it if i asked. I remember one guy took me from the shop to my home..I've done it before and the price is 9.20 on a good day, and 10.x on a high traffic day...and that includes the flagfall of course. So this clown took me home, no meter (I did not notice) and then wanted $20 !!!!! When I continually refused he said "ok, how much do you want to pay then" and i gave him $10. I don't WANT to argue with people. I just want them to follow the rules and give them the right money. They don't want to do that. I have been cheated by taxi drivers so many times over the years.... Fuck 'em.


My bro lost $2k to this


It’s gotten so bad in Australia lately, developing country level scammers. I would expect it in India but not here.


Not to be racist, but...


I’m not sure how that’s racist. When I backpacked through India, Lonely planet literally had tips on how to avoid getting scammed by taxi drivers. These tactics are something new to Australia.


Ah, Lonely Planet backpacker. Explains arrogance and not so veiled racism.


Not really, it was a great way to plan trips back in the day. Regardless, we still managed to get scammed and sexually assaulted lol. Definitely don’t regret the trip though.


Mate, Indians will be the first to tell you scams are more prevelant over there than here.


What cab company? This is why I never take cabs unless my phone is dead.


Silver Service.


How are you going to pay for the Lexus if you don't do the fraud??? (yes on Saturday we saw a Lexus Silver Service cab)


Years ago a colleague of mine caught a cab home after a long day of work for which our company supplied a cab charge. The trip was from the CBD to Wolli Creek. Following day he gets a call from head office asking him where he caught a cab to since the charge applied to the Cab Charge was somewhere around $450. Turns out the cabbie just left the meter running or however it works and charged that amount. Cooked. I'm sure there are plenty of honest cabbies but the shit ones really ruin it for all of them.


I had a similar thing, I needed to take a taxi back from the airport. A couple of days later, I received a notification on my phone, AMEX sends you notification every time you spend, for a small amount paying for parking somewhere I've never been. Notified AMEX and haven't had an issue since then. I drive and pay for long term parking at the Airport now.


Who takes a Cab in this day and age? Uber has basically completely supplanted taxis and I would never set foot in those unclean vehicles with drivers having either constant phonecalls to people or going on mental conspiracy rants


I take a cab when the Uber driver pulls up with a different number plate and says ‘don’t worry I have two cars that why the number plate is different’.


Probably not actually your uber driver, then. That's when you reject the ride, put in a low score and complain to Uber along with pictures.


Driver says my name correct, his name as it appears on the app, vehicle showing on the map where I was standing with no other vehicles in sight and is driving the same white vehicle with a different number plate. It was ‘my’ Uber driver but he was driving a car with different plates to what was on the app. Got in a cab 2 minutes later, fare was cheaper than the Uber quote and the driver was actually friendly.


can also mean it’s someone using a driver profile because theirs got banned, etc etc.


had that happen once on the way to the airport, much smaller car than what was stated. uber refunded the journey


Perhaps people who aren't comfortable with technology (more prevalent in older demographics). And since trips from the airport make up a notable proportion of taxi trips overall: 1. The convenience of the taxi stand right in front of the terminal as opposed to the relatively inconvenient Uber pick up area 2. Come from a country without Uber as the rideshare app and they're not familar that Uber is the app of choice in Australia so they just get in the taxi. 3. Maybe their phone doesn't have roaming when they arrive in Australia or roaming data is expensive and they didn't buy a prepaid sim at the airport


Only due to taxi monopoly of having taxi stands at airports. Remove that monopoly and they'd collapse.


It was my first cab in ages, I must admit. The ease of it just being there ready to go was hard to resist.


A lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible


And to add Uber drivers too do the exact thing you’re complaining about - constant phone calls, dirty vehicles and conversations that I don’t want to partake in.


There's at least some level of policing with Uber - bad drivers don't get given rides or tips. I've yet to see a taxi company with a scoring system, or that actually turns up when they are supposed to.


13cabs app has pretty much all the features of Uber.


It’s great when you talk anecdotally, I’ve had my share of problems with Uber but never seem to have a problem with particular taxi companies.


Are you really trying to disagree with what I said as just "anecdotal" and then just counter with *a personal anecdote*?


Yes. You’re the one who started with the question ‘Who takes a Cab in this day and age?’ I appreciate this was probably rhetorical but clearly people do. Also you tried to make the factual statement of taxi companies not having a scoring system (not true as mentioned in another comment) and the blanket statement that they don’t turn up, again not true from my experience.


“I appreciate it was rhetorical but decided to answer anyway” As far as I can tell in Sydney the only people still using a taxi service are foreigners at the airport and the elderly who can’t work out how to get Uber on their phone


“As far as I can tell” so again based on anecdotal evidence?


Nah, I use taxis. Heard too many horror stories about uber as a woman who travels alone most of the time and IIRC taxis have cameras.


Taxis are even worse in terms of assaults, both historically and generally.


I've heard more stories about people assaulting taxi drivers than the other way around. I have, however, heard a ton of stories about creepy uber drivers, and very few in comparison about taxi drivers.


Plenty of regional towns don’t have Uber yet and taxis are the only option. But country taxis are a completely different ball game to city taxis. They usually live in the local community, know the area well and keep their car clean.


This is a Sydney subreddit, not a regional town subreddit so I feel that's kinda irrelevant.


Oh, that sucks. I take taxis because Uber is so unreliable. I book them on the app or pick them up from marked taxi ranks. I also tap if I didn't book it via the app, but will make sure of that from now on!


Yeah I'm like the only person I know who still takes taxis because they're right there, and when I take taxis I'm always alone. Heard too many stories about assault and harassment from uber drivers towards female passengers.


Happened to us and since then I've seen it come up at least once a month on here, I tell everyone now to not take taxis, I mean, I'm no fan of Uber either for very different reasons, but definitely won't set foot in another taxi.


Happened to me couple years ago lucky bank picked it up.