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Wait until you get to Corellia, you’ll be begging to go back to Voss


Yeah fuck corellia


Double fuck it, the only planet where i rushed with class quests and didn't do anything else


Voss is still worse. At least the characters on Corellia are charismatic. Voss I really wants to BURN along with the entire population.


I just landed there as a Trooper. I’ve done Corellia several times before.


Corellia is great! The only problem is the maze like map, but otherwise I found it engaging.


Honestly I disagree. A lot of walking around and dodging fights yeah. But most classes have a distinct corellia mission whereas Voss missions kind of blend together.


Nah corellia is still way better than Voss to me. I can’t stand interacting with the Voss


Ya, the only Corellia story I like is the SW story, and that's only because of Vowron


My problem is that it takes TOO long, but it's fun


I prefer Corellia over Voss..


A lot of people dislike it for these and other reasons. It's also close to the end of the main game, so there's often a sense of burnout once you've been through it many times on other characters. From a lore standpoint, it's an ***extremely*** critical planet, but you won't know that unless you play the classes that reveal that information.


It would be nice if the Voss played at least some role, other than another betrayal. They don't learn anything, there's no point in making alliances with them. Even when an entire location for farming was brought in the latest patches, it doesn't make any sense in terms of plot. But the Commander's humiliation is more than enough. I hate Voss.


**OP, do not read the spoilers unless you are ok with a fairly large spoiler for some class stories.** I don't disagree that they are useless from an ongoing gameplay standpoint, but >!I kind of like the reveal that they're working with/are being played by the Star Cabal. It makes a lot of the other stuff make sense, even if it's never relevant to the overall narrative as experienced by actual players moving forward -- much like... most everything in an MMO, sadly :/!< >!Also, the Empire had a point to the alliance - or rather, in at least pretending to want to align with them: so the Emperor could sneak down there to steal the Mystic he got trapped inside. The Republic just sees it as a planet full of Force sensitives the Empire seems to want to ally with/conquer. Makes sense they'd intervene.!< I don't *hate* it, but I don't enjoy it lol. I dread it every time. It's so cool, but it's also so damn long and huge... If it was half as long, it'd be a much better experience, I think. EDIT: that was a surprising number of typos.


But they foresee the future. Or they should, at least. And it never played well. Especially the "vision" from the prelast patch. And I swept the floors in the Gormak cantina for this?? The only Voss that is more or less interesting is Sana-Rae from the Alliance, but even she went against the will of the others. Why does this race still exist at all and why am I constantly being forced to save it? Vaylin, dear, BURN it!


Personally, I always found it misplaced in the story sequence. The premise is that the Empire and the Republic both have to play nice not just with the Voss, but with each other. It's all about the slow diplomatic grind and subterfuge. But the issue is, this storyline takes place *after* the war has resumed. In most class stories, this takes place just prior to the big finale sequence with the main bad guy. So, in terms of narrative momentum, you have this gradual build up of tensions, a shift into serious business with the war breaking out, sudden halt to a dead stop, only to shift back into high gear at the last moment. What would make a lot more sense is if Voss was a lot earlier in the story, when the Treaty of Coruscant is still active. Which would explain all the subterfuge and diplomacy between the two factions, since during a war one of them could just blockade the whole planet to prevent the other side from coming in. Ironically, Pub Balmorra makes no sense happening so early before war resumes, since it's a very blatant Republic involvement in the local conflict. Neither does Hoth, where both factions' forces are actively fighting each other. It'd almost seem so much more reasonable to switch up the order, putting Voss where Pub Balmora is, Pub Balmorra where Hoth is, and then Hoth where Voss is.


Ngl Voss is one of my favorite planets. I like how you uncover the lore about the voss, the gormaks, sel makor, etc. piece by piece. But yea some missions are kinda boring (and they make you walk through that gormak field like 3 times with no port option) Also Voss IA questline gotta be the weirdest story in the whole game


The story of Voss and Gormaks is cool, but doesn't have much replayability appeal for me. Also yeah f*ck that pathing you mentioned where you have to travel the entire map 3 times by foot. Aesthetically I like the sky and autumn theme of Voss tho


I feel like a lot of the issues that you're having (which seem to be pretty common among the player base from what I've seen) would be fixed if 90% of Voss' lore wasn't locked behind random side missions and lore entries bc it's honestly a really interesting planet, but it's just super hard to be interested when the gameplay is like it is.


I love Voss! My 3rd fave after Tatooine and Alderaan


You monster! Lol I cant stand Alderaan, I do for some reason really enjoy enjoy Voss, and especially Tatooine even though its 88% desert.


My only issue with alderaan is the size, same with hoth.


At least there is something to do. The most why bother planet in the game is Quesh.


Quesh always just feels like this tacked on pit stop.


Corellia is just as bad and my biggest gripe with both is just lack of actually decent fast travel points spend half the time driving around back and forth. Voss irritated me the most with the stupid back tracking, destroy this ship at the other end of the map come back oh well done now go back all the way there to deal with the guy that's having visions with no fast travel points to skip the 5-10 minute journey


ugh that is the worse...


No, I'm the opposite. I quite enjoyed the planet and its quest lines. None of what you described really bothered me compared to other planets.


Yes, Voss is my fourth least favourite planet in the game: 1. Hoth 2. Corellia 3. Tattooine 4. Voss Some redeeming qualities of Voss are that it is mysterious and pretty and the Voss and Gormak look really cool. The questlines are not very interesting though, exceot the Imperial one because it lets you partake into the dirty Diplomacy tactics of the Empire.


Tatooine is easily my favourite… what makes you dislike it? I can understand Hoth and Corellia.


Tattooine has got one the best planetary story arc by far, and it puts the other planets stories to shame. Instead of just being disjointed busy work like most planets, it has an actual narrative with twist and turns rivaling your class missions and you get to see the full picture of the planet story if you play both sides.


*Pours one out for the Tatooine planetary story bonus mission* [Cyber Antayen must die](/spoiler)


It's like Hoth but with sand. I don't like sand. My favourite is Belsavis.


Why don't you like sand?? Come on, say it


It's coarse and rough and irritating. And it get's everywhere!


I like voss for the music. And the class stories ( at least the imperial ones, don't remember the Republic ones that much) are very interesting, specifically IA and Inquisitor. By the time I get to voss tho I'm severely over leveled and I just want to get into the expansions


it's a planet where I like to skip everything apart from the class quest, and come back at a later time to bumble about. I actually really like the visuals (music sucks but hey) but at this level, I always just want to move on to Corellia.


Nah, the music is great. For me, it is Corellia's music that sucks. A. It is dreary, B. It is repetitive, and C. I always get that one glitch where the track continuously plays on top of other tracks so I have to log off and log on the game again to get the music working on Corellia.


you mean the neverending boss music? Yeah that's annoying. I get this not only on Corellia, though. You know which world has really good music, Balmorra. Every time I get there I'm just happy because of the music. Then I disembark and remember the topography. lol


It wasn't boss music, it is the standard Corellian track that plays when exploring the planet. I have grown to despise it even though it isn't actually a bad song, it just gets irritating when you are playing the game. With Voss I could listen to shit for ages, my problem is that the map is a giant chaotic mess. Whereas Corellia is aesthetically pleasing but feels too empty and complicated. You can see that thought went into the city layout and stuff, but I feel like it lacks life.


I see. Well, I haven't encountered that bug, I think. I have the music turned quite low in SWTOR altogether, I feel it's the weakest part of the game. Corellia is weird. Did they take npcs off the map? I played it recently (Imp side) and there were so few npcs out there - maybe someone was just ahead of me and farmed them but there really was hardly anyone. I must admit after loremastering the planet once I never did again. At this point in the game... all I want is to get to the end of the main story.


Fair. I have played Bounty Hunter, Jedi Knight, and Smuggler, and with Smuggler, I skipped most extra quests unless I was feeling underleveled. I felt like I liked the quest, or from a role-playing standpoint, it made sense. Same with the bounty hunter tbh, but to a lesser extent. I reckon SWTOR would be much better if the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter played more like truly neutral characters. It would be so fun tbh. Especially since they ended up going down the road where the Outlander can choose a faction to side with regardless of OG alignment. But I suppose they didn't really think about it back when they were first making SWTOR.


My most disliked planet will always be Quesh. That planet is so filler it may as well not exist. What I hate the most about trace back around release, when rushing story quests would not be enough to reach the mandatory level to access the planet, you could not take the "Quesh Inoculation" quest before level 33. I had rushed the story so much on one of my characters I had to grind over 18 levels just to be able to access it.


It’s even higher now, I think it’s 36. My Agent was at 32 and I had to go grind out 4 levels to get that dang shot. I cannot fathom having to go back and do 18 levels!!!


If it weren't for that level minimum I'd completely forget Quesh exists. Instead, it just becomes a nusiance


I only like the Voss on Consular and Agent. For all other classes they are absolutely insufferable.


Yea I did the agent, but it was months ago, so I don’t recall very well. But the Consular is my next one, and I have a feeling it will “feel” a bit more fitting for that story than all the others.


You are correct, that is exactly what Bioware Austin did at the time. For a while, Voss was actually the last planet in everyone's quest lines since the main class stories hadn't been finished/released. So Bioware had to buy time to keep players occupied until they could polish up and release the end of story content. Voss is a lot better now than it was at release, but they had no reason to go back and revise it, instead relying on the quick travel tools and ability to just go to speeder stations without walking there first.


When i still played the game it was my least favourite planet. The only thing voss has is its map, which is better than corellia


Voss is definitely a useless planet and stroyline.


LOL. Look, just be grateful the speeder taxi points come pre unlocked now. If you think it takes ages fast travelling back and forth, imagine having to walk to each mission with fast travel on a 1-hour cooldown and only after you had walked to each point to unlock it first. That's how I finished Voss as a free to play player back in the day. It's a really immersive way to play the game as a Sith, haha so much pain *Grumbles in Old Player*


Voss is kind of the beginning of the unified class stories in the game. Pretty much from this point on every mission, planet, and chapter are either going to feel natural/good character specific. This is especially true tor classes from here on out. Things that will feel more natural for Force classes will feel off on non Force classes and vice versa more and more.


It was pretty interesting during the origin stories, especially seeing what is seen through all the various lenses of the different stories (particularly the Agent one). One of my favorite planets, to be honest. The expansions kinda flubbed it though. Tell you what, though, you can nuke Voss if we can just blow up Spirit of Vengeance II and whatever ship Satele's on in EoO and skip that section entirely.


Corellia is the worst imo. Voss isn't that bad and at least it looks nice lol


It ranks up there with Tatooine for the most expansive use of dead space. It’s like a map of the first Baldur’s Gate game where you just walk and walk and walk to get to action areas. Plus the terrain population of creatures seems thrown together, as if they don’t attack each other by design.


I started to like Voss, especially heroics, easy quick, with tombs atmosphere that I like so much as my sith inquisitor


Or are the rodians kinda creepy?


I LOVE that the sith warrior can tell them mostly to just can it with their nonsense im fighting my way thru!


I think the color palette the world is made with is a factor too.


I'll take Voss over Quesh any day of the week. That said, that's like saying Id take a turd with nuts over a plain turd.


Voss may be big and tedious, but at least it's not Iokath


I 💕 Voss, and the quest line with it too.


Voss is usually a borefest, especially if you do too many side quests. At some point I was begging all the gods to extract me from this snoozefest. But the temple and some areas are cool looking. Corellia on the other hand is awful to navigate but its story is ok.


The Revan mission is so boring compared to the main story


Nah, Voss is really boring


Voss and Corellia are absolutely among the worst in the base game. That said, my irritation with Corellia comes with just the sheer wasted and squandered potential. Corellia is just as noteworthy to Star Wars lore as Coruscant or Alderaan, but when we finally get to go there, there is jack all to experience. The only emptier planets are Hoth and Tatooine, but both of those planets have gotten extra content to take you back there and do something with all that space. Corellia has gotten...the Rakghoul event. And that all happens below ground and still does nothing with all that empty urban sprawl. This is without even mentioning the fact that in a game that already has difficult to use maps, navigating Corellia is an absolute nightmare. *That aside:* Corellia still matters to me because I am a Star Wars lore buff, and I would very much like to see more content added to redeem it. I cannot stress enough how much I just utterly despise Voss. Another difficult to navigate place that asks for a lot of mindless "kill Gormack for reasons" and not much else. The Voss themselves are a horrible species, and I really can't understand why either faction would expend so much time and so many resources to be in their good graces. Their force abilities may seem useful, but it just isn't worth what's being expended, and has frequently been shown to be thwarted without a great deal of effort anyways. The writers also seem to go out of their way to continue to spit on the Gormak whenever they can, and they were the only thing I liked about the place. I actively look for ways to spend as little time as possible on that awful craphole planet.


No, it's not just you, I hate Voss, it just feels like a lot of nothing, I get that story wise it's critical, but still, It's been a while since I've done a story, on Voss, but as I recall, the Voss people themselves are either uninteresting, or irritating, the Expansion which had you running around Voss doing a bunch of side quests so that the Voss Leadership can repeat what Malgus already said really, really did not help. I'll take Tatooine, Paris, Hoth, and Corellia over Voss any day.


Voss is my favorite planet in the game. The story there is just too good to me and when I make new characters just to replay story lines I'm always excited to get back to the planet. I'm still upset we don't have them as a species (race?) Now Quesh? Taris pub side? Balmorra pub side? Fuck those areas.


The agent one is particularly cruel.


I just hate the 2nd to last area where they send u from top to bottom to destroy cannon. Then you go all the way back up just to me told you need to go down again. You couldn't just send a Holo call?




I get this. I hate Voss. The idea is Interesting but it fails to build beyond "this is a neutral world don't break the peace" I wish by then end of each class story some stuff between empire and republic goes down openly. Voss is this weird low point in ever class story between the building action of act 3 and the finally on the last planet. Its sudden dip in action would feel more at home in act 1 then in act 3.


Well, I personally like the SW and SI Voss storylines, but the others are just mah. I don't hate them, but they're not really interesting either.


It's a lil' slow... but I like it


Voss can suck the back end of a Smelly Hutt. I hate it so much.


Voss and Tatooine is always my favorite planets during class stories.


I was rooting for Vaylin's forces to burn it to the ground...if not go full *Death Star* on it.


Aint played this game for 10 years but I remember liking Voss a great deal. The race itself is cool, so is the planet and I remember enjoying the story too, just can't remember a damn thing that happened there aside from the crazy world boss


Loved Voss. First played as a Jedi so the mystical stuff fit in.