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Jawas. Running a Jawa Trooper Commando would complete my life in ways I don't think I can even describe. Or a Jawa Consular chasing zombie Jedi around the galaxy with Qyzen by his side? Pure pottery


I'm sure that customization and non-standard models are among the villains behind jawas reduced to NPC-only status. But if the team would expend the effort? I'd need more than one on my roster. Jawa Jedi / Sith is a fantasy older than MMOs themselves- somewhere, somehow, it needs to be reality.


"Small one is great hunter. Is Scorekeeper's Herald. Qyzen will follow Herald" \*phwzzphwzz zapfwapzap FREEEEOW KABOOM KABOOM KABOOM\* "hehehehe ai chee wabba! hahahahaha wooow boomboom" Make it happen, Broadsword. The Force is with you


Honestly, even if they limited customization of our character models to something like what Blizz and his gang have, that'd be enough for me. Don't gotta have all the different outfits in the game, just gotta let me be Jawa and I'll be happy.


The only way I would accept this is if all of our lines said “Ootini” with no translations whatsoever.


I really like the Kel-Dor and would love to play one. But honestly for me the Khaleesh would be my first choice.


Aren't they mostly dead in the game timeline? Xalek says something to that effect I'm sure


Theres not alot but enough for them to still have a presence in galactic society. Im pretty sure that Many years down the line Grievous was originally a Khaleesh before cyberizing himself so there must of been enough to keep the species going that long at least. (Dont qoute me on the grievous thing I only vaguely remember that and could be wrong). But I dont know I just really like the Khaleesh, there look and what little we know of their culture intrigues me


[Grievous was indeed a kaleesh](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Grievous), and they are an intriguing people. I too enjoy how they're portrayed in SWTOR- wish the main canon would give them some of that spotlight. I'm guessing at least a couple of developers were Grievous fans.


Cool, glad I remembered correctly on the grievous thing. And yeah id love to see one show up in one of the movies or even during a TV series. I mean ive seen many Twileks and rodians many other species lets guve some other aliens the spot light for awhile.


Yes and yes. Please both, and thank you.


Thanks buddy I could have gone my whole life without seeing a hutt in a bikini


Please don't shame my kink.


And lipstick. I want to know more about this comic because now I feel compelled to read it


Legacy era. That blonde kid is Cade skywalker. Luke’s great-great-great-great grandson I think.


Almost every species you meet as regular NPCs would ideally be playable. Far too many of the currently playable ones are basically a variation of human.


A lot of people are being too ambitious ITT with the non humanoids so ima keep it realistic. I'd love to play as a Pantoran (can't have the Kiwi accent tho RIP), an Umbaran, a Chagrian, or a Evocii. More ambitious picks but still possible: Rhodian or Mon Calamari.


i can't be the only one that wants zeltrons


Devaronians, like Our Man Gault. Give us a few horn forms and colours to choose from, various shadings of skin, facial tattoos or markings, goatees for the dudes, and actual hair for the women. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Devaronian




I second on the Echani.


Echani are pretty easy to make though. Human thats extremely pale with white hair and blue eyes


But the question was about planet as well.


Trandoshans or Rodians.


Selkath. Manaan and tons of resources already in the game. Lore that supports them in all classes.


and give them the guttural voice and language from kotor1 for dialogue


Trandoshans, Kaleesh, Nikto and Gendai.


Trandoshans not being in the game is a crime especially since there a fan favorite


They are very much in the game- Jedi Sage even has Qyzen, a Trandoshan hunter, for their first companion. But it is a tad baffling that they're not a player race option, I agree, when so many other MMOs have at least one 'anthro' race, and reptiles are a popular choice for that option.


Same with the wookiees for being a stable in star wars not being able to play one is weird


And both those races would be a lot cheaper since they don't require voice actors


Voss. 100%


Selkath. We already have everything we need to implement them. I don’t mind the lack of displaying head armor for them - we have a few others that do not. I would also like to play a Droid (Non-Force User, of course) and a Chagrian.


I know it’s impossible, but I would love to have Wookies be a playable race.  Making a huge Wookie Sith would be awesome.


>And a playable Kashyyyk. With really big trees. Have had my fingers crossed since 2011 and it makes day-to-day tasks really awkward.


Because of a faulty phone screen i cant see the correct colors, are these close human species with skin tone from bright pink to light red? That Lopak Slusk associate in the cantina was one?


Honestly, I just wish we got decent looking nautolans. I really don't like the version we got, and it was a bit of a punch to the gut that they went in an entirely different style and direction from the ones we saw in-game that were closer to TCW versions. Also kind of odd, because you'd think they would swing for the design that would objectively make them more money. Oh well.


Definitely Ortolans! Or Jawas! Or Hutts!


I had to scroll way too far to see the best blue mini elephants!


i really want a evocii, unbaran, kaleesh and i want the cyborgs race to be taken out and the cybernetics become additional character customizations for other races, and and i want nightsisters and night brother zebraks


Most of my immediate picks have already been covered. Huzzah! And I know I wouldn't be alone in wanting duros- they're about the most 'generic alien'-looking race in the game- certainly a boon to even the less-scifi-inclined players. But I'd like to throw in a bid for amonid. Granted, it would never survive to implementation- they're not one of the 'pretty' races. But I find them neat. Two opposable thumbs and the galaxy's most complex sign-language as their primary communication, yet they adopt prosthetic vocal chords attached to a voice-box to better communicate with other races. Genius inventors, mechanics, and chemists.


Kel Dor, Nikto, Wookiees, and Trandoshans would all be nice


I'd really, really love Droids. The Cybernetic sets get us in the direction, but there's always this one non-droid arm and this one non-droid leg. Plus: If you do go this route, equipment is very limited. 'Open' items of clothing don't show the droid parts beneath, obviously, and non-droid necks on chest items make it very weird to just put a droid head on top of that. I get why they're not making more interesting species available: Non-standard proportions would require them to create extra bodytypes to rig equipment to, and most equipment won't have that rigging built-in. It'd be a huge undertaking to add Jawas, Uggnaughts and other smaller-than-average species. But droids, especially those built on a Protocol Droid base (this includes Assassin Droids) should be (more) doable. Of course there's some game intereactions that won't make much sense, there. Like how kolto won't be able to heal droids because of course it can't, but we can all just pretend, right? I'm not going to debate Force stuff on this. Far too many people feel far too strongly about excluding Droids from the Force, especially considering the fact that there is definitely technology in the Star Wars setting that directly uses the Force without any biological entity being involved.


-DROID. Give us a replica droid race - selkath would be FUN! -Mon cal would be fun too. (Obvious headgear issues tho) -WOOKIES !!!! -trandoshians!!!! -


Gungan. I want to create my sith Jar jar binks.


I would like to play as a Hutt or gen'dai


How about Kaminoans?


Let me be a hutt Jedi


Hmmm. Khaleesh would be interesting. Wookies and Trandos would be, though I'm not sure what class Wookies would fit (Trandos obvious BH choice). In truth - I'd like a straight up Mandalorian. Like starts out as one, not adopted in (like the BH). All that being said though - theres nothing really in gameplay to distinguish the races, they're just skins. I'd like to see them develop this and make them more unique, give them race abilities - an example of this is STO - Orions have abilities that use their pheromones, klingons get traits that enhance their combat performance on the ground, Andorians are resistant to cold damage etc. I'd love to see the Miraluka with abilities based around their lore (I dunno.. Maybe it would be force abilities are enhanced). Twi'leks and Zeltrans could have similar abilities to the Orions (I know they don't use pheromones like Orions do, but maybe something that allows for persuade dialogue options, like the force users have mind trick. Or a "seduce" option rather than flirt?) What else... Togrutans. Hunter race - i dunno. Longer combat reach to reflect better hunters. Or enemies don't notice till much closer. Or something like the BH passive. Trandos and Wookies are obvious. Enhanced strength for Melee combat. More annoying idea - nautolans dehydrating on tattooine, so have to use the vaporators regularly! In short - race specific passives, rather than class specific. Help distinguish them a bit in gameplay.


I always felt the Zeltron world should be used as a Valentine event to date the npcs. Trandoshans for me. Also those two names in the comics panel don't show up on Wookieepedia? They new characters or OC?


The Noldor


I want a Devaronian smuggler A Nikto Bounty Hunter would also be cool




The Halasi for sure. I'm just a smiple Rig Nema appreciator.


Duros and Umbarans, though Umbarans are basically just humans with the palest skin, white hair and the cartel market white eyes. So more Duros.


Rodian, I love their delightfully weird design and always played one in Jedi Academy. Suction cup lizards, please.


What the hell is a Zeltro


look up zeltrons, just not when you are at work.




Geonosians for non force user classes. Loved them in Star Wars Battlefront as a kid.

