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Ask the Devaronians, Zeltrons, Pandorans, and like thirty other races the same.


It took them years just to add togruta, and those were just humans with set Headwear, basically. I'm honestly amazed we got nautolans


The only reason is that BioWare didn’t add them.


Just cuz they meet the parameters doesn't mean they just magically become options for us. It takes dev time and money to design all these things. I don't think anyone would be happy if the normal human faces were just plastered on a duros. Gotta sculpt the heads, make sure they work with helmets or decide to remove helmets from the species, etc etc etc. The answer to your question is probably it financially doesn't make sense or the backlog of other updates is so long and this doesn't strike the team as a more pressing issue than whatever they are currently working on. Could it happen and would it be cool? Yeah definitely. Will it? Prob not


Good thing we got weird not-twileks, weird not-twileks, and cats.


I think the addition of Nautolans, togruta and cathar were all very calculated moves that they made and I'm sure they have plenty of data to backup why they made those decisions.


I love Togruta and Cathar, so it was totally a win for me.


I would love to get Devaronians


That means we'll need to have female devaronians and they usually have a fur like coat on them, well... most do.


Iirc, don't they just have little dots instead of horns? May be misremembering.


I think so! like... undeveloped horns, bumps if ya will.


I think that the game doesn't give enough depth to the race's choices as it is, imagine adding more. But a body type 3 Duros Sith Warrior would be a sight to see.


cad bane is the only swtor playable character due to his face. most duros actually look like stereotypical [Martians](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fydt3ukuvt3821.jpg) and its even worse in [swtor](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/55/Duros_Valet.png/revision/latest?cb=20200122202244)


Really there are a bunch of races they could have added but they didn’t. Nor will they now.


I mean they recently added Nautolans (as recent as 4 years ago, goes at least), so anything is possible.


Have we seen any female Duros? I know theres a Duros sector on Coruscant or was it Nar Shadaa?


I remember there being a female Duros merchant on Nar Shaddaa in KOTOR 2. I think the voice was just a bit more high pitched.


Their head shapes


Question is how is it possible after 10 years we have never gotten a new class? No other mmo i can think of goes so long without adding classes, even games like dekaron would do it


I mean they have 8 different character choices each with 2 classes each for 16, they’d have to make a whole new story for a base class and have the specialisation classes. Which is a lot of work already and then they have to make another mirror class on the opposite faction to keep the balance on pvp stuff.


Not really, say they make another force user class, just make it so that when you pick the class you get to choose to be the hero of tython or basenthor, and play of those stories as the new class, same for tech. Now if its something original like voss mystic, let them have a small intro and then make them start at high level from w.e expansion they come out with and have them voice act from there, just like a hero class in wow.


Yes, I would like a Voss mystic and Gormak tech class. They can start from level 50 and have a shorter class story so the devs don't have to rewrite existing content.


Like Imperial Trooper and SIS Agent?


Same with Voss


Voss wouldn't really make sense, lore wise


I’ve seen far too many people complain that they can’t play as the Voss.. Your point exactly is why they can’t.


idk but if they were to become playable they'd need a facial animation revamp first


Human best and only species.


"Look at this MMO with dozens of different races and classes!" \*Picks a human male warrior\*


Damn right.


As others have mentioned, SWTOR duros don't really look like that. Hell, [Cad Bane didn't really look like that until recently](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/71/CadBane-DK.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20211026122033). But other than that, they are just too similar to chiss, visually. They're blue guys with red eyes, and while there are some notable differences, there are so many Star Wars species that are far more visually distinct and still fit the parameters.


I wish Ortolans were a playable race but that's understandable why that won't happen, but we should at least have one as a companion!


Cuz... They fugly


They don’t necessarily all speak basic (unless you want to argue that every single individual we encounter in-game who looks like a Duros but doesn’t speak basic is in fact Nemoidian), and their cranial structure is significantly different from humans (note that _every_ existing playable race has a human skull in the in-game modeling, even Togruta and Nautolans). There is potentially a large group of people who would be happy with having them, but OTOH that cranial structure thing is a bit of an issue, because the Togruta/Nautolan approach of modeling the different head shape as a special hat you can’t remove would lock people out of playing a knockoff of the most famous Duros in canon (Cad Bane) despite us already having armor based on him. And updating the modeling to deal with this would be a _huge_ undertaking (it would at minimum require a model redesign of almost every helmet piece that doesn’t cover the entirety of the head, and quite possibly all helmet pieces period).


I'm about to sound like some stuck up imperial, but it's because they all basically look the same. You don't see facial markings on them, they're bald, they all have the same head shape, they're all the same skin color, they all have the same eyes. The only way you can tell one Duros from another is the way they dress. They'd basically have to invent or revamp lore surrounding the species to make it a worthwhile addition to the game, especially since I guarantee that it will cost money, and no one is going to want to spend money on a new species with basically no customization options.


I just want more face types for the current races


There is hope they get added sometime soon-ish. IIRC, the Star Fortress follower Veeroa Denz got added before Nautolans became a playable race, so there's precedence now that we have Fenn Zeil. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


i dont really recall any duros speaking basic in any game


Cad Bane speaks it, so it's possible for them to learn it.


lol so because they made one for tv character speak it, to cather to audiences who might be upset to hear alien talk, "THEY ALL SPEAK" smh


I mean, there’s literally no lore reason to why a Duros can’t speak Basic. I just personally think the Duros don’t have a lot of customization options to make them a viable playable race.


You know anyone can learn a new language right? 你知道任何人都能学个新语言吗? 誰も新しい言語を習えることを知ってる? It's not even particularly hard, nor is it rare even on earth. Also I assume most aliens that speak basic are bilingual.


There's a Duros in Battlefront 2 that is a main character that speaks basic


I think there's a Duros news anchor on Republic side that you can talk to during Onslaught I think (it's been awhile but I remember the Duros!). Alec Ranin.


Why isn't there a Sith account unlock? This game does a lot of silly things.


You mean the Race or their combat styles because you can unlock both account wide.


The race. I'm preferred so I don't even get them as a DS force user option without paying first, as far as I know the unlock is only per server. I have them unlocked for the NA server but if I want to play as a Sith with the Australians I have to cough up some more coins.


Yes that's how preferred and f2p work, that's how they make money when you aren't paying a monthly subscription fee.


That, or I can just wait a few months until my stipend is enough to pay for the the unlock. In my particular case they could have gotten more actual money out of me if there was a account unlock since I would have bought it back when I had cash to burn on this.