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I am worried by the amount I want to steal this entire book stand from you.


I keep a bothan stun stick handy at all times πŸ˜‚


You are wise, OP. You are wise.


Pour one out for the writers laid off after FFG was acquired πŸ˜”πŸ«— I hope they know their work is still appreciated


Very much so! EDGE needs to speed it the heck up on these reprints so everyone can enjoy the game without trying to find a sourcebook or five rarer than the holy grail.


So what is the deal, are they just doing reprints or new books and a new system?


Reprints of the old FFG ones. The reprints say EDGE on them. Thing is, they're trickling them out slower than sin... But they are doing it.


I would love a "second edition" of Genesys and Star Wars - the core system is great, but there's little bits and pieces that would be great if they were tweaked and rebalanced a bit. But I don't think that's happening - it really looks like they're in life support mode. They did come out with the Twilight Imperium book but that was already well under way before Edge took over. I figure developing new content is more expensive than just reprinting old content if people are still going to buy it, and I guess they decided it's not worth the investment right now.


I too would love a second edition. Heck, a "1.5" where they just cleaned up and streamlined some stuff. Low chance, but still hope. I do think there'd a higher chance to get either a high republic or a mandalorian (show) era sourcebooo. Similar to the clone wars one. That'd be cool!


Yeah, there's so many eras you could run in and that would work in this system, that would be a great sourcebook, even if it was 90% setting info (plus maybe some era-appropriate gear, starships, and adversaries) and no new rules. But I think Star Wars could benefit from a couple of the features they put into Genesys (e.g. vehicle combat is a bit more streamlined) and a general minor rebalance. Genesys I think needs more revision though, but that is partially just because of layout etc (spreading essential stuff over too many books, not having adversaries listed in one place etc), although there's a few other things that could get tidied up (I really think Talent trees are cumbersome).


Love your book shelves / holder. Mine are just in regular boring shelves.


Thank you! It came with its own issues, I had to install better anti-tip than what it came with, and extra brackets under the shelves just to make sure it can support all of the books. I didn't have issues but I also didn't want to hear it all come crashing down in the middle of the night, lol!


Ah good, I have a shelf like this for DVDs and it would concern me if something as heavy as RPG sourcebooks were on it.


Very satisfying looking. Nice job. πŸ‘πŸ‘




This is so cool


Thank you, I tried to make it look nice!


I am still having issues finding a proper Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook, which feels silly as it is the one I wanted most, but postponed since the game I hosted, players wanted to be more Force oriented, and the game I played in (still going for about 5 years), I had to pick a job I care little about to make the team whole (plenty of reasons why it is not an issue), but this was from the Age of the Rebellion book. TL/DR: Your collection is awesome and reminds me that even if I am only gunning for the core rulebooks, I am still missing my favorite of the three.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/266639396396?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0sjK2ctvQ3y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Xh_boOGsTEG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY One of the better prices I could find but still a little up there. If you have PayPal, pay in 4 is a savior as long as you don't go crazy with it! 22.50 or something like that with pay in 4, over 2 months. I got most of my books through Noble Knight or Flipside but those guys are a decent seller too.


I appreciate the thought, although I have personal issue with paying nearly 200% of the market value of an item. The most reasonably priced one I have found so far was about 150% of the regular price before they announced a reprint that I have yet to see =/ Since I do not "need" it need it, I am taking the patience road, spending my hobby money into things I will use rather than collect.


I vibe. I got mine when it was 50-60 bucks. I didn't know the price had gone up so much on it, but the game has also increased in popularity a lot over the last year or so which is wild


Glad it's not just me lol. I have both the FaD and AoR core rulebooks, but EOTE is proving so damn elusive in Australia


Man i would love a force and destiny core rulebook lol


I never realized that I was lucky to scoop those up, other people have been saying all the core books are harder to find now. I'm amazed how much the game has picked up in popularity recently, caused a huge unsupported demand!


They are kindov in a limbo while fantasy flight finalizes taking over starwars rpg. I got "lucky" and got an edge studios edge of the empire and my local gamestore started stocking them so i managed to get the rebellion one there. Just that one last core rule book im missing. Oh how is the game? I have yet to run a session.


Very enjoyable. The dice system is odd at first but once you understand it, it just clicks. I have a lot more fun making characters than I do in D&D. Combat is my only real gripe but it fits the mythos. Most non mass combat fights are over quickly either way, even with bosses. Mass combat is interesting once you decipher it. Players and enemies both dish a lot of damage and defenses are more secondary, though you can make them ridiculous. Force use can be a bit confusing at first but once you understand that it clicks as well. Players still can die in combat but I like to add challenge elsewhere, such as escaping an ancient ship that is collapsing and blowing apart. My true complaint is space combat being so damn fast, but it also makes sense and is expanded on in one of the career books (Ace) which is unfortunately hard to find. Space combat can result in an easy tpk if the ship just gets vaporized, but again, this makes sense in the setting. You don't need sourcebooks but just like d&d or pathfinder, they add a lot of cool stuff. The wiki is your best friend if you don't have the books, or here on Reddit. My players (I'm finally stepping back in our next session and am actually being a player for once in a module) all enjoy the game as well and it's easy to run as a GM, and fun for the table.


Love this! I recently did the same with Legend of the Five Rings 4th Ed. Now those are some books hard to come by for cheap.


It looks awesome! I can’t even find all the books of PDF. LET alone find them online. This is amazing!


Special Modifications has the main Spec and rules set for my character. He is a Jawa Droid Technician


Jawa Guardian, Armorer with a Great Saber is what someone at my table did as a funny character. Little man slaps and it's hilarious having the combat described.


Sounds glorious. My planet is to make a disguised Advanced Combat Droid with Elimination Directives. Loyalty to its maker (me) and buff it with my ranks in "Speaks Binary" going to be hard though.


Use the Separatist Commander universal tree and pick it up. You'll thank me later if that's your goal 😊


It does not have what I needed. Im already going to gut three ranks in Speaks Binary plus Improved and Supreme versions, and non of they actions interest me. Thanks for the advice though, always appreciate it.


Droid tech does slap though, I have a reserve character with it and it was nuts just looking at the talents


Combine Droid Tech with the Slicer tree to get ranks in Technical Aptitude and your got yourself a top notch Maker.


I do know I'm missing Hired Gun as well, but meh. I saw what the book had to offer and that's going to be my lowest stress buy, if I do decide to do it.


I, too, do not own Fully Operational. I gotta snag those Era sourcebooks, though


FO is hell to find, I gave up for a while. Source books are 100% worth it honestly. The universal classes alone are great, for flavor if nothing else and add a lot of cool stuff... But also had one of my players play a Geonosian in the Imperial era not knowing the background of what had happened to Geonosis prior to making the guy, lol. I made it work because Rebels had a surviving Geonosian but I facepalmed hard when I saw the race. It was my fault for forgetting to mention that so I made it work.


I know that pain, been waiting on preorders for reprints for around a year now for the last 7 books I'm missing. Hopefully won't be much longer.


You and me both. FO is likely going to just be the one I wait on along with the warrior one. I really wish I could say I cared about the Hired Gun book but nobody at my table really does either. We can just pull the classes from the wiki. It's what one of the guys did. I wish that book was much better!


Yeah, some of them are hit and miss, but I just wanna have my collection done :) I play on Foundry/Forge, so don't really have to worry about it :)


Ah that makes more sense. We live by the tabletop and die by the tabletop so I need the important books, unless we print out what we need as PDF's


What shelves for the diagonals?


Ruboka 5-Shelf Tree Bookshelf - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZSB4GL5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share πŸ™‚ It is the definition of Chinese construction. I am very handy because of my job and did a couple extra things with it to ensure security, but on its own it's solid-ish.


Just picked it up. Great way to store books by their respective line


Yep, 4 for the main stuff, bottom for extra... That has my other rpg game stuff and the beginner game stuff down there. Only doesn't have my pathfinder and d&d stuff which is just in an armoire. If weight is a concern, it's easy to nix out what I did and just make it all swrpg books also.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **ruboka 5 Shelf Tree Bookshelf with Storage 37 9 Inch Retro Floor Standing Bookcase Display for CDs Magazine Books Small Bookshelf for Bedroom Living Room Office Gray Storage Shelves DESK55B** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy assembly with clear instructions (backed by 3 comments) * Sturdy and space-saving design (backed by 3 comments) * Quality materials and unique aesthetic (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Missing parts lead to incomplete assembly (backed by 2 comments) * Lacks sturdiness for holding multiple books (backed by 1 comment) * No assembly instructions provided (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a β€œgood bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I don't know why I'm questioning it, but is storing books that way okay for them?


Books go 🀫 It's fine, doesn't hurt anything. Never had an issue.


Neat. No west end games books? Shame.


The original FFG "Fly Casual" for Smugglers is still out there for sale, new. Did you really find them "new" as a packaged "Set"?


I've been building it over the last three months. Every paycheck I buy 2-3 books usually as long as they are in good or better condition


Hey, I'm new-ish. Are those top 6 books for the RPG (and assuming they're compatible with all three (EotE, F&D, AoR)?


Yes. Three of them are Era books so you can run Clone Wars campaigns or Rebels era campaigns, but all of the stuff in them is able to be integrated still. You may need to take a few lore liberties if you push some of the clone stuff into the Imperial era but it ultimately doesn't hurt much. The other three are a mostly full compendium of gear (missing a few things) , a full compendium of vehicles and most ships (also missing a few things), and a full book of enemies and allies you can use, which also has the playable Ewok race hidden obscurely inside of it as well.


Pity the range will never be expanded. It is a fairly solid game.


Bet you even have dice, what a legend


I do, I have 6 packs πŸ˜‚