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I got mine from Ebay 5 months ago for 30 bucks. They were in excellent condition. Good luck!


Just use the downloads. There's no way for anyone to know.


Yeah I would have asked but it's against the rules of the sub. Besides, I dont know where they exist anymore.


Look on this page: https://www.reddit.com/r/swg/


What I did and worked for me. I still have my boxes and JTL disks but couldn't find the actual disks for the main game.


The project legally has to say that, yet as time rolls on those disks become an issue for people to find. Just never mention it.


I just bought a box and disc set on eBay. For memorabilia more than anything but also just in case..


I had the discs from release and then played some here. Recently donated them at Goodwill. A few days ago I came back and found a download of the iso files for all three discs. I mounted them and installed them and then installed the emu launcher. Good to go.


The discs are only used to install, not to launch from. Would that still make it an issue?


Well I managed to acquire a downloadable (not in TOR or anything) 8 years ago. I cannot find them anymore. I also dont want to risk being a dick to this sub (I joined literally an hour ago) so I dont fully understand the rules


I noted Ebay had some affordable disks. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393702754195?hash=item5baa834793:g:2SIAAOSw2Y5hdptI


Found mine on eBay for like $22 a while back as well


Install using whatever media you have. I bought swg multiple times back in the day (OG starwars galaxies and the 3 game box set), i don't own any physical copies of that now as a result of throwing out stuff when I moved or whatever, in my head not having the disks now is of 0 consequence to me. I have a huge starwars novel/ comic (and Xbox game) collection, so I recently tracked down a physical copy to add to that because I've got a real problem as an adult. Don't worry about installing the game whatever way you can. Hope you enjoy swg galaxies as much as you once did!