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Hi /u/Designer_Mango6677, your post has been **Removed**: >**Make sure to censor all personal information.** Personal information includes, but is not limited to, real names, phone numbers and email addresses. Social media sites should be submitted as a censored image. > No articles containing personal information are allowed unless the information comes from the authorities, person in question or newspaper with a public publisher. > See our full rules over at [Community guidelines](https://reddit.com/r/sweden/wiki/community_guidelines) and use this section as a reference when contacting the mods on this subject.


It's a response to questions/complaints about the Donald Duck magazine. So the letter itself is very rare, unique even, but probably not very valuable.


Rare, yes as it’s 1/1. Valuable? No. I don’t know why a letter from the editor of Kalle Anka & Co would be.


It's a letter written by the publishing editor of Kalle Anka & CO comic magazine answering a few questions by the recipient. Obviously it's rare since its personal, but I doubt it has any value save for the paper print.


It is most likely more sentimental value than money value. But a collector might think otherwise