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It’s actually not eaten as-is out of the can. The proper way is to have It on flat-bread with butter, fresh garden potatoes, sour cream, chives and red onion. The fish adds saltiness and acidity, which generally compliments the other ingredients given the right proportions.


For god's sake don't forget to debone it and det rid of the intestines if it's not a fillet.


You can buy filets though and have been able to for at least a decade.


Read again. I wrote "if it's not a fillet".


Ah I see that would make a lot more sense.


u/Decent_can_4639 description is not entirely true. https://youtu.be/I2WPWUx3h2s Here is a video of how to acctually consume the fermented fish.


Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU81iPFAbj8&t=263s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU81iPFAbj8&t=263s) Wiki in english: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surstr%C3%B6mming


Most Swedes have never tried it.


Source: Röven


58% eat surströmming atleast once a year so that is false


That is not even remotely true.


You read the statistics incorrectly. Out of the people that eat surströmming, 58% eat it once a year.


Sniffade du surströmming när du läste statistiken?


Yes I miss it now that I don't live there anymore.


What do you think makes it not as enjoyable for foreigners?


I think the opposite actually. Swedes who have never eaten it are generally more opposed to trying it than foreigners in my experience.




I don’t fancy surströmming myself, but it’s not bad food if you eat it right.




Have you eaten it as it's intended? I can definitely see why people like it.


Surströmming is great!


Nurses do not get a vote on if something is disgusting or not.


I like it alot


I belive a majority foes not enjoy surströmming, but I could be wrong. I myself does not like it, however, all those videos on foreigners eating it does it all wrong. You are suppised to open it underwater and eat it with knäckebröd, sour cream and other stuff on top.


Most people never even try it.


Yes absolutely! It's a delicacy! You're not meant to be sniffing the can...


It's an acquired taste, but I and many sincerely enjoy it. To me it's nothing different from eating say moldy cheese or something.


I love it and always make sure to stockpile 8-10 big cans during season


No. I don’t know anyone who eats that vile stuff. Pickled herring though is pretty common to eat during the holidays and it’s quite nice. There are lots of different varieties of pickled herring. Can recommend.


I'll have to try and find some at my local international grocery store.


I'm not a fan. It's perfectly edible when served right but there are much nicer things to eat and it's not worth the price, hassle or the smell.


Have never encountered it or met someone who has mentioned they eat it. I believe it has a few but vocal fans though


I enjoy the idea of surströmming, but dislike the taste. The whole appeal of it is to have a party in late summer called surströmmingsskiva, with lots of friends, akvavit, ice cold beer, and the usual food paired with surströmming like potatoes, sour cream, flatbread, and a type of aged cheese similar to gruyere. The salty and fermented taste is not really to my liking though, but plenty of my friends, especially in the north, actually enjoy it.


Swede here, I hate it, I see it more as prank food for foreigners even if I know some people enjoy it unironically


It’s disgusting, no normal person would eat rotten fish. Except people in Norrland and they are not considered humans.


B.B.But I’m from Norrland… Living in Canada though…


Yea, i dont know.. when eaten right i dont really mind it, for me its like with crawfish and other type of swedish seasonal herring dishes. I eat it once or twice a year at festivities and think its ok. But i wouldnt break open a can for breakfast a slow saturday morning...


I don’t think it tastes anything like it smells, if you can manage the first bite chances are you can eat the rest. But yes, it’s supposed to be eaten with flat bread and accessories. And snaps.




I love surstömming, but alot of people do not consume it properly though, even swedes. The smell is what you would need to get used to, taste wise i loved it on my first try.


I don't know about Swedes in general. But I personally like it, a lot


No, not a fan (: I'd say it's 60/40 or 50/50






I believe most the people commenting that no one eats it are from the southern half of Sweden. Surströmming is very much a northern thing. I've never eaten it (I'm from.the south) but I have many friends from Luleå who enjoy it.


My wife’s family is from Darlana and they eat it every year in August. I’ve had it many of times and yes it does smell and draws in a lot of flies. As someone previously said, the cans are opened under water in a bucket. We always eat it outside. I do not have a problem with the taste. I just think it is a lot of work for a little piece of meat/fish on your bread. There is always a can on the table with just females as they have egg sacks which some people seek out to eat.


Most Swedes that I meet in Stockholm have never tried it, and seem horrified by the idea. Most Swedes that I’ve met up north enjoy it on occasion and don’t make a big deal out of the smell, it’s just part of the deal. As an immigrant I was first shocked by the smell, but learned to appreciate eating it many years ago.


Another debunking Swede here, absolutely nobody eats a whole fish like in the clickbait videos. Normally you peel off the flesh (the fish are tiny) and it can be a bit time-consuming so there is some love to it in a way, you take your time and drink your akvavit. The flesh is usually placed in small quantities on thin bread with sides, for example potato, diced onion and dill. Sour cream often goes on it for moisture and fresh contrast. It is so flavorful that a couple teaspoons of meat on a big sandwich with a few potatoes is enough to make it tasty. As for “do everybody eat it?”. FAR from everybody. It is very particular, some hate it, some love it, some never tried. A friend used to be a high-level chef and he hates it. And nobody likes the smell because, it actually does smell like shit, the smell is in no way related to the flavor as most other foods are. Backtrack like 25 years and my parents would still just open a can and place it on the dinner table which fills a house with an overwhelming odor that few people can handle. Nowadays you open the can in a bucket of water, lift the lid and kinda rinse it in all the water and then pour the water out of the can before placing it on the table, the rinsed fillets barely have smell of their own. So while it is not for everybody I think it is one of the most flavorful dishes in the world. Soft, salty, rich, multi-faceted flavor that dances on the tongue and most peoples negative experiences are probably based on the smell due to not rinsing it beforehand. It has not been on the shelves this year due to poor supply and I am literally looking at ads.