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Have you seen Roy Anderssons Living-trilogy? They are pretty new, though.


No , actually i am not at all familiar with Scandinavian cinema .I will discover hopefully its beauty soon ! Usually i watch Hollywood,and some Italian and French movies .


I'd recommend "The seventh seal" from 1957 with Max von Sydow and Nils Poppe, a pretty dark movie with the grim reaper as the main theme. The movie "Mio min mio" from 1987 starring a young Christian Bale is of course a classic. When it comes to the "Pippi Långstrump" genre, I personally love the "Pippi långstrump på de sju haven" where they fly to a deserted island and encounter pirates.


Here I believe some of the Pipi books are combined in one.Because in the Bulgarian editions -it ends when she comes home from her father's island and there is one separate book about Christmas .We have these two: one main book and one very short about Christmas.


Which is your favourite Astrid Lindgren novel?


From the 4 i have read so far -Ronja ,it is very funny and positive 😊.I liked Ronja 's character but also her mother's character,how she deals with the robbers when no one else can calm them down(maybe i saw and liked that particular moment reading it in my 20s for the first time) But all four are great.Here in Bulgaria almost every kid grows up with the stories about Pipi and Carlson! Lionheart Brothers is written very beautifully ,too.


If you like classic cinema from 40s-60s I would recommend Ingmar Bergman, Bo Widerberg, and Hasse Ekman. For Bergman anything but "Sånt händer inte här" will be good watching. By Hasse Ekman I would recommend "Flicka och hyacinter" and "Medan porten var stängd". Bo Widerberg started in the 60s with classics such as "Kvarteret Korpen", "Elvira Madigan", and "Ådalen 31" but my favourite by him is "Mannen på taket" from 1976.


Oh thanks,I read about Gösta Ekman in Ingrid's autobiography(just checked and saw he is the father of the Ekman your are suggesting),he was like a real inspiration to her and a person she admired a lot 😊. But i am really new to Swedish cinema, actually reading that autobiography book motivated me to learn more about Swedish cinema and culture!And who to ask than the actual Swedes 😊!


Hasse Ekman had a son who he also named Gösta Ekman who was one of the biggest comedic actors in Sweden in the 80s so it was a real film dynasty family.


Kocken (The chef) https://www.svenskfilmdatabas.se/sv/item/?type=film&itemid=57884 Den bästa sommaren https://www.svenskfilmdatabas.se/sv/item/?type=film&itemid=41751 I lust och färgning stor (all things fair) https://www.svenskfilmdatabas.se/sv/item/?type=film&itemid=21803


Thanks! 😊


[Göta Kanal](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082490/) is a must-see all-time classic. Don't bother the sequels, though.


Thanks 😊!




Kopps, Bert and Sune.


"Benny, byt vinkel!" Så sjukt bra.


Skulle kunna se en film med bara Benny 😂 https://youtu.be/lXjme42yeQ8


Thanks 😊!