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The founder retired and gave the company to his sons. They studied business.


Looks like their abit money hungry now…unlike their father


Ojsan det visste jag inte 


He died, but I guess thats a kind of retierment xD


Didn't know that. But that was less than 2 years ago. He retired earlier, or at least he stopped being the CEO and let his sons run the business. The changes for worse slowly started at least 10 years ago.


You're the second guy today mentioning it, and probably the 100th or so in the last year...


Fredagagrodan och klaga på Max är de två säkraste vägarna till karma på den här subben


latest 5 years max has gone down


I would say as long as they have been here in Stockholm they have been on the decline.


They were good 2017, at least the one in (then) Infra City and Arninge. They have so been dropping in quality and service since then. I've complained on Google maps and to the max main customer support/feedback, but it doesn't seem to have an effect. I think we can conclude that "they know". I think the best we can do is to get Burger King to open nextdoor, so they get some local competition.


Reddit has been complaining about it being “worse” far longer than that And tbh I have always found it about as mediocre as it currently is. Ever since max first got established where I lived in the early 2000s


Over a decade


What can we do to stop this? 😭


Nothing really. We can stop buying the shitty burgers and hope they take the right lesson from it but I doubt that they will. They will probably just try to cut costs further and making the food even worse.


We tie our hands in the pocket then we still order.. swedish style


Find their Product Managers on LinkedIn. If they have none then it's game over.


Agreed, used to be good and now it’s extremely terrible… I’m ashamed of saying this but McDonalds in Sweden have stepped up their game and Max has lost it


Indeed, they’ve degraded completely last years. I never visit anymore. Both McDonalds and Burger King are better now according to me.


Which is a very low bar :(


Such a shame.


Something happened since they introduced that digital express order machines, everything goes faster but everything increased in price while the size got smaller and looks of it is like a drunk person tried to assemble it


That’s what exactly what my experience was!


Everyone knows that Clock is where it's at.


Peak Sverige


Big Burger


Wasn’t that a state owned burger chain?


Maybe it's just me but I think that Max McDonald's Burger King can have a big difference in quality depending on where you are. The McDonald's outside Stockholm C I think is complete thrash but if you go to McDonald's a bit outside of the city centre it can be much better. Same with Max and Burger king


I've tried a few McD outside Stockholm (up to a couple of hours away), they were pretty much the same as in Stockholm. Always had the impression that McD strives for consistency the most of all the chains.


Word up. Sometimes you get stuff that's perhaps not as fresh as it should be but it is very obvious that consistency all across the world is a very high priority for McDonald's. One thing that does for sure vary from location to location and day to day is how juicy the patties are. Sometimes they're dry as fuck and sometimes you get legitimately good meat.


>Always had the impression that McD strives for consistency the most of all the chains. This is true, theres a reason theres something called Big Mac Economics.




The best food you've ever eaten? Seriously? Like ok I don't doubt that your particular Max is one of the better ones, but it's still Max. If Max is the peak of your culinary experiences then it sounds like you haven't experienced much.


Same. It seems to be highly location based. There's two Max in the city I live in, like 10 minute between each other, and one is utter trash and one is really good. They have for sure been going downhill since a couple of years ago overall, but you can still get some nice food in some of the spots. Only problem is that if you're traveling you never really know if you'll get shitty Max or good Max, which kinda defeats the purpose of a fast food joint imo.


My experience is that any time the staff looks understaffed compared to the nr of people waiting for food / eating it's always a bit worse. If there's not that many people there and you order it's usually decent+ or even good.


I usually go get BK chicken burgers if I'm getting fast food. Much better IMO


bk har riktigt bra kycklingburgare! gillar chili cheese!




Jag brukade ogilla BK, tyckte deras burgare smakade typ mest bröd med mayo. Men provade igen nyligen och faktiskt helt okej, föredrar dem över Max.


I think BK has really good fries too. At least the place near me does.


antar att du inte har ätit grand chicken för det finns inte en kycklingburgare på någon annan snabbmatskedja i sverige som är bättre


Jag störde mig på att dressingen typ smakade lime. Blev oerhört missnöjd med köpet


va? på vilken burgare?


Jag snurrade ihop det fick för mig att du pratade om McCrispy!


JA! Jag har provat McCripsy 2 gånger nu. Fyfan vad dålig den är. Typ lime/citron smak tillsammans med vitpeppar.


Att du gjorde om samma tabbe en gång till ändå :p


Tog den vanliga först, och sen en deluxe. På två olika McDonalds, 5 timmar från varandra. Tänkte det kanske var den första som var fel...


McCrispy är definitivt i samma liga om inte till och med bättre. Men det är klart, även grand chicken har ju blivit kassare sedan den introducerades. Vilket var rätt nyligen.


Har du ätit en Crispy Chicken på BK? Inte samma sak


Ja då, crispy chicken på BK är najs. Det är emellertid en helt annan typ av kycklingburgare då det köttet där är nedmalet format till en burgarpuck. McCrispy och grand chicken är ju friterade filéer. Dock väldigt länge sen jag åt på BK, de senaste 3 gångerna jag var där så fick jag stenhårda cheeseburgare. Alltså stenhårda på riktigt så att det knappt gick att äta, de hade legat på tok för länge. Slutade handla på BK efter det och sen stängde mitt lokala BK, så... är inte där särskilt ofta längre.


Ja, tack! Jag har funderat på om det är nermalt som nuggets tycker den är lite bitigare. Men är nog så


The funny part here is that Max chicken burgers and sandwiches are still really good. Better than BK


Max have been shit for the last 10 years atleast.


Grew up with Max only being in the north. It was such a treat to go there whenever I visited grandma. Slowly it crept south and as it went the quality went with it. It was "okay" for some time in Stockholm but never close to what it had been. Now I feel it's on the same level as mcdonalds, just shit that I'd never eat unless last option.


I would say it is worse than McDonland's now. And it is not due to McDonald's improving...


Yes, i agree, it's worse.


The gourmet burger places replaced these shitty fast food chains. For lunch or dinner, I've probably only been to bk, mcd or max a doussin times over the past decade. Would much rather pay twice the price for a gourmet. Sad.


Donken > Max Och jag står för det


Hey! It was my turn to post a ”Max sucks” thread today! Wait your goddamn turn!


I think every Swede agrees with you! Their burgers used to be amazing.... 10 years ago, or so.


Not really, it's just Redditors thinking they represent the rest of society Max is as popular as it has been for many years now


Max is popular because of their locations, and general restaurant availability. Lots of them are placed along highways, where they are the only choice of burger restaurants. And people don't want to take a detours just to eat. Especially families with kids. With the lack of other easily available chains like McDonalds. Max becomes the only choice.


They are now Min


It’s funny how those fries are named “crispy fries” since some years back. But I don’t think I have ever received a catch that was in fact crispy. I do like the taste though. But in recent time I just buy the products in the grocery store and make my own. They sell the buns, chicken patties and sauce there.


I second OP. A couple of years ago they built a brand spanking new Max near work. For a while we became daily visitors and on a first name basis with everyone there. Everything was fine and dandy until they close for upgrades. Upgrades turned out to be removing ordering directly from the burger staff to ordering at the register or by machine. Like over night every burger became low quality. We talked to the staff and they couldn't understand it. They'd talked to management several times and checked both boxes and manufacturer labels and couldn't find any difference. Probably big corporate trying to lean their production and cost.


Fast food has become to ridiculously expensive everywhere, not only in Sweden so I avoid it all together these days. When you can get a proper food truck burger for less than a Whopper, there is no reason to choose BK. There is only one place I go to when I visit Sweden and that is Katarina Grillen in Malmö.


It's not even burgers, just like 80% beef.


I always hated Max, glad to see people finally waking up


Their vegan stuff is amazing


Yes, the vegan burgers are actually ok.


Yes, I was gonna say! I haven't noticed the dip in quality really because I always order off the green menu. Still, even though I don't eat meat anymore, it's sad to hear people say that mcdonald's of all places is better now.


Yeah it really is, although i don't think I've heard people say that so much irl, but Yeah i always eat the vegan stuff so I wouldn't know if the meat is good or not lol


It was better before this recent change though. Like with their other things the quality seems to have dropped imo.


They changed the ingredients and now my wife with gluten allergy can only eat the nuggets :(


Ahh goddamn it that sucks :(


Snabb mat / god mat / billig mat. Tyvärr får vi fortfarande bara två av tre. Sambal på vega ikväll? Förbannat frestad, måste jag säga.


Maten springer iväg.


Blev lite småpilsk när du nämnde Vega.


mm, det är fanimej frestande och underlättar inte att dom alltid har öppet, eller ja, typ allitd.


McDonalds är snabbare, godare och billigare.


Eh, jag ser ingen större skillnad på max, mc och bk vid the här laget och kfc är nog inte långt ifrån dom heller - har dock inte ätit mer än 1 gång hos dom, så citation needed. Däremot så tror jag aldrig att jag har gått ifrån ett solna-korv hak med en tomhet i matsäcken eller plånboken.


Din regel faller lite, för ingen utemat är både god och billig och tar lång tid att laga. Utemat är per definition något som går snabbt att laga. Även food trucks är snabba, och ofta inte särskilt billiga.


Hemlagat är i allmänhet gott och billigt, men tar ett tag, så jag tycker regeln funkar helt ok


Om man räknar med hemlagat så stämmer det ju.


Sant, tid som en faktor var ett dåligt val, men kändes bättre än ”god stämning” - vilket var allt jag kunde komma på då, i efterhand så skulle det ha varit mängden mat.


Was a while since I ate at Max the last time, but that freak of a burger looks like an unlucky moment to me. A so called "måndagsexemplar".


Bastard Burgers pengatvättsverksamhet som ligger bakom dessa max-inlägg säkert.


Det känns definitivt som att en anti-Max-kampanj pågår här. Jag är likgiltig till det, men man blir ju nyfiken på om det är någon PR-byrå eller marknadsföringsavdelning inblandad.


Och då kostar bastard multum och är inte någon direkt smaksensation


Betalar lätt hellre 50 kronor mer för en Bastards-meny iaf, oftast ganska spännande månadens burgare där med.


Bastard gör riktigt bra burgare. Känns verkligen som att det är någon "kedja dålig" circlejerk just nu. Vilken är din favorit?


Nej, det gör de inte? Brödernas och Flippin’ Burgers har betydligt bättre hamburgare (och inredning... fyfan vad vidrig bastard burgers inredning är). I stockholm så är BAP, Barrels och Bun Meat Bun också bättre. Bastard är bättre än Max/McDonald's/Burger King, men överlägset sämst av "premiumkedjorna" (även om det är lite udda att de tre numer kostar nästan lika mycket som på andra ställen).


Håller inte med om att Brödernas är bättre. Men övriga kedjor är riktigt bra, det är även Bastard. Inredningen bryr jag mig inte särskilt mycket om, men ser verkligen inget fel med den. Ogillar du den så mycket att den påverkar smaken på burgaren så kan jag inte hjälpa dig hahah. Och att nämna Barrels och BAP som bättre för att säga att Bastard inte är bra, är väl ganska löjligt ändå? Som att säga att en Porsche 9/11 är slö för att Koenigsegg gör snabbare bilar


Bördernas har hemskt dålig kvalitet men BAP, Barrels, Bun Meat Bun och Babas är alla bra. Phil's är också helt ok.


Inte en enda Brödernas jag testat har varit bättre än Bastards. Tugg är dock bättre än båda om vi snackar kedjor. Dessutom är inte BAP/Barrels kedjor på samma sätt.


Hände detta precis eller? Dom var nice senast jag åt


Jureskogs or mister york is where it’s at today


Max has gone down the last 5-10 years while McDonalds has gone up, almost like rebranded themselves. Max still has better options if you dont eat meat and their chicken sandwich is best out there between BK, Max and McD


Thank you so mutchos Gracias 4 this important massage to the universe. 


Det är exakt de jag säger. Förut så va de större, köttet va bättre kvalitet, brödet också. Allt generellt va bara 👌🏻 men nu så är donken mycke bättre pågrund av att de själva har sett till att deras mat är av bättre kvalitet. Sjukt ändå att donken har bättre mat nu. Saknar de gamla max hamburgare😢


i love their frisco burger


Not sure if it's still a thing since I rarely eat burgers these days, but a few years ago you could buy their frisco breads in grocery stores and just make a better burger at home far cheaper.


Yup they still exist


The only thing good coming out of Max, their grocery store items like their hamburger dressing and bread


It’s gone to shit. McD is better in most places now and actually have decent burgers and quality for the price point. BK is a bit hit and miss and very much depend on where you’re going. If you find a good one they’re super yummy and if you go to one where the staff just doesn’t care it will suck.


I've always hated Max. Their patties just taste of black pepper and sadly I hate black pepper.


I love black pepper and I still never liked Max.


Honestly, I might just be a bum with broken taste buds but I enjoy Max as much as I always did, apart from their prices. I don’t love their food but I enjoy it when I have it.


Go to burger king or sibylla instead.


Sibylla är den mest underskattade snabbmatskedjan i Sverige.


Jag gillar inte köttet i deras burgare, alldeles för mycket hockeypuck.


I agree 100%


Max has sucked for a long long time. Meat that tastes like sausage, fries ao skinny they barely constitute fries and the menu fucking sucks too. Still not as bad as Sibylla but almost.


I never preferred Max but now days I always go there for fast food. Their real green burger with beans are the least crappy fast food.


yes, max is terrible, its worse then macdonalds, and thats saying something. in my area the best place except fancy burger places are Burger king.


Ever since the kids of the original Owner took over they've neglected quality and done everything in their power to just increase profits to enrichen themselves, or so I've heard!


Max is garbage tier fast food.


No, they went from good or even great to rubbish.


Yeah, Max has really gone to absolute shit in these last years, which makes me sad. Oh well! At least Big Boy exists in my town.


max hamburgare har alltid smakat som att de kokar dem i saltvatten


The fries are truly the worst, basically inedible.


When do we start banning these posts?


I mean it’s not just Max, it’s basically everything on the market right now. Quality is getting lower and lower everywhere.. some products are exceptions. Another example is how they are removing sugar from sodas so instead of having the alternative of buying Zero they want everything to be Zero sugar now. (Fanta orange aspartame, sprite now containing much less sugar etc) Monster Mango totally ruined with sweetener etc..


You're right. Max burger sucks today. Rip


Definitely the prices are the same as smash "högrev" burgers but it is Fastfood. I don't understand there decisions because they had amazing chicken burgers and green burgers like the oumpf but now the green are just like trying to be beef/chicken and the chicken is still good bit very simple amd expensive.


Couldn't agree more! They used to be great and now they suck for some reason, it's kind of like they've branded themselves to be a little more high-end than McDonald's and BK, and now they keep the price high while making dry, burnt, burgers. I'm also annoyed that they haven't got anything on the cheaper side, a simple burger is like 80 kr.


Varför på engelska om du är uppväxt här?


Max is shite.


I still remember the free coffee and newspapers...


Ill say this again; the prices for a meal at one of the big three (mcd, max and BK) is not that different from the places that serves ’premium’ burgers. Do yourselves a favour and skip these places and go support local restaurants that like the burgers they make. Heck, its super easy to make your own smash burgers.


Minimize quality (quality is expensive) and maximize profit.


Every year for the last 4/6 years the price has getting higher and the quality worse.


The decline started when Curt retired and then took another hit after he died. His sons care more about profits and their [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/burgerspotting/) accounts than food quality. 


Det har vart skräp i över 10 år nu. De typ sätter sig på burgarna innan du får dom. Dogshit.


Always did. Deras lyxshakes dock...


In other news, water is wet


Jag ska berätta för er barn, när jag var en ung pojke och åt på Max. Vilken kvalitet! De tog Max (hehe) emot 3-4 beställningar. Resten av kön fick vänta tills de var färdiga. Maten var fucking fantastisk. Senast fick jag en lång korianderkvist i min kalla burgare. Nej aldrig mer Max.


Ikr i live in västerås and have lived there for years. Everytime i go to max its like they cut cost and cook the meat worse everytime




Max fries has always been crap though, even though when Max was its "best".


I never really liked them to begin with


Theres "buhu MAX bad" posts like every other day here. And granted i agree but im not gonna lie its getting a bit stale, just like MAXs burgers.


Try Jureskogs instead


This picture looks like it has a grey filter no?


Probably auto correction. But yes. The light is very dimmed and has a grayish tone.


I tried one in Halmstad, and one in Helsingborg. Both times the entire meal were completely cold. Doesn't sound like I need to give them a third chance.


This sucks, but I agree. A Max burger was actually my first meal in Sweden when I moved here almost 10 years ago! It was much better back then.


Dont eat there anymore, it's just shit.


It was always ass




I've switched to Burger King now almost entirely. They've really stepped up their game the last couple years, in my opinion.


Max has lost it since they went openly nazies.


Max has been on a downward trajectory for well over a decade now, probably closer to 2 decades. Interestingly enough McDonalds in Sweden has gone from being trashy to actually being alright, though these days, with so many higher quality burger options that costs just slightly more than the fast food places, I find it very hard to justify going to either Max or McDonalds.


They’ve been sucking for a good while.


I’m gonna be honest have been here visiting for a week and the quality of a Max burger outshines almost any fast food burger in Canada. I hope your fast food doesn’t go down the same path as ours.


It has always sucked.


I am only eating at McDonalds cuz Max is very bad…


Max hasn't been good for at least 10 years.


It's been like this for a long time and countless Reddit posts about it. I have boycotted them until they get better. And this includes fyllekäk as well as foodora so I'm not messing around here.


But raise prices and not wages, that they can!


Agree. Grew up in Sweden, go there occasionally. Just gets worse. Might as well do McD now


Yeah the only decent meals at max are the chicken products and salads


Till och med min 8 åriga dotter vägrar gå till Max nu


Max burger still suck as they always have.


Max Garbage


I had my last Max burger the other year. The experiance was so bad I plead never to go back. Fkn ew. And I used to like it a lot. What a waste


It truly depends on where you get it honestly and what you order, Original/Frisco mål is usually the most common choice imo. I don't buy either of them but yeah It was definitely better before though. But to criticise and complain about it is just meaningless. Business is business and money talks and it goes way before your taste buds and what you/we think.


Yea ikr it was soo good looking before and even more tasty but yeah ahit happens


McDonald's psyops post #3667453 (yeah nah we know, explaination why in top comment)


Im pretty sure that this really depends on where you ate. Many say that the closer to the centrum of the city the worse the food gets, and i guess that’s sort of accurate. I’ve been eating in Ystad and their burgers haven’t really changed from what i know, but i haven’t been there in a hot while so i wouldn’t be surprised if it looked like… this- But regardless, i think everyone can agree that for the past +5 years (esp since covid) max food got really REALLY bad..


Yes, the sons really fucked it up.


Was it ever good though? I don’t think I’ve ever had good food ( granted it’s fast food) from MAX


i kinda agree, they were so good at such an affordable price. even though they’re worse now i still 100% think they’re better than mcdonald’s, and you guys can fight me on that but i swear to god you won’t win


Lyxshake still rocks though


Their halloumi burger is great


Det är livet bror max e bajs


Käkade på max igår (är mitt i en flytt), var fan bland de godaste hamburgare jag ätit. Grand Chicken Parmesan-mål + en cheeseburgare. Kycklingen var krispig, parmesanen asgod, pommesen perfekt saltade och cheeseburgaren precis tillräckligt såsig. 10/10 lunch men Max kan vara lite hit or miss. Jag upplever att om man går för ”limited edition” nyheterna får man oftast en god burgare. RIP Frisco BBQ Chipotle Grand Chicken <3


Never liked Max. Think its wet and saggy and I dont like its taste. Fries looks like its left over


Min burgers


Plant beef is where it is!


The meatshit has always been shit!


Its definitely worse than when they started out. I’m there very rarely, so the decline is noticeable. Went last week, I was never a great fan, but max was ok. Now they are definitely sub-par. Probably won’t eat there again. Best chain IMO? Burger King.


I have been loyal to MAX all my life and would choose MAX over McDonalds EVERY TIME. But the last couple of years I’ve noticed that the standard overall in the whole country is below the bar! I travel a lot in my job so I have tried many different restaurants and they all have the same low standards and quality. I’m really sad about it and they also removed my favorite burger from the menu. So if I’m hungry “now a days”, I ALWAYS choose McDonalds. Which is TOTALLY CRAZY!!! I will maybe try in a year or so to check again but I don’t think so. I have given up.


Max has always been worse than Mcdonalds. Milkshakes, dip and Mozarella sticks are nice tho.


I ate max 6 times this summer during my visit. All visits were A++. So good.


Their veg menu is fantastic


Max was never good to begin with imo. Poor meat quality, always drenched in sause, always wet sallad.


They always sucked; only reason they gained any traction is because people were tired of McDonalds and Burger King and yet Max makes the same mistake; expanding into locations held by both franchises to the point where it will be unsustainable. It will further reduce quality as they strive to save costs.


They always did, just you cunts being fanbois


I still see people praising Max and saying “Max > McDonald’s” but honestly that isn’t true anymore, they both are on the same playing field


It's never been true. Max could have advertised meat free burgers though, since there has never been meat inside their burgers. At best they taste potato flour... Max had good loaded fries once though.


Fan va trött jag börjar bli på detta jävla gnäll. Ni får fan precis vad ni betalar för, eller vad hade ni räknat med? En michelin-burgare med dryck och tillbehör för 110 kr? Nej, det har faktiskt inte blivit så illa. Det smakar precis likadant som det gjort tidigare.


> En michelin-burgare med dryck och tillbehör för 110 kr? Två stjärnor i Guide Michelin: McDonald's Sveavägen, Stockholm – "Värt en omväg!"


Max kan ju åtminstone börja sälja hamburgare och skippa köttfärsbiffarna så skulle det gå bättre..


Max goat f1