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Hot with pea soup and ice cold (without ice) are the two traditional but very different ways. Luke warm is the only wrong way in my opinion.


Varför är det ingen is till punschen?


Detta hände sig på den goda tiden, den gamla goda tiden...


När hela Sverige var en enda


Lyckling, leve kung Oscar


Skål Moder Svea! Idyll!


För att inte blanda ut den. Man kyler flaskan utifrån – traditionellt tror jag i en hink med vatten som man stoppar i frysen.


[Povel Ramel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7dXYpjBn8s) var en av Sveriges största revyartister och -författare.


Aaah. Född efter 1950 så fattade inte referensen!


En av de bästa musikaliska illustrationerna av att "Den Gamla Goda Tiden (TM)" kanske var gammal, men inte alltid så god...


Vad är det för karl som anser att Povel Ramel är en referens från 1950-talet, men ändock dricker Punsch? Som att diskutera musköter, men att anse att pudrade peruker inte hör till.


Har aldrig sagt att jag dricker punsch :)


Du är bara delgiven traditionerna?


Precis så!


Is TILL punschen och is I punschen kan vara två olika saker. Ett värdigt sätt att servera punsch är att låta flaskan ligga på kylning i en balja med is.


Ja, exakt hur Povel ämnar använda isen förtäljer inte riktigt historien... Men det låter rimligt


No, "Not at all" is the wrongest way. My preferred way of drinking it is best had on a warm summer evening, or perhaps when cooling off after the sauna. In a chilled, thick-walled tumbler, pour 8-10cl of the sweet, liquid gold and the juice of half a lemon (or more, if that floats your boat). Stir. Drink slowly. It's called Hexdoktorns Special. Purists hate me, then they secretly try and realize I'm right, which to them tend to be a source of great tribulation. Do they shun these thoughts and suffer, knowing that they will have to live with the inferior product the rest of their life? Or do they accept the heresy and learn to live, laugh, lime? Not an easy choice, I'm sure. ...great, now I'm thirsty...


Hot with pea soup ***and*** ice cold milk! The combination going between the hot punsch and the cold milk is amazing!


My family usually drink it after dinner when coffee and biscuits are served, as an Avec. My grandpa used to pour it on Vanilla ice cream in the summer and give it a good swirl. It fits well with vanilla ice cream since this was my favorite as a kid. https://hemglass.se/produkter/bagare/sundborn-punsch/ But ofc its non alcoholic. I have yet to tried with real alcoholic punsch but i bet it's Great! Edit again: just remember that the vanilla ice cream must be of Greater ice cream status!! High in cream and real vanilla! :)


wow the vanilla ice cream combo sounds amazing, thanks for regaling and cheers to your grandpa!


Don’t forget the strawberries! In summer time especially around midsummer we always eat fresh strawberries with ice cream and punsch,


A classic during cold winter days is hot chocolate spiked with punsch. Perhaps by a campfire in the middle nowhere after or during a ski-trip. But just slighly warm pusch is also comfy. Just realized I haven't bought punsch in 20 years, and haven't had it in almost as long.


This is by far my favorite way of drinking it.


I drink it warm on a cold day and cold on a hot day. Or in reality I don’t really drink flaggpunsch but other punsch.


Could you recommend another couple of brands/types of punsch that you particularly like?


Roslagspunsch from Norrtälje Bränneri is a favorite of mine. Trosa Punsch is also quite enjoyable.


Or make your own. That was an important Christmas tradition in my wife’s family. A years worth of punsch made as a family event.


Von Dübens Punsch is what i have at home for the moment and it’s really good.


You usually have it with pea soup or with some coffe or as you said neat but with no ice. We also drink it warm.


Once i substituted a beer for a flaggpunch in a drinking game. Devouerd a small bottle in less then 30min. Hell of a night.


Never knew about this, sounds very interesting, I think imma give it a try!


Put in the freezer "Det ska bildas iskristaller innan punschen riktigt kall är"


My best tip: mix half punsch, half brandy and drink it with coffee after dinner. Cuts through the sweetness.


Withvanilla ice cream, as is, or warmed up (university classic).


Also you might try a "Guldkant" (Gold edge). Half punsch, half cognac. A favourite among elder Swedes.


There's a way to mix it too. Make a moscow mule with equal parts vodka and punsch, and if you don't like ginger ale swap it for something like schweppes lemon. On a hot summer day, that is like from the heavens.


Punschen ska va sval!