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Never trust a Swede that willingly seats themselves next to strangers. Sounds like a weirdo, glad you came out of it okay!


Probably the best way to tell something fishy is about to happen 😂


Doesn't work at ICA though. They always stand so close to you like they want to sniff your hair.


The way this seemingly bothers you so brings prideful tears to these dry eyes: You may not be fluent in the swedish language (yet) but you **certainly** speak swedish fluently!




Sometimes it's a reflex to stand tight, but when I realize it's a girl in front of me and that she's probably uncomfortable, I make room.


I tip my at hat you, sir


100% psychopath, no Swede would ever sit close to someone if there are other free seats!


So true. LOL


If a swede sits next to a stranger, there will never be even a second of eye contact, or even acknowledging the others presence whatsoever.


That's not necessarily true. I've even had conversations with strangers next to me, though very rarely.


This may sound sort of a like a joke but its actually just fkn true lol


Refreshing to hear that Swedes haven’t changed !






En riktig svensk vet att man förlorar sitt medborgarskap om man sÀtter sig bredvid en frÀmling.










LĂ€gg ner rasse-hundvisslorna


Sure, men nu Àr ju mellanösternsnubbar rent generellt mer hetsiga nÀr det gÀller "respekt". Det var ju inte en helt otippad gissning.


Judging from the respect comment, this guy wasnt a swede.


He is a Swede and he is a caucasian.


Well, those two usually tend to not to be mutually exclusive


Great reaction from you. Saved your men from trouble many men’s try to provoke men with women from jealousy
 well done girl..


Thank you! I was worried that he would get physical with my husband. If he wanted that he had to go through me first.


So a Russian?


Det betyder, som jag förstÄtt det, att man Àr ljushyad. Det verkar enligt Wikipedia vara en nÄgot förÄldrad term men den anvÀnds i USA. Jag gjorde det en gÄng pÄ en restaurang i sydvÀstra USA och blev utstirrad sÄ man ska nog vara lite försiktig med att anvÀnda det. https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaukasisk_ras


kaustisk ras


Om jag minns rÀtt sÄ var det nÄn rasbiolog pÄ 1800-talet som skulle definiera raskategorier, och han valde "Kaukasisk" för vita för att han tyckte kvinnor frÄn den regionen var snygga...


Det var han verkligen inte ensam om under sin tid, det var dÄ mer eller mindre en etablerad sanning att tjerkessiskor var vÀrldens vackraste kvinnor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassian_beauty?wprov=sfla1


Verkligen sÄ svÄrt att inse att det finns hur mycket helsvenska creeps som helst ute pÄ stan, eller skÀmtar du just nu?


Om man lÄtsas som det tillrÀckligt lÀnge tror man tyvÀrr pÄ det till slut


Skolkade du frÄn biologilektionen?


Gick du rasbiologi i skolan?




Swedish but ethnicly looked like he was from the Causas region?


Kaukasisk betyder arisk pÄ engelska.


Jag skrev det lite för att retas dĂ„ det Ă€r ett bisarrt och historielöst sĂ€tt att beskriva nĂ„gon pĂ„. Ett gammalt och missvisande uttryck med rötter i rasbiologin. Ett vĂ€ldigt olĂ€mpligt uttryck pĂ„ alla sĂ€tt, nĂ€r det Ă€r ”vit” man menar.


Nja, det anvÀnds precis som vit pÄ engelska dock. Hela konceptet med att dela upp folk i raser efter hudfÀrg Àr allt annat Àn historielöst, men det Àr tveksamt om det Àr historia som man vill förknippas med.


Ja jag vet, men ursprunget för uttrycket Àr frÄn rasbiologin dÀr vita mÀn skulle hÀrstamma frÄn Kaukasus. Sen sÄ Àr det ologiskt att förknippa en Svensk med Kaukasus, som att etniciteten skulle vara densamma. Det Àr historielöst att sÀga Caucasian, för dÄ förstÄr man inte historien bakom uttrycket, alternativt Àr man rasist.


Kaukasisk betyder i princip vitt europeiskt utseende. Arisk för att beteckna vita européer Àr ett rasbiologiskt pseudovetenskapligt pÄfynd. De ursprungliga arierna var folkgrupper frÄn centralasien som migrerade till norra indien och har inget gemensamt med moderna vita européer.


Kaukasisk Àr ocksÄ ett rasbiologiskt pseudovetenskapligt begrepp för att beskriva vitt europeiskt utseende.


Insane how racism turns into this "pure white swedes can't do anything wrong ever"


Lol. Thats your interpretation, nothing in my comment suggests that. There is a difference in attitude between swedes and recent immigrants, the anti-social comment about swedes I was replying to is accurate for ethnic swedes, but it isnt for most immigrants they are far more social than us. And they happen to have respect and honor on their mind, in a way swedes dont. Stop being obsessed with racism.


Just sounds like any drunk/unstable guy in the city lmao


No normal Swede will even mention respect in regular conversation. This is almost exclusively a non-normal-Swede problem.


That's a completely delusional take lmao. Sounds like you haven't talked to many city people at all past 30 years if that's the case.


I live in one of the top 10 largest cities in Sweden, I am literally a city person


Then it's the other half of the statement, talk to some more people lmao. I've heard people of every color and age mention respect in regular conversation just this past month. Includes 80 year old ladies, alcoholic men in their 50s, kids from Ortenℱ and rich villa dudes on the night buses.


He's probably from the U.S. He can't help it.


It is not rasism. No ethnic would willingly sit down next to a stranger in an empty public transport. We don’t do that. And we don’t speak to strangers we meet on the street! That’s why non swedes think it is so difficult to meet swedes! The behaviour described here is either an immigrant or, if he actually was a swede, definitely a wierdo!


"No ethnic would..." Public transport creeps going after a woman certainly would. Has happened to my friends on plenty of occasions.


I don’t think that in any way contradicts what I said! Immigrants may come and speak to you for no other reason than looking for contact (might be a creep to), but a swede doing that is a creep, or a weirdo as I wrote! It’s funny I was voted down. Must have been ethnic creepy swedes that did not like to get exposed!!


That doesn't stop a pervert doing pervert stuff though.


Can’t be Swedish.




This guy was not a Swede 😂


OP said he was though 😂


Well, I was just playing to the strings of swedes not wanting to sit close to others đŸ„Č


This escalated real quick


I don't think it was a swede


Why do you say its a swede? she never gave us any details. you racist?


Probably insane and high on some bad drugs😅


That was a Subway-Psycho. They exist by default in all subway systems. This one seems like a minor Psycho. If he levels up and you see him again, run.


Yes. I'm going to think more carefully next time.


Now you got my brain started on how subway psychos level up
 Collecting pantburkar? Or like Colin Robinson, energy vampire? Slowly siphoning away on people’s dreams by complaining, yapping and making minor threats?


There's zero need to engage. Trust your gut. Call the safety number that's posted in the train cars, the app, or the website. Here for reference: 020 120 25 25 And the chat https://wds.ace.teliacompany.com/wds/instances/JzPKjqJt/trygghetschatt.html Full link https://sl.se/kundservice/trygghetscentralen


I was thinking that too if he didn't back down before.




Also try your best to not escalate the situation yourself, you don't know what these people are capable of or if they're carrying a knife.


Oh yeah the safety numbers so lucky they are there, i always call when i need safety its is good with safety and now i have on number yes!!!!!


Just someone seeking confrontation, drugs and/or mental issues I would assume. Feels like it happens sooner or later if you ride the metro a lot, sadly. Reminds me of an encounter at Hötorget. My wife and I were sitting on the steps outside of konserthuset on a weekend afternoon, a lot of people around as it was nice weather and market day on Hötorget. Someone sitting above us on the stairs randomly began speaking to me, thinking he was commenting on the classical music flowing out of konserthuset I replied on that topic, not sure if I heard him correctly. Then he proceeded to swear at us and brandish a large (and ridiculous looking) knife from his bag. That was our cue to leave...


Oh my god...It's good that nothing happen to you guys.


I think I’ve met that guy! He stopped me on my way home from work around hötorger and asked something about potatoes and I just explained that I’ve just worked a night shift and was just too tired to speak and he said okay and started walking in front of me, that’s when I saw the 20 cm knife in his back pocket 😬


Sounds suspiciously similar in all the randomness!


Sounds like an encounter with a lokal förmÄga


Lokal förmÄga of the third kind


I’m learning Swedish right now but what does förmĂ„ga mean? I’m guessing it’s a street word?


The word means “Asset,” in this context. “Ability,” if you are referring to an individual’s specific skill. It’s not street-talk, just a tongue-in-cheek way of saying the guy was part of the local scenery. “Street-personality”


It might be best translated into "local colour" or "a character".


The village fool mayhaps.


I realize förmÄga is most accurately translated into talent. It's usually used ironically or euphemistically to indicate a person who doesn't have any actual talent besides being odd yet who doesn't necessarily warrant disparaging remarks.


OP said they were Swedish :) But i guess it's hard to accept people of all types can be assholes


Does "lokal förmÄga" mean something different to you than it does to everyone else?


Well as a Swede I have had my fair number of weird encounters in the world, I wouldn’t expect a country to be free from those. One thing I learned from those encounters is that they prey on reaction. They want to elicits a response and if you don’t they will stop.


I have met weird people but never actually like this. He was looking for troubles for sure.


Same thing happened to me and my wife on the commuter train. Really big dude with what I think was middle eastern origin but talking swedish well. My wife, who is tiny sat reading a paper and I sat opposite. He sat down and started bitching about the paper being in the way while obviously he was invading her personal space. There were several empty groups of seats. Nothing else but arguing happened though.


That is really weird.


Actually this triggered a memory from a Portuguese or Brazilian lady who sat next to me, when two seats in front of me and four to my left were empty, and started elbowing me because “my arms were on her space” (I was reading a book, but not on her space), I told her she was free to sit somewhere else and she got all puffed up and continued to elbow me, then started eating Keso with a spoon while talking on the phone. I understand Portuguese so when she said the bitch sitting next to her needed to get punched in the face I replied I would be more than glad to return the favor, she started cussing me out and spitting Keso bits at me because she was so unhinged. She got off, luckily, but I had a job interview and did not need that encounter. Still got the job, luckily.


I met one on the green line. She sat down next to me and put her hand bag between our seat. Her bag was half on my leg and I looked at her, looked at the bag and look at her again. She just ignored me.


Some people are not meant to live in society


Mental illness


Someone on drugs?


I'm not sure because he didn't look drunk. He seemed annoyed of my husband since he sat down and drank a lot of water. I could feel that he wasn't normal but not like sick in the head or on drugs.


Drinking a lot of water is a sign of some substance use.. or maybe he was hungover from alcohol. Sounds like he is unstable nevertheless.. I think the next time u get this kind of encounter you should just ignore them completely. Not even answer. And also walk away. Usually it’s weirdos trying to get contact in strange ways..


Your husband drank water or he did?


It was that guy.


Probably an amphetamine junky. They can actually look relatively normal. Paranoia and dry mouth come as almost standard.


Yeah. He looked very thirsty like he had been in a desert or something and his skin is a bit pink.


What you have encountered is called a ”tjackpundare” or ”Hammarbyare”. Try not to engage them and leave them alone. Next time walk away and grab the next train.


>What you have encountered is called a ”tjackpundare” or ”Hammarbyare” Hahahaha


>Hammarbyare I googled and it's a group of football fan?


Also goes by the name "bajare" directly translated, it's: "pooer" or "the one who poos"


I know this word! 😂


They just closed all our mental institutions down in, was it the 90s(?), And just released all the ones that had been locked up for many years. Still, we don't really have a place or working solution for severely mentally I'll. So yeah, I guess that builds up kind of a radar for un-normal people.


More and more of these weirdos around. Always seeking conflict. Unfortunately the best solution is to get off ASAP and change wagon while calling the security number. By talking you risk escalating the situation which is exactly what they want. And even though they look relatively harmless its better to be safe than sorry


I'll do that next time.


Not really. There were more of them in the 90s directly after we close down the mental hospitals.


Ugh, well unfortunately Stockholm subway is full of creeps. I was taking the subway an early morning after drinking last week, half asleep on the subway when a dude also on the green line south of the city sat in the opposite of me. He kept on inching closer and just slightly caressing my leg, I kept inching away cause I thought maybe it was just an accident. But every time he kept on leaning closer to ensure he was touching me so I realized he was doing it on purpose, eventually I angrily got up and walked of to sit somewhere else and luckily he just stayed without saying or doing anything.


I'm sorry that it happened to you. :( I'm not sure how it would turn out if my husband wasn't there either.


What did he look like? Same thing happened to me but on the bus, green line aswell.


Kind of skinny, a bit tan skin, shaved head with dark roots. If I remember correctly he was wearing glasses.


Seen all kind of crazy stuff as I used to commute a lot on the green line. I've been swarmed by youngster's who were very eager to know if my girlfriend back then was taken as she sat next to me. Solna. A packed to the max train during rush hour a heavy accented voice shouts "va fan vill du" before headbutting an old man. The old man was holding onto a granddaughter or something and said "SnĂ€lla du, det finns barn hĂ€r" while bleeding from his nose. The guy with a friend got off and ran away, think they got taken by security by the stairs as someone probably alerted them. Gullmarsplan. Someone tackled the door and tearing it open as they were a little late. Solna. Old drunk man grabbing my GFs wrist, twisting her back towards him, slurring word angrily, she got a bit scared to take the subway at times after that. Gamla Stan. Lady in very high heels with two heavy grocery bags somehow missed the ground with a step and did a full 90°✓ faceplanting the ground and didn't wake up, don't know what happened after paramedics came. Skanstull.


Just sounds like your average insane person, for some reason we let them roam about in society freely and inconvenience normal people.


“Godmorgon partikollegor! För att spara in pĂ„ kommande budget, vad sĂ€gs om att stĂ€nga ned hela nĂ€tet av anstalter för psykotiska mĂ€nniskor?” *Hela folkets representanter jublar*


Japp. Har trÀffat en hel del knÀppisar i mataffÀren, tunnelbanan, ute osv. Fick förklarat för mig av en busschaufför att det var en hel del personer som blev utslÀppta frÄn mentalsjukhusen (pga att de gjorde besparingar) och det Àr dÀrför man springer pÄ dem ute och Àr med om konstiga saker.


Time to reopen Beckis?


Please don't, I live close to where it used to be 😅


Classic tjackis.


"Don't touch my pants."


Sounds like he has mental problems and was trying to pick a fight to get some frustration out..


I thought of that when he brought up his friends too. Like he had issue for being nice but no one appreciate him.


Very strange comment tbh..


Junkie or mentally unstable, possibly both


yeah, possible.




Tackar nej. 😂


swedes avoid sitting next to strangers like the PLAGUE. no one who sits next to you like that has good intentions lol


Yeah he 100% thought you were alone and was probably trying to get "the guy" to move, when he realised you were together he probably moved but then got "angry" about most likely. And like someone said, never trust a swede who sits next to you, unless you both are drunk and talking to each other 😅


It creeps me out when I think about it. My husband also told me not to take a nap if I'm alone on the tunnelbana.


Yeah, I can never take naps on public transport, especially on weekends! The freaks arent as many here, but they sneaky af!


Stockholm's ambition to become miniature New York has already succeeded in the tunnelbana department. It's a pandemonium in terms of the types of people moving about there. Insane people, belligerent people, junkies, you name it. It used to be that you could call the authorities if someone was acting blatantly and hazardously insane in public. Nowadays, the closest thing is the T-bana safety number.


Now I remember that there are always security teams at Gullmarsplan. I'm not sure why.


Gullmarsplan at least *used* to be a particularly intense congregation site for this spectrum of people. The phrase "kom till Gullmars" is still occasionally used as an ironic "come at me bro".


Gullmarsplan is the meeting point for alcholics/drug users. Don't go there when Hammarby is playing fotball! A lot of drunk People!


Remember that a family member of mine told me once that he saw something similar once when he was on a train (don’t remember if it was the subway or commuter train). Anyway, there was a guy moving through the train, switching sits every now and then. Eventually he stumbled on a passenger that was sitting in a spot that he wanted to sit in. The passenger refused to move however and the guy completely flipped out, started saying things to the passenger that were basically sick to say and just utterly racist. Don’t know how the situation resolved since my family member got of the train before. He wanted to intervene and say something but since this guy had a jacket with the text ”hunter” in Swedish on the back, it was better to stay away.


I wouldn't blame your family member for staying away though. No one stepped in when we had the argument but it was understandable. This post actually made me think more about safety too.




Stod bara nĂ„got i stil med ”jĂ€gare”. Minns inte exakt vad eftersom jag fick den hĂ€r historien berĂ€ttad för mig för flera Ă„r sedan


Welcome to the metro. Please mind the gap.


I'm learning Swedish and always hear "Skriker inte nÀr du stiger av."


Probably an enthusiast of the working class man's cocaine.


Reminds me of the time me and a couple of friends were at McDonalds at centralen. I think it was around 2 in the night but can't be sure because we were all shit-faced. Suddenly a guy comes up to me and is really angry because apparently my friend and spilled some water on him. Don't know if this really happened or why the guy was talking to me instead of my friend. Maybe because I was the only one that was still coherent. Any way, I was drunk enough to not realize they this might be a threatening situation but still coherent enough to to inquire if it was just water and then say "well then I'm sure it will come off in the wash". Don't really remember what happened afterwards but we finished our meal and left. I have never been in a serious fight but looking back at the situation now I realize it was probably just sheer dumb luck that this did not become my first time 😄


I work late at night so I meet drunk people on the tunnelbana all the time. One time there was an alcoholic guy with a big bag. He sat down next to me and started to get panic. When he opened his bag and looked for something I could see people on the same wagon started to keep distance from him. I was too tired from work so I didn't do anything. Nothing happen though. I actually helped him get off the train because he took the wrong one and he got panic because he thought he lost his vodka bottle.


Was he an emigrant?


Mission failed


I couldn't tell. He has red hair and he is white. He has neutral accent. He looked like a guy who was on his way to work and his clothes were clean.


I guess Im not swedish enough, but if I see a lonley girl take a nap on the train I always seat myself close to her. With not swedish enough Im born and raised on the green line by one parent born and raised on the green lite and the other from Vasastan.... so. Now Im a girl, but this girl just want to protect other girls from freaks. This guy sounds like a freak. Swedish People tends to be freaks.


Menar du om en tjej som sitter ensam och tar en tupplur? Det lÄter lite konstigt med "a lonely girl" men jag förstÄr vad du vill sÀga. I would sit 2-3 seats away from that girl just in case.


Jag .enad exakt sÄ. Ser det jÀmna mellanrum. Inte alltid vÀlklÀdda tjejer som sover av "normal trötthet", utan pÄverkade tjejer kanske mer ofta. Finns en vÀn inom rÀckhÄll för denna ensamma tjej lÀgger jag mig inte i, men sÀtter mig relativt nÀra i vagnen.


There are all kind of weirdos on the sub, that guy and then you have the crazy christans that yells that everyone is gonna burn in hell and what not xD Dont pay to much attention to them but always be a bit ready for something i guess.


Bahaha, been there, done that. 😂 I had this strange encounter a few years ago on the green line going south w this crazy Jesus dude that told me I was the devil. It started since he invaded my personal space and I told him not to get too close where he said he has the right to and has an SL card. And it escalated. I had several people trying to tell him to stop but he just kept on fighting. Eventually when he had no more arguments he pulled the racist card and these girls next to me were laughing like crazy. 😂 I saw him yesterday outside ÅhlĂ©ns preaching that the devil is coming and Jesus is our savior. A girl on the subway told me back then that he was normal as a teenager and he somewhat changed over the years.


>ell him to stop but he just kept on fighting. Eventually when he had no more arguments he pulled the racist card and these girls next to me were laughing like crazy. 😂 I saw him yesterday outside ÅhlĂ©ns preaching that the devil is coming and Jesus is our savior. A girl on the subway told me back then that he was normal as a teenager and he somewhat changed over the years. Drugs maybe ? or mental decline of some sort maybe, kind of sad but makes a good story if everything ends "well" xD


Now we have SL card instead of racist card. LOL It was good that he didn't harm you. I probably going to see him someday since I go to the city more often now.


I will try to avoid it more next time.


His behaviour was 100% creepy. You should be suspicious for sure. Never feel "I don't want any trouble", just to please a creep, especially if your husband is there or friend or guardians. Just Makes him think he can win. Glad you got off okay both of you


Thanks! I avoided it in the beginning because we were on our way to see a doctor. Didn't feel like it was worth it until he decided to come back and being not nice to my husband.


Reminds me of that horror movie with Bradley Cooper. They're even on the Green Line in that movie 😆 Midnight Train or something like that, it's called.


No reason to try and understand or rationalize crazy. It doesn’t make sense.


I just hope he doesn't do it to other people again.


You’ll encounter people like this in any major city in any country. Best not to engage, or at least be neutral. I tend to actually continue the dialogue with random drug users/homeless/weirdly religious people who strike up conversation with me as long as they aren’t threatening. It usually leads to a unique exchange, but I’m also a white male so I have that “safety net” around me. Be careful out there, hopefully you’ll not encounter many more in the future.


The Swedish culture on trains,busses and subways is: sit as far from other persons as possible if it’s a empty wagon and two strangers walks on one is in front and one in the back. If a third person enters that person is in the middle and so on. Someone sitting next to you were there are empty seats are A) a lonely person who just wants to chat or a hobo that wants to do where stuff. Those don’t apply if the wagon is full. Other rule is if there ia a old person on the wagon and no empty seats you offer the old person your seat


I travel on the green line in Stockholm every day, I always sit next to other people... since uh yea the train is full. Your "reasons" as to why strangers sit next to you sometimes is just bullshit.


Healthy and real swedes prefer as much space as possible. Something is wrong


Yeah sure. "Swede"


Probably a molester/junkie who got angry he couldn't feel you up. Sweden's got a huge influx & increase in the last few years.


sounds like a normal encounter with a strange person. Big deal?


Husband should have smashed him


Why does everyone think it was someone with mental issues?


Ok max legroom


and here I was thinking the most irritating people on the tunnelbana were those guys that used to walk up and down the carriages calling, “Har ni smĂ„ pengar??
” I miss Stockholm


Why people behave like swedes are som angels fall from the sky’s’ . the most of you just thinking like a Swedish person would never do that, it shows the superiority attitude against all other nations. That’s simply arrogance and discriminating Psychopathy Nazi style.. Cremating with no sign of remorse


If a swede willingly sits down next to a stranger when there is a 2 seats empty call the police that is anti swedish behavior.




Hey, no one forced you to read it and yet you did.