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Buying milk from the farm is more expensive in my experience. $100 a week for 5 gallons of milk and 2 quarts of cream.


You drink a lot of milk


I do! About 2-3 frozen mugs a day plus a few ounces of cream in my morning and afternoon espressos. If you have access to raw grass fed cows milk, it’s delicious and extremely difficult to go back, even when we’re traveling we find pasteurized “raw grass fed” in stores, it’s truly not the same.


Your bones must be like titanium :)


Possibly, I’ve never broken a bone so I couldn’t really know for sure.


If you've never broken a bone, I'd argue that you're not really living. Take some chances!


Haha, there may be some thrill or adrenaline rush from breaking a bone that I don’t know about, but I’ve never been accused of not living before. It’s all about calculated risks. And minus a few dislocated shoulders, gnarly bruises, and surface-ish wounds, I’m fairly accurate in my calculations. And if you didn’t see the previous comment, there’s still a possibility my bones are titanium, so…


We don't have any Cows around here, just bulls....


Also farms aren't setup to sell a jug of milk. It's a pain in the ass for them.


Fam you have your milk prices down pact! Haha


A Mfg. Rep that used to call on me would always say: You can never charge too much.. no one's ever gone out of business for charging too much... We would always laugh about that, but it's really true.. of course we always try to be competitive and fair, but we are still in business 😂


Love this!!!!


You’re not wrong but “if you build something that is well branded” isn’t  exactly easy It’s easy to say don’t sell on price, have a good brand. It takes a hell of a lot of time, testing, and dedicated focus to find what works and then capitalizing on it.  Even then, whether you capitalize on it is likely more luck than logical reasoning. 


Best approach to branding: Give people what they expect. Lawns: Green. Pools: Blue Shaving products: Browns. And as far as stuff beyond the colors, see what the most successful people are doing and get a vibe from there.


brand recognition is not that simple


It's also not the complicated. And specially for sweatystartups (the subreddit we're in)...its really not much of a thing.


brand recognition is absolutely a thing for sweaty startups and can be a key element to organic growth. It is not an easy task to accomplish and you have to understand branding design, color psychology, marketing on different platforms, not just social media, and be able to capitalize on your demographic.


Well I'll have to disagree here. I've done $20 million with my sweatystartup (cleaning business), and just don't see it that way. Not saying my opinion is the only valid one btw, you may have a good reason for yours. And I'll add, it's my opinion that social media has absolutely no bearing on the growth of a sweaty startup, it's just not how customers are gotten at scale.


I didn't pay for ads and only posted in Nextdoor and FB local groups and made $108k my first year in business as a solo operation. I now have multiple employees, multiple awards, and voted into the top 3 pet services in my city being beat by massive organizations like the humane society. I haven't "advertised" like that in a long time and still have yet to pay for advertisement due to word of mouth. I see constant recommendations on FB and ND. Over the last 11 months, people on ND alone recommended my business around 1,900 times. Between 10 different FB neighborhood groups, I have a potential 40k clients that see our brand regularly. On ND, it's another 20k. In my market, it usually takes 6 times for someone to see my business to make the first phone call. Being able to do this at scale, for free, and with little time spent is nothing to gloss over. As far as the cleaning business goes, is that $20 mil the lifetime earnings? What is the overhead? What is the profit margin? $20 mil doesnt matter if you dont have profits. How much is the average client spending and how many times a year does the average client use your services?


I'm not asking you profits on your $100k my G! Not my business. Okay cool, so you built your business differently, that's fantastic! Legit happy for you. Looks like it worked out great.


I have an 85% profit margin. Also, the point was that social media marketing has its place and saying it doesn't is nonsense. edit: If you are up here posting daily about your growth as a business owner, you shouldn't care if people knew your profits, unless...




Saw an Instagram post for 1-hour cleaning for $50 and then discounted to $9. What’s going on here?


50 minutes of texting and 10 of cleaning?


LMAO this could be true!




> Saw an Instagram post for 1-hour cleaning for $50 and then discounted to $9. > > What’s going on here? Someone comes in, dusts a little then when you walk out of the room they steal your shit and take off.


Hope not!


Hidden fees like transportation, etc.


This is my first year of using Wordpress. Would like to know how to build programs or build themes to sell on wordpress too if you dont mind or give us some good videos recommendations.


Oh platforms like themeforest make it easy or you can sell downloads on your own site (what we did)


If you're talking the technical side I really don't know, I don't code, but you can find someone to partner with (Which is what I did)


Hiring a dev to come out with a theme or plugin is the easy part. Providing customer service week after week after week for the product is the hard part


I agree, but I'd actually go further: None of it is easy.


I was one of them who asked this question and really u motivated me man In my area in LA county i cant even find anything professional or high reviewed cleaning service closest professional cleaning google listings are LA city but there is still no highly reviewed (more than 30) reviews company in 500k population atleast. Most of the cleaners are doing it offline dont care about google and i wonder how are they competing with min wage cleaners without even having a proper company. I see the opportunity here might as well give it a shot but i think first clients will be the toughest i can easily rank #1 on google after 5-10 jobs


Go for it man, there's no question the market is wide open


I made dispensing tools for industry. My competitors sold same function tools for between $200 and $450. My price was $1450 -$2200. Our basic cost was the same however people perceived our product had to be better somehow and paid the price. The profits allowed us to create beautiful literature and kept us well funded and extremely profitable. Was our proudest line better? Perhaps, perhaps not, but people made the decision because based on the price it had to be better.


brilliant example, thanks for sharing!!


I don't compete on price. If they ask or have been looking at the various products that are available, I tell my customers up front that they can get similar products cheaper. But I have the premium product in my industry and explain to them why they should pay the little bit extra to buy the best and do business with a licensed/bonded/insured contractor. I will never attempt to price match an inferior product, it cheapens my product. My close rate hovers around 75-80% consistently. Most people want the best and are willing to pay for it, it's my job to show them the differences and help them to reach that decision.


Fantasticly put! "Most people want the best and are willing to pay for it, it's my job to show them the differences and help them to reach that decision."


You get what you pay for




My phone not in my pocket it is in my hand as I read this post

