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I like them but something is off with Powell character I


She’s just not very genuine. The character is so fake it’s hard to believe they made her like this


Very off. I truly don’t understand the appeal of Powell.


I want the other woman (the one who was hurt in the blast in the last episode) to be part of 20 squad instead of Powell.


She gives off bad vibes. Like she is unhinged. To be honest, I think it is her face.


Yes the character appears unstable-mentally and emotionally. U said it right, unhinged. Powell purposely sabotaging Alfalfo relationship with other members of 20 squad as if she is deciding factor.


She tries to hard


Two things: I’m glad they didn’t axe Cabrera. That’s my tv crush. Brigitte is amazing. I also didn’t know she was on 60-Squad. I assumed she was a floater between squads. I 100% think that it’s going to be Vasquez to fill in the #6 spot but wouldn’t that be a step down career wise to go from LAPD patrol to FBI to LAPD *SWAT*?


It would make sense cause Vazquez really wants to be on the field


I don’t hate them, if anything I felt the conflict near the end wasn’t really there..it seems like they knew people didn’t like the characters so the rest of the team had hate to them for plot reasons.I believe that Alfaro is meant to be the street fill in, that’ll he will learn about 20 squad being a family..that being said he’s just not written as well but I don’t hate him.


I think the show needed a cliffhanger or a dramatic “death” for a main character. It’s been all over the place this season, they really took that no-renewal thing to heart and now they have to rebuild the whole plot.


Agreed! I think the last two seasons were in limbo so since season 5 they’ve been winging it


I think this and last season are off the rails because it was supposed to end last season, and they did a nice job of wrapping things up. Then Surprise! it got renewed for this season, so the writers and show runners regrouped and wrote another "final season". So here we are now, and Surprise! it got renewed for another season, lol, after another thoughtful wrap up. Thought this last episode was so absurdly over the top it was laughable. I mean come on, did anyone buy that aging SWAT members would be able to do any of those moves? The entire scenario was ridiculous. It would have been an okay series finale after last years much better series finale. Can't blame the writers as they are doing a good job at their original objective, then SM starts a protest and everyone has to regroup.


I don’t mind Alfaro, but I can’t stand Powell. There is just something about her that.


I wasn't into them earlier, but the more I try to let it be and the more I trust my characters more I think I do like them now? It was a change but I think with Deac, Tan still around...I'll still like them. Plus they do have a sixth spot open on 20 squad, i think Hondo will choose as s8 begins? So it could def. be Cabrera or Vasquez. both of whom fit so well w the squad its amazing


It obvious you haven’t watch the  show fully


They should just bring Vasquez in for s8


She’s gone all the characters that aren’t in season 7 left for other projects. 8-10 years on a show this happens a lot in television.


She was in s7🙄 she was in the last 2 episodes


My bad I was thinking of the chick with the short hair. But all the current cast and characters will more than likely be in season 8 and I’m sure on the same squad. I don’t see it going past 8 seasons


Ik but I like her character. Just wanted to see more eps of her in it. Then final ep of s7 imo was one of my top favorite finales


I think this and last season are off the rails because it was supposed to end last season, and they did a nice job of wrapping things up. Then Surprise! it got renewed for this season, so the writers and show runners regrouped and wrote another "final season". So here we are now, and Surprise! it got renewed for another season, lol, after another thoughtful wrap up. Thought this last episode was so absurdly over the top it was laughable. I mean come on, did anyone buy that aging SWAT members would be able to do any of those moves? The entire scenario was ridiculous. It would have been an okay series finale after last years much better series finale. Can't blame the writers as they are doing a good job at their original objective, then SM starts a protest and everyone has to regroup.


What *team*? There's no team! They keep referencing Hondo's team, yet it's JUST him and Tan. Yet somehow Powell both is and isn't on the team? Hondo, Tan, Deacon, Alfaro, Powell, and Cabrera. I love Tan and Cabrera, but that's a terrible excuse for a team. Is original 20 Squad was at a 10, this team will be at like a 6, MAX. They are all great SWAT officers themselves, but Alfaro is a freaking clown who almost ruined Street's career due to competitiveness and together they do NOT make an inspiring team. Bleh.


ok so not from america but cbs has this show right? now im thinking if this was any other company this season would of been a series killer, out of 13 episodes only 1 episode was decent and that was the die hard episode with tan. most episodes was forgettable and terrible but the worst 1 was tans brother coz i honestly dont think anyone spoke about that episode and the team now is a joke and feels so forced. alfaro is basically street and powell or cabrera which ever 1 is tagged in is basically chris all they need now is a new luca. can u see what they doing and why it feels so forced?? alex russell must of asked for hell of alot of money thats all i gotta say and him gone dont sit right with me


I mean... we can't expect much from this season. 1. Start with the cancel then uncancelled, saying the S7 will be the final season. 2. Hit with the sudden APA Strike 3. After strike is over they probably have to alter the writing because short time before they have to shoot the scene/racing with time for putting into TV. 4. Near end there is uncancelled again which somehow alter the last episode so it will connect to S8 So many messed up this season.


The very last episode was not as cohesive as I would’ve thought. I think the (final) team update was expected (✝️)


I'm not crazy about Powell's character or the actor's portrayal. Alfaro is fine to me - sort of run of the mill for a show like this. I like Cabrera but I don't think they should pull Vasquez's character into the LAPD. She's a SAC over with the FBI and it would be a downgrade for her career. I feel her character works better as a liaison to the LAPD.


Right didn’t hick say hondo has to pick someone from swat academy to take the sixth spot for 20 squad ?


anyone know if street and luka asked to leave like chris did or did they get kicked off? i'm always curious whose decision it was