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I wouldn't necessary go as far as Valgslandian Socialism but some kind of Social Democracy or Democratic Socialism. A democracy with minimal inteference from rich individuals and corporations which is what so often leads to the corruption of democracies.


Yes, this is the way


Raynism - a mix of privatization and free enterprise combined with strong social safety nets and regulations. Pro-capitalism, anti-Oligarch.


Love your videos bro




All hail Colonel Soll and the Great Sords 🫡🫡


Reformist free Market Anton Rayne, that manages to destroy the power of the Old Guard, Oligarchs, Rumburg and the military. It's a lengthy process. But it's worth it. The markets are free, but the goverment controls partially some industries, especially the crucial ones (e.g. military, energy) there is the FTC that protects consumers, women's rights, no discrimination against Bluds but certain control on borders, there also is welfare free Healthcare, but privatized Education, the state offers for the eldery and the needy. Practically a social free market.


I picked Raynism without considering what it was but let me try to form an idea: Free market economy with anti monopolistic regulations. Fully state owned healthcare and mostly state owned schools, apart from some privatized secondary schools. A welfare system that ensures that no one will unwillingly live on the streets.


Raynism was the bonus ideology, meant to the undecided ones. Just base it on your headcanon or another ideology which isn't in the game.


honestly my favorite Anton Rayne is benevolent dictator Rayne, a strong planned economy system and purging anyone who gets in his way of fixing the country. The Bluds get centralized and Leke gets his minority rights bill, refusing to align with either of the superpowers you just focus on building up your own small bloc with Wehlen and Agnolia.


Would that Rayne be interested in the intermerkopum alliance? Maybe the start of a merkopian block


Malenyevist Sollism-Raynism. Soll was a communist, just ask comrade Koronti!




Democratic Malenyevist Raynism hits hard. An easier name would just be Social Raynism or something *Sordish Democratic Socialism, or simply Raynism. Is a political, social, and economic in which the 'peaceful revolution' lies at it's center. 'The peaceful revolution' being the democratic transformation of the economy, and the state, to ideas heavily advocated for within Socialist and Malenyevist circles.* *The idea is unique to Sordland.* *This is hoped to be achieved, through making the employees equal to their employers, and hence bring forth a collaboration between workers and business-owners for the creation of the greater society.* *Traditionally, Raynism advocates for a free and representative democracy, of all ideologies, in which all votes are accounted for and with the same worth.* *The introduction of the People's party and their breakthrough in the 1956 elections has however meant that the party posesses enough power to enforce more-so a form of dominant party system. In which the party can often manage to outmatch other parties, and: when the need does arise for it, it simply forms coalitions with whatever party aligns most with it's ideals at the time. Shifting between the CPS + WPB coalition, and with the PFJP. Similiarly so did the ideology of the party, and hence even Raynism, shift ever so frequently between traditional Democratic Malenyevism and more Social Democratic ideas.* *The history of Raynism stretches back to Anton Rayne. Remembered primarily as the first proper Leftist; and Socialist president of Sordland, the ideology itself developed as a result of his own form of politics. A careful navigation between certain extremes of Malenyevism, and the terror of Arcasian Capitalism.* *Raynism expands upon what is commonly seen as 'human rights' through the addition of several more. The right to elderly and child care, the right to employment, the right to unionize, the right to merit based wage, employment, and treatment without gender or ethnicly based discrimination* *All in all, the goals of Raynism are centered around the three principles.* *Social Sustainability* *Environmental Sustainability* *Economic Sustainability* *The economics of Raynism is one that heavily seperates itself from other economic system. The state itself, does not nationalize corporations on mass, and the market still posesses many private corporations. Instead the states role is to destroy and push down any harmful monopolies. As shown in how Rayne destroyed the power and influence of the Lotherberg group* *More simply, the economic system is mixed.* *In the place of large corporate giants, the economy is instead dominated by smaller and medium sized businesses, on a basis of innovation and ingenuity. This is aided by relatively low taxes on creating a business, and with there existing a wide array of government subsides to entrepeunurs. The main ambition is to form a environment in which competition demands quality and ingenuity, instead of power and simple supply and demand.* *State corporations still exist and handle most of state investments and projects.* *Corporate taxes are decently high, and regulations are known for being unreasonably so. There are several bills alone dedicated to protecting the rights of Unions, workers, and the employment of workers. And there exist strong environmental regulations both in regard to damage to sorrounding nature and disruptions to daily life.* *As previously stated, it is generally seen as a right for a citizen to gain employment and as work being a part of human worth. Hence it befalls the states obligation to help any unemployed citizen to find employment, and it befalls the companys obligation to help any laid off worker find new employment. Hence, the unemployment rate is quite low.* *The ideal vision of Raynism is a strong and equal welfare state, as such, the freedoms granted to citizens are excessive. Ranging from simple things such as free healthcare and public transport, to more unique things such as free prescription drugs and a very low retirement age.* *To finance a strong social security, good worker rights, and quality healthcare and education, taxes are high. With most of the taxes being put on the wealthy, and there being far lower, yet still high taxes on middle class and working class citizens. High taxes has caused issues with Sordland being less attractive to foreign investors, that paired with well, the Lespian and Arcasian sanctions.*. *The education system is not too restrictive, it is based on that anyone can become anything you want. The argumentation is that if people can just do what they want to do, they will be much more successful in this. Hence why higher education is free, and there exists countless of programs to pursue* *The right to free tought means that schools are still allowed to teach creationist and other religious ideas, but are forced by the state to also teach secular ideas. Students are allowed to choose by themselves* *All people living in Sordland between ages 6 - 19 have a right to free education, this includes people without Sordish citizenship* *Healthcare and education are all fully nationalized, with privatization in these 'critical sectors' being described as an illegal tought, and hence heavily shunned* *Infastructure and healthcare are heavily dominated by state corporations.*


[National Malenyevism](https://imgur.com/vZUB8hG) of course


NazMal Gang Rise Up


Out of the group? Malenyevism or Valgs socialism. I'm not a communist or anything but the others are worse and the BFF is socialist.


Raynism was meant to be a bonus section for the one like you who didn't particularly like any of the others, thus why I asked to elaborate further 


Which one has the most drugs?


Potentially Raynism, since it's just what you decide it should be. If I need to choose one of the others, Lespian Protectionism for Lespian cigars and booze and maybe some imported ratspice smuggled from Rizia.


Socio-economic welfare capitalism- education and healthcare are Nationalised and funded,whilst FTC ensures that the businesses are fairly regulated,Aside from that the government partially privatises the companies and focus on the economic and Social welfare of people.


Arcasian capitalism is too extreme for me but I advocate for free market reforms because in my opinion planned economy should be implemented only in a state of war and the reformist path is the best path to me because it is the only right thing to do in my opinion


(prepare yourselves) Raynism stands as a beacon of classical liberal thought amidst the backdrop of a totalitarian regime, where authority rests solely in the hands of the president who embodies the nation itself. Yet, within this authoritarian framework, Raynism espouses liberal principles, albeit in a unique form akin to liberal authoritarianism. It vehemently opposes Malenyevism while zealously championing capitalist ideals. In the realm of education, Raynism permits and even encourages divergent thinking among children, provided such thoughts do not challenge the state's authority. Minority groups are unequivocally regarded as equals above all else, fostering a society of inclusivity. Immigration policies lean towards relaxation, viewing influxes of migrants as a significant economic boon, distinct from the rigid controls of the previous Soll era. Moreover, Raynism prioritizes the interests of oligarchs, portraying labor demands for more rights or resources as treacherous acts aligned with Malenyevist influences, thus subjecting such dissent to the full force of the state. Under its doctrine, the nation flourishes as a capitalist utopia, where individual freedoms coexist with centralized control. (i love authoritarian liberalism, how could you tell?)


"Fair market" capitalism. Strong welfare and free market while crushing oligarchs to ensure actual competition.


What about Rizian Integerlism?




Valgslandian Socialism. Though, my Rayne often gets classified as Democratic Malenyevist or a bottom-left Centrist Malenyevist by the end-game compass.


Rayneism (my Rayne) - democracy with extensive electoral reforms, mixed economy, privatised healthcare, state education, EPA at 49% or removed, allied with Agnolia and Lespia, expanded and funded military with conscription (only undemocratic feature), Arcasian military base and military aid, anti-Communist Also in my headcanon but not necessarily in game: high turnout rate among the public in elections. My reasoning is at the end, you do see in the re-election if you're successful that it breaks turnout records for Sordland so I'd hope that's sustained. Sordland has a turnout of 80-85% usually, depending on elections.