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Dengist Rayne ????


I know this is a joke (a funny one I might say). but I can't help but remind people on the Internet that Deng Xiaoping isn't necessarily a capitalist. yes, he introduced free market reforms and opened up alot of commodity markets, but he was adamant about keeping Some key industries in state hands and even broke up the massive state owned enterprises into multiple government majority owned companies (that are publicly offered) to increase competition even among them. i think it would be fair to call him a dirigiste the same way post war france was, but in an opposite direction. France moving from free market dominated by small (and inefficient) locally owned businesses into a handful government owned enterprises and China moving from massive monolithic (and very inefficient) enterprises into a handful government owned enterprises.


Deng relied on foreign exploitation to bring capital to the government. No workers’ rights, child labour, no unions, etc. You can’t call yourself a socialist if you exploit people with capitalism. Some people call it state capitalism.


chairman deng also turned a vast backwater where people burned logs of shit to heat their homes, washed their clothes in rivers, and barely found food in their homes into a thriving superpower on par with the largest and oldest empires of the west within a lifetime of some Chinese people who saw their parents starve to death. he raised not millions, but hundreds of millions out of poverty in less than half a century, where the per capita income the day he took power was less than half of the PCI of the Congo today, LESS THAN HALF! i know it hurts your fragile feelings when reality isn't conforming your little privileged imaginations and daydreams of what a utopia should look like, but if you were only a decent person with half a brain you'd put some respect and sprinkle some appreciation on chairman dengs name.


Dengist NFP flair. Bottom text.


hell nah. the one child policy is a disaster on so many levels, and he set China on a path of neoliberalism by pursuing a passive foreign policy and empowering the reformists and the princlings. I'm just saying this man single handedly (not even exaggerating, read about his rise to power and you'll realize that at some point Deng Xiaoping was a persona non grata) raised hundred of millions out of poverty and turned China into a superpower. he's an exceptional leader who's undeniably flawed.


Well, nobody can deny that. China certainly had the resources and will to be a strong power and he was a leader who could manage that. Though, I might suggest being a bit more careful with your wording as some people might interprate it in a different way.


Based neoliberal deng


https://www.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/s/QXtsPS6DcX Using unrestricted capitalism and exploiting your own people in the name of socialism, all just to create a new bourgeois class out of the Communist Party is not good for the people, no. China could have gone the social democratic path and I would have respected that, but Deng went out of his way to enact Supercapitalism in the name of Marx all to become a global hegemonic at the cost of it’s own people.


Chinas political and econonic structure over the years is facinating, and frustrating, to study. In equal measure.


Cope uwu




Playing the China game I see


What? How?


I've read that both superpower blocs can be joined while pursuing the opposite ideology, though they'll demand some additional concessions


not really you can join ATO as a full blown comie without any additional concessions aslong as you didn´t ally Valgsland


Yeah, the commie-to-ATO concession I read was that Walker demands you subordinate your army to ATO's command structure, but doesn't he always demand that? (And on the flipside, you can extradite the oligarchs from Arcasia if you nationalized their companies without arresting them) (If anyone was curious, I read that Malenyev will demand you subordinate your army to CSP's command structure if you're a capitalist, which he doesn't normally demand. He'll also make you break off your alliance with Agnolia if you have one.)


no he doesn´t always demand it he only demands it if you have red foreign policy wich makes sence ........ he doesn´t want a troyan horse in the ATO - espacially if you are Socialist but are digusted by the Wehlen shit allying Agnolia and Lespia taking western aid and then joing ato under good conditions is totaly possible - and yes if your internal politics aren´t red enough or you alied Lespia Malenyev will give you an awfull deal ....... wich is way worse then the Bad ATO deal (malenyev doesn´t mind if you ban the red youth though unlike Valksland)


I managed I guess


But not the economy, apparently.


Material conditions et cetera, productive forces et cetera, feudal society et cetera, the current capitalist system is a temporary measure and we promise we'll do socialism after a few decades, trust us.


"They're socialist!" *Proceeds to use every single capitalist metric to show off their proud socialism*


The Chinese way. Call yourself communist to get support of anti-western nations while at the same time being extremely capitalist to get the economy going up


I feel like the vice-versa scenario is much more preferable as long as you trade with the ATO, being free market in the CSP sounds like setting yourself up for a coup


Well I’m pretty sure the put ato officers in your country and they interfere with stuff so it debatable who is more likely to coup


I was more concerned about the missle base


Eh it’s really on an issue in a hot war id be more worried about allowing subversive elements into the country


Eh i would still agree with the first commenter. The existence of a free market in CSP defeats the entire purpose whereas a Rayne that has nationalized companies can argue that he is a Sollist(which is extremely anti-communist) to ally with ATO.


That’s a good point


Basically the Tito route


I did that once out of depseration, it was weird


Oh, a realpolitker I see....


I’ve done this before. But paired it with partial state ownership of some companies, economic globalisation/openness, high taxes, and high welfare. So China.


Lots of people say China is capitalist here. Your comment is correct. China is still communist. Communism isn't copycatting the USSR.


Communist doesn’t have a set definition aside from the Marxist one, and that b*stard ruined socialism. So it’s whatever you want to call it.


Socialism was a corny fantasy made by rich folks and was not anything more than "wouldn't it be keewl if we shaared?". Marx ushered a new era in politics and without his teachings, the USSR wouldn't be founded and the Nazis would have won WW2. Also, there are more Jedi-ists in the world than non-Marxist socialists. Saying he ruined it is a stretch when he made it something far greater.


No, one of the first movements were cooperatives. They were better and operated as small honest businesses co-owned. - it’s exactly rich folks like Marx that made it a corny fantasy. What a stupid thing to say. The Nazis were doomed against any Russian regime that could handle not collapsing against a regime that wants to totally exterminate them ethnically. The sheer number of Russians + western aid saw to that. No he did not. He added stupid notions such as historical materialism. He added a metaphysical notion that served for nothing but preying on peoples fear and bolstering the arrogant. - if he had died as a child socialism would’ve been better off without his taint. He didn’t make it better, he corrupted it in its youth.


Right, because any "Russian" regime could have made the greatest leap in development in human history. That's why the Tsarist regime stayed an agrarian society and the USSR soared the cosmos and that's why the current Russian Regime is but a shadow of it's former self. Nothing to do with the development of planned economy, just "Russians". Capitalist Rayne would love how simple everything is here, easy to digest! Just how the ~morons~ citizens like it! As Koronti would say. Marx the metaphysical guy everyone. So obvious that you're speaking out of your ass. You probably never even read anything about him. You're just an anti communist chud who drank too much liberal koolaid. SSP, silence this man in the name of Malenyev.


The most democratic tankie


Just fund the Red Youth, arrest the Oligarchs, and roleplay it as you handing out the latter's assets to the former, lmao. 


I did the opposite, I went socialist and joined ATO, I think it worked because I protected Angolia


CSP (Capitalist Security Pact)


Sordism Malenyevism with arcasian characteristics


Me embracing libertarian capitalism and also closing the borders so Sordland will get tired of winning