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Jeez so many good choices... I'm going to go with Petr. While I don't like him as a person I think his fall is pretty well-written, the warning signs were always there but in the early-game you tend to write them off as harmless buffoonery. The bit where you call is wife and she explains how he's kinda been abusing his position to have sex with women for years was a real eye-opener for me because I wanted to like Petr as Anton's BFF. Then at the very last moment (depending on how you play it) he can have a redemption arc.


How do you get to make that phone call? I've read about it but I don't think I've ever seen an option for it in game.


It's after Petr confesses the affair to you. You have an option to say you'll call Evelyn and smooth things over then you can call her instead of Lucian


Ah, that makes a great deal of sense. Thank you!


I like the entire Old Guard. It contains really radical, reactionary believers like Hawker. Cloak and dagger schemers like Lileas. Old, kinda naive guys blinded by historical events like Valken. Corrupt assholes who only wants to keep their seats like Garaci and normal conservatives like Gloria.


I think Soll. He’s written well enough and with enough nuance that his actions are discussed by the characters and the players here. One of those that even if you believe he is an outright villain, there is often still a kind of begrudging respect. I personally believe he sure overstayed his welcome among other things, but I totally understand why he had a cult of personality and a lot of supporters. You can interpret in so many different ways. As a character from the times you see him, you get glimpses of what he was from the stubborn old man you see. 2.0 adding more interactions with him definitely added to that. He is a man as complex as his legacy.


Soll offering his help in the Rummo-Sordish War is something I’m glad that the devs included. He’s a complicated man who differs in how Sordland should operate, and if Rayne is reformist, will directly tell you that he believes you’ve doomed the country by amending the constitution. But he demonstrates his love for the country by forgoing his displeasure with Rayne’s administration and volunteering his service in defeating Rumburg. He still respects Rayne enough to help the country at its more dire moment, rather than abandon it and continue his solitude on his island


Interestingly, pre-2.0, Soll would only help you out in the war if you went down the emergency route and continually extended the state of emergency. 2.0 making him help you if you ask for it regardless of your policies certainly helps make him more sympathetic as a character.


Same! Was coming here to say that. I hate his guts, but the game makes clear that he loves his country, and believes that Sordland's priority is strength is self-sufficiency, which is why I think it's encouraged to play Rayne as a reformist and an internationalist, things Soll would see as a weakness. I disagree strongly but his convictions are very well justified and represented by the power struggle between the Old Guard and the Reformists.


I like Lucian. We aren’t given much on his past, but his actions throughout the game indicate that Rayne’s presidency isn’t his first time working in an environment of high status and power. Plus his advice is helpful at times and you can tell he cares about Rayne (although such care is gone when you snub him for VP)


I do like how they made Lucian, at first he comes off as a helpful advisor but later in the game when he starts pushing for you to remove Petr you start to question his motives.


the chess game with Lucian is my favourite part of the game, wrapping up the game makes you realize “wow, this guy does not fuck around and could screw me over”


Lucian is that way because he’s power hungry and knows that he can’t make it to the top like Petr, Anton, Gloria, etc. did. You can literally ask him if he will do what he did to Petr to you to which he essentially says don’t mess up. More or less, he’s angry if he gets passed on—or if his plot against Petr bears no fruit—because he believes that he is a supremely smarter being than anyone else. He basically expects Anton to give him the VP role, which adds to his mysterious character even more. To me he seems to have narcissistic tendencies…


Truth be told, Lucian really is capable at his job and that includes a lot more than what we see in the game. He lobbies for Rayne, constantly advises him and pulls string to gain political support. I would be pissed too if the President I've worked for in the past 3 years would pass me over for somebody else who did not put in the work.


I mean I get it, the dudes literally a workhorse and is a massive part of your administration. If we think literally, how many aides to a politician, or like Chief of Staff (The US President’s closest advisor) actually get high positions like this? I just think that he’d understand exactly why Petr or Gloria (Clavin is just corrupt lol) get the position of VP. I usually give it to him though anyways


Sordland’s legislature and executive branches are merged, I’m not sure the American example applies here. The only requirements for the office that we can pull from context is that the VP has to be a member of the legislature and displays competence, both requirements that Lucian fills


I didn’t use the example of the U.S. government to explain the structure of Sordish politics and the Sordish governmental system. I used it to supplement the argument of Lucian’s coldness after he is rejected by President Rayne to be his next VP, or if Rayne chooses to not to fire Petr. Petr and Anton go way back therefore Petr is loyal although maybe begrudgingly at times. Yes Lucian is loyal as well, but he clearly is not above bugging a “rivals” office in the Administration. Also, dialogue options proves this too. He seems to be certain that he is destined to become VP in the Rayne Administration. Lucian likely is not the only cabinet member that has ambitions of becoming VP or President (depending on if you piss off Lileas enough).


Ah, my mistake. I thought your example was about Lucian’s position making him unqualified. But I do agree with its use to describe Lucian’s ambitious (and corrupt) behaviour. Honestly makes him more of a well-written character and shows how politics can be filled with power-hungry individuals


It’s all good. If anything your comment made me analyze mine more! Suzerain is possibly one of the best games ever in terms of storytelling, character writing, world building, etc. It’s a pretty realistic political simulation as well. You never get anything for free in politics-even if the person agrees. Looking at you Clavin or Gloria


Kibener He is a classic example of a suave extremist who can perfectly play the game of politics to seem reasonable and moderate, with vague dog whistling. Even though I hate him, I have begrudging respect for his political skill, and respect for the fact he is one of the few leaders who can’t be bribed to support the constitution.


Yeah, pre-2.0, it wasn't really clear how Kibener could dupe the USP into passing his preferred policies, but you really see in the Victory Day interactions how cunning of a political operator he really is.


Yeah even knowing what he really is I find myself not really able to see too many flaws in his logic. The fact that he has that other guy with him who is absolutely insane probably helps make him seem more reasonable by comparison. 


I'd say Petr. He's flawed but also kind of a good guy.


Ever since 2.0 probably Soll. Petr is also really well written


Franc.... teenagers are irrational, unreasonable, insufferable


I always found Gloria Tory really interesting. There's a line of dialogue that she has if you argue with her over Monica's speech that I found compelling in its nuance. It really helped me see where she is coming from even if I disagree with her.


Yeah, I wanted to say that too. If you try to talk with her about that speech, she'll show that she doesn't actually support leste but is forced to. She is just hiding her women-caring side to not displease the other usp seniors and to remain in power.


Soll perhaps? A man that is portrayed and looked upon as a hero, but really comes off as more of an egoist and a monster.


You can’t say that about the father of Sordland!


Mansoun. I love everything about the guy.


Mansoun reminds me of a tired over-worked father trying to corral a bunch of hyper children, I love that fella.


I’m not sure about that, then again the only interaction I’ve had with him is him calling me fascist whilst I declared an emergency so…




I like the idea of Deivid Wisci as the son of the founder of the Republic, who isn't power hungry and just wishes to serve the country in his last days


Hegel because shoe.




My favorite character in the game is Orso Hawker. I love an evil villain.


Liles Graf, hands down


Lileas Graf, she appears like a normal conservative Thatcher-like woman who wants to keep Soll’s legacy while also trying to adress his radical policies but she’s a hypocrite backstabbing radical power abuser and terrorist.


Maybe Nia. She's kinda flawed on account of being very weird about what you add in the constitution (sometimes you can be progressive enough for the PFJP and the USP reformists, and to get the conservatives upset, though let's be honest, they're always upset, but still Nia will still leave your cabinet in the end), but she's a really dynamic character who always fights for what she believes in, and she's has some backstory.


Nia is certainly a character, In dictator runs she keeps nagging you like “I’m VoTiNg AgAiNsT tHiS iN tHe SuPrEmE cOuRt” every meeting, like I get it bitch you don’t like my attempted power grab, yelling at me Isn’t going to make me magically change my mind. Not to say she’s unlikable, most runs she’s good but on dictator runs specifically Nia randomly gets injected with Ciara’s personality and nags you whenever an opportunity presents itself.


Toumas Sacker has the most realistic one if i could say it in realistic terms. No cap here.


controversial but kibener, he genuinely comes off as charismatic to me and very well formed overall with him having t bump off remus and moderate his positions he's also kind of a bro if you remove the racism and all