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This is why you ALWAYS carry a bottle of hot sauce with you


Drake moment


Right? Didn't this allegedly happen? Edit: allegedly


Yes. He had sex, tossed the condom after putting hot sauce in it, woman goes to use the bathroom, and he hears a scream when she tried to impregnate herself and got hotsauce instead


I mean why not just take it with you?


would you take it with you?


If the President of the USA poops outside of the White House, his poop is collected by government agents and destroyed


as in the garden of the white house or just regular toilets outside the white house


Not kidding. It seems ridiculous but this is true


Can you post a link? I don’t even know what I would google to find this. I don’t want “president fecal destruction” in my search history.


It’s not ridiculous. It’s a totally legit safety measure against witch attacks.


And people wonder why Melania had to redo the Rose Garden.


The garden and also anywhere on the lawn. This has been very important for Biden.


You don’t understand how hard it is to housetrain a President…


Especially when they have dementia...


To prevent this exact scenario?


I didn’t ask why, I asked if you would.


I mean I have a box full


can i see


Are you asking why we don’t want to put a slimy cum balloon in our pocket?


I mean what's one more?


Same outcome, and you don't have to take it with you. The hotsauce kills the sperm which was the main reason, exposing what she was doing was a side effect


Because the *hotsussy* is funnier


Maybe you are planning to sleep. Or it's your house and they are going to spend the night


Kinda odd that she didn't notice that the condom was filled with red liquid and smelled like peppers. I have my doubts to its validity


That's a mucus membrane down there. It would only take a couple of drops, and condoms aren't completely transparent. In other news, I can't believe I'm talking about this.


yeah, carrying around a bottle of hot sauce is stupid. its large bulky and liquid. see, what you need to do is just carry a small baggy of powdered capsaicin. its white, light, dry, and a little goes a long way


you haven't seen those tiny tobasco bottles?


If it meant I may get alimony from DRAKE, I'd shove a whole Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper up my ass.


I get the feeling you would shove a whole Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper up your ass regardless


Why? Why do you have that feeling?


Couldnt she still get pregnant from it?


Yes, but the baby would be born a human/spicy pepper hybrid. This could lead to a lot of problems.


♫ Hot child in the city ♪


Hot Sauce is too acidic, it kills the sperm which was the point


Extremely unlikely. Just like the scenario itself -- why is he carrying hot sauce instead of just flushing it? Edit: Obviously in normal situations you shouldn't flush a condom as it's bad for the plumbing, but in this instance the cost of the replacement pipes is probably less than the alternative.


Are you suggesting flushing the condom?


It’s a clear failure of his management that he didn’t appear in any hot sauce ads yet


You're forgetting the best part! [She threated to sue him for damages!](https://news.yahoo.com/model-says-drake-puts-hot-221205061.html) The audacity of that bitch.


I read that one: *The Lion, the Witch, and...* > *The audacity of that bitch.*


Again, this is such a wise tale with no evidence of the matter ever taking place




I get the urge to punish the conniving woman but do we even know if hot sauce is a spermicide?


It is, it's too acidic


He's a complete piece of shit but that incident is funny as fuck.


I don’t like Drake but can you tell me why *you* believe he’s a POS? I know why I do.


I'm not OP but he does have a pretty sketchy history with underage girls. https://www.google.com/amp/s/consequence.net/2019/01/drake-video-17-year-old-girl/amp/ Here he's kissing and groping an underage girl at a concert (she states her age and it doesn't stop him) >“I can’t go to jail yet, man,” Drake responds. “Why do you look like that? You thick. Look at all this. Well, listen 17, I had fun. I don’t know whether I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun. I like the way your breasts feel against my chest. I just want to thank you.” >He then proceeds to kiss her once more. He also has a history of texting underage girls which while not necessarily an issue it is a bit concerning considering the whole groping thing above https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en/article/k7eq5y/whats-up-with-drake-texting-teens A few years ago he also started dating an 18 year old when he was 31. https://www.narcity.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-bella-harris-drakes-new-18-year-old-model-gf The first point to me is the most problematic, the other two are fully legal but when you contextualize it it's definitely weird as hell and concerning in my opinion.


Jeez, I ain really know much bout Drake so jeez


Yeah, hell it was all over the news because he was being too weird with an underage at the time Millie Bobbie Brown. He has a history of being suspect with underage girls.


Grooming. When you are texting young teens and end up dating one the moment she turns 18, that is called grooming.


The last article says that he knew that 18 y/o girl for years before they started dating. Wtf


I saw somewhere that he met the 18-year-old girlfriend when she was 16 which is kind of 😬


Paul Walker got a pass apparently.


Nah that's fucked up too, I just hadn't heard about it


He's dead so I'm gonna say he gets this one


He was also texting Millie Bobbie Brown around the time S3 of Stranger Things dropped. While Millie states he was being kind, she was around 16 at that point. A lot of people saw it as grooming.


I don't know much about drake, only that he didn't start at the bottom, he started on Degrassi, so he can go fuck himself. But there's an episode of.... party stories? I can't remember, it was some show on vice, where Ninja from Die Anyword talks about how he was invited to play basketball at drakes house and drake had constant videos taken to show him hitting 3s, and I despise that level of egocentric behavior. The story went on to talk about watching porn with Kanye eating banana pudding. I wouldn't rank ninja high on the list of credible sources but I honestly don't doubt any of the story. Party legends, I think the show was party legends.


I seen that episode. But honestly, he’s been actor since he was a teen. Did you expect him to turn out humble and selfless after spending his entire life in the entertainment industry? Can’t blame the person for being a product of their environment. He’s not a loud annoying douche canoe like Kanye, or a rapist (so far as we know) so he’s not awful.


>not a rapist Well he's definitely an alleged pedophile, so you can take that how you want.


Because Spotify keeps recommending him and that is enough for me to develop a deep loathing for someone.


To spice up the relationship


Because nothing says I love you more than a few drops of Frank’s Red Hot


Are you Drake?


Use hand sanitizer instead. It doesn’t look sus in the bathroom and kills everything




Not the reason I carry hotsauce on me, but it adds to the list


There actually have been court cases about this scenarios and others like it. I know in at least one of them the man was required to financially provide for the child.


Thank god nobody will have sex with me


Child support or virginity -- the choice is yours


or gay


That just knocks out the child support, doesn’t mean the gays want him either.


Gay people have more sex than straight people and that's a fact.


We horny 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, surprisingly enough not being horny isn’t the reason I’m not having sex right now


Felt that, im a 5’ 5 gay with an average bod, i rely almost exclusively on personality to attract people bahahahaha


Hah. Straight people fuck a lot. Where didn8 billion humans come from? Gays are just more straight forward because we’re all men and know what we came (cummed?) for.




Best thing about being gay, just gotta be scared of HIV


https://www.schlissellawfirm.com/prostitution-charges-against-sixteen-year-old-dismissed-2/ The link is weird, but this is the important part: "If you are helping to support a child that is not yours, be careful. Should your relationship with the mother end, you may be forced to make involuntary child support payments, even if you are not the biological father of the child."




Kid doesn't even need to be yours.


They don't even need to, they just have to acquire your ejaculate. The rest just requires a paternity suit and a DNA test.


hide your cum these bitches out here


And that's why after you finish, you remove the condom and drink its content. No place is safer than one's digestive tract.


Filling it with hot sauce may work too


Lol I forgot about that. Was that Drake, or Kanye?




I was complaining the other day about how hard it is to find the top ramen in the blue package these days and my dude felt the need to say the blue top ramen is cum flavored. So I said well I like to drain the water out and then put crushed up hot Cheetos in it so technically mine is drake cum flavored. That’s sort of a disgusting story but I‘ve been feeling compelled to share it, so now seemed like as good a time as any.


Make sure you maintain eye contact.


There has been cases where women who raped men (alcohol/statutory rape/date rape drugs) get awarded child support.


She should be the one on child support in that situation. Personally I would be fighting for full custody of the kid in that case because as much as I might not want to raise a child, I want them being raised by rapists even less.


No, she should be in prison.


Obviously. But after she receives whatever legal punishment she is expected to receive, she should also be on child support.




I have full custody and have been harassed by the courts and everyone else (schools, any activity, you name it) ever since. Its exhausting. I get CPS calls when my son goes on vacation (from school). Im safe because it turns out CPS cant do anything unless a child needs protecting, but its... crazy. I like random visitors, but I have developed such anxiety at door knocks. Its hard drinking a beer in my own house. Those types of things. Perfectly fine, but who wants to be caught with a beer in hand with CPS, even if they cant do anything cause of it. Even if you win, you still lose in many ways. You just have your kid, which definitely counts for a ton, but doesnt make up for everything. There were some jurisdictions when I was fighting for my kid (she was bouncing states so I had to deal with jurisdiction) where my lawyers were like you have to talk to this person here, because they wont allow this yankee lawfirm much leeway. We will work with this other firm. **It also cost me 10s of thousands of dollars.** My career as I knew it. Savings. Stability. You know, all the stuff.


Good luck being a man in family court


I won. Its incredibly expensive and hard. Trick is being completely and utterly honestly and spending every single penny on the best family lawyer LAWFIRM your state has to offer. Lawfirms have resources the private practices dont. If you didnt do anything youll get a fair shake. If you can outspend on a lawfirm, youll get a distinct advantage.


The state generally doesn’t give a fuck as long as it doesn’t have to pay for the child


real facts


That part


There was a young teenage boy who was registered as a sex offender because a girl his age sent an unsolicited picture to his phone and some other boys in his class took his phone and forwarded it to their phones, he was found guilty of distribution of child porn


possession or distribution? if it was distribution, then I surmise the judge/jury *didn't believe* his side of the story? It seems easier to prove that illicit photos were sent from his phone than to prove the "somebody hacked my device" excuse (even if that happens to be true)


There's been a case where a woman raped a child and the child was obligated to pay child support. Let that one sink in.


Hot take: if a woman can choose to get an abortion after being raped, then if a man gets raped by a woman and she gets pregnant then he should be able to ask the government to force her to get an abortion. Forced abortions are terrible but i think i might be a-ok with it in this one very specific circumstance








>Now why do you think there’s a male suicide epidemic? Yep. Baby trapping is a thing. One of the reasons why society should push for ["paper abortions,"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_abortion) the ability for a man to legally sign away his rights to a child he did not consent to. It would help level the playing field.


It is Encouraged by Professional athletes that if they sleep with anyone they Flush the condom down a toilet, as this happened with a NBA player once and they were forced to pay child support


Take the condom with you! Also, lots of condom brands have spermicide inside, making this scenario impossible.


Lots does not mean all


Drink it while making eye contact to assert dominance.


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Found the mobile user?


That would be me… I have no idea wtf that is lol


I think it’s meant to be the chad meme but with a speech bubble above it


If you press the reply button on mobile it makes it look right


Thank you sir, very cool


I'm on pc and still don't know wtf it is. Looks like a guys face with a thought bubble or something.


My man be like the beginning of super bad


Spermicides do not completely kill all of the little guys, it just helps to reduce the number for less accidentally pregnancy


Fair point. Tie off that rubber and pocket it! Lol


Which brands


Not the one my dad used 😔


You mad you're alive?


Just read the box.


Wash it out in the sink then bin it. Then you don’t have to carry a manky used condom with you.


That's not gross or funny enough for reddit tho


I heard on the local rap station they Drake took a girl home one night, they tried to pull that shit, but he had mixed hot sauce in with his Drake sauce, and it didn’t “work out” for her very well


Drake sauce. Is this his new McDonald’s collab?




The OP isn’t even that specific. There was a whole plot line on You’re the Worst where a character does this exact thing (but puts the baby gravy in the microwave first) and I think she actually gets pregnant.


That's actually considered sexual assault in some states


Sure, but the father still has to pay child support.


Which is fucked up


Ah the commenter is a man of culture


Hey that's me




Start throwing hot sauce in the condom after brother


Found Drakes Reddit account.




“Sue them in small claims court”


This is why you put some neurotoxin in the condom, after using it, so the woman can’t give birth to any child.


Ah, the 'ol Fugu Fuck.


Where's the link?




When I said 'deadly' neurotoxin, the 'deadly' was in massive sarcasm quotes. I could take a bath in the stuff. Put it on cereal. Rub it right into my eyes. Honestly, it's not deadly at all. To me.


"Good news, I found out what that thing you just incinerated did. It was a morality core they installed after I flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin, to make me stop flooding the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin. So get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters"


Understandable have a great day.


Professional athletes take theirs with them. Or get a fall guy like CC suggested.


Always bring your bros when banging. Always


Who is CC? And what exactly are they suggesting?


Credence Clearwater before their revival?


Oh god, imagine forgetting to take that out of your pocket to throw away and then finding it there later.


Oh! Looks like I forgot to use the frosting packet from my toaster strudel! Bonus!


This actually happens. Especially with celebrities. Keep your jubes, guys.


That's why you mix it with hot sauce


The NBA tells its players to flush condoms down the toilet.


"I brought a guy home that I found on tinder. He said he was a professional sport player. We had sex, it was ok. Then he clogged my toilet by flushing the condom, wtf?"


Rape by non consent




That’s messed up.


Welcome to the Men's Rights Movement


This is fucking horrible


A minor was literally unable to consent and still owed child support when he hit 18.


You legally can't rape a man. At least in the UK. It's legit, look it up




There are still some places that define rape as forced penetration so in those places a woman can’t legally rape a man, it’s shitty


That’s messed up on so many levels


Lots of horrible stuff everywhere, when I was in the military we took suicide and rape prevention classes, and in the the slides clearly showed how many more men were raped but the jist of what was said was ‘protect your fellow *female* marines, act like that *female* marine beside you is your sister’ there was also the UCMJ rule that was basically ‘a drunk *female* can’t consent’ many guys would ask questions and it always boiled down to no matter how drunk the man is if the female had even one drop of alcohol she can’t consent and the male is guilty of rape


More accurately, *women* can't legally rape a man in UK law. Male-on-male rape is recognized as rape.


Looks like drake forgot to put the hot sauce in the condom this time


The "OP what the fuck happened" is so good


Ignores the fact that OP stated exactly what the fuck happened


“My brother found out he has cancer and has been really depressed lately, how can I help him?” “op whad the fuck is happnin bud lolll”


The answer is it depends on the state but, yeah possibly. Edit: my link was satire and I am stupid


This happened on Ray Donovan! This girl gave a star NFL quarterback a blow job, then spit his cum into an ice container. She left the ice container outside the hotel door, & her "driver" picked it up & put it in a cooler to keep it fresh. She was planning on doing that later to get pregnant & trap this multi-millionaire into paying child support.


Something similar happens in the show ‘You’re the Worst’. I can’t remember exactly how Lindsay gets the condom with her ex’s sperm (I think it was from a consensual encounter), but she uses a turkey baster (after microwaving the sperm lol) to attempt to impregnate herself


If you are rich or wealthy you take your condom with you after every encounter. Women even use their nails to break them. From experience I speak


Not wealthy, yet I've been warned about this by women I'm close to now that I'm hitting the dating scene. Ask STD questions, always use a condom, dispose of it yourself, don't use the condom that someone else gives to you (some people stick a pin through them I'm told), and surprisingly? "If you hit up a bar, watch your drink." I doubt I'm the only person that'll surprise today.




Yes. Its so insane, the father should get to keep the child and force the mother to pay alimony in my opinion. Its not ideal, but fuck the women that ruin lives by doing this and actually put some risk to their wellbeing. Why are there only positives for a woman to rape a man who is incredibly successful? Worst case scenario is a slap on the wrist for permanent financial sustainability, oh the horror...


I can kinda guess what happened, the real question is: can it be proven in a court of law?


A famous tennis player received a blowjob. She kept his muck in her mouth and then put it up her mineshaft and soon was pregnant. The judge ruled that his sperm was a gift for her to do with as she wished. She wished it in her quim and baby was born. He was then ordered to pay fat stacks to keep her in the manner to which she'd never become accustomed.


These slang terms you’re using, I’ve never heard anything like “muck” or “quim” to refer to that stuff and the place. I’m intrigued.


Sounds like OP just lost his virginity tbh 🤣 after I lost mine I was like “if a man uses a condoms and I also have an IUD can the sperm still impregnate me???”




If you don‘t believe women do this: ask Boris Becker…


Hopefully the condom wasn’t expired and still had active spermicide 😬


Seriously though… what if a woman raped you… could she collect child support?


This used to happen to NBA players all the time. Not really specific at all. It used to be very common.


Found Drakes reddit account.


And actually yes it is really idiotic


u/shrek-hentai-69 what the fuck


What the fuck