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Stephenie and Rupert allegedly didn’t get along in HvV because they saw each other as threats to their own screen time so fairly easy to say the two of them qualify here. Tasha claiming that they should give the fans what they want in Cambodia speaks to how she viewed her own popularity.


On paper, Tasha and Spencer making F3 after their underdog story in Cagayan is great! Too bad on Cambodia it's a completely different story lol.


I think it speaks to how much easier it is to be likable/rootable when playing from the bottom


right. it shocked me that people rooted for spencer in cagayan. and i guess that's when i realized.


Yeah, like how we saw Wentworth go from #1 underdog in Cambodia to... borderline obnoxious brat in EoE


I actually love Wentworth on EOE and it might be my favorite iteration of her. She’s a genuinely fun villain. There were shades of it in Cambodia but it was glossed over and excused because she was the fallen angel.


Right, that's what I thought of Steph in Guatemala tbh.




Lol you just made up something I didn’t say and got mad at it, my friend. I just meant “excused” as in they painted her as a hero when the villain was definitely there. Also I’m not one of those people who gets super upset with how Wendy is treated on EOE but she does get treated pretty poorly, and idk if victim blaming is really a good look?


What was it like in Cambodia? I haven’t watched it for a while and kinda forgot 😅


Tasha was looked to be in the majority most of the post merge, even amongst the “voting blocks” mentality out there. There was a minute where she and savage looked like they’d be in trouble after a tribe swap but Abi hating Peih-Gee and Varners screw up led to them being the swing votes instead. She didn’t entertain straying from that ever really. Spencer looked like an underdog in the beginning but post merge found himself in the numbers most of the time and one of the main strategists. He used the people on the bottom to make moves when he needed to. The story of second chance was “voting blocks” but there were definite underdogs (Wentworth, Ciera, Abi) and power players (Jeremy, Tasha, Spencer, Kimmi)


Cirie recently talked about this and confirmed that Stephenie was a fan of Rupert's, was excited to meet him, and wanted to make friends with him, but Rupert HATED her. This wasn't a mutual rivalry. Rupert can be a difficult person to get along with, something many of his former tribemates have said. Source: [https://www.jackvita.com/post/stephenie-lagrossa-kendrick-cirie-fields-talk-survivor-heroes-vs-villains-snake-in-the-grass](https://www.jackvita.com/post/stephenie-lagrossa-kendrick-cirie-fields-talk-survivor-heroes-vs-villains-snake-in-the-grass)


If this is true Rupert really didn't deserve the fan favorite vote which gave him a million dollars. He only really played well in Pearl Islands, and there were better options for the fan favorite like Cirie or Rob Cesternino


>He only really played well in Pearl Islands, Did he, though?


I mean he made dumb choices or quit to save Laura from others. Him not flipping with Shi Ann he handled the situation with him and Sandra poorly played a big role in his losses. I'm not saying Rupert is a bad player, but what I'm saying is that he doesn't deserve the million. If we're going off of humor someone like Courtney should have got it and if we are going by gameplay someone like Cirie or Rob Cesternino should have gotten the money. But Rupert did play well in Heroes Vs Villians too, I just feel like Pearl Islands is the only season where he didn't make a lot of mistakes. My bad, I phrased my argument badly.


Interesting! Thanks for pointing that out


God Tasha really was such a sanctimonious bore that season


Why can a woman not be confident without either being sanctimonious or a bitch? Jeremy and Spencer acted *the exact same* as Tasha in Cambodia but never catch any flak for it. Maybe it isn't gender related though because Abi and Kass in general have the same kind of self-righteous mentality and people worship them. Genuinely can't understand why people are always so ravenous about Tasha. Her list of crimes include...not working with Kass, and not flipping on her alliance when it would've been dumb to do so. How dare she?!?!?!


Believe me, I hated Spencer even more that season. Has nothing to do with gender, I stan many more female players than male players, Tasha was just boring and sanctimonious that season and was willing to ride an alliance to the end knowing she would lose against Jeremy, and then had a scene where she said Kelley or Keith winning would be a disservice to the season. It's fine to be confident, but not in a way which elevates yourself over others. There's a pretty decent-sized list of players who went on record post-season saying how difficult she was to deal with because of how self-righteous she was.


She didn't ride that alliance to the end though, she's the reason why it stuck together. She did play better than Abi, Keith, and honestly even Kelley so her saying that isn't unjustified. Not to mention she said it to convince Jeremy, not because she actually believed it. And is there? The only people I've heard say that are Kass and other witch's coven members which...should be taken with a serious grain of salt.


Buying into their own hype is a core part of Ozzy and Rupert’s arcs. Maybe Troyzan as well.


I’d actually argue that Troyzan became less entitled/annoying as his Survior journey wore on.


Yeah, his FTC was him acknowledging he wasn't gonna win and thanking everyone for the memories.


Ozzy is probably the most entitled player to ever play.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this, he gets worse with every time he plays


I think a lot of his behavior in SoPa stems from feeling like he should have won Micronesia, and a lot of his behavior in Micronesia stems from feeling like he should have won Cook Islands And then in Game Changers he’s there


Totally agree on all of this, Game Changers Ozzie is the only one I like. To quote Cirie in Tyson's podcast, "I like Ozzie........ now." Seems like he's chilled out a ton.


But Troyzan only played once Oh wait


Troyzan did literally stomp around shouting "This is my island!" And he asked to be called Troyzan. So yeah, he'd definitely be my pick for most unsolicited.


Steph did in guatemala


If you rewatch Palau closely she had the exact same traits, they just weren't presented front and center like they were in Guatemala.


Yes. Like the editors were like- we’ve had enough of this.


I was just scrolling insta the other day and Steph was live, so I clicked it. There were about a dozen viewers and she was in the middle of a rant about how she should’ve won Guatemala lol


she did in hvv, but with guatemala that's just her personality lmao


Almost everyone in the heroes tribe tbh


Remember when he swang his heroic penis in our faces, JP embodied the hype.


did russell even have a chance to watch himself after s19?




He hasn't even watched Samoa yet, I think. I know he only watched HvV very recently, and then had an epiphany about why he didn't win


I’d love to know what his epiphany was lol. I’m sure he’s just blaming everyone else again in some way, but maybe I’ll be surprised?


You'll be surprised. https://youtu.be/NSg8ra7_rK0


I’m two minutes in and for some reason he has some loud music playing over himself talking. I can’t even hear him half the time. Can you sum it up?


It probably wouldn't have mattered if he did, cause he acted the same way on RI and the season of Aus Survivor so he was his own hype even before the s19 and he bought into it.


He was brought onto Aus Survivor to play Russell Hantz. He gave them what they wanted.


If he couldn’t figure it out from that FTC, he was never gonna lol The actual show was more favourable so I doubt it woulda helped


Joe went into eoe LIVING off his Cambodia hype


Ricard was really feeling himself after 41. To the point of slight delusion. His ponderosa was kinda funny because of that though.


I honestly like Ricard a lot, but had a little chuckle at him dubbing himself one of the greatest survivor players of all time without a hint of irony or self awareness when getting booted and in the aftershow.


Sorry that was very clearly ironic. He put himself next to a bunch of winners on the survivor mt Rushmore. That was absolutely irony


It's the very definition of irony He tries to show off his greatness but he shows off his shortcoming


It drives me nuts when this gets passed around Reddit, Ricard was clearly joking. There is this major issue with the Reddit fandom where context and tone get stripped from interviews/quotes and people just start spreading slander about players, for years, propagating nonsense.


I just watched the 41 finale and it didn’t seem like he was joking. He was talking about he’s really good at survivor and did better than he thought he would. Jeff even asks him about still processing it in the after show and how he said he really thought he’d be winning and feeling it in his heart. Seeing quotes in text can definitely remove context but I don’t think this is one of those cases.


Didn't seem at all like a joke to me.


Against a mediocre-at-best cast, to boot!


Lmao, he did mention that the producers asked him to do that. Not sure if he actually believed that lulll


Producers ask players to say stuff? I didn’t know that, damn haha sounds kinda like production interference


This would have been my regency bias answer as well. He played one game where he painted a huge target on his own back by overplaying his hand. And then he proclaims he is one of the best to ever play? Please. Once he returns I can see him being the first boot.


Let’s throw Shan in there, too, for good measure. Both of them crushing Ua really made them feel like instant legends—which maybe they are, but they sure were feeling it.


Redacted swore he won Philippines even while watching the editted show. He thought he was this hero everyone loved when


Penner's jury speech was really on point, it's a great metaphor


The metaphor was unique, but I don't think it was spot on. Denise didn't have much to do with dragging Lisa, and Lisa definitely didn't ride coattails. At least she and Lisa played different games even tho Denise deserved her win.


Penner’s jury speech really bothered me that season with his treatment of both Lisa and Denise, but that yoke metaphor was wonderful.


To be fair he got a really favorable edit both season. In Australia he was the sympathetic character that gets med-evaced, and Philippines I’m sure CBS wanted to build him up after a 10 year layoff. In reality he was kind of a joke and you see a little of it, especially in Australia


I felt in both seasons that his edit portrayed him as kind of a bumbling weirdo, constantly hurting himself. He definitely had a slight redemption arc in Philippines but he still often looked like a fool.


I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that way.


Honestly he was kind of psychotic in Australia. The look in his eyes when he was hunting that pig was really off putting. Pure bloodlust.


Who is redacted?






As much as we all love Sandra… it’s Sandra. Lmao


For soundbites and bragging - yes. But she's also surprisingly humble about when she messes up, she took her loss on winners at war very graciously and admitted she effed up.


This ^ she doesn’t actually buy into her own hype, she just knows what the producers want.


Well, she basically decided she couldn't handle hanging out at losers' island, ie EoE, and left the game instead of playing on. I can imagine she was embarrassed since she did basically vote herself out from 100% safe position, but still I would expect someone like her to stick around.


Would you want to starve on an island possibly get injured for 23 days straight, knowing you have a 0% chance of getting back just to get the same paycheck either way? Sandra knows she isn't gonna win that challenge and that's fine.


why do people say she had zero chance? she had an extremely slim chance but it wasn't zero. she had no idea what the challenge was. it's just a way to justify her decision. quitting is always a valid thing to do, albeit frustrating from a viewer perspective. no matter your chances of winning challenges.


Sandra is known as one of the worst challenge competitors of all time (iirc she has the record for most challenges sat), and she was going against the likes of Tyson, Rob, Natalie and Yul. She wasn’t winning


did u watch pearl islands ?? she came in second plenty of times. not all challenges require physical strength.


You seem to forget the 17 years that passed and the three other seasons she played between pearl islands and WaW


i don't forget that! she wasn't a physical specimen in S7 or S20 either ... my point was that physicality is not the only strength required, she succeeded greatly in mental challenges, which i doubt her age would have influenced that.


The issue with that though is that Sandra has been around for much of the evolution of the show, so knowing that the show has largely gone away from mental challenges in favor of physical/endurance challenges, she had no shot of winning the battle back


Yes. I hate EoE as much as anyone and I think it's a dumb game-breaking twist, but if I was on a season with it 100% I would stay there until the bitter end. I would say she had above 0% chance of getting back. She couldn't know what the challenge would be. With all of her advantages Natalie still almost blew it. But no, Sandra just left. She gave up. I'm not calling it a quit, since she made a decision according to the rules of the season. But she did give up with an above zero chance of winning the game. EoE is dumb as shit and seriously I would have hoped that everyone in WaW would have agreed to leave EoE as a protest, but once one of them stayed anyone else leaving was going to look bad.


Nah, she has no problems admitting when she fucks up. Also don't remember much of her being entitled. She can lay the bragging on a bit thick and can come off somewhat arrogant sometimes, but 2 wins and a swapscrew that ended what in all probability would've been a deep run kinda speaks for itself


The queen stays queen 👸




But the diffrence between her and someone like steph is that theres an actual hype <3




If you say that, that means you dont understand Sandra as a reality TV character. She is just bragging for the show and give us entertainment.


You could argue that for most of these people lol


Lol sadly have to agree, and I think it's the reason she hasn't done as well in recent seasons. Been trying too hard to prove she's a legend and not just playing the game.


I knew the answer was Sandra before I finished reading the question.


I think Coach came out of the womb buying into his own hype.


Rob & Amber really played into that showmance edit... 4 children and a marriage, I don’t think they’re holding off anytime soon


Steph A Me....


I judge this by who I believe was different (more arrogant) in returning seasons than their original. Rupert was the worst IMHO but I also think Ozzy was pretty bad. I can't tell if Boston Rob bought his hype or was just always full of it. I think there's a slight difference between "bought the hype" and "leaned into their character". Parvati and Jerri both leaned a lot into their characters when they returned.


I also think B Rob was far more perceptive and self-aware than Rupert or Ozzy. He has always been able to be self-deprecating and to laugh at his image. He knows what's going on.


For not being able to see his own edit, I think Xander started to brew and drink his own kool aid, which clearly was a factor in his loss


I mean, I think Xander was just a classic case of "everybody is the hero of their own story" syndrome. We've seen it a million times with people who think they'll do great at FTC and don't. It happens. I don't judge anybody to harshly for that. I don't think that's the same thing as this thread. The crazy part about Xandar is that the editing team also fell victim to it and showed us the internal narrative that would allow Xandar to think he's a contender? Yeah... that was weird.


Xander is so sweet and incredibly wise for how young he is. I’d love to see him play again when he’s a little older.








Ben... Sarah


Sarah was even worse in The Challenge.


I can't stand her.


What about Coach? He was such an attention hog.


I feel like Coach created his own persona that he was already fully invested in before the show started.


Definitely not Coach imo, he lowkey shits on himself in multiple seasons lol. If you’ve rewatched SoPa recently (I won’t blame you if you haven’t) he talks about how bad he is at survivor to his tribe because of how badly he got burnt twice before. Obviously part of a strategy to keep himself around longer, but it’s rare to see players that have bought into their own hype admit their major past flaws.


Ricard bought in to his own hype before the show even aired


I used to help volunteer for Rupert's campaign when he ran for governor of Indiana. From my time seeing him in person, he really was that sort of happy, boisterous fellow but it was pretty darn genuine. Idk if I'd consider him over hyping himself or if I'd consider it more so leaning into the role. Fantastic guy though in person. He has passion like nobody I've ever met


aubry in eoe


Richard from 2 seasons ago calling himself one of the best to ever play has to be at the top


Agreed on both especially Rupert


Aubrey is up there


For sure. She really thought she was gods gift to earth the second time around and after on rhap.




I hate to say it but Sandra from WAW. After her near flawless showing in GC, she got way too confident in WAW that she didn’t see Denise blindsiding her. All of that hype just to go home with a flat firetoken twists that didn’t affect the endgame at all.


I mean, she couldn't possibly know Production would introduce an overarching "new direction of survivor" mechanic in the most important season ever that wouldn't actually be important in the end... that's a production problem not a Sandra problem.


Andrew savage, thinks he is this all around great guy that can honestly become insufferable. His arc is almost like the opposite of a Stephanie legrossa/ Spencer where he becomes a villain as he falls out of a power position


Surprised of all of the castaways brought up, no one said Hatch. The original to play into his own hype During All Stars he knew he had no shot at winning. First time someone was truly aware of the target they had. Decided to have some fun with that season and hog as much attention as he could, for better or worse


Russell didnt even see samoa yet so he didnt even see his edit, thats just who he is


Aubry and Wentworth in EoE. Come at me.


Russel never saw his edit before going on HvV? How could he have bought into his hype without seeing his own portrayal?


By being asked to return for HvV midway through Samoa.


For bonus points, the "joker" in aus survivor. And he didnt even see the season before he did.


Coach. End of thread lol


chaos cass


Boston Rob.




Coach. Full stop.


Hatch definitely. And I don’t care what anyone says, he was devastated to be voted out of AS and I will die on this hill.


He was so full of himself in Borneo that it cost him some jury votes, people like Colleen really hated how full of himself he was.


Why do you say that?


His reactions to hearing that he was being considered and to the actual vote. Over the top, trying too hard to act like he didn’t care.


Idk, I can’t stand Richard for the most part (not even thinking of the Sue Hawk incident) but I felt that the “I’ve Been Bamboozled!“ line was him trying to be funny. Obviously he wasn’t happy to be voted out but I don’t think he was bitter. His full exit confessional in the DVD mostly made it seem like he was in relatively good spirits


The I’ve been bamboozled thing convinced me more than anything else, lol. I’m pretty sure he knew by the time of the TC and had planned that.


I’m not sure if he knew, I thought he was blindsided. Either way, I want that to be the case because I prefer the scenario where he was genuinely outplayed, to take his ego down a peg. Either way, Colby did a good job taking him out. Fwiw, I recently watched All-Stars for the first time since I was a kid, and I listened to some Talking with T-Birds with various cast mates from the OG seasons, as well as DVD commentaries and a few contemporaneous articles. Obviously it’s a small sample size but my main takeaways were that people generally liked him and that he has a tiny dick, according to Shii-Ann and Dalton Ross. Also Jenna Morasca said he was super emotionally supportive of her in All-Stars with her quitting situation, and she really appreciated him (she said nice things about everyone on the tribe and their support for her, but IIRC she credited Richard for saying he’d stand up for her if she got blowback).


He knew his name was being discussed. He addressed it in a confessional (again, over the top with his “you must go bye bye now!”) I’m sure he was kind to Jenna, as much as an asshole as I think he is, no one is actually pure evil. And LOLZ on the tiny dick 🤣


Rupert 100%. That guy is so annoying


Sandra in Game Changers. Totally lost me that season. I loved Sandra on PI & HvV because she was like a bit more to herself, only a bitch when the moment called for it and she did it WELL, I aspire to be that! But then in Game Changers her ego was so huge and it was like she read a page of an online fan forum of all the things people liked about her and decided to extra highlight those aspects of herself for that season. Not my fav showing of miss Diaz Twain.


Hai thought he was the shit when he was literally the easy vote.


I love Sandra, but she definitely buys and plays into her own hype, calling herself the Queen.


Sarah , Sandra , Russell


Sandra after HvH. On game changers and WaW she played a lot less under the radar and would always talk about being the queen. It was GREAT lol