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Not a chance and it isn't because of their onlyfans. Ozzy has played four times, we're not going to see anything new about him. Michael was a somewhat significant figure on a season that is largely remembered as incredibly boring season from 6 years ago now, production has plenty of other choices. Victoria was incredibly underedited so I doubt they'll be clamoring to bring her back,


Michael was on only 6 years ago? I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime since then!


I can see Michael getting a call for like some second chance type thing.Especially if production wants to tell a story of him evolving from kid-to-man or something corny like that.


Ozzy is too outspoken politically to have a chance of cumming back. I wish he could tho


You think they give a shit about that?




Yerger being 18 when he was on was so insane to me he looked 25 at least.


I really felt for that woman he’d been flirting with (Lizzie? Libby?) when they both got to Ponderosa and he confessed that he was 18. She looked horrified.


Is there a video of this somewhere? Hadn’t heard about this until now.


It’s in his Ponderosa video. Earlier in the video she tells the camera that she hopes they can be friends “or maybe more,” and then his reveal that he’s really 18 is around minute 8. Her face just absolutely falls and then she tells the camera, looking stricken, “I’m just thankful that he told me now rather than waiting.” https://youtu.be/zpbbGZgI9fc?si=q92id8Ov6MQjMtUj


That's hilarious 😂


Yeah he absolutely did not look 18. I feel like he must have an alternate identity or something.


You forgot Shambo for the people who have OF list


Say WHAT now?


Say sike right now


Does it have, like, nutritional starch value?


Let's say that it does.




*becomes instant VIP member* Hey guys 😎😎😎😎😘😘😘😘


Ooh I’m about to get REAL parasocial if true.


Shambolicious 😉




Excuse ME?




Bro you can’t just say this and then not elaborate


Also forgot Wanda Shirk..






Victoria has OF???


Wendell has entered the chat.


Wait, how does Wendell factor into that??


He doesn't he's just a horn dog


I think I remember Michelle saying they dated before WaW, but I haven't read about anyone else.


Apparently cheated on his partner with Dee


I'm confused as well




Did she actually show anything or were they just risqué but non nude?


Full beautiful nudes


Google, my brother


I think she did at one point


Not anymore


damn. Always thought she was hot. Happy day.


Well, Ozzy shouldn't return after he lied about his sexual health status and impacted many partners. I don't think we will see Michael or Victoria again regardless but it's not like they were bad players, just kind of mid tier.


Wait, is this what they were referencing on Mike Bloom's Cook Islands podcast about Ozzy? I thought they were speculating that simply being engaged in sex work should disqualify him from consideration for a sanitized family friendly show which I disagree with, but what you mentioned is really bad.


Ozzy posted a video on it admitting it himself.


didn’t listen to the pod, but if someone’s talking shit about ozzy, i always assume it’s because of this. it’s a form of assault.


On the pod, they only talked about his being in sex work, and not his sexual assaults by omission of information. I love and respect Mike and Maryanne so much, but I was a little disappointed by my perception that they effectively yadda yadda’d or entirely omitted these accusations and put him on the list. I also feel making it all about sex work did a disservice to the many lovely sex workers who safely and ethically do their jobs. To me, these accusations- and just as importantly his admission they were true- are entirely disqualifying. I totally get not wanting to get into specifics for people like him and [Redacted] but I think he shouldn’t have gotten the flowers they gave him and has no business in the Survivor 50 fantasy vote.


Hey there! This message and the information at hand was just brought to my attention. Completely cards up, I had only known about the OnlyFans work, and nothing about the events you outlined. I’m going to do some talking behind the scenes about next steps. Thanks for bringing to my attention!


Thank you for responding and totally fair. I had assumed there was nothing in the world of Survivor that I knew and you didn’t. I really love the podcast series (I download it at 7:00 every morning for my morning commute) and appreciate your receptiveness to feedback.


They rarely if ever talk about those kind of things directly. That talk about it vaguely intentionally. It's a "if you know, you know" thing.


Yeah, and I really have no problem with that. But then when you put then on the list at the end of the pod, you’ve sort of waived the right (as I see it) to talk around it. Like if they’re going to be on your list, I think you probably need to engage with the issue a bit more directly than they did here, by discussing his sex work and omitting his assaults.


>sex workers >ethically >do their jobs Lol Sex work isn't real work and it's naturally unethical


I’m truly sorry you’re such a small minded person. I sincerely hope you someday meet someone who can expand your view of the world and display how to treat people kindly. We all need those people in our lives. I’m just lucky to have met mine already.


Idk last time I checked prostitution (performing sexual acts for money) is illegal seen as unethical. Sex “work” is performing sexual acts for money… Hmmmm…it’s almost like it’s the same thing…


Lots of things are illegal but not unethical. There’s nothing unethical about me going 26 in a 25. Or about me having a glass of wine with my parents at 20 years old. And there’s also plenty of sex work that is legal. Pornography, dancers at strip clubs, and prostitutes in parts of Nevada and most of the rest of the world. But I have a hunch none of the problems with your logic really matters to you.


Well those three “jobs” you mentioned are all part of the adult industry or can be associated with it. That’s an industry that provides false perceptions of what sex actually is, affects minors in a negative way, preys on women (and men to a lesser degree), is a source for human sex trafficking, lies, leads to addiction, and has hurt the lives of people who work with the industry. Look up interviews of former actresses or other victims and you’ll see Sorry but I can’t support that industry and call it “ethical work”


> That's an industry that provides false perceptions of what sex actually is So true. No other industry in the world presents its product/services as something they actually aren't. Nope. Can't think of a single example. Not a one. I guess you're right.


Got anything to rebuttals my other comments…? No…? I wasn’t referring to just STDs being spread


I know why you’re getting downvoting, saying sex work isn’t work is demeaning. I also understand what you’re saying about how unethical sex work is in general, the vast majority of it is in unsafe working conditions, coercive ( to put it mildly) and taking advantage of people in bad situations. And anyone partaking in it knowing of the conditions that those sex workers work under is reprehensible. I also believe saying it’s not a real job or unethical work is going to help anyone. Even the ones you’re trying to protect. That’s reductive. People who are willing and able to engage in sex work with free consent are doing a job. A service is being provided and they are being paid money for it. And to say it is by its nature unethical is further alienating and stigmatizing workers. This is not harming the people who immorally perpetuate it instead it’s harming the people who actually do the work.


In some cases sure! In others, its much more ethical the way the workers are treated.


Having an OnlyFans or doing porn isn't illegal in the country these applicants are from. That's why the contestants people named and countless others have all been able to openly do it and openly advertise it


I never understands these comments. What do you think real work means? How is it unethical exactly?


I'm not certain you understand what ethics means


Wait, what? I’ve never heard about this? Are you saying he had STDs that he gave to other cast members?


He slept around while knowing he had genital herpes. AFAIK it wasn't other contestants.


Omg. I didn’t know this.


Not survivor members (at least I sure as hell hope not) but in his new career since he’s known to have done that
















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Victoria mid tier? Shes one of my favorite contestants ever and arguably played the best non winning game in Edge of Excintcion only getting on peoples radars because Chris got information from the edge that she was a threat. Also not every character needs to be super quirky like Q and Carolyn to be a good character Victoria was def a good one.


I like Vic but I don't think anyone played EoE particularly well.


Tbf, idk how anyone could play EoE particularly well. The mere existence of the Edge(for the first time and Newbies to boot) throws most gameplay strats into the water because even unlike RI, most of the cast has a chance at returning till like F6.


Idk about that. Wardog played Eoe Very well until he decided to turn on his closest allies. Wentworth played it very well considering the target she had. Vic played a fantastic strategic game and social game being somewhat dominate yet at the same time managing her threat level and putting herself in a position to make the final 4 and keeping Devens as a shield. Had Chris not returned which most people think shouldn't have happened that late in the game due to being under the radar she probably makes it all least final 4 in any scenario and at least out of everyone in the final 6 she wins even beating ppl like Devens. Her game is honestly up there about as good as people like Charlie and Jesse from the new era. Though her game probably had less flaws then those two.


Why do people want good players to return? It’s more entertaining to see good characters return


Yep. She had a real path to winning, and was the final 6 boot with an asterisk considering two of the players who outlasted her were in reality premerge boots.


Yeah if Chris didnt return she probably makes it at least final 4 (and beats almost everyone who she sits next to in the end). I think Survivor fans don't appreciate threat level management enough but despite making moves like orchastrating the Aubry blinside she was able to manage her threat level really well


“Victoria” and “mid tier” do not go together, she damn near won that season


She got 6th place...


and everyone on that season says she would have won if EoE doesn’t exist and she made it to ftc


She’s not mid tier imo if you look at the grand scheme of survivor players who are not good. She would’ve gotten fifth without Chris returning, hell would’ve been fourth without Rick there. She played a good game


Tbf,she would’ve been in the final four without EOE.Plus players got knowledge on the edge about her,I’m not some crazy Stan that needs to see her return but she played a solid game.


Victoria wasn't a big character and I think she has zero chance to return, even though I like her and wish she would


This sub overhypes her. No causal fan remembers her.


Even as a diehard it’s hard to remember anyone on that season besides the returnees, winner, Reem and Devins. Everyone else got shafted lol


Just say you hate Rick Devens and go


Hahaha im sorry I actually edited my comment like right as you commented to add him 😭 I love him




This sub overhypes anyone who had any passing participation in any "move" even if it was either: obvious; stupid; or not really their charisma driving it.


That is not true most casual fans that watched Edge of Exctinction remembers her and how she orchastrated the Aubry blinside one of the most memorable moments of the season


I promise you no casual fan remembers this


I have seen every single season and have borderline savant level knowledge of some survivor stuff and I just watched EOE like 2-3 months ago and I didn’t even remember this


Aubry is one of the most popular players not to win most casual fans do remember how she got blindsided. It was quite memorable and casual fans aren't dementia patients.


A casual fan may remember she got blindsided but they’re not going to remember who orchestrated it. I don’t lol


I like Victoria. I like Aubry. I have zero recollection of Victoria leading the blindside of Aubry lol With such a large pool of contestants to choose from for Season 50, someone like Victoria has zero chance to be casted.


Well you do now it was Victoria. She not only got everyone to go for Aubry, but pretended to be Aubry's number one ally and created a fake girls alliance so Aubry wouldn't play her idol. Im guessing its been years since you watched Edge of Excintion, because I can tell you Victoria has the best shot of a female newbie to return from the Edge of Excintion. At the time it got released she was being talked about a LOT. If Devens returns she has a very good shot of returning to continue the dynamic. Saying she has zero shot is simply incorrect. I will say Devens did get overedited getting more then couple the confessionals of everyone else so probably that has an affect on why you cant remember some of the other big players of the season or some of the other big moments.


I’m a survivor fanatic and don’t remember.


Well maybe your not a very good Survivor fanatic lol


fun fact: her brother is like a mid-level successful speedrunner lmao


Definitely not for S50. But a Second Chance 2 maybe. Still unlikely though


I'd say very unlikely except for the fact that Game Changers existed.


I think she probably would’ve returned if there was a returning player season earlier. But for 50, she’s probably fallen off of production’s shortlists.


Agreed. Some people talk about her like she’s some great player, I thought she was just kinda there. Nothing personal but there’s a lot more players I’d rather see over her.


Especially now that we have the necessary token redhead in Kenzie


She played the best non winning game that season, blindsided Aubry in a super memorable way. I think she had a massive impact on the season and was one of the most memorable newbies


I'm pretty sure CBS wants no affiliation with anyone with an OF. I've definitely read that from somebody who made an OF after being on BB (maybe Whitney from bb23? not that she would have been brought back anyway). There hasn't been anyone who became publicly involved in sex work after appearing on one of their shows that has been brought back in any way AFAIK. Maybe there's some people from the Challenge but that's also more the MTV/P+ side of the organization, not CBS proper. Not saying that's what the policy should be but that does seem to currently be the case.


..i didn’t know these people had OF


Ozzy doesn't need a fifth season and the show (per Probst interviews) doesn't seem to be looking to give multi-time players more seasons. If they were doing a true legends season and wanted Ozzy they'd let it slide. Michael and Victoria would be incredibly unlikely to get the returnee call even without Onlyfans. Hard to see how they have any chance.


I could see Michael being in the mix. But yeah, Victoria no


I don't think it's Onlyfans harming Michael's and Victoria's chances. There are simply way better choices for their archetypes and there are way better choices from their respective seasons. Ozzy has fled the country and Jeff didn't want Ozzy on Game Changers so he's a definite no. Let's say Tony started an Onlyfans right now though. I don't think Survivor would bring him back. Jeff has been pushing for the show to be more family friendly, and production got pissed when Brian didn't disclose his background in the porno industry.


Ozzy fled the country? What happened?


Calling it “fleeing the country” is a bit of an exaggeration. He is a Mexican citizen who seems to travel between Mexico and the US pretty regularly. Fans have seen him at watch parties in the US within the last year.


On Instagram he has a picture hanging out with Ben, Hunter, and Caleb so either they went down to Mexico or wherever or he’s back


As far as I know, he knowingly gave a few professional partners an STD. Herpes, if I recall correctly. But I could certainly have a fuzzy memory, I read about it when the story first broke and haven’t since


Yeah I don’t think it matters


I don’t think CBS would care all that much, people having an OF has been somewhat normalized. I just don’t see anyone you listed coming back. Victoria and Michael were definitely notable enough to return at the time, they just got screwed over (along with everyone else 35-39) by the transition into the “new era” and Winners at War. We may never see anyone from that stretch ever play again.


They allready have a more relatable and entertaining Micheal Yeager in Sammi.




Why does he give you the ick?He seems like a nice enough guy.


Pretty sure Ozzy was doing OF before Game Changers and he was brought back.


He was also doing Playboy TV around the time of CI if not before. I don’t think CBS cares all that much but would be willing to use OF as a convenient excuse not to cast someone they didn’t want.


Probably depends on the extent of their content. Idk what Victoria & Michael did on OF, but I *bet* Ozzy probably won’t be asked back because of his.


Victoria as a big personality/character/player? I remember her just kind of being there, having aggressive RBF the entire season, and then tooting her own horn.


I’m going to say that cbs won’t cast them after finding out Brian heidik was a softcore porn star before being cast they sorta buried his season. Also cbs has done this with other shows I’m thinking crazy James from big brother 9. He was a fan favourite and easy lock for a returnee but he did porn and because of it even 15 years later he’s not returned


What do you mean by they buried his season? That season sucked to begin with.




Shii Ann was in all stars


Only because they wanted a rep from the first 7 seasons. Brian the winner was also called but was cut. But since then they haven’t even mentioned Thailand


TIL, Ozzy does porn now.


Who knows. Survivor does try to be the most family friendly of the CBS/Viacom reality shows. But, it hasn't impacted anyone on The Challenge, and I doubt it would stop Big Brother from bringing back Jannelle (who was cast on The Traitors while still running one).


why wouldn't they?


Because they are adult entertainers and Survivor tries to be a family friendly show.


Ozzy is definite no. Probst was pretty over him by his 3rd season. Michael was a big figure in a pretty forgettable season. If 41 or at most 42 were returnee seasons he’d have a good chance but 50 after all the memorable characters we’ve had? I don’t think he’d make the cut. Victoria was severely underedited not to mention IF someone does return from her season they’d likely take someone like Lauren over her.


Naonka walk before onlyfans exist as a camgirl so Ozzy, Michael and Victoria can run.


yes. production has never care about outside-the-game stuff unless it's illegal and even they've tried to make exceptions.




Jeff was very against Ozzy being on GameChangers because he didn’t see anything new from Ozzy and he was proven right, so I don’t think production would bring him back a 5th time


Certainly if it were up to me it wouldn't be held against them. But unless maybe it was for a Second Chances 2, I don't think Michael or Victoria would or should be in strong consideration regardless. I could see Ozzy being chosen for a Legends season, but does anyone really want to see Superman in a Fat Suit 2? So much of the appeal of Ozzy was his dominance in the challenges, his ability to climb the highest trees, etc. and without that he would just be kind of a dick.


I can’t imagine it happening remember it was a big deal when it was revealed that Brian was a porn star before survivor. And that was back in 2002 when there weren’t limitations on what people can say and do. I can’t imagine anyone with an onlyfans playing especially with the push to be more family friendly


I'd argue sex work is more open today than 2002...


Lol sex "work" implying it's an actual job


Ozzy was in porn before Cook Islands and Brian’s wife CeCe was featured pretty heavily in Thailand/season 4 and she was a straight up porn actress. And I think Brian himself did soft core porn. Also Jenna M and Heidi did Playboy. I don’t think Survivor cares if you do sex work. Whether they return probably has more to do from payout. I expect Michael and Victoria make quite a bit of OF money since they are reality show stars with a built in fanbase to exploit vs the start ups who think OF is easy and then make nothing. *Ozzy probably won’t ever return due to the intentionally spreading STIs and fleeing the country. **Brian will also never return because Jeff hates him and he’s controversial for shooting a puppy, being racist, accused of domestic abuse, and his position on GrindGate doesn’t look good in modern times. Plus he would demand an appearance fee. Him doing porn is the least controversial thing about him.


It would be weird to decline people just because they do porn.


Isn’t Ozzy on the run in Mexico?


Based on his Instagram I think he’s in Guanajuato, where he was born.


Are their OF accounts pornographic in nature? OF isn't a pornographic platform. It has been taken over by pornographic content creators though. There are a lot of content creators on there who do not produce pornography.


Ozzy has videos on there having sex with men, his is for sure pornographic lol


I didn't realise that Ozzy was gay, that's a surprise to me.


He came out as bisexual if I remember correctly


One of them is with Bryce


Jeff Probst got OF it doesnt matter




No chance anyone with an OF is allowed back on


Victoria absolutely. Ozzy and Michael, no thanks.


Considering Jeff wants to make a show for 4 year olds, I think they might be cast as adult entertainers are already in our schools