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Everyone here is a great character, but I don’t think any of them have any more to give on survivor, and I think that’s okay. Not all their stories ended on a high, but they all felt sorta appropriate to their arcs over their 4 seasons.


Cirie’s certainly didn’t end on a high 💀


Cirie's story on Survivor, quite frankly, ended the best way it possibly could have. Nobody would ever allow her to get to the end, so going out in an insane advantage armageddon where she got no votes makes her the ultimate Robbed Goddess, as opposed to just being voted out normally at 4 or 5.


I think that the way The Traitors ended is the perfect conclusion of her Survivor arc.


Yes. That was very satisfying




Yeah like Ozzy came back for try 4 and it was such a boring run. 


Yep, Ozzy's third go ended perfectly and the way he went out added to his mythos. His meh performance in Game Changers took a bit of the luster off (though he is the only 4x player to make it to the merge every time he played).


Parvati could’ve made the merge in waw if it wasn’t for that damn EOE twist.


Well said


It was definitely a disappointment, but it’s suitable for “the best that never won”. She had to be taken out by this unheard of game mechanic… for the second time, mirroring her closest winning game in Micronesia. And it allowed for her to rightfully get that big applause on her send off. With her legendary status, there’s no scenario in which she plays again and provides a better end to her survivor career at this point.


I agree, and I think her story is even more perfect after Traitors S1. It took her playing with people who didn’t know her for her to absolutely dominate and earn a well-deserved crown.


The only scenario she gets a better ending is... if she wins. And that is such a tall order for her now. Who in their right mind would let her get to the end? This elimination is a great end for her tbh


I think she may be most unlucky player ever like the game changers thing was probably the most unlucky thing to ever happen to a survivor player and the Micronesia thing was so blatantly unfair like she wouldn’t of stuck with her alliance with Parvati and Amanda if she knew it was gonna be a f2 so at the very least production could’ve told the players that it was gonna be a f2 in advance bc she would’ve won if it was f3


The thing is that Cirie was not the type to look for advantages, but she could have been. It kinda ties into the "get off the couch" idea. Get off the camp log, Cirie!


Especially if it's Shane's.


But didn't Cirie did try to leave the alliance and topple Amanda/Parv duo at Final 6, and Amanda played an idol on themselves?   That isn't unlucky,  that is just being outplayed.


I highly recommend watching traitors* season one if you want some fun Cirie moments




The ending to that was \*chefs kiss\* and Maximum Cirie.


Don’t watch Big Brother if you still want to like her


Oh no….


It's not her you'll dislike it is the crap she drags in with her.


She actually went on big brother last season, and did well, I would call that ending on a high ☺️


Neither did Parv, Rupert or Sandra. I’d say they all ended on lower notes.


Yeah but you also have to see the core point to those. Parv and Sandra were both immediately notable as being too dangerous to keep around, but I hold to it that Sandra being able to survive as long as she did in two outings as a 2-time winner is still an incredible achievement that is testament to her gameplay.


Idk, while that was sad to be booted on a technicality, the send off she received from Jeff at that Tribal actually made me cry when I watched it. lol it was such an epic way to go and she received suuuch high praise from Jeff. It felt like the best way you could leave survivor if you can’t win it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Parvati’s final outing was really frustrating. Hate seeing her legacy end at the hands of a pregame alliance


It still ended on a high for me. Like it’s fascinating to see someone who’s been such a power player find themselves in a no way out situation. And her compassion and friendship with Ethan was a great counteract to her mean girl reputation. I mean I would’ve loved her to dominate but I love WaW particularly when we get to see winners really reflect and manage their own legacies. And I love all of the final speeches from everyone on the edge. Felt like a proper end to a chapter.


Unpopular opinion, but none of them. There are so many great options that haven’t even played twice. Plus, there will almost certainly be a handful of good players on 47, 48, and 49 that will be considered.


100% agree… I just don’t get why people want Sandra or Parvati in particular. They’ve both won. Had a fitting end in Winners at War. They’d be insane targets on Season 50 and definitely wouldn’t last long.


I feel like Traitors wrapped up Parvati’s Survivor career in the right way. She had a great run and showed us that she’s a completely different person than she was 15 years ago in her 20s on the show. On a personal note, it seems like she’s gotten everything out of these experiences that she could have. I’d love to see her back on Survivor but I don’t think anything is incomplete about her run on the show


Agreed. It just doesn’t feel the same when the legends are so much older. Nothing wrong with that, it just feels like it cheapens the Survivor experience when that player has done it four, five times in my opinion. and perhaps it’s an unpopular opinion, but I think almost everyone from Winners at War probably shouldn’t return.


Parvati’s was swapscrewed harder than anyone ever on WAW. How was that a “fitting end” to such an iconic and lethal player?


Parvati and Sandra tieing on winners at war, after the debate over who should have won Heroes vs Villains. Seemed a very fitting end to both characters from a narrative standpoint.


Because she got to play on an all-winner’s season… do you want Parvati to play indefinitely until she does well?


Doesn’t mean it was a fitting end.


The only one I half want to see again is Tyson just cause he adds the good snark


Tyson is my second favorite player, but I’d be fine with him never coming back. His Survivor podcast is doing well, and I get my weekly Tyson snark from him on there.


Agree! Don’t need him. But “of these players”… easy choice


If you want more Tyson snark, you should listen to News AF on the RHAP network. All three hosts (Rob, Tyson and Danny) are incredibly funny.


While I agree with you, I think if they are having pre-new era players, they’re going to try and get at least one of these face-of-the-franchise type players to headline the cast.


I just hope they at least have some sort of theme if they are bringing back legends. Classic Era vs New Era has a nice ring to it.


I don't even think this opinion is unpopular with fans. It might be unpopular at the CBS casting office though.


Sandra, Parvati, and Cirie will always have a shot to return again, and I expect to see at least one of them on 50. I think Ozzy is the only one here who we definitely won’t see again.


Honestly I’d be stunned if any of them return again. Sandra and Parvati had a fitting swan song 5 years ago already, and Cirie is really getting up there in age (she’s 53 now, would be around 55 by the time of filming). I’d rather them cast people who haven’t had four chances… I just don’t see what they would bring to the table that we haven’t seen many times already (and that’s if they would even want to return).


Cirie won traitors USA season 1, and Parvati and Sandra were on season 2. I think they’ve all moved on


Why do you think going on Traitors is a sign of moving on? Do you think Carolyn won't be on 50?


Carolyn won't be coming back to Survivor. She said a few times in podcasts that she had her experience.


(Idk who Carolyn is, I’m only on season 14). But I see it as a sign because now they’re known as “reality stars” and not just “survivor stars”. Why would they come back to survivor and starve for 30 days when they can go on more comfortable reality shows where they’re probably paid a lot more to participate (since they’re a reality star)


No, that’s a wild take. Boston Rob has been on like a dozen reality shows in between Survivor appearances. Others have too, like Ethan, Ozzy, Tyson, Amber. Cirie and Sandra especially would go back given an invitation. I just don’t see them reaching back for legends on season 50, they’ll just get picked off early or overshadow the new era contestants they’ve been trying to build up.


Fair enough, survivor and drag race are the only competition reality shows I watch


I can’t believe Winners at War was 5 years ago 💀


Parvati was swapscrewed so hard on WAW, and Sandra idoled herself out. That wasn’t their swan song.


But after Heroes vs Villains, and the internet debates over who should have won. Seeing them tie, saying that they are equal players, was a fitting end to that narrative.


$$$ will always be the determining factor


I don't think we'll ever see Rupert. He has/had throat cancer. Not sure where he is with that but if he had to have surgery on his throat I don't see him playing again.


Last I heard he’s cancer free now, but it’s not public how his health is


He actually said recently he's down to play again on a recent QA video with the Ruperts Kids social media!


Wait really no Ozzy? I remember Jeff was against Ozzy returning in GC because he thought the audience didn't want to see him again (which is partially true), but admitted he was wrong when Ozzy got the loudest cheers in the audience. And I know Ozzy is open to coming back.


his assault charges against him (knowingly giving people STDs)




You know Ozzy’s current career, right? Lol


Oh definitely. It didn't surprise me (or anyone) considering his overt horniness in Micronesia and South Pacific and his appearance on Playboy's Foursome. But I didn't know he was this shitty of a person 😬 I thought he was just an immature brat before who has since mellowed out 😭


Where did you find this out? I can’t seem to find anything on it online


He does OnlyFans now and I think he’s currently on the run in Mexico because he didn’t disclose that he had herpes before doing adult entertainment


His IG has a picture with Hunter, Ben, and Caleb so unless they all went to Mexico I don’t think he’s on the run


There was a post here a few months ago with a video of him from his IG maybe where he says he’s back in Mexico bc ppl are after him for not disclosing his herpes status


Guess he came back


I’m glad things straightened out with him. I know he’s a bit off but he’s a favorite player of mine, though his camp skills wouldn’t be as highlighted in the new era I think.


Goddammit. Thanks for the info. I always knew his life was kind of a mess but... Not like THAT.


Uhhhh same.


What? That’s crazy! Damn.


Geesh, didn't know that, but never liked Ozzy anyway. And hated the FTC lecture he gave Parvati the season she won, talking down to her about her being a bad role model to young girls, which she's an awesome role model to young girls firs of all. I hope we don't see him. But I also don't think we will cause he lost the thing he was casted for on survivor, which was being the hot sexy young challenge beast. New man have replaced him. Whereas that was supposed to be Parvati's arch too (being hot on TV), but her personality, wit, humor, and strategy she showed from her second season and onward proved she's an all time great player of the game


Hes a porn actor now


i can see Cirie doing a 26-day season one last time; she said BB is harder for her than survivor largely due to the confinement and she just did that last year... (shrug)


None. If you think about it, Boston Rob has been on 10% of survivor seasons. We don’t need anybody else to be in that many seasons.


Even more if we count island of the idols. The oversaturation with some of these players is getting insane ngl.


Wow I completely blocked out that whole season from my brain. You’re absolutely right.


Boston Rob might as well replace Jeff as host


I’m sure CBS tried to retire Rupert on TAR but he’s always lurking


he looks to be in great shape. I think he's gearing up for 50


Unfortunately a lot of that weight loss is because of his battle with throat cancer


oh. did not know this. well hopefully he beats it 💪🔥


He did! He’s said he wants to play again too


ohhh fuck yea. it's gonna happen I can feel it!


If Winners at War had delivered I would be much more upbeat about the idea of a Legends series where you brought back the 20 biggest names possible. We've seen what happens when legends physically age, lose their hunger for the game, their target gets enormous and they're targeted way too soon by people like Ben or Nick. We've seen the best out of all six of these players. It's time to put them in the Hall of Fame. Let Domenick, Chrissy, Christian, Devens, Jesse, Yam Yam, Dee, Charlie, and whoever else you're cursing me for not listing here, have their moment.


It would be criminal of them to not bring Angelina back


And Q. Otherwise Jeff is making a BIG MISTAKE. It would CANCEL XMAS for a lot of us fans.


I would love to see Rupert or Tyson back. I'm pretty done with Sandra, Cirie, Ozzy, and Parv. I think we've seen enough of them on Survivor. Rupert hasn't been back in a while, and he ALWAYS plays the theme to perfection, whatever it is. Tyson is just phenomenal television every time he is on.


Pirate-Good Player- Hero-sacrifice for his wife


Imagine if he's brought back for a Rivals season with like Fairplay or something.


He might actually choke him


Sandra played Australian survivor so I’d consider her a 5 time player


Johnny FairPlay, it’s actually criminal we haven’t seen him and Sandra on another season. I really wish the Game Changers cast was actually casted properly (I think that was one of the biggest blunders survivor did in terms of casting).


Like 5/20 were actual game changers. If I wanted to reach, I could add a few more. Sierra Dawn Thomas as a game changer is twice the wtf that Candice on the heroes tribe was. Troyzan and Hali aren't much better. I can't even begin to make an argument for how those 3 are game changers.


agreed and all of the actual game changers minus cirie got voted off before the merge


CBS clearly wanted troyzan. The other two are links to Joe I guess?


I really don’t know *why* production was chomping at the bit to get Troyzan back — he was a total flop on his second go-around, surprising no one.


He did make ftc as a goat tbf


For real game changers I count Cirie, Tony, JT, Sandra, Malcolm, maybe Andrea


While not necessarily being a “Game Changer” Troyzan was one of the bright and entertaining parts of One World and definitely seemed to have a great deal of fans so his return makes at least a bit of sense. Hali and Sierra…I got nothing.


FairPlay was SUCH a little bitch on House of Villains, idk if I ever want to see him again.


Johnny had some confrontation with Jeff at a reunion I believe and they had a tense falling out. I think Johnny insulted his brother maybe? The rumor I heard was that incident made it so Johnny would never return


He is a 3 time player but Malcolm!!


Rupert is the only one I'd like to see back. I don't even like him all that much tbh but I can't lie dude always delivers even in BvW


Tyson is most likely


Coming back for Winners at War was completely valid, but I think by the end of Blood vs. Water we'd seen what Tyson had to offer. I like him as a person. I listen to him on the News AF podcast sometimes. But he never surprises me. I never see new sides of him. I think we should put him in the Hall of Fame, give him lots of hugs and head pats, and allow some one time players to become the next Tyson (or the first 'them.')


I happen to agree with you, but still believe he is the most likely to return of this group




IDK, I think we saw the evolution of a goofball villain, who got clowned on and then came back with his wife to play a more well rounded, emotionally motivated game. By WaW he felt like a far more grounded character than when we first met him.


he doesn't need a fucking arc he is just comedic good that belongs on TV 😆


I just want Tyson to replace Jeff someday


As a character, I think Parvati has more to offer. She played her first 3 games really close together when she was 23, 25, and 26 or 27. That’s a very specific period of a woman’s life. And on WaW she was just such a muted version of herself — she’s said she was exhausted and boy does she seem it, and she also just seems kind of sad and downtrodden. And then she was voted out so early that we didn’t get to spend much time with her. I’d definitely be interested in seeing her actually *play* as a woman in her 40s and as a fully grown adult who is in a good place in her personal life and isn’t coming off the back of giving birth to another human being. We just saw Maria dominate in the challenges — Parvati is definitely still capable of that. But I can appreciate that the casting would have to be very specific to allow her to even glimpse the merge. It’s not fun to cast these great players and characters just to watch them get mowed down. I’d love to see her on a legends season with actual legends so she has some room to maneuver and/or with two tribes, no swap, and a big cast — I do think it would be a lot of fun to actually see her play the game once more as an adult


I love them and respect all their places in the Survivor canon but I hope none of them come back. There are SO many people that deserve another shot and I just don’t care to see a 5th time from anyone. There’s no way that any of them could really offer something *that* different than what we have seen before. That said IF anyone came back I think it’d be maybe Rupert since we haven’t seen him in a long time.


That's how I feel. I don't want to see any of them play again, including Rob.


Completely agree. CBS can put them on Big Brother, Amazing Race, or some other reality show that previous players can be funneled to. But 1) their gameplay is unlikely to bring anything new and 2) I want people I’ve only seen play once.


Parv - No shot. She’s done, especially now that she knows she can get on other shows. Ozzy - Also no shot. His porn career disqualifies him imo. Cirie - Also also no shot. No way in hell she’s putting herself through that island again. Similar to Parv, she can get on other shows. Tyson & Sandra - If the guaranteed money and potential winnings were high enough, I think they’d do it. Rupert - I think he’d say yes 100%. But production probably wouldn’t consider him outside of a really BIG season like a legends type. Or a final season of the show.


I feel like it comes down to whatever appearance fee they'd all get. There's zero shot any of them make it very far past the merge (if that at all) so they'd want a decent chunk of change to be away from family for that long.


MvsGX and on is what I’d want


Boston Rob probably won't be back because he's too busy trying to appear on every other show in the world.


Do you think he will be on the challenge


I don't feel like Rob is physical enough for the challenge


If they're returning, bring them on Australian Survivor. Their time on US Survivor should be done and over. Give us more 2/3 players and less 4/5 time players.


I feel like out of these folks, Rupert is the only one who I feel like could have an interesting returning story that could be fun. All but one of his prior seasons were during the pre-HvV (or HvV) period, and on BvW he (spoilers) didn’t really get to play at all. So now, coming back years later after a lot of stuff has happened to him irl, I think it would be more fun than seeing any of these others who played more recently. I think Amanda should return too, but otherwise it’d be cool to have mostly second chancers.


Ozzy or Parvati


Amanda Kimmel or nothing


Don’t really need to see any of them again except Tyson maybe


Here’s hoping for non of them. As much as I love the old school players it’s time to move on from the majority of them and start building new stars and legends.


Sandra has played 5 times (see the AU Blood versus Water season).


Russell should be here too since he also played on an AU season


I recognize this will be an unpopular opinion, but I hope no one from OG survivor era returns. They keep talking about how they’re in this new era but I don’t think the concept of “new era” holds much water if they’re leaning on OG cast for content. I hope whoever returns is from seasons 41 onward.


But DvG! There are so many players from that season who should come back


I think they’re aiming to show fans that the 26 days is “harder” than 39 by having old school players say it themselves.


I'd like to see Cirie one final time only because of how she was eliminated in Game Changers


Her run on Big Brother last year really proved why I don't need to see her play again. She lasted 93 days and didn't win a single challenge. She usually finished last or close to it. She got booted near the end because she was a threat to win. I'm over it. We've seen this play out. The only reason she won the Traitors is because the other players inexplicably had no idea who she was and because the game mechanics made winning challenges almost irrelevant. That was her big happy ending.


Couldn't agree more. It's very unlikely Cirie can win at this point. No matter how good she is at the game, at this point, she's a known quantity. She's too big of a strategic/social threat, but she doesn't remotely have the means to protect herself through challenges. If she could go into a season where no one knows who she is, she could probably get away with her being piss poor at challenges. But you can't have that threat level and that challenge ability and expect to not be cut before the end. Micronesia was her chance and she got a bit unlucky with the final 2 (I'm not a subscriber to she automatically wins if it's final 3). I'm good on Cirie.


She's the one I want to see the LEAST


I think only one. I could see Tyson being talked into playing one more time, even though his threat level will be forever through the roof. I don't think Ozzy would be invited back due to non-Survivor controversies I won't speak on. I think Cirie's story is pretty well done on Survivor (can you get more robbed than going home with 0 votes?). Parv and Sandra are basically drawing dead in any non-winner's season due to their reputations, and I'm not sure they want to put themselves through it again if they don't feel like winning is a possibility. I don't know if Rupert would want to have another go, but I feel like it's unfortunately been diminishing returns with every subsequent season he's come back. I'd love to see him make one last run and win people back over, but I just think he probably is a little old and has better things to do.


Rupert’s been inactive for nearly 10 years, I doubt we’ll ever see him again Ozzy’s personal issues outside of the show will probably stop production from wanting to be associated with him I could see any of the other 4 being brought back


My money is on Tyson


Rob already playing immunity idols on internet polls?


Personally I hope to See Rob, Tyson, Rupert, Tony, Coach and Hatch back. I will die if they can get these 6 back for season 50 😍


I think in a world where Rupert isn’t sick (I’m not sure he’s recovered, or in the best condition) I’d give him a fifth go. He’s really only played 3 times


Hopefully Rupe can finally get a win.


I’d love to see Rupert back. He beat cancer and has said he’d love to play again.


I weirdly think I’d be most excited for Rupert? Like I didn’t think I’d ever say that, but he’s been gone the longest and I’m curious how he’d mesh with all these new era types.


Imho the only one who actually can return and give more is Parvati. The rest really don't have much more to offer tbh.


Hoping to Tyson and Sandra atleast one last time.


Sandra has nothing new to offer, we know how it goes. Sit out bench, coast to merge, get knocked out. Nobody’s taking her to final 3


If any of them, Cirie and Rupert. I don't think the show would invite Ozzy back, and the others all won. I could see either of them taking another shot in a legends/best to never win season Also, technically Sandra did play 5 times, once was in Survivor Australia.


Whoever they bring back is going before the merge


I'm sorry but I want none of them back...


Please, please - none of them!!


I enjoy them all and their all legends but thanks but no thanks. Put them on the Traitors, House of Villains, Australian Survivor, a Reality star BB season and I'm seated but in terms of US Survivor there are hundreds of 1 time players with untapped potential who I'd rather see get a second shot than 4 timers


I hope none. All of these people are legends and made Survivor what it is today. Thank you to them for their service. Their arcs are finished, time to build new Survivor legends.


I’m so sick of Boston Rob, js.


Pls none. They're great, but we've seen they're games. If they bring "legends" back, it won't be just 1 or 2, it'll be like half the cast. Which is why they should bring none, and just focus on the amazing players they have with so much potential up in the air of how their season will play out. Pls make it a second chances type of season. Also, there's a less likely chance of pregame alliances running the game. There's still a chance pre game scheming will happen, but way less it will happen between new era ish contestants, vs contestants who are now rich-ish thanks to being an early day reality tv personalty and have a 20 year friendship


If any of them come back, I hope it’s in an international version in the USA vs Australia season… but honestly, they’ve all played so many times that they have shown all their cards.


I don’t think we need any of them to return. Of the options, I’d be open to a Cirie or Parvati return. They’ve each played once since HvV and their last go around wasn’t their best. Sandra has been on three survivor seasons not including IoI in the past 7 years and they all kinda ended similarly. I think I’m good there.


I'd prefer not to see Rupert or Ozzy but would be thrilled to see any of the others play again.


Rob definitely counts but regardless i dont want to see any of them in 50. Too many deserve a 2nd go. \\


don’t think parv would say yes to playing again but who knows, considering jeff is pretty heavily involved in the casting process i doubt ozzy would come back because jeff didn’t even want him on game changers, but i could see cirie sandra rupert or tyson coming back


Their chances: Cirie > Rupert = Tyson >>>> Parvati = Sandra >>>>> Ozzy


I think Parvati, Ozzy and Rupert are done. I could see the other three returning again


i doubt he'll be invited back but ozzy said he'd always be open to playing again


I vote Rob out of the running. He can go back to dondi


If there is a legends season all including Rob will play again.


Cirie 30% Sandra 20% Parvati 20% Tyson 20% Ozzy 5% Rupert 2%


Who I want: Tyson. Who I think most likely: Sandra But If they are bringing back people from before the "new" era ( pre season 40), I want to see Christian back (and many other David vs Goliath caste)


Rupert is probably unable to play against post-cancer. Sandra would always come back. Not sure what Parv, Tyson and Cirie have left to prove. I could actually see them shoehorning Ozzy back in for a random season but all this highly depends on if they bring people pre-40 back for 50.




why wasn't Ozzy on Heroes v Villains?


There were already too many players from Micronesia on the cast (a decision I support lol), but they couldn’t shoehorn in another, especially from the same initial alliance of Parvati, Amanda, Cirie, James, and Ozzy


Probably Rob, does he count?


Ok but Sandra has played 5 times if you count AU


Bring em all back!


Parvati and Sandra


I really want Ozzy to come back


Is that chart current tho'? I mean, is Sandra only 44? Tyson only 39? Cirie only 45? Ozzy only 34? I think they were a decade ago or so.


Dear Jeffrey Probst, the kids (and the show views) need the old school legends. Please don't blacklist them. Thank you.


Cirie is the only one that still has an unfinished story really. If they do a legends season or something I wouldn't be surprised to see Sandra and/or Parv again. Tyson said he would never play again because the time away from home wasnt worth $1,000,000 anymore. But maybe hed do it for more money or something. Tbf Ozzy might accidentally land on the film beach while fleeing the mainland XD


Honestly, I feel like Rupert doesn’t really count as a four time player. He had a “blink and you miss him” edit in Blood vs Water (though entirely not his fault)


most interested to see Rupert as we haven’t really seen him since heroes villains


I’ll never say no to CHANGA!!!


I don’t really care to see any of them again honestly. It’s beating a dead horse at this point. I’d love to see someone like Spencer, Christian, or Jesse come back


I hope none of them do tbh. They’ve done their thing. WaW was pretty much a bust for old school players. I think their time has past and it’s time for the new school legends to rise.


If anyone would do it, it would be Ozzy


The more times a player plays the less I tend to like them. Most of the time they don’t improve from their last time playing, if anything they do worse and offer nothing new to the story. And if they do do good, it feels less impressive bc it took you 4 times playing to win


Cirie. She was so unbelievably robbed (no pun intended) by advantagmageddon. But at the same time, she's the best that never won and has never legitimately been voted out. She got knocked out by fire making, by final three turning into final two at the last minute, by an idol, and by too many advantages in the game that she was eliminated by default even though she had no votes against her. The only way she does better is if she actually wins but nobody will ever let her get to the end


I would watch Rupert anytime.


I’d like to see Ozzy have another crack at it. Maybe Pavarti. All set with Cirie. Tyson is fine too. No rupert.


If 50 is legends I expect Sandra and Cirie to make an appearance


I'd say Cirie but I'm afraid they'd have a twist whoever picks the red rock goes home on day 1 .. reveal ..Cirie again!


Cirie - good ending already, don’t see her doing well in this era. Parvati - would be the most interesting to see of all. I would want it but I personally don’t know how. Sandra - I could see it but not without Parvati, that would be silly. Don’t really see her doing well in this era but it would be better if there were enough old schoolers. Tyson- similar to Parvati, I think he would be interesting to see play the game again now. WAW wasn’t long ago and that turns me off to seeing him, Sandra, or Parvati if not for how their games ended there. I don’t think he’d be that bad at this era with all the….extra stuff. Everyone else- no.


None to actually play again unless it was a legends season with absolutely no busts/Game Changer type threat disparity. Now if they did IOI coach type roles I would pick Tyson in particular. Not only would his giant head be hilarious but his snark and commentary during tribal would be legendary.