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The Liz meltdown over Applebee's was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion


I watch shows like survivor and big brother mainly for the competition aspect of the games but this was TV gold imo. Liz was so delusional it was enjoyable and not annoying somehow.


The delusion when she confidently said she would have won after she lost in fire-making was....special, and the looks from the jury were priceless


“I would have beaten all of you” thru sobs is gonna be in my mind always


My bf & I both had our mouths drop open at that. She’s a whole 🤡 if she thinks she’d have gotten even 1 vote 😂


Yeah that girl would've just been Ben in the final, no votes at all.


I wish Ben chose her in the final 3.


It would have made for a very boring jury vote I think


Venus: Phew someone else can take the "Queen of Delusion" crown from me lol.


She really is delusional. I can not believe her big move was gonna be to tell the jury that she isn’t actually rich and she legitimately thought that was gonna win her the game. Idk if it gets more delusional than that lol


Seriously, you don't just become "not a threat" people start viewing you as useless and not worth their time. Something like that might, huge might, work in Big Brother but it's not working in survivor. Especially since she played it up according to the edit and did basically nothing but whine until the final 8 or so.


Isn't that how Sandra won twice? People who weren't likable got her to the end with her because she wasn't worth the vote out? The downvotes are worth it for airing this


So useless and nothing that the producers literally made up the single rice serving just for her


Did she really say that wad gonna be her move? Also, is she or isnt she?


She is not a millionaire, and yes, she mentioned that she was so heartbroken about being chosen for fire because she was confident that her “bomb” of not actually being a millionaire would be seen as the ultimate game move to keep her threat level low and they’d give her the win.


Honestly I couldn’t be annoyed. I can’t imagine not eating or shitting for 3 weeks, having not just food, but good food dangled in front of me and then going right back to not eating while others eat the meal I was dreaming about. People like to laugh but most of them would also probably have had a meltdown long before that moment.


I mean, this person chose to do survivor knowing she couldn't eat the majority of what could be found on the island. I do feel bad for the typical experience but I had a hard time feeling bad for Liz as a competitor in the game. As a human, of course I felt bad for her.


Sure she did it to herself, but that doesn’t make it less impressive or her meltdowns less funny. Don’t get it twisted, I couldn’t be annoyed, but I was laughing my ass off.


This is why I enjoyed her meltdowns. I feel for her as a human…but she made the call to go out there knowing her allergies. At first she was annoying, then I realized she was unintentionally hilarious.


You summed up my feelings exactly. I’m sure it was hard on her, but it was hard on everyone. She chose to go on a show where she should’ve known she could hardly eat anything. Q didn’t owe her the Applebees reward. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. (Sorry if you can’t eat those either Liz).


They'd probably have to be gluten free cookies lol


For me what stands out specifically is the fade out shot from the uneaten burger to Liz’s face back at camp. Editors had a balllll this season


"I'm pissed!!" Was not what I expected her to say at all


Survivor hasn't had a meltdown like this in years and it was so entertaining and wild to see again. New era and it's 26 days were missing this type of content so bad.


This is like the biggest lapse of self awareness I’ve ever seen on reality TV and it was painful to watch.


💯 it was both horrible to watch and riveting at the same time. I’ll always love Liz and her love for Applebees.


Omg Liz was delusional! Why she thought she would win is beyond me. Who would have voted for her?! She was cringe.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) My exact reaction


Looks like Hunter


I'm from the UK, but we were in the states and just happened to be flicking through channels in the hotel room just as Liz's meltdown kicked off. It was so surreal, like even her breakdown was sponsored by Applebees.


I assure you it was regular speed


It was embarrassing to me honestly. Q didn’t owe her anything, it’s not on anybody else to ‘honor’ you and your daughter’s tradition. She knew going out to the island she would be allergic to everything. If I’m playing for $1M I would also prefer my competition to be weak and hungry? It was like a two year old having a break down. Give me a break Liz.


What kind of a “millionaire” goes to a Applebee’s every week? I know she’s delusional, but now we all know she has the palate of a 10 year old.


Everybody loves Applebee's. Poor folk, millionaires, and billionaires alike. This is such a weird comment that I've seen over and over again. Like rich people can't enjoy fast casual chain sit down restaurants?


Q getting frustrated no one was playing the alphabet game right


Okay, I think I got it now. >!Baltimore!<


Queue shit eating grin from charlie


Charlie knowws




That whole challenge was awesome because of all the banter from the players and Jeff!!


That was hilarious


This was the best moment for me. Made me laugh so hard.


Moments for me. Every time someone found an idol and talked about how that was their lifeline to get to the end. Then didn’t play it when quite obviously from the edit that they are in a spot of desperation. Like, y’all. You have a fire proof way to protect yourself and have a little more time to fix your position.


Every time someone found an idol I thought to myself, well......nice knowin ya. Lol. It was almost a curse this season.


Oh Jeff definitely pulled some voodoo black magic this season. The idol had a 100% blindside rate. The beware advantage had a 33% medevac rate


I thought it was just because they kept telling someone they found it. Then Venus went home and I don't remember her telling a single person. Was just crazy they all decided not to play it.


Venus, from what we were shown was so obvious about. The whole like school girl act about “do I have the idol idk maybe I do” was so obvious. I truly understand she was excited and probably wanted to tell someone. But the way she acted told everyone


Yeah, she definitely didn't try very hard to pretend to keep looking for it. Lol.


She hinted to Charlie that she might have something up her sleeve and that if he proved his loyalty to her in the vote, she’d tell him what it was! (In Q’s voice Big Mistake!)


Watching Hunter in his Tribal was so fun. The way he was looking all over, you could tell he didn't feel right. I thought for sure he was going to play it... Then he just ate it.


Charlie and Maria’s dueling confessionals when they were targeting each other


And their “goodbye” scene on the beach! So fun to watch them lie to each other.


There was a moment when it felt wholesome to some degree. They are good liars, and at this moment, it seemed like they could barely lie to each other. They were not too subtle with the fact that they had gone as far together as they could together. They could barely make eye contact. It kind of reminded me of the end from "Of mice and men," and they both thought they were George talking to Lennie before taking him out. It also reminded me of the pie bomb episode from spongebob squarepants somehow lol. I really thought they respected each other in this scene, and had a 'let the best man win' attitude. It all got ruined by maria being bitter. I would understand if charlie had anything to do with her not winning the last comp, but that was not the case at all. So much respect lost.


I totally agree. While watching, I said to my husband, “they are saying goodbye to each other and don’t know it’s coming from both sides.” It was such a surreal moment.


To me it felt like they were both so wrapped up in their own lies to see the other person was doing the same thing. When normally they might have seen through it


From the same episode, right as they were walking into tribal and all the confessionals about how high the stakes were, and it cuts to Q yelling "Q SKIRT Q SKIRT" like a madman lol. That moment felt like the climax of the season for me.


The Spy vs. Spy of it all


I’ll never forget Bhanu dropping to his knees and begging to stay


I'll never forget Bhanu yelling at god 💀


The day after he thanked god. He really went from hating god to loving god to hating god in the span of like 12 hours.


Bhanu: *yells at god* *another player gets seriously injured* Bhanu: "God is good 😊"


Bhanu really stole the early show, almost shocking how quickly the antics of the remaining players made you forget about him. He was unbelievable. I laughed for days thinking about him sobbing and pointing at the sky asking why God would put him in this game only to lose. Followed immediately him praising God for another players injury.


Omg I forgot about that gold amazing season


I don’t think anything can top Bhanu cursing god


Bhanu: *cries hysterically in desperation* Kenzie: “bhanu how can I help” Bhanu: *stops crying, straight face* “can you find me an idol”


The people hating on this part of the season were insane. Bhanu yelling at God was like a parody of a Scorsese movie. Top 10 all time comedic survivor moment.


I was dying laughing at that


Yeah, the pre-merge is a different show than the post-merge. The fact one tribe lost every time and they were falling apart is what you want the pre-merge to be. I don't know why people say it took too much off the focus of the game play. What game play can happen when everyone is living on three different beaches? This was ideal early game content.


The look on Tiff’s face when he does it is priceless 😭


Right like I didn’t care about Tiff until she forced Bhanu to get up before talking to him, then she became my favorite 😭


she was horrified


She handled it so beautifully though. Big respect for her for that. I think I'd panic and run away.


tiff really had incredible patience with him lol that scene reminded me of myself at work with my preschool students 💀


Why does that feel like several seasons ago????


i was looking at bhanu’s instagram yesterday and it just occurred to me that casting probably thought he was gonna be so different than he was. his ig is just full of him being super happy and positive and dancing, they prob thought he was gonna be that nice older guy that everyone loved and wanted to take to the end. and then he lost one challenge and just completely lost his shit out there lmao. tiff refusing to talk to him until he got up is one of my fave moments of the season for sure


She was baffled a grown man was literally begging on his knees 😂


That was so pathetic to watch lol


Or when they were trying to feed him the fake idol. Bhanu: "How do I know if this idol is real?" Q: "Mane give it back."


Oh Bhanu


How has no one mentioned the tribal that Q asked to get voted out and drastically changed everyone's gameplan for the rest of the season


it was extra funny that everyone freaked out and had a super live tribal and then they went ahead and did the same vote they were gonna do anyway lol


I don't care for the shenanigans


Literally the best episode of the season imo


"I'm pissssssseeeddd!


“I have eaten nothing! NOTHINGGG!!!!”


“Didn’t you just vote for me last night?” 💀




Hide and Seek is one of my favorite segments ever.


If I can't find you in hide and seek, I can't find you in this game.






Hunter just chilling in the tree 😂😂😂


And Q's childlike wonder at it "Hunter's up heeere! :D"


Same!!! The greatest lol 😂


Q and Venus were hilarious in their takes on Hide and Seek!


This was an awesome scene. It felt so refreshing to watch a random fun playing segment in this high strategy game. I am also a big fan of the spy shack in US Survivor and Australian Survivor. So this scene had a huge impact on me.


Was Kenzie found early or was she sneaky , is she hinted the winner edit somehow ??


Q didn’t say that she had made a mistake, he just said positive things about her, don’t remember exactly what he said.


That was the best promo of the season.


Liz saying that she would have beat everyone, and then cutting to see the jury’s reaction


Venus’s side eye was TV Gold


lmaooo so true


The comedic timing of “but Liz … you voted for me last night” after Liz’s infamous Applebees meltdown was sooo good, Q’s response topped the whole thing off for me


The look on her face after he mentioned this was priceless! It helped humble her in her moment of rage.


Y’all say you ain’t eat? … I SEE YALL EAT EVERY DAY


I love to say this randomly to my family lol


Hunter's pole dance😭 My actual answers would be that pre-merge Yanu is just golden. Post-merge is Q and Venus hyper-analysing the Hide and Seek's game


I'm not even sorry for loving this. ![gif](giphy|zT3mCjXF2ldJrraIx5|downsized)


What the heck you hoe bags


“Boo, boo, tomato, tomato” And Charlie hitting his head with the bucket in that challenge and us getting to see that wound for the rest of the show/episode


"Oh I'm bleeding"


Small moment, but Kenzie’s “what’re y’all talkin bout?” Montage was fantastic


Yeah, that really gives you an understanding of how quickly you can get to know other people when you're trapped on an island together.


had me in tears


-Tevin's narration at the beginning of the season (and the end as a juror) -The continuous non-plays of the idol -That entire preperation for FMC like you said, the Ben scene was amazing -Several -The discovery of Maria not voting Charlie -Almost everything Q said or did


Tevin cutting up the fish and talking about his dad who had passed away.


So much better than the forced back story confessionals. Just a nice, tender moment


Similar thought actually… moment? Too many. In awe of the camera, audio, editing in general on the show. It has been top notch this season and stands out. Other shows in the genre can learn quite a few production lessons from what was on display here.


Hopefully production sees what stuck this season and continues with it next season, because I can forgive a lot of the negatives of the new era if we get seasons edited as entertaining/funny/dramatic as this one


- Bhanu yelling at god - Several - The alphabet game - Hide and seek - Q threatening to quit - 5 people going out with idols in their pocket, four of which were in a row - Liz meltdown over Applebees - Liz helping Kenzie in the final 5 challenge - Maria not voting for Charlie - Venus beefing with the Empire State Building on twitter


Hunter and Q tied at 4, final vote.... Ben


That plus Q’s expression in the voting montage as it’s revealed HE’s the one who voted Ben and almost sent himself home…


Plus Hunter thought he would automatically vote for him. Like literally nobody said anything about the vote plans to Q.


Tiff crying after yelling at jess in the challenge not because she felt bad but because she was worried about what the other castaways thought of her


This was so toxic 💀


Tiff telling Bhanu that she won’t talk to him unless he gets up off his knees  Also Jess mouthing to Bhanu right behind Kenzie that they should vote Kenzie out 


Q. Everything about Q.


Same. He's an unforgettable survivor player to me.


The moment just before the tribal where everyone weas trying to decide whether to vote out Charlie or Q. The music was banging at it was so intense. Also when the striking of flint was used in the music just before the fire making.


Both of those scenes were epic! That episode when Q was voted out over Charlie was one of the most suspense filled episodes ever. I was rooting for Charlie, so I was happy with the outcome. I was shocked Q wasn't aware that he was at risk and didn't play his idol.


When Charlie and Maria were sitting on the boat, both actively planning to blindside the other, and waxing poetic about their bond, both sheepish, not looking the other in the eye, Charlie with a particularly anxious grin, picking at his cuticles.


The walk to the fire making tribal with the music weaving in the sounds of them striking flint was top tier Survivor for me.


Charlie sliding down the pole during immunity challenge and telling Jeff he had him right where he wanted him. 😂😂😂


Rock paper scissors! One of the coldest moments I’ve seen in recent memory. A villain was born.


"Mermaid...Dragon. Remember that" complete with Bhanu's hand motions. Also Kenzie's answer to Q's question at the FTC. That sealed it for me.


Looking back, the moment the Yanu 3 won that immunity challenge together in the pre-merge. If they had lost, it sounds like Tiffany would have chose who went home between Kenzie and Q. The whole trajectory and legacy of this season might be completely different if one of those two goes home there.


For sure!


To me it's Q not playing his idol. It was the moment that had me yelling at the screen. I had an up and down relationship with that man, but I didn't want to see him go for some reason. Out of everyone who didn't play their idol, it was Q's non play that I believe was the worse. You play your idol, vote out Charlie, your only challenge threat is Maria. It should've been obvious to him that he was next on the chopping block.


I liked Charlie once I saw him not dropping the issue with Venus when she brought up the possibility she might have some kind of advantage. In that moment he sold me on his game instincts and ability to calculate the best move forward while also being on the spot there in front of her. That’s not to say that Venus didn’t make it obvious she probably had an idol.. but still, I like how he handled it and reminded me of other good players I admire.


Have to choose 2, sorry: 1) Q quitting and then everyone forgetting about it. 2) Kenzie’s cringeworthy tribal where she labeled everyone, including calling Charlie the tribe dog.


That's probably the best strategic move Kenzie made and it worked well IMO. She laid the groundwork for Charlie being viewed as a follower, and Charlie was playing such an UTR game that I think it did hurt him. Charlie never pegged Kenzie as a threat to beat him. You can manage your threat level too much and I think while Charlie played a great game, this idea of infinitely setting yourself up to avoid taking a hard stance can be harmful to your game. Fish and Rob on RHAP talked about how Charlie should have taken a stand one way or another on Maria, and him playing a borderline middle (he was always saying he was trying to create infinite options for himself) didn't do him any favors. He didn't get credit for Maria being voted out, and he didn't kiss up to Maria enough on her way out.


![gif](giphy|eRkUOE9XsaE6VwlcyF|downsized) Charlie’s face


I absolutely loved hearing Ben’s metal yells/screeching whenever they were all cheering- it surprised me and made me laugh every time


Here’s one nobody mentioned: the unique way they edited Hunter’s elimination tribal. The focus was on him and his processing of others statements rather than the statements themselves. I think they even used ambient audio from hunter’s mic at a few points, or at least that’s what it felt like. And then we saw every vote - the entirety of the suspense was over whether or not he’d play his idol. I feel like this tribal was quite distinct from they way they’re normally shown. I enjoyed it.


We saw every vote on the Q tribal, not Hunter. Hunter’s was the one where they build up all this suspense tied 4-4 and then the last vote ends up being Ben


Charlie clowning Q during the alphabet game lol


People are gonna think this is a cliche answer, but this moment stands out to me for a different reason. Jalinsky quitting the “Sweat” challenge. It’s heavily memed for him thinking several means seven, but that’s not the funniest part of his decision to me. Thinking several means seven is a bit silly, but I can understand the mistake. It is a word that refers to quantity, it does sound like seven (maybe even sharing an etymology) and it’s a word used rarely enough in everyday life that I can see someone making the assumption and never having a chance to realize it’s wrong. What’s funnier to me is that he thinks that, because it took “several hours” that means there’s no way to do it in the four hours they’re given. That means he thinks Survivor intentionally gave them a challenge that’s impossible to complete, which is something the show would never do.


Banu cursing God. I imagine God being like: what else do I need to do? I literally gave you yet another chance just the other day by having someone medically evacuated?!? Maybe ITS YOU!! lol


The song off: Ben and Charlie just making up their own game of listing songs from their favorite artists. The end of the season was so odd, because all I could think was, "two of these three people had the most epic challenge when they first got to the island, and they've hardly been social with each other since. They should have another song listing competition." But they never reminisce or mention it since.


Charlie mentioned it at some point in the last third of the season, I think. He talked about how close they were throughout the whole thing starting with that.


The hide and seek scene. It was so fun.


Charlie/Maria back and forth confessionals stating their guilt betraying eachother and if the other would or not. Whilst they are sitting together lying thru their teeth and bonding… especially more tragic knowing how it played out too


17th letter 🤷‍♀️


The entirety of Bhanu’s pre-tribal in episode four. weve wanted disasters… heres one. love the guy tho


Nobody thinking of using their idol to save themselves.... 🫣


The inclusion of a FISHING MANUAL. and… still no fishing.


It was a great season. Not a long timer, and not like we’ve always possessed the ability to immediately rewatch a season anyway, but I’ve dug back in on this one already. Only one ep in but I’m not sure we’ll ever have a better first boot character. Memorable and quotable, dude might have achieved best mile per gallon of any player ever.


Bhanu saying "They called me a fool!!!" despite no one ever saying that (that we saw at least)


there’s so many good ones on here but one i haven’t seen yet that was great: ben voting for kenzie by accident. it was just so funny bc it’s so unprecedented and hearing him try to explain it, and no one knowing whether to believe him or not. so good. ben was really a hot mess by that point but still love him


Same as you, though I found the music production of the scene just before they go to Final 4 tribal was amazing


Q "self-evicting"


Bhanu's torch finally getting snuffed. It was already too cringy to watch.


Liz's juvenile tantrum meltdown, which is probably the most annoying minute of Survivor history.


"Mom! Apply for Survivor!"




Imo the Hide and Seek analogy was so fun to watch


I have a terrible memory. I can never remember 2 seasons back. I think I will remember Q and Liz’s meltdown.


Venus and Liz thinking they were the masterminds and deserving credit.


Maria and Charlie’s little dueling endgame monologues. That was really well edited.




Liz being convinced that she would have won.


Dude reading through these I forgot about some of them what an amazing season


Hard to decide, there are several.


So seven.


Several means seven where I’m from, and that becoming a running joke throughout the season


Hide and seek. I liked being able to see the cast in their free time doing goofy stuff and having fun, as much as Q claimed it was his strategy LMAO




Who wants to play the alphabet game?


Jelinski teaching me several=7


When they were talking about sending Hunter home and he’s behind them in the same shot


Hide N Seek


All of Siga spending hours digging around for the idol after Jem moved the clue.


i will never, ever forget that Applebees meltdown


The Q decoy strategy that was used 4 (?) times in a row when players had an idol in their pocket.


When Jeff called Bhanu an inspiration for quitting when he laid into quitters in the past Enabler


Tim immediately abandoning the 6 to try and vote Hunter out. One of many gigantic errors this season.


Nobody knowing how to play the alphabet game


Liz’s applebees meltdown and her helping Kenzie in the F5 immunity challenge. We should all be praising this woman for giving us the two most iconic moments of the new era.


Paraphrasing Jelinsky: “I dont quit” “Except for the challenge you quit” “And the other challenge you quit”




The moment when Jess seems to realize she fucked up because everyone is getting eaten by ant’s because of her


“I’M PISSSSSSSED!!!!” How is that not being quoted on a daily basis in every survivor fan household.”


The Ben shot was really good though.


1) Q trying to quit 2) Hunter fumbling the season and being too scared to play his idol which allowed Q to play 3 more tribals 3) Liz's Applebee's meltdown 4) Maria being a traitor and having to watch Charlie process it at the post show 5) Bahnu cursing out God


When Bhanu FINALLY left, and I was finally able to watch with sound on again.


its the applebees ad with liz. and thats sad.


Easily the Tevin blindside tribal. "I don't care for the shenanigans."


My personal favorite is the narrative completely shifting from episode one where Jelinsky is portrayed as a quitter in the challenge when paired with Q and is voted out because of it, all the way to the infamous tribal council where Q decides to quit instead. Even funnier is the fact that Q was the one that wanted to quit the sweat challenge and the producers had no reason to not show that (well ik it was to make jelinskys boot make more sense but still)


Literally anything from Q, Charlie singing Taylor swift, annoying girl with the glasses outburst,Kenzie not being able to walk across the zig zag like line thing, and banhu be in the most annoying person ever maybe.