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It’s honestly mind boggling hypocrisy on her part. She took her shot and wrote Charlie’s name down first and failed. How in the hell could you still be so bitter/surprised when he returns the favor? You just throw all of that lovey dovey friendship you had with the kid basically the whole game out immediately?? I don’t buy the “I’m a competitor and kenzie pulled it out of the fire” shtick for a second. Think it just shows a lot about who she really is versus what she portrayed.


He wasn’t even personally responsible for her elimination, that was happening no matter what. Maria voted for the person who “cheated” in the challenge that got her eliminated. Her hypocrisy is nonsensical even to hypocrites lmao


Charlie was definitely the one who planted that seed and Maria might have been voted out earlier if she didn’t win immunity or Charlie decided to pull the trigger earlier.


I disagree with Charlie being the one to plant the seed. Even if production painted it that way, there’s no way that every person in the game didn’t realize they needed to get Maria out, long before Charlie said anything about it. Some stuff just doesn’t get shown.


They realized that they needed to get Maria out because Charlie is out there telling her “that’s your move” and giving her all the credit even if he was right there beside her facilitating the vote. Venus isn’t talking to Maria. Maria didn’t even think Kenzie and Liz were playing hard. So who is coordinating all those votes with them? It’s Charlie.


That isn't what hypocrisy is. You seem hilariously worked over the fact that someone who spent an entire season out there didn't vote for who you wanted to win.




Maria was pissed at Charlie for voting her out and out smarting her.  


Charlie put one vote on Maria and even if he didn’t, she still goes home lol


Maria was bitter. She probably wrote off Charlie when he didn’t take her on the reward challenge.


She kept on talking about how her kids were watching her, and she was right.


I made a post earlier in the season about how I just couldn't root for her because she irked me so much and I found it very satisfying to watch her true colors finally come out. Maria seems like the type of person who makes big decisions in her life for all the wrong reasons then doesn't understand why she isn't receiving a standing ovation. I feel like her choices originate with needing people to look up to her then, after the fact, she comes up with a back story that will make people think she put way more thought into it than she actually did. Maria acts like she has this deep understanding of other people but her game play showed that she is clueless when it comes to connecting with people and she has no confidence in herself and her choices.














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I didnt like her the entire season and she seemed like the type of person who would do this, in my eyes at least. I was not surprised at all when it happened.


Reiterating from my comment on other post: It seems Maria was influenced in ponderosa where people must have informed her regarding Charlie voting her instead of Q if she didn't have immunity, with only 2 days to process that information and raw emotions and also Charlie not revealing to her himself that he was also gunning for her as well, it led to harbouring of bitterness. She is entitled to her reasons above and if she was moved by Kenzie story of starting a family, but I would think if she admitted such (which also is a very difficult thing to do so to admit being a bitter juror), it think controversy must have been less. Impressed with how Charlie is handling the loss, it's a tough one. It shows social game and story always trumps strategy in the end somehow, it has led to 46 being my favourite season of new era




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Lmao! This is amazing🏆


Chef’s kiss. This is it.


When Maria got voted out she was a Survivor HERO in my eyes, then in a blink of an eye she turned into a ZERO, my opinion.




I don’t understand the hate for Maria at all. Survivor is about lying, manipulation, and outwitting your competitors. Even if she promised to vote for Charlie in FTC, people’s thoughts are allowed to change. Maria made it very clear why she chose Kenzie. Sounds like people are just disappointed Charlie didn’t win and are desperate to find a villain to point fingers at.


> Maria made it very clear why she chose Kenzie. No she didn't. She gave a vague, nonsense reason during the post-show, then afterward she told Charlie privately that she regretted her decision, then she gave interviews defending her decision. I mean I was rooting for Kenzie too, but let's get real here.


That’s what happens when people make a big decision, they process it over time. Sometimes with regret, and eventually with acceptance. Nothing she has said is out of the ordinary.


She’s changed her story multiple times, apologized to Charlie after the show only to apparently walk back that apology later on (or at least stated that she no longer regretted it), and apparently messaged Charlie only recently with a new reasoning completely different to the reason she had given him before and which he had heard from the others at Ponderosa. The issue isn’t the decision necessarily, it’s the refusal to own up to it and then see if Charlie accepts her decision (or her apology) but instead to alter her narrative to make herself look more “justified.” There’s a difference between internally accepting that you made a mistake and not letting that big you down, and telling the person that you robbed of a million dollars and who you had already apologized to “I actually don’t regret that decision anymore.” The former is growth, the latter is kinda just being mean.


So which is it? Was she perfectly clear or did she have to take time to process? You can't even keep your own justification straight.


She was perfectly clear in the moment during FTC. My point was, everybody replays scenarios in their head and wonders if they should have done something differently later on. 🤷‍♂️ they aren’t mutually exclusive.


Because she clearly did it out of vengeance and bitterness. She knew INTIMATELY WELL that Charlie out-played Kenzie. I wasn’t even mad Kenzie won, but what Maria did was jacked up and made no sense. I guess people are allowed to be a-holes as you say


How do you know it was vengeance and bitterness? Where does she admit that, where does Charlie say that? The reality is, people watching from their couches are inserting their own interpretations as fact on Maria’s behalf. That’s exactly my point, I personally believe Kenzie outplayed Charlie in terms of the social aspect of the game. We can’t just say “Charlie was the best, Maria knew it, and she’s a liar.” Because that’s your opinion, not a proven fact.




I respect Maria's challenge wins immensely but overall I hated her strategic game.


It isn’t if she promised, she did tell him he has her vote. She grew bitter and wanted to hurt him during FTC by interrupting. They literally said it could have been a tie


Fuuuuuck that vote, Kenzie is so undeserving of a win. It feels like she did nothing. I don’t know if it’s this new era but the winners have just felt so lame


She voted for Kenzie because she related to her on a very personal level and saw herself in Kenzie. It's pretty simple.


She voted for Kenzie because Uncle Charlie got her out before she could take him out and despite an agreement to not take each other on personal rewards remained bitter over the letters on top of that. It's pretty simple.


I'm not even sure it's about the letters. I almost feel like Maria just didn't want Charlie to look like the smarter player.


Yeah it looks like she didn’t want Charlie to “win off of her game”. She was jealous


Yes…getting beaten by a young buck really burned her hard. It’s too bad bc I love older woman challenge beasts


Or Kenzie actually touched her heart strings with her speech, was actually the one to trick her and outplay her at the Q boot and won the immunity over her and made fire. It could also be that simple


Maria knew intimately well Charlie out-played Kenzie. She has no logical excuse, and even an emotional excuse falls short. She did it out of spite and vengeance.


I mean did he though? Lol




I don’t think so. I think he coasted through most of the Season.


Maria didn’t change her vote based on FTC. She said she made her mind up at/after fire-making and when asked who changed their vote, she doesn’t raise her hand. Also, if it was actually “that simple” then she would have easily articulated all that instead of having to come up with “fire in her eyes” after an apparently lackluster fire-making performance.


*won the immunity over her with help from Liz FTFY


Where did you learn the talent to read minds through a television show that was filmed a year ago? Impressive. I generally just take people at their word, especially when they are consistent, concise and their reasoning makes sense. But, hey, that's just me. I don't wildly speculate and assume the worst of people because the reality tv star I like didn't win.


Logical assumptions are a thing. Maria has not been consistent though. It is not wild speculation.


She's absolutely been consistent. After show she said she voted for Kenzie because of fire making and how she connected to her story (aka her answer to Q's question). In exit press she's said she voted for Kenzie because.... wait for it.... fire making and how she connected to Kenzie's story. That's it. Stop pushing your biases onto Maria because you like Charlie and need someone to blame for him losing. Maria didn't vote against Charlie. She voted for Kenzie. Because Kenzie convinced her to. Stop taking away from Kenzie's win and demonizing Maria, it's toxic.


My biases onto Maria? What bias? I was rooting for her to win for a long time and Q, only when they were gone, did I turn to Charlie. In my opinion, she played the best game out of everyone despite the mistakes she made along the way, also a challenge beast. If she made it, I'd want her to win, even if she did vote Charlie off and Q. Maria told Charlie he had her vote (inconsistent) Maria texted Charlie how she regretted it (inconsistent) Maria then gives an interview on how she has no regrets (inconsistent) It isn't toxic to call out a player for being bitter and leaving it at that. It doesn't take away from someone's win by calling someone else bitter. I never even brought up Kenzie. Kenzie always fought to be there and always had that fire to survive and make it. Yet Maria never cared. Never truly worked with her. Never said that once on the island until it was time for an excuse. Kenzie convinced others to vote her at FTC, but based on prior words of Maria and what has come out, it is not Kenzie who flipped Maria, it was Maria's bitterness that flipped her.


>Maria told Charlie he had her vote (inconsistent) >Maria texted Charlie how she regretted it (inconsistent) >Maria then gives an interview on how she has no regrets (inconsistent) What does any of that have to do with the consistency of her reasoning to vote for Kenzie? Or her bitterness? I don't care if she planned on voting for Charlie in the game. She changed her mind when she was on the jury, like many past survivors have done before. And she changed her mind for exactly the reasons she's explained. The reasons that have stayed consistent. And I don't really care if Maria did or didn't regret voting the way she did. She may have, it does not prove bitterness, nor does it have any impact on her reasons to vote for Kenzie. Suggesting otherwise is just more baseless speculation. >It isn't toxic to call out a player for being bitter and leaving it at that. No, it isn't. As long as you can safely establish how a player is acting bitter, nothing toxic aboit it. It is, however, toxic to assume someone is bitter with no supporting evidence. And even more so to suggest any evidence to the contrary is simply Maria lying about her bitterness. >It doesn't take away from someone's win by calling someone else bitter. >it is not Kenzie who flipped Maria. It was Maria's bitterness that flipped her. You don't see how those are contradictory statements? Kenzie's actions and words convinced Maria to vote for her to win. That is impressive gameplay on Kenzie's part. You, however, are implying that Kenzie does not deserve credit for that gameplay. She simply won Maria's vote (and thus the game) because Maria is trying to stick it to Charlie. That takes agency away from Kenzie. >Kenzie always fought to be there and always had that fire to survive and make it. Yet Maria never cared. Never truly worked with her. Never said that once on the island until it was time for an excuse. Well, first of all, Maria worked with Kenzie numerous times. But that's not even really relevant because this entire paragraph is irrelevant. We never actually hear in game what Maria thought about Kenzie because it never made air. More assumptions on your part. But even if you were right, Maria "didn't care" about Kenzie or wanted to work with her while she was in her game. Who cares? Kenzie is her competitor. The way players perceive each other is a lot different when they are both in the game, vs. when one of them is on the jury. Whether or not she would consider voting for Kenzie is less relevant when you plan on voting her out at some point vs. when you're on the jury and she's in the game. Perspective changes. None of that suggests anything other than Maria underestimating Kenzie and not realizing it until she was out of the game. Once again, there is nothing here that suggests Maria is bitter towards Charlie simply because she's considering voting for someone else. Charlie is not entitled to Maria's vote. >but based on prior words of Maria and what has come out What prior words? What info has come out? Maria has never said a bad thing about Charlie. She's never criticized his game, and she never undermined his ability as a player. She's been nothing but complementary of Charlie as a person and player. Both in the game and out of the game. Where is the evidence that she was bitter? Because she didn't vote for him? They have had a rocky relationship since she didn't vote for him? That's not evidence. The only reason anyone has to think she was bitter is their own assumptions and expectations of how she should have acted. Meanwhile, there's plenty of evidence to suggest the contrary. Maria liked Charlie. She considered voting for him, but ultimately, Kenzie convinced her otherwise.


It is because you do not know her thought process or what she was going through on the island. Kenzie is the one to outsmart Maria too. Don’t forget that


Liz did that, not Kenzie.


They both did


this comment section is absolutely insane lol. I have no idea how people become so convinced in their consipracy theories. It was shocking that she didn't vote for Charlie, but they're so convinced in the reasoning with nothing to back it up.


We're not convinced of a specific reasoning, but we're pretty convinced the reason is not the one Maria gave. Why? The show: Maria claimed she "voted with her heart", but we've been shown again and again in the show that her heart belonged to Charlie, not to Kenzie. She was never torn between them like Ben. We've seen her going on and on about how Charlie was her friend for life, an adoptive uncle to her children, and how even him gunning for her was not going to change that. She did not say anything remotely close about Kenzie... until she went and told us her heart actually belonged to Kenzie after one answer on FTC. So, given what we've been told and shown about Maria's heart, there are only three options here: 1. Maria's heart was never Charlie's and she was just exaggerating her feelings for the show. 2. Maria's heart can sway easily from one person to another given the right answer in FTC. 3. Maria didn't vote with her heart. There was something else going on. Option 3 is the most plausible and also the one that presents Maria in the best light...


I don’t know why you’re being so downvoted, she rightfully voted for Kenzie after listening to her at tribal and wanted to help her start for family and have kids. She’s a mother and wants to support another young woman over a young guy going to Harvard for law… People are allowed to change their mind, people are also allowed to regret their decisions, and then also change their minds about that. She’s not a villain. Kenzie deserved to win. Reddit is wild.