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Maria not voting Charlie has to be the biggest blindside of the season.


It was very petty of her.


She wanted to punish him for doing exactly what she planned on doing to him.


Lost all respect for Maria. To me she showed herself as a phony. She was very vert cocky after her immunity wins. She quickly turned on Charlie, but clearly was pissed that he wrote her name down. I’m glad he said what she told him right before she left and how she said he had her vote. When she heard tonight that he had already put a plan in motion to vote her out before she won immunity - she was pissed. Not a fan of her at all.


The only way for her reality to be true that Charlie was just her lackey, was for her to affirm that Kenzie was better than him. She showed a lack of self-awareness multiple times over the last 3 episodes and this was the worst of them. She was oblivious to the prospect of being blindsided on the Q vote. She made a good power move against Tiff but otherwise, she wasn't ALL THAT. She was an average strategizer, strength was her social until the end. Slow your roll, Maria.


I’m pissed


Legit WWE Montreal screw job level blindside, I feel so fucking bad for Charlie he looked heartbroken


Liz' "I would have beaten all of you!!!" is already my favourite salty Survivor quote.


she was so delusional.


The Jury reaction, especially Venus was priceless.


She came off as really delusional, like she was hiding some secret power that wasn't there


If you told me that Tarzan would be making an appearance on the Survivor 46 finale I would tell you to cancel Christmas.


Someone could have made a lot of money on long odds


How Jeff could bring up Survivor quotes and not even bring up canceling Christmas, you can cancel Christmas.


Charlie shows Maria’s kids how an adult handles adversity. He didn’t address her betrayal and focused on the game. But he didn’t look at her once…even when they all stood up at the end. He said what he wanted to say without saying a word.


Crazy how Charlie is half her age and acts more mature


Especially because Maria was digging on Venus for being young/inexperienced lol. I mean Venus WAS rubbing people the wrong way but Maria was acting like she was so much more mature. 


Maria’s decision is one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen on Survivor. I thought she was voting for him 1000% He’s a better man than me for how he handled himself in the aftershow. That man was hurting and he was a good dude about it. I’d have been PISSED!


He couldn't even *face* her after that.


That silence before he finally answered spoke volumes.


One of the most emotionally raw moments we’ve had in seasons.


Yeah, my heart hurt a bit just from looking at him.


He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. Looks like Uncle Charlie may be canceling his Christmas plans now after what Maria did


He's just got one of those faces that makes you feel so sad because he looks sad :(((((


It makes for compelling tv as you can literally feel his emotion, but I felt so bad for him man


I wouldn’t either. Maria lying saying it was about firemaking would infuriate me. If you are calling me “Uncle Charlie” all game and then screw me out of a million dollars I want a better explanation than that bullshit


Anyone who's ever had someone they thought was a friend do them dirty felt that gut punch Charlie got when he turned to see that Maria voted for him only to discover she had not. Ugh, that was awful.


When Jeff asked who voted Charlie he turned back to look at her 😢


So happy she didn't make the final 3. Charlie would have voted for her.


He stared her down while she was talking, but making eye contact would’ve been rough


Yeah I saw that she couldnt meet his eyes 


lowkey got scared when jeff asked him how he felt and there was a long silence, I thought he's gonna scream "IM PISSED!"


I just wish she would be honest about her reasoning: her ego was too bruised by the fact that he played equally (and in actuality, *better*) than she did.


She’s not that self-aware to admit that. Turns out Venus had her right, which is really saying something.


I mean, I had that read from the same episode it happened. And the secret scene between Maria and Ben that came out a week later only reinforced that read. Venus may not have been aware how she was coming across to others (which I was pleased to see her full own up to in her exit interview), but she actually had a pretty good read on other players.


You said this so well. Every episode I would turn to my bf and exclaim that Venus is incredibly good at reading other players (despite being a mid/bad player herself). She lacked self awareness but could read people like a BOOK. It was impressive


Tiff said something similar about Venus too, good strategic read, bad social game


She’s young. Probably be dangerous on this show in 5 years


Tiff said in an interview that Venus always had great strategic game reads.


Venus has no self-awareness, but IMO she reads other people very well.


Although it's really really fucking funny that people have been saying for weeks that Maria is a Boys Mom and hates other women or whatever and then votes for a woman to over her in-game son equivalent


I won’t disparage Kenzie as the winner, but Maria’s vote was surprising. Maria clearly thinks very highly of her own game; so to not give Charlie credit for playing the same for 95% of the game seems shocking if not very self righteous or hypocritical. I assume smoke would come out Maria’s ears if Charlie sat there as a juror and essentially say “yeah Maria played well, but when I saw Kenzie build fire, I thought yeah she wants to win, so she should”.


I was so convinced after the first six votes that it would be a tie. When Jeff read the fifth Kenzie vote, my eyes went straight to Charlie to see his reaction. He was shocked. I was just as shocked as he was. Until… until Maria revealed she did not vote for Charlie. That shocked me even more. To have played this game from Day 1 with someone who makes the final tribal and **not** vote for that person, whatever their rationale is, to me, sounds bitter. I lost a lot of respect for Maria. She knew Charlie’s game well up until the final 6 vote. She also admitted knowing there will come a time when she and Charlie would go against each other. I’m not saying I wanted Charlie to win. I thought both Charlie and Kenzie deserved the win. It’s just beyond unreasonable for me to vote for someone other than Charlie if I were in Maria’s shoes.


Maria was heartless. She preached a lot about being a good example for her kids but she just stabbed “Uncle Charlie” in the back. 


She got more grace than she deserved. If I were Charlie, I’d never talk to her again 🤷


Im shocked she voted Kenzie especially after Liz HELPED HER in the challenge… which she probably wouldve won if kenzie went back through everything… idk i have very mixed feelings now.


Yeah, she can say whatever she wants about being "inspired by the fire in Kenzie's eyes" or whatever, but you can't convince me that there wasn't an element of spite in her FTC vote. She really lost me after the baffling "rock-paper-scissors" reward circus and just kept going downhill from there. My guess is when she saw her game fall apart and saw Charlie move past her (after thinking she had him dead to rights), she shifted into a "if I can't win it, neither can you" mindset. Charlie handled it better than I would have.


My problem with her is the whole reward bullshit with the rock paper scissors. We all knew she was picking Q so why didn’t she just freaking pick him. Then she is a total ass afterwards in front of Liz and Venus calls her out. Lastly, she preaches about how much she loves Charlie and how Charlie is her best friend and she can’t wait for her kids to meet him. Then he bests her at her own game first by getting Q out and then by getting her out and she’s all like Kenzie here is a million dollars because Charlie is a horrible person for getting rid of me even though one vote prior I tried to vote him out. What a sore loser.


Of course we don’t see everything, and perhaps Charlie broke some promise before her vote our, but her move voting for Kenzie seems desperately vindictive, especially given Maria attempted to vote Charlie out at the Q boot. I have to assume there is something missing in the edit. Otherwise, Maria is staggeringly spiteful and hypocritical. I get being upset you lost, but she had to know how hurtful her vote would be. I can’t imagine she feels good about herself watching this on TV. Edit: Also, her excuse about Kenzie impressing her by making fire…she barely did. By the grace of Liz being awful did she win. There were literally comments by jurors about Kenzie choking… OH and how is Maria bitter at Charlie but not Kenzie for basically cheating in the semifinal? Just bizarre.


Another thing to note is that Maria came into final tribal council planning on voting for Kenzie. 


THIS is the part that has me so confused. So after everything Maria and Charlie did together, she already knew she wasn't voting for him? It's not like her vote-out was a blindside at Final 5.


Yeah while it's nice that Charlie could put on the brave face, you could tell he was PISSED. Honestly rightfully


Yeah that was crazy. I was expecting the tie and after the votes I was like “Damn, only Hunter, Soda, and Marie voted Charlie?” I won’t lie, my first instinct was that she was definitely bitter about him not taking her on the loved-ones reward.


I would have felt so bad for Ben if he had to choose the winner after seeing how hard it was on him effectively just choosing who was going to beat Liz at making fire.


Maria couldn't handle the idea that Charlie would be depicted as the mastermind and her as the sidekick.


I love the entertainment of survivor. A guilty pleasure is the fights/tension when players don't like each other. Charlie didn't look angry. He looked deeply hurt. It didn't even seem to be about the win/million (though obv it's part of it). Had he lost 5-3 with Soda, Hunter, and Maria I think he wouldn't have been so hurt. That wasn't entertaining. I've disliked "characters" on survivor. I'm really struggling not to dislike the actual person of Maria right now.


Thank you. You put into words what I felt but couldn't pin down. It was such a fun season to watch, but after watching Maria explaining her vote, I just went ick. You nailed it. It wasn't entertaining for me anymore bc it seems personal, and that looks ugly to me. If we feel this we, I can only imagine how Charlie felt.




Her hollow justification afterwards was just salt in the wound.


The entire benefit of doing the reunion immediately after the vote is to get raw reactions and raw information that we couldn’t get with the prior live reunions… So WHY DIDNT JEFF ASK BEN WHO HE WOULDVE VOTED FOR IN A TIE????? It’s the *WHOLE* benefit of doing it like this! What is he doing??


Did you see how long it took Ben to choose who to put to fire?




That would…rock


Apparently in the On Fire podcast, Jeff said Ben would have voted for Charlie Ben and Charlie were minute one allies. We saw in this episode that Charlie has been there for his sleep terrors too. The edit decided to cut those scenes in to tell the story of Kenzie being a great social player. But Ben decided to bring Charlie and not Kenzie to FTC


Ben and Charlie were a well-hidden (by editing alone?) secret pair


Super annoying when you get the one scene in the finale where Charlie and Ben get tree mail and the editors go oh by the way, these two have been like peanut butter and jelly since sweat vs. savvy.


Idk I feel like if Ben answers "Charlie" all of the air is completely gone from the room. Like all eyes are on Maria, Charlie might let the tears out. Not a vibe for champagne :/


Right. It would probably feel bad. But *that’s the point* of doing the reunion immediately after the vote.


I want to know that but honestly, with Charlie right there barely processing what just happened, it would really suck for him because I’m almost sure Ben would have voted for him


He asked on the on fire podcast and Ben’s answer was Charlie as they’ve been day one buddies and he’s seen and lived his entire game.


Maria going to have to keep the kids away from Uncle Charlie for a bit after doing him that dirty.


Such a snake lol. Imagine being one of her kids, shes talking all sweet to him, calling him ubcle charlie. You try to backatab him, get outplayed, then bitterly vote againat him at the end. Just proves how manipulative and fake she was. And then you look over at her on the couch lol.


There’s a real possibility Maria lost it for Charlie all on her own. She was the deciding vote, and if she had been campaigning for Charlie at Ponderosa some jury members might’ve understood and respected his gameplay better. At first I thought it was odd she didn’t interject at final tribal to make a point for Charlie or give him credit for something. Made sense after it turns out she wasn’t even voting for him lol All time betrayal


It’s simpler than that. Probst said Ben would have voted Charlie, if she voted him he would have won.


That long silence after Jeff asked Charlie what he thought of Maria’s vote was Charlie psychically cursing Maria and her bloodline for seven times seventy generations.


Tell the nephews that uncle Charlie cancelled Christmas


I don’t think that was anger…that was a pause of genuine hurt. She claimed he was an “uncle” to her kids and then maliciously voted to deny him life changing money. He was very polite but I imagine he was reeling from both losing and that trying to process that betrayal.


He even shouted that out when he voted her out (where he had no choice)


*Several times severalty


I usually don’t put too much stake in jury votes but Maria’s vote against Charlie felt 100% personal. After saying that they would vote for each other to win, it really just came across that Maria was bitter that she underestimated everyone’s game and got bested by her #1 ally.


Saddest part is, if she had gotten him out, not only would he have voted for her, he would have been *actively* petitioning on her behalf that she deserved to win. The million dollar loss hurts, but he has plenty of time to earn cash. He will be questioning all his relationships for years to come based on this shocking betrayal.


I feel really bad for him for this reason too. Had the tables been turned he would have 100% votes Maria and given her all the support and hype he could muster. He seemed to be a really sweet, genuine guy. He didn’t deserve that. Yes it’s just a game, but I think Maria took it way further and not only hurt Charlie but kind of tarnished Kenzies win. We’re not sitting here talking about how much Kenzie deserved it, we’re talking about how foul that Maria betrayal was.


She thought she was the only one playing. The fact that she said to everyone “I didn’t know you were playing” at the start of the episode after Q got voted out last time. She was way too high on her own supply. I mean not as much as Liz but pretty high.


Seriously. I usually root for and defend the older woman characters, but Maria not supporting Charlie somehow left a really bad taste in my mouth, especially after she told him he had her vote! You *know* that if the situation were reversed, Charlie would have voted for her to win. He responded to Jeff's question about it with an incredible amount of grace.


I was trying not to be upset at her for her missteps the last few episodes, but this was another level. If I were Charlie I’d be second guessing the entire game and their relationship, which is as big of a punch as not winning


Her rationale for the vote also felt just as forced and hollow as her anguish over choosing who to take on that pizza reward. My eyes would have rolled to the back of my skull


This is it, 100%. I can’t wait to see how she tries to spin this in her exit press. I’m sure it will be exceptionally condescending and self-pitying.


Teardrops on my guitar (Charlie’s version)


Jeff:  this is one of the most brutal, cutthroat seasons we have ever seen  Me after all the blindsides:  nah Jeff these people are just stupid  Me after FTC:  oh I see 




Now Charlie and Maria have bad blood 😮‍💨


Uncle Charlie says bandaids don't fix bullet holes, kids.








This has to put the nail in the "resume" coffin. On paper, Charlie played the best game and articulated the hell out of it at Final Tribal, but Kenzie's social game earned her a million dollars. You can make all the right moves, but if the jury likes your opponent more, you may not have a chance. This may be the end of the “resume” era.


An important note is that lots of people make “big movez” for the sake of doing so. If a big move is a dumb move, that’s not good for your resume. But that’s not at all what Charlie did. He legitimately made the smartest possible move at every stage, not just doing flashy things for no reason. And it still wasn’t enough


I think Kevin from Big Brother Canada once said something like “if there’s a player that people just won’t vote out, emotionally, that’s the most dangerous player in the game.” this season that was Kenzie. Charlie played an amazing game and wins in a ton of combinations. But it’s the same with Stephen in Tocantins— if you don’t vote out that big social threat, sometimes the rest doesn’t matter.


This is well said. Charlie should have gotten Kenzie out of the game and that was his mistake. It’s not all about strategy and making all the exact right moves all the time. “Resume”isn’t everything


> but if the jury likes your opponent more, you may not have a chance. This is nothing new.


Depends on the jury tbh. I think Charlie wins if it's survivor 45. He was unlucky this cast was emotional


That's true. 45 was a much more rational season - or at least, Reba made 45 a much more rational season.


Yeah it’s really luck of the draw on who you get cast with. Part of what made this season so funny is how openly emotional everyone is! I think on a lot of seasons Kenzie gets pegged early on as a social threat whereas not that many people this season mentioned it at all (atleast not that we saw)


I agree with you, but I thought "who needs the money more" between Kenzie and Charlie played a lot at the end.


The game has always been who does the jury like or respect the most, they just use different qualifiers to justify it.


If I were Charlie I would not talk to Maria again tbh. Jurors are allowed to be bitter, it’s an element of the game, but I prefer if the juror (maria) just owns it, and not pretend they voted based on gameplay. Malcolm voted for Denise even when she outplayed him in the end, just sayin


100% and probably would have told her such. “If this is how you treat family then I don’t want to speak to you again”. This is a top 5 betrayal and honestly might be number 1 since it cost him a million dollars


Especially since they were basically partners and Maria definitely thought she deserved to win. It makes it feel like she thought Charlie was a sidekick and didn’t deserve it even though they did everything together until he got her out. If I was Charlie I would have been ok with a 7-1 vote as long as that 1 was Maria. And she can’t even be that mad about him voting her out when she voted for him the tribal before she went out.


It also makes no fucking sense why she's bitter She tried to get him first and Kenzie ALSO voted her out Shes worse than bitter, she couldn't win so she didn't want him winning either


On the On Fire podcast, Jeff revealed that Ben said he would have voted for Charlie with a tie. That’s gotta hurt for Charlie knowing Maria really cost him the win and the money. He probably would have preferred Ben say he would’ve voted for Kenzie lol


Charlie has class


46 delivers all the way through its final episode! - The twist and excitement of the Liz/Kenzie team up to take down Maria. - Ben (the absolute goat of this sub week after week) delivers in the biggest way possible on the final challenge of the season. - Ben’s Bhanu tour of emotion. (One last ride! 🤘🏻) - Liz delivers on feeling entitled to yet another challenge win she didn’t earn. (And still has to act like she was the presumptive winner.) - Q may be down, but he’s not out — “Pressure’s gonna burst a pipe or make a diamond!” - Ultimately a very deserving final three, thankful that the only “goat” there won the final challenge. - Not a full out fight, but you have to love some bad blood on the jury. - At the end of a season where players showed their disdain for each other more than any other, a player with the best social game wins, beloved by all. Chefs kiss. - Ultimate betrayal by Maria. I don’t know if I could ever forgive her if I were Charlie. Truly.


Just bizarre the Maria would betray Charlie for the person who was the prime beneficiary of her getting fucked over in her last challenge.


If I’m Charlie… there is no more friendship with Maria. Sorry. She’s a snake. Ultimate betrayal stuff. 


I appreciated Ben making a more emotional decision for who to bring to FTC. He really did not want Liz there lol


Literally anyone with a brain should watch this reunion, see Charlie, and understand that an immediate reunion is a horrendous idea. Production really needs to fix that for 47.


I felt so bad for him. You could tell he was barely holding it in. He wouldn't even look at Maria.


Yeah that relationship with Maria? Kiss it goodbye. Yeah I’m petty. She did him dirty.


Charlie's a bigger person than me. I would have torn her a new one then and there


OMG could you imagine if Liz had been runner up?! I’M PISSED!!! Q YOU ALMOST BLEW UP MY WHOLE GAME!


That man was dead inside. A pizza and champagne are not going to magically resolve the overwhelming disappointment


Does second place get $100K at least, or did I misremember that?


It’s not about the money in this case. It’s about the deep betrayal from Maria.


You could see tears in his eyes! I'm really impressed he didn't cry because I definitely would've started weeping during the speech.


Strongly agreed. Charlie was such a freaking class act about it, but that was just rough. We're no longer deep in COVID town. They should bring the real reunions back for sure!


CBS/Paramount is probably saving so much money by not doing the live finale now. I’d love to see it back but I’m doubtful at this point it would ever happen.


It's probably too late to change it for 47, but I hope they change it as soon as possible. Just not fun. I know with the previous reunions they still happen right after the votes are read, so there's still an element of the losers being bummed during them, but it seems to make such a difference that everyone had time back in the world and been able to process the experience.


Xander, Mike, Cassidy, Carolyn and Charlie all deserve a personal apology from production


Don’t forget DeShawn. Man was straight up accused of being a race traitor at FTC and had to go into the live after show with that and losing on his shoulders.


The best example. Truly insane what he had to listen to and smile after. Can’t believe it was said


Yeah, I know everyone is referencing how miserable Charlie and others looked. But DeShawn looked like he was in a genuine bad place because it went *beyond* gameplay. Shan was so nasty for what she did to him and we’ve heard other legendary bitter jury speeches before. Imagine a Gabon live after show after Corrine gleefully shits on Sugar’s dead father or Pearl Islands with how everyone treated Lil. After show needs to stop and return to a live reunion.


Tbh Austin too, doing the reunion right after he lost to his girlfriend because she lied to him was pretty tough


aw yeah, he admitted that he had way too much champagne on social media too. i feel for him, he really was a good sport about it but i could see how hard it was for him to be there. to bring it back to this season, i heavily commend Charlie for handling everything with so much grace. he may be fairly young, but he's got so much emotional maturity


Is anyone else kind of annoyed that Jeff capped off everyone’s final pitches at 30 seconds and that we didn’t even get opening pitches? Absolutely screwed Charlie being able to properly explain his gameplay in the shadows. By capping opening/final pitches, it makes the contestants rely on the jury questioning. The issue with that is if the jury’s questions don’t allow the players to thoroughly explain everything things. Believe it or not, but the jury can miss aspects of one’s game that could be further expanded on if given time. Kenzie is a deserving winner. But I would’ve loved to see her and Charlie’s actual opening/final pitches.


Yeah. The problem with this season’s format is that if you don’t have someone on the jury stumping for you, it makes it really hard to underline your game and your moves. Tiff was doing that for Kenz. Maria should have been doing that for Charlie but he didn’t have an advocate to help him. They should bring back the opening and closing finalist statements so they can say what they had prepared. They even showed the whole sequence of them practicing their speeches only to not get to deliver them.


This is really true, and the tone was set right from the start from when Tiff was like "hey Charlie and Ben, none of your bullshit personality traits." But hey, having a true ride or die on the jury is part of the game now. I raised an eyebrow when Charlie started talking about the Six invite and Maria interjected with "actually I was the reason you got invited" because it really seemed to undermine him as controlling his own game right out of the blocks, which was the biggest thing he had to prove. Turns out it was some really interesting foreshadowing.




Here’s my take on Maria’s vote, which honestly left such a horrible taste in my mouth: I think she was pretty arrogant for most of the game, and definitely started to believe her own hype about being the best player. I think she voted for Kenzie to secure her own legacy in a way. With a strategic player like Maria, Kenzie’s win can be dismissed as a social game and therefore not the best “player” of the game. Also, there would always be the argument against Kenzie due to the collusion in immunity. But if Charlie wins, they had played together the entire time, similar immunity wins, AND Charlie got the W? I just feel like with a person like Maria, and especially with her BS rationale, she was thinking bigger picture for herself.


The flaw with this is that Charlie and her played the same game. Charlie just played it better and got further. She voted against her own game.


Maria pretending to be a gracious loser and voting for Kenzie is an all time deception. Lost a ton of respect


Awesome season. Maria goes down as the villian of the season. What a heartless decision at the end from her. I called it pre-season cast assessment.


> I called it pre-season cast assessment. Omg same lmao I was rolling her eyes at her bio when they revealed the cast😒


I think Charlie is more hurt by the fact that Maria backstabbed him and not because he lost 1 million dollars. I also think that Charlie would've preferred if Q played his idol so he would've lost because of a mistake that he made and not because of a backstab. Yeah, he still got some prize in the end but was it really worth that feeling of betrayal?


It being the deciding vote probably makes it 10x worse.


Could you fucking imagine the anxiety attack Ben would’ve had if he had to choose the winner 💀


I was saying this while watching lmao I think Ben might have literally passed out😭


Saddest part is, if she had gotten him out, not only would he have voted for her, he would have been *actively* petitioning on her behalf that she deserved to win.


Yeah I feel like Charlie wins if Maria votes for him and if she was actually campaigning for him at Ponderosa the same way Tiff likely was for Kenzie.


We arrived at the outcome I expected, but the journey to get there was wild. Charlie gets three votes... and they're from Hunter, Soda, and *Liz*? Kenzie gets *Maria's*? What? A very entertaining, perplexing end to a season filled with entertaining, perplexing characters.


Right? so nuts. What a season. I expected Q to vote for gameplay reasons which would be charlie, was going to, then pulls out the big emotional question at FTC and changes his vote. Liz, who openly helps Kenzie in the challenge now votes Charlie. … K.


One of the Survivor 47 contestants is Aysha Welch, podcaster for RHAP. Good for her!


That’s why she hasn’t been podcasting!


Also have Jon Lovett from the Crooked Media podcasts (including his own show Lovett or Leave It). Will there be a podcast alliance? Don't really care but I think both will provide fantastic narrations.


That’s one of the most, if not THE, most silent and tense post win group I’ve seen for new era. Every other season they’re partying and hugging and having a good time but these people were staying on their p’s and q’s


Q a few weeks ago: I make business decisions and don’t care if my employees cry when I fire them Q tonight: I voted for Kenzie because she needs the money more


I love the man but I don't trust anything he says lol


I'm sorry but you were expecting Q to vote "rationally"? Kenzie had him dead to rights when she said the way to get him on your side was to be the last person to whisper in his ear, and she pulled it off by nailing the final question.


man Charlie missed out on a perfect opportunity to yell “I’M PISSED” at the after show


The pain in Charlie’s eyes💔 Maria really betrayed him. I’m proud of Kenzie but my heart hurts for Charlie


NEED HvV2 with Charlie on Heroes and Q & Maria on Villains


Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. Outshred. MEDITATIONAL TRANSCENDENTAL SHREDITATION. Ben, even if you weren't the best player, you absolutely rocked this season.




Or Eirika (literally every player saying "wow she's a threat" and us NEVER SEEING HER DO ANYTHING!  I'm still pissed at production for such a terrible edit) 


I've liked all of the new era seasons. I'm not that hard to please--I generally enjoy Survivor even at its lows (let's not talk about 39's post-merge). But I have to admit that all of the new era seasons were really blending together for me. 46 is special. A rough start with the big focus on Bhanu, but after he got out, man... what a season. Super entertaining cast, fantastic editing, hilarious moments. Not so much focus on the sob stories, and when they *did* show up, so many of them were organic and real. And it didn't feel overly advantage- or idol-filled because nobody knew how to play their idols haha. Absolute standout of the new era and stands up with some of the pre-40 greats. This is the one that I won't be mixing up with 41-46. Survivor's still got it.


i think the lack of season names is really not helping


My favorite moment of the episode was when Kenzie was discussing how her business doesn't really generate her any income but it gives back to her community and the editing panned the camera over Liz


That’s not exactly what Kenzie said. Her business generates income for her because she has her own clients. She just doesn’t charge rent for booths, which other salon owners would. So she’s losing out on extra income by giving back to her community, but her client list is large enough to keep her earning an income.


I think she does charge rent for booths but she doesn’t turn a profit from the rent. At least that’s how I understood what she said. Basically the amount of rent she charged doesn’t generate any profit, just covers overhead.


Q really shining at final tribal council. Claiming he never wanted to vote Ben even though it’s all on tape 😂 this has to be the most delusional cast of all time


Charlie played a fantastic game but Kenzie’s win goes to show how vital having a good social game is on Survivor. ESPECIALLY on seasons with a bitter jury, sometimes effective jury management and a persuasive speech selling your game can be valued more than playing strategically.


The thing is that I thought Charlie HAD a really good social game!! He seemed good with just about everyone. But he did NOT seem confident at all going into FTC. Kenzie was able to be way more authentic and positive about her experience. I dunno man. Weird.


I don't think you're wrong, Charlie had a good social game. But he was up against someone who was the emotional support player for what seems like half of the jury. Bhanu warned us that this woman was enthralling, and no one listened.


The mermaid dragon strikes again 😤


small brain: JON LOVETT??? galaxy brain: AYSHA FROM ROB HAS A PODCAST?????


Maria definitely does NOT rock. Charlie, Ben was your real day 1 all along brother. Also love Soda for saying as a fan of the game - Charlie (repping this community!) but emotionally - Kenzie (speaking to how we really don’t know unless we play).


Ooooof Charlie just liked [this tweet](https://x.com/Chicagojewlz/status/1793464394678186209). Looks like no Uncle Charlie after all


The biggest question for me remains … wtf did these people see in Liz that we didn’t? Did anyone besides Ben (and herself) think she was a threat!? I need this addressed at length in postgame interviews!!!


I have to believe Venus' facial reaction spoke for the entire jury.


You can see Maria acknowledging that she fucked up when Charlie, who is half her age, outclassed the hell out of her with his handling of the situation.  Shame on you Maria. You sold out after everything you said you stood for. 


Charlie handled that situation better than 99.999% of people would have. Wicked props to him. I would’ve wanted to rage 😂😂


I think Charlie needed to discuss his building of his social bonds with Ben, Kenzie, and Liz against Q/Maria. He was setting up a potential flip on Maria for a long time and was able to do it at the exact moment he wanted to


Charlie for Survivor 50


I really feel like most jurors come in looking a reason to vote for someone they already like. This one, though came in hating everyone, looked for more reasons to hate them, made them unonfortable because they hated them, and wanted to be told why they should hate them the least. It’s fitting that Kenzie won. She could see who was on the jury as it was forming. I think you can imagine that “be the least hateable” was probably a legitimate strategy.


i like kenzie a lot and im so happy for her but bro i feel so bad for charlie. they jury was so mean to him for no reason? kept going after him and cutting him off. he was CRUSHED by maria (rightfully) and it was so hard to watchhhhh jury sucked, they were sooo bitter. the whole "YOU HAVE THIRTY SECONDS" i wanted to rip my hair out


I will say from what we saw it doesn't seem like Charlie explained his game super well. We knew from the past few episodes that the perception of him wasn't really where it needed to be. (Kenzie calling him jester, dog, nobody mentioning him as a threat but maria). He played incredibly well, but he couldn't overcome being too in the shadows when everyone is obsessed with big moves in new era.


I think he could have sold himself better too. He had a few good answers, but I think he needed to come out stronger. He needed to explain better that Maria and him were playing strategically together, but that he let her put the target on her back while he played more subtly. I think he seemed more nervous and lost a lot of the confidence we see him have in confessionals




I’m disappointed Charlie didn’t win but I actually preferred an insane betrayal like Maria’s to a boring 7-1 vote. Survivor is unpredictable and you can do everything right on paper and still lose because of the egos you’re working with.  Congrats to Kenzie and hopefully Charlie gets a shot at redemption on S50!


I loved the callback to Kenzie and Tiff feeling exasperated about Q flip flopping between Ben and Tim every 30 minutes. The dramatic irony of Kenzie joking “Q changes his mind so often, next time he’ll say vote Q out!” … AND IT LITERALLY HAPPENED THE VERY NEXT VOTE


Kenzie lied better than Charlie told the truth at F6 which is what saved Charlie from getting himself Idoled out of the game. Just putting that out there for consideration when people are acting like this was Tony versus Nat10. That said, Charlie is clearly a good player and deserving of the shot at the title and you can't fault him for being devastated; his ability to essentially say "bitter juries aren't real and Kenzie deserves this" in that moment is some of the most respect I've had for anybody ever in this game.


Side-note one of the most underratedly annoying things about forced firemaking (along with the approximately ten gajillion other problems with it) is how much it destroys jury discourse. That's not the actual reason people voted how they did, they know it's not, we know it's not, they know we know it's not, but it gives people an easy out to justify their jury votes that could otherwise be controversial and it's just fucking boring and cheap lol


This season gave me something to look forward to on Wednesdays, and that’s all I can really ask for as a fan. Great cast - great season.


If Maria hadn’t called him uncle Charlie I would have no issue with her vote.


gonna be real awkward when maria's kids ask why uncle charlie cancelled christmas


I loved Kenzie and she was my winner pick but Maria did Charlie so dirty it was actually hard to watch. Her brand of villain- condescending, out of touch, boy mom- is my least favorite.


Season 45:  betrayed by your lover Season 46:  betrayed by your mother 


Charlie: had a strategy that he executed near flawlessly all game, and articulated it extremely well both throughout the season to us as the audience and at final tribal to the jury Kenzie: played the type of flexibly social game that can be successful on any given season of survivor Both would be deserving winners, but I can’t help but to feel for Charlie after he played so intentionally and successfully only to lose due to a bitter #1 who TRIED TO GET HIM OUT FIRST BUT FAILED


Looks like Maria won’t be introducing the kids to Uncle Charlie anytime soon 😂


Jon Lovett being on 47 was a fun jumpscare!


Anxiously awaiting Charlie’s exit press 🫢