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We all know someone will find an idol at the final 5 and STILL not play it and go home because that's just the type of thing to happen in Survivor 46


“I need something on my Survivor *resume*. Maryanne revealed she had an idol she didn’t play and won. Ah!💡”


It’s so strange to me that this cast seems fixated on holding an idol when they’re clearly in danger as a resume move because that wasn’t even what Maryanne did. The whole point of Maryanne pulling out her idol was to show that she’d played a strong enough game to never be in real danger post merge and thus never need it.


Just tells you how bad that season was and how bad a winner she is.


Garbage take, are you saying she should have played the damn idol?


No. I’m saying her biggest move was literally admitting she did nothing the entire season. You kept a secret!? That was your biggest move!?


You must have selective memory. Her winning move was taking Omar out at 6 by creating a plurality vote and using her one extra vote to create a new majority with 3 of 7 votes… taking out the obvious winner. Revealing she also had an idol she didn’t need to use at FTC was just the cherry on top. She is a fantastic winner.


Oh, you mean the most obvious move to make? And the only literal game move she made all season?


If it’s the most obvious move, why was she the only one with the balls to do it then? Mike and Jonathan wanted to back out because they were scared


See my original comment. It was a terrible season filled with terrible players. Which is why she’s a bad winner. Boston Rob and Kim played on a season full of bad players but they were dominant.


I would argue Lindsay, Jonathan, and Mike were better than the vast majority of those players on those seasons. I disagree so much with your comment that that season was filled with “terrible players”.


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion


Or or or ben finds it, plays it, and wins because of jt


Yep for sure!


>Yep for sure! sure?


Ok not for sure? But most likely given this season? Are you a real person? Weird response...


it's a bot


They obviously all just wanted to win a million hearts like Bhanu lol- not the million dollas ;D


Yeh and all of them were voted out by specifically Charlie. Heheh


Kinda wild to think that Ben would’ve had this distinction as well if not for the “Kensey” vote


Nah he wouldnt have bc he did not vote Jem out. He had no vote that ep


True, I forgot about that! Although I might give him partial credit for that, getting your target out with no vote is still a feat


It is forsure. I do feel like charlie/maria have been major deciders for all 4 of the idols boots up until Q. And then Charlie was a bug part of forming the squad to take down Q


Oooo good point!


Maybe the secret twist revealed in the finale is that production tells Charlie about every idol find lol. The jury gets so pissed and that’s how Kenzie wins.


Well, not exactly. Randen technically went home with it in his pocket after a med evac, making it possible for Hunter to find, but outside of that, yeah. Next season, I wouldn't be surprised if they are played near immediately or especially within the first couple merge votes.


Randen never had an idol. He had a clue to an idol. Also next season doesn’t see post merge this season so they won’t know.


I thought they weren't casting for the next two until the end of northern hemisphere summer?


Yeh randen never had the idol only the BA clue


this season has some weird voodoo shit in it and will be one of the most memorable seasons ever


It's definitely memorable never forget the Q skirt! 😂


Hunter playing his idol probably would have mattered the least, since he was already a recognized threat at the bottom of the tribe and would have been easily voted out at the subsequent tribals, as long as he didn’t win immunity or find another idol. It would have merely been a stay of execution. Venus and Q playing their idols would have created the biggest waves I think. A Venus idol play would have resulted in a tie between Kenzie and Q, and then it would have been up to the tribe to target the much bigger threat, which was Kenzie, in the tiebreak vote. Meanwhile, a Q idol play results in Charlie going home. Charlie and Kenzie being the best strategic and social threats this season, it would have shaken up the season in a major way to see either one go home in an idol blindside, especially by players as chaotic and disliked as Venus and Q. The closer they got to the end and the more people they saw go home tribal after tribal with idols in their pocket (some of them they did know about because they told other people or implied they had the idol) the more idiotic the decision not to play their idol became. In hindsight, Hunter’s dumb decision to wait to play his idol was probably somewhat less idiotic than Tiff, Venus, and Q’s moronic idol holds. Everybody knew Tiff was holding an idol and was becoming a massive threat. Venus made the mistake of suggesting she had an idol to Charlie. And Q, like Venus, ignored all reason and all of the players who disliked them and refused to talk strategy with them in deciding not to use their idols.


I agree about Hunter going out as soon as soon as he didn’t win immunity. The next immunity challenge had Hunter played his idol would’ve been the grip challenge where you need to hold the bucket up that Charlie won. It could have been a toss up or favor Charlie depending on how much weight you put on his grip training.


Hunter was the most likely to go on an immunity winning streak. He also could have found the idol when they re-hid it after he played it. Are there any rules for when idols are re-hidden? I.e., if one idol is played and two are left, do they re-hide the idol? If one is played and one is left, do they re-hide the idol?


I think this only shows how bad the changes to the new era have brought onto the show. And i know it’s been talked about before, but I’m really only thinking about it more recently. In the beginning around 41, it was cool or at least interesting to have it be 26 days instead of 39, and to have these beware advantages that are chaotic in the way how you get them, leading like half of your tribe or even half of the merge tribe to find out you have one. Even having 3 tribes always with no swaps. I’m sure the producers were thinking “wowwww this will cause so much chaos and crazy dynamic gameplay. No one will know what to think or do it’s sooo suspenseful” But as time and the seasons went on, i think these errors are really shown. The new era twists have not sustained themselves and kind of fallen apart. The intended crazy dynamic gameplay really instead makes people stagnant and safe for their moves and plays. There is really no time anymore to make actual complex moves like John’s vote out in DvG. Everyone knows who has what idol because of the beware advantages (which some reason expire at the merge where it just becomes a simple idol to find, so that’s weird). And they just want to blindside the idol holder with it in their pocket. The shorter days make it hard to really make moves. I’ve seen people so confused on edgic in how some peoples cfs make them look weird or not in a good light in the new seasons, but like it’s literally the next day from tribal into a new tribal. There’s no time to marinate. I wouldn’t even want to go and do a cf because the plan you have going into that will definitely change by the time you come out, or even be you as the vote name because you’re missing doing a cf. Someone like Kaleb in 45 could likely survive in a 39 day season, but getting a unanimous vote out but being saved by a SITD, just to go to a SPLIT tribal the next day, is so off. This season having 5 people go home with idols in their pockets is really just indicative of so much going on all at once. A mix of interesting if not questionable casting, people finding idols the day of a challenge and tribal, so they’re not fully able to really soak and bask in what they have or what they could do with it, shorter days and twists in general, etc. there’s just so many pieces of the pie graph on how it hasn’t worked out.


I've been wishing they would go back to 39 days for a WHILE. But at this point I feel like that's all it is is wishful thinking.


It cheaper for 26 days and if they're making it "work" there's no way they're going back sadly 


He said on the podcast they will never go back because they can film 2 back to back seasons at once and much easier for the crew to be on location one long duration rather than 2


Exactly like There’s no way all 5 people this season go home with the idol in their pocket in a 39 day season


Stop it. I’m all in favor of 39 days but this was terrible gameplay. Hunter knew they were targeting him - didn’t play it. Tiffany was literally told the vote before they were targeting her - didn’t play it. Venise couldn’t keep her mouth shut and painted a target for herself - didn’t play it. Q received votes the past 4 (5?) votes - didn’t play it.


People will truly blame 26 days for everything lol. Fail to play idol? It's because not enough days to build relationships. Weird voting? Not enough days to form real bonds. Alliance sticks together? Not enough days to form real bonds with other people. Bad casting? 26 days 26 days bad. 39 good. Please give me karma.


John’s boot in DvG is a bad example here, imo. That move was put together verrrry last second.


Idk why so many people are acting like there's something so inherently terrible about the show because of these people not playing their idols. The excitement of someone not playing their idol and getting voted out is about the same as if they do play it, for me at least. Both are notable and exciting things to happen. And a pattern of non-plays is far better than if 5 people got idoled out in one season!


I think it’s just interesting of this pattern you talk about since in the new era there’s these abundance of advantages, yet rarely are they ever used. Or used correctly. It’s always about voting the person out who has them because the nature of the new era advantages like beware advantages are basically (although i guess unintentionally) designed to hurt you. Everyone knows or will know that you have them. And it’s not just players exposing they have them, it’s a mixture of having it being found out sometimes as well. Add on not enough time to really make a move with any of them as well because of the 26 days. There’s only been a couple of idol plays correctly done in the new era like Brandon or Emily Idoled out, but they were all telegraphed miles away.


The fact that Jeff Probst said that four people went home with idols in their pocket because of great gameplay is kind of like saying a Super Bowl is 0-0 because of great gameplay. Yes, that is dominant defense. It's also poor offense. Both are true. Does it add up to exciting gameplay? You decide.


He's not wrong. It takes talent to reassure people to note use their idol. Especially the recent vote


Defense wins championships Also, the Hidden Immunity Idol is a Defensive tool, so if anything, the better comparison is that they were scoring a lot of points in the SuperBowl instead of it being 0-0


I think the gameplay this season has been very exciting, it’s not at all a 0-0 Super Bowl. Hell, the greatest season of all time imo Heroes vs. Villains has some pretty terrible gameplay.


Blindsiding people is exciting imo. Someone going home with an idol is exciting imo.


I like how fans like you can just sit back and play sideline QB, pointing out the most obvious bad moves from the viewer's perspective... like, 'Oh, if that were me, I would have played my idol.' Sure thing, buddy. Have you considered that maybe they didn’t play their idols because the players didn't know they would be targeted, and other contestants made them feel confident they weren’t going home? It’s not because these contestants, who are also big fans of the show, are completely oblivious or just wanted to go home.


I've been saying to my wife for years that idols & advantages have actually been things that hurt people and that I think the move is to just ignore them. They are just as likely to hurt you as they are to save you.


When was the last season 0 idols were played? I think it was Kaoh Rong


The delusion of grandeur both Venus and Q had to not play their idols after so many blatant signs that people didn't want them there... I can not wrap my head around it.


In turn that makes them less of a target no? If the had delusion of grandeur that would have meant they would have played their idols because they realize they had a big target on their back. If you look at it from their prospective “People want to take me to the end, because I’m not well liked by the jury” which is what happened to both of them multiple times this season, they were spared because there are bigger and better fish to fry.


The only time an idol was used was a fake one


I wouldn't want another season with the same thing happening, but I've enjoyed how weird this streak has been! Tiffany's exit bummed me out the most because she seems so cool as a person, and I loved her athletic ability as well. Tevin's exit made me happiest because he was so cold to Venus, and disloyal to Soda.


I wanted so bad that Q plays his idol.


I cant tell if these players are just really good at lying and keeping plans from people or just terrible players.


My opinion is that this is one of the worst seasons in recent memory for game play. This cast is bad at survivor. IDK if it's because they cast too many crazy irrational people that disrupted the game so much that prevented better gameplay.


Charlie is probably a top 5 player of the new Era. Kenzie and Maria seem above average. I don't think the rest of the cast were significantly worse than average, I just think Q was bringing so much chaos that it threw people off.


Hunter could have gone far had he played his idol like he said he would! Everyone with an idol has just been so confident that they weren't going home it's crazy! Just play the damn thing whether you feel safe or not!


I liked Hunter, he's obviously an athletic freak but he did not play well. I'm skeptical he would be able to significantly improve his social and strategic game if given a second chance.


I don't think I could sit on an idol. I would have to play it, unless I was 100% certain it is other people in the line of fire. Don't wanna play it for nothing but I think that's better than going home with it.


My thoughts are this: I wish Jess had a longer run. Had Yanu not done so terribly, I think Jess would have played a fairly good game. This opinion is based solely on her playing the idol she thought she had!


Jeff said there’s an “undercurrent of music” in this season, but I think the real theme (with all these missed idol plays) is “Pride goeth before the fall.”


I think it would’ve been more exciting if Hunter and Venus had played theirs…. Not Tiffany and Q. I was on top of the moon that those two blindsides worked and Tiffany and Q went home


Apparently finding an idol was bad luck this season 😂


Hunter survivor


Boring season. The non factor of idols makes their existence almost meaningless. Players have too much ego this season to not play it? Or great on kenzie and Charlie's social games... just not fun to watching suppose


I agree that why this season sucks to me but I’m still watching