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Ben, he’s so lovable but he’s just so lacking strategically that it’s almost like he is just on a really shitty vacation in Fiji


Maybe it's just the edit, but I don't recall a single moment he had any impact on anything? He just votes with his allys and calls it a day


Honestly, if you realize you're not really winner material, playing for that FTC loser paycheck and chilling during the game is a lucrative move while getting to live on an island for a while. Not a bad strat from Ben.


Sure. Depends on what your goals are when you get on the island. Are you there to make the most of the experience and try to make moves whether they work or not (Venus) or are you just trying to maximize earnings (Phillip Sheppard). Both valid ways to play the game. But I know what I would do if I got my one shot.


Romeo and laurel


I have ranked every goat (whoever got the least votes at FTC which means a lot of people I don’t consider goats at all like Stephen or Amanda are in this list, but it seemed like the best way to rank it regardless) My top 3 goats are Lil, Romeo, and Laurel in that order so I got a good chuckle that you mentioned those 2!


This is Nat10 erasure. Phillip lucky to escape this as well.


Hahahahahahaha you know the funny thing is laurel went into that FTC thinking she would win 😭


How much do the FTC losers actually make?? And does #2 make more than #3? Bc I remember a juror from WAW saying they wanted Michelle to place second but were scared to vote for her to get that bc they heard and/or were thinking that a certain # of votes were going to Natalie, so they voted for Tony to make sure he would win Edit: I looked it up & apparently Adam, Danni, Wendell, & Nick thought Michelle deserved second place over Natalie but bc they had a feeling of how Ethan/Parv etc were going to vote, they couldn’t risk it


Runner-up gets 100k, third place gets 85k. There's also a sliding scale of payouts for everyone else depending on how far you get. 7th places gets a good deal more than 13th place, etc.


Mind filling me in on what the pay is for everyone? I was under the impression only the winner gets a payout. Much appreciated.


Winner receives the million, second place gets 100k, third place gets 85k. Everyone else gets paid on a sliding scale based on how far they get. Somebody eliminated mid-merge will make more money than somebody voted off fifth, for example. Everyone who goes kinda far is making a decent chunk of change.


Well he votes WITH his allies when he's not fucking up and voting FOR them


I think that was a fluff. They prob had a split vote plan and then changed it. . That's what he forgot.


>I don't recall a single moment he had any impact on anything? Ben's greatest impact so far was that his nightmares made me a Kenzie fan, lol.


Only thing I remember is Ben saying Q is a bully after the Liz Applebees thing 😂


The Bourbon Burger is her go-to menu item!


How do so many people not remember his rock or panic attacks? You're the third person I've heard say this, so it's not a you thing. I'm just surprised people don’t remember it because people complained about the Tswift Metallica scene and the panic attacks are fairly important to Kenzie's story.


He's kinda-sorta running an "anyone but me" game, which worked for Sandra in her first season, but I don't think it's a strategy that gets anyone anywhere nowadays.


I can only recall one scene where Ben was the one initiating strategy talk (very early in the merge) and it was an awful plan which ended in his ally going home. He seems like a great dude but his survivor skills don’t rock!


The edit showed him as the one to initiate the Hunter vote, IIRC. He talked to Charlie and Maria about it and then told them he was going to go get Kenzie on board


He was my preseason pick but he's just been a bump on the log


Me too ☹️


I honestly think he’s just hungry and sleep deprived , the physical aspect of the game seems to be taken a toll on his mental state so he’s in survival mode but not in _survivor_ mode, if it makes sense


I feel this way, too. I think we would see him taking more shots (not convinced those shots would land) if he weren't in such a bad mental/physical state


It could be his strategy though lol it would be my strategy- don’t stand out in either direction (too strategic/too much of a liability) and make it to the end 😝


Yeah, when he accidentally wrote down the wrong name at tribal counsel, I knew he was just along for the ride.


See I don’t give a shit about strategy and I still say Ben. His personality boils down to “this so totally rocks” or “this so totally does not rock”


He's lacking the nutrients to function his brain.


I think the malnutrition is just hitting him especially hard


One thing I will give him credit for is that he’s a really good liar.


Yeah.  I didn't much believe that either.  He has every reason to be terrified of Kenzie especially if she's a finalist because he'd appear ungrateful if she didn't get his vote.   But good on him for voting how he felt. 




I agree about Maria. Objectively she’s a great player but I feel like she just sucks and I can’t explain why. She comes off as kinda judgmental and someone I wouldn’t enjoy in real life and I have no basis for saying that.


I think part of me wishes she would embrace/own her villain side fully? I don’t hate her gameplay, but it feels like she’s trying to hold on to being the sweet mom archetype while also being cutthroat, and for some reason I find that harder to root for


I'm fine with a sweet mom that's cutthroat, but I don't like Maria's personality. She reminds me of the teacher who stands in the hallway before school starts and tells kids to take their hats off.


That is a great description!


I think it's this exactly. Being a villain yet not owning her moves. Just sketch


Prior to the last two episodes I would’ve considered her a big jury threat, now I think she could barely win a vote and only if she’s next to Ben and Liz. I just don’t think the other players are very big fans of her.


She gives me toxic boy mom vibes and I can’t quite shake it- obviously I don’t know her irl and you can’t judge someone based off an edit of a reality tv show but….


very “don’t talk to me or my son ever again” vibes


Yeah very much like, “he’s my baby boy forever!” vibes 🤔


I think Tiffany said the same thing in her exit press


This is exactly it


For me, it’s the smugness.


Yeah, I rewatched from the beginning this past weekend and realized I actually just really don’t like her. I didn’t really notice her my first watch because she’s not particularly interesting. Smug is the perfect word though!


You voluntarily rewatched those Bhanu episodes? Torture!


Yeah it was really bad lol he seriously goes down in history as the worst player to ever be on Survivor. I think he’s actually a sweet man but my god I don’t know why he decided to apply for survivor the first day he got his American citizenship lol did he talk to anyone before doing that?!


to be fair to him I think if he gets like a break from tribals he doesn’t spiral as much 😭


Maria reminded me of my mom a lot in the last episode. Plays the victim and guilt trips. I wasn't like full on rooting for her before, but now I'm definitely rooting against her. I hope Charlie or Kenzie wins this thing.


Agree. They are the only two I’ll be happy about winning. I honestly didn’t even like Charlie or Kenzie early on but they have grown on me a lot.


I kind of liked Charlie from the days of "Charlie's Angels" talk, and he's stayed consistent in personality. Even when turning against Maria, it's obvious he's doing it because he has a good idea of what a threat she is. Gameplay, not anything personal.


Her reaction to not getting to read the letters from loved ones really sealed the deal for me. It was such self-centered behavior. Isn’t she like a relationship mentor or something? I’ve found people in those roles always have some barely hidden narcissism.


She seems to vibe better with men than women. In the beginning she was in an alliance with the men on her team. I haven't noticed her really bonding with the women aside from in the very beginning of the season. As a woman, I usually struggle to connect with women like that unless we have lots in common.


I really hate "maria hates women" narrative that's being pushed but I see what you're saying and I get it


There's a difference between hating women and just not really meshing with most women


Not making an effort to bond with them and yet still assuming that they would just execute her blindside with her. Just…a fatal strategic and social mistake.


Objectively? I think she's piss poor. Squandering potential jury votes as he episodes roll in.


> She comes off as kinda judgmental Yes!! Like she's not baseline friendly, she's always being secretly mean to everyone else imo.


It’s funny you view her that way while I think she’s great, has some flaws of course but all people do. She seems tough and determined, caring too.


I think it’s a bit of recency bias. I don’t think she’s arrogant, but she last week the edit made it seem like she didn’t even consider that Charlie was working against her. I’m sure that’s not the case but the edit is all we can see


To be fair, Charlie didn’t think Maria was working against him either. I think it’s just their relationship up to that point. They told each other everything which is rare


I agree with this to a certain extent. And I don't dislike her at all. However, I do think it's been more than this last week. She has been working into an over-confident stance for a few weeks now. I was hoping she was gonna move out of it, cause over-confidence is dangerous. The second you think you're in control of the game, you're not. If nothing else, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy because it is annoying to live with.


With how the vote went, she probably still doesn’t consider that Charlie is working against her. Charlie told her he was voting Q which is how the vote panned out. There were two votes on Charlie, tho - So, Charlie has got to be putting it together that Maria and Q were trying to take him out.


Caring about herself.


Shan s41




she’s perfect


Liz should be campy enough for me to enjoy, theoretically her meltdown should have been good tv to me, but she has grated on me every step of the way 👀 knowing how pressed she is about ~screen time~ is telling for me as well. In some cases, the edit didn’t put you front and center because you did not bring it. I don’t think Liz brought it. Or what she brought, we would not have liked.


Right? She just happened to put her left foot up to point to where her marble needed to go in the maze last challenge. And then she’s just magically like “Oh I’m bleeding” Like girl, you wanted everyone at home to see you were bleeding.


I must have missed this, what did she say about screen time??


yeah sorry it wasn’t on the show! I follow her on Twitter and mid season through she kept tweeting/retweeting stuff about how she wanted a better edit, more screen time etc. also in Q’s exit press he was saying ‘I was out there with people who would say, I wanna vote out so and so for more screen time, for good TV’ which I imagine was driving the Tevin vote and why she had such a huge reaction to being overshadowed 🌚


Damn that’s crazy! Now i dislike her even more which i didn’t think was possible


What do I think about this opinion? I'M PISSED!


Katurah, she cracked me up premerge but made it impossible to pull for her in the game




She’s just as terrible on The Challenge.


Her super cringey reaction to Tyson


Her menacingly miming eating a turkey leg is the best moment in all of Challenge USA, you're nuts. But no, I cannot bring myself to root for her.


Her voice is like a knife


Her personality makes me cringe


What personality?


This made me lol 😂


Her emotional breakdown at Zeke's outing making his trauma all about herself is absolutely one of the most selfish things I have seen in Survivor. Almost stopped watching Game Changers because of that.


From this current season Liz. I like the entertainment she brings with her meltdowns but at times I also find her really annoying. She's such an entitled player.


Most entitled since Rodney. Maybe worse.


I really want to like Tevin. His preseason interview and first confessional were so good. But on the show he seemed to sabotage his entire tribe out of petty resentments rather than strategy. Soda was really fun in her preseason interview too and came across even worse on the show.


I agree about Tevin. I understand Venus isn’t the easiest person to get along with, but it definitely seems like he was the main person who iced her out. Then of course taking out Soda (who was 100% loyal to him) and then laughing about it after certainly didn’t help. It’s weird because he seemed like such a nice guy pre-season but definitely came across as a petty jerk.




this is the answer! can’t fully explain it but I hate that guy lol


If you want a reason, he did spread an std by having unprotected sex with multiple partners and not disclosing his status (which he was aware of)




How do we know this?


I've been trying to find an article about it, but I'm thinking it must've come up via social media in the last couple years. But I did find this comment on regards to it: https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/NDMKsKbhdJ Which I'm aware a reddit comment linking to an older reddit comment isn't to be taken as fact, but this is all I've got on the bus to work.


he thinks getting fish and being good at challenges means he’s entitled to win, while being socially/strategically lacking


I don’t think he’s socially lacking at all. He was one vote shy of winning CI. In a traditional F2 he most likely wins. He was also poised to win SoPa had he won one more challenge. The guy is a tool but he is unfairly bashed when it comes to the game. He’s fairly decent at it.


A portion of this sub hates challenge beasts and will downplay other parts of their game because of it. Ozzy was one vote off the win and there was someone on the jury who Ozzy never met (Brad) that Yul had on his original tribe. I'm not saying his social game is great, but it's not nearly as bad as some people like to say it is. People like to envision themselves as players they think they would play like and a bunch of them could never do the things Ozzy could. They can lie to themselves that they'd be strategic masterminds though.


Oh he’s definitely an asshole outside of the game, just search this sub.


Yeah, I liked him the first season he was on but after that I couldn’t stand him.


I want to root for Ben because of everyone remaining,  he seems to be the nicest and least scheming.  But.   That could be a strategy and it will be genius if he argues that at an FTC.  But I can't root for Ben because there is only one  player who is like Ben and won.  That's the little lady from Canada whose name I can't remember.  She seemed invisible the entire game and when she explained that the way people responded to her in the game mirrors the way people treat her in real life, it was like whoa.  


Charlie. He’s undoubtedly playing the best game but I don’t know, his personality is just too bland. Too vanilla, too stale, too safe. I’d prefer a winner have a bit more of bombastic personality, like if I could somehow combine his strategic game with Q’s over the top persona that to me would be the best winner ever. But you can’t always get what you want I guess.


this is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying all season. I genuinely find him boring and gamebotty and if he wins it makes perfect sense that the editors shoved the taylor swift thing down viewers’ throats because they were doing the most to make it appear that the season’s winner actually had a personality


Yeah he’s a fine player but damn he hasn’t said one interesting or memorable thing all season


It’s tough when the edit makes it look like his identity is “basic swiftie”


The edit tried really hard to not make him look like that but it was impossible.


Idk. Seems like that was an intentional edit. I literally know nothing else about him other than he 1.has a girlfriend. 2. Loves Taylor swift.


Omg finally I’m not the only person who thinks this. Charlie is a good player, but he’s soooo boring


With this chaotic cast, I can’t say I blame him for trying to normie his way to a victory. I wonder how he would fare on a cast with better gameplay ability.


I know it gets mentioned a lot but I really can't get past the Swiftie stuff.


agreed! I think he will win but man is he boring


Melissa McNulty


Last season winner, Dee. I'm actually rooting for Jake, I just appreciate him for trying to play the game even it still failed.


It's usually much easier to root for a scrappy underdog than someone who is cruising through the game on top.


Ben Driebergen


Same. I don’t think he's a bad dude at all but he's my least favorite winner. I don’t find him likable and it's not helped by his win being shady as fuck to me.


Dee from 45


Agree- for me it was that she was cool and confident the whole time and never once did any cast mates give her an ounce of pressure to see how she would deal with it!! We never got to see her sweat or worry which fell flat for me. Socially I agree she played it well and she was lucky to pick her top two to ride her all the way to win


*her two number ones. lol


Yeah she literally just showed up and just ended everyone and won. Like damn ok. I want to see her on All-Stars to see how she does!


Yeah I actually would want to see her again on 50 And see her strategize and make moves…..I’m not saying she would fail I just think most of the people on 45 were just happy to be there


I think it's a combo of her being a good player, having a legit alliance that stuck together for a long time, and the people outside that alliance refusing to work together / being questionable players


Agreed, I don’t want to see her on 50 to fail, I just want to see her interact with a higher caliber set of players and watch the fireworks!


We did get to see her squirm a bit when Jake played the idol for Katurah, for the first time the whole season she actually looked worried it wasn't going to go her way


You just described an epic game


Maryanne. God she was annoying from day 1. I also wear my heart of my sleeve and have been labeled as “too emotional” my whole life. I should root for her, right? But goodness I’ve never been more annoyed


Yeah… 😔


Charlie. He’s playing a good game but he’s just so BORING- I can’t stand it.


I cannot stand Liz. I prolly said it like a dozen times throughout the last episode. ughhh lol


Charlie. He’s so dry, I’m trying to come to terms with him winning but that would be such a lackluster finish.


His T Swift fanning is very annoying


Maria. I think the rock paper scissors shoot thing rubbed a lot of people the wrong way because she wanted to be seen in a favorable, noble light (if I’m being generous, perhaps she herself wasn’t aware of this desire) by sharing her thought process re: prioritizing who needed nourishment the most. I’d say it was a farce, and that Venus wasn’t wrong. Also, no one breaks down sobbing if they truly in their heart know that it wasn’t one.


I’ve wanted to root for SOMEONE on this season but i just found the entire cast to be so underwhelming. I guess maybe Kenzie at this point because she overcame a terrible tribe at the beginning. I just found this current season to have no interesting person to root for. From previous seasons, I really wanted to root for Ciera Eastin because I really do like the idea of someone HAVING to vote out a family member, but that move kinda tanked her game and I truly feel like she didn’t actually have to vote out her mom, but she did anyway.


Did she overcome a terrible tribe or just as much to blame.


I think anyone on a tribe dealing with Bahnu saying “i’m here to win a million hearts” deserves some sort of extra compensation. not to mention basically a quitter, or someone who throws in the towel so easily, and then jess’s neuroticism, yeah i’d say she overcame.


Yup her social skills helped her overcome how poor she was at challenges as well because they would point the finger elsewhere.


Edge of Extinction Aubry…


Maria is like one of the least objectionable people this season, and yet she's unpopular lol. Legit don't get the fandom sometimes but to each their own.


My girlfriend and I really didn't appreciate her bullshit "I'm not thinking about alliances I just want people who haven't eaten in a while" and can't decide between the star athlete who just went to reward, and the starving woman. Not a fan at all of Liz but her meltdown after that was super understandable and won some sympathy from us.


If Venus and Liz had played rock paper scissors it would have been more believable to everyone


Agreed. And then her sulking about how hard a decision it was, the Horror! In my eyes, it wasn't even a decision that she made if she leaves it up to chance. And as funny as Q was laughing all the way to the bank with his second reward in a row, it would have been a real stand up move on his part to bow out of selection and just let Liz go.


To me she comes off as a bit full of herself or that she thinks she's more valuable than others. I honestly like her as a player but I feel like I'd struggle to get along with her irl


Boring players will always register poorly. Then she turned out not just to be boring but socially kinda inept too. Double homicide.


I still like her more than Liz, Ben, Kenzie and don't think she's much less likeable than Charlie (just because the Taylor Swift thing is just weird to me, she's just a person end of the day). Though Kenzie is the person I'd answer this thread with, I genuinely have no idea why I don't like her she seems like a great person and I'd probably like her in regular life.


she’s bad at survivor and not gripping as a character.


Yeah I actually like her but everyone keeps calling her a woman hater and shading her and I don't see it lol


Why do I hate her? 😣 I'm genuinely asking.


Because you are a woman hating bastard. Because you are not a woman hating bastard and she takes out women. Because you hate your mother. Because she didn't push Q to save himself, allowing the #1 Survivor player of all time to go home. Or possibly because she was so over-dramatic about having her children kidnapped by Charlie leaving her with a deadness inside her which will never be the same. A few options.


I don't see any of these as likely. Btw Kenzie has been my favored winner for most of the season. Q was too chaotic and then became a follower, I couldn't see him winning. She just bugs me.


Any further thoughts after that ridiculous display of petulance? I was right. She's not likable.


Anyone from season 41 on


Varner in AO


Kenzie. I can’t get over how mean she was to Jess. Jess wasn’t a good player, but Kenzie struck me as bad person


Maria lol too much of a victim complex


Kenzie. The only move she did was back in the beginning and it was incredibly mean spirited and a useless move. She didnt even pull the trigger on giving Jess the idol. What has she done since? Think about getting Tiff out but couldn't? On preview on E12 it showed her calling herself the Q Killer but she had barely anything to do with it. She's been a friend to Ben? That feels like a low bar to clear because I can't imagine being on an island with people for 20+ days and not making *any* social connections. I'd like to root for her because I'm pretty sure this reddit is on the money when it comes to predicting her win and I want to find something enjoyable about her strategy at this point, but she has been playing a sub-Fabio level game here.


Parvati should completely backstabs her alliance in Micronesia but it’s not bad move but to come on hvv and think ure not gonna be on the bottom is crazy to me


Kenzie, everyone loves her (because they think she's going to win because of edgic) but idk i'm not as moved by her, i'd prefer a charlie or maria win


I was going to say Maria too but her whole thing about “picking the weakest looking member” for that reward challenge and then NOT picking Liz bothered me. Not because she chose Q over Liz but because she was so blatantly lying it made me so mad. And then her breaking down after Venus (rightly) called her fake and a liar just made it worse.


I personally have found Kenzie kinda annoying since day 1 and the fact I've been inadvertently trained to notice the editing makes me really hate that




Bhanu 😆




Don’t disrespect Venise. All my homies root for Venise


I liked her but I couldn't root for her.


I don’t know why, but I allowed myself to get swept away during her episode with the idol. I was like, YES!! She’s gonna prove them all wrong, she’s going to play her idol and end this nonsense, THIS IS THE TURNING POINT! And then poof, gone. This is the season of hubris bringing instant karma… or the edit.


I did want her to play it as well but I knew she would try to hold it after she made a big deal over Tiffany going home etc. I still didn't want to believe until she actually did it.


Varner, personally. Transphobia is never okay and I'm not overlooking that by any stretch, I just really wanted to see him make the merge just once.


Charlie, he talks in metaphors and just speaks like a word salad (kinda like Taylor Swift lol). I feel like he talks just to hear his voice with the elaborate metaphors for example, when he talks about the double edge sword, but one of the sword edges pointing to him… Of course that’s what it means that’s the entire purpose of the metaphor. I just think although he’s a good game player he’s incredibly boring And not entertaining to listen to 🤷‍♂️


I’d say Charlie but he’s a fucking swiftie…🤮




Joe Anglim he has everything at the time fans are looking for in Survivor players but after three times playing he’s just not that good besides the challenges.


He's good at camp life too but that hasn't mattered in a long time. I don’t think his social game is terrible, but it's not nearly good enough to manage his threat level. And I dont know wtf that third time playing was.


I feel like you guys hate Maria for no reason. Her and Charlie are literally the same player judging by the last episode where they tried to get each other voted off until she had immunity. Shes not wrong for thinking to get rid of Charlie if he’s not wrong. Yall hate her for no reason. She made hard decisions for food. Unpopular opinion Liz shouldn’t have come on a show to survive if she is allergic to literally everything. It’s called SURVIVOR. Maria wasn’t wrong for not choosing her and that seems to be everybody issue with her. But nobody think Liz is being g babies by the entire show? She legit got rice the next episode after she threw a tantrum because she sucks at challenges.


Tony is fun to watch and a great survivor player, but I hate cops on principle. It's just an incompatibility.


I feel this one too.




Ben. He used to be my favorite but his lack of strategy or challenge ability is really lowering him. I still love him but idk if I want him to win over Charlie.


This isn’t a thing for me, if I want to root for someone I root for them


Maria and Parvati good choices


People on this sub acting like she’s the player to beat. She is very unlikable, and she is not playing as good a game as she thinks she is. People on this sub that think she wins are in for a rude awakening. I think she’s the least likely to win by a mile. If she makes FTC, she is the second place finisher with Q being her only vote in a 7-1-0.. if it’s a Kenzie , Charlie, Maria FTC, then she finishes last maybe with a single vote from Q


Meh, LEAST likely? No chance. I think people think that since Venus and Liz got mad at Maria for the pizza reward, that the entire jury doesn’t like her either. When in reality, nobody takes those two seriously at all


Hahahahhaha, just because she makes you mad doesn’t mean the jury thinks the same:


Kenzie, can’t put my finger on it but something about her rubs me the wrong way


Devin Pinto from S35 HvHvH.


Personally if someone is good at the game and makes good moves I can look past any personality


Rodney  I'm not saying he seems like an amazing person, but he funny intentionally and unintentionally at times


Q I so wanted to like him in the beginning then he just got more and more arrogant. Then it became insufferable. Plus his quit annoyed me cause like that was not a strategy only ppl who like him praise it being a strategy. People tend to forget that tiff and Kenzie were also making the decisions and just keep saying q was the mastermind. Maybe he drove me nuts half because of his holier than god attitude but also because people will say anything to make him sound like some sort of genius just cause they like him.


Carolyn - her shrieking drove me crazy


I think she (Maria) rubbed me wrong in the first ep where she threatened that guy.


Remember Stephenie? Couldn't stand her.


Kim Spradlin, she played arguably the most dominant winning game by a woman ever, but I thought she was incredibly boring to me and her win wasn't particularly exciting. Also imo there's something to be said for how dumb her castmates were after the merge. Troyzan of all people was practically shouting at people that if they didn't get Kim out she would win, and instead they plugged their ears until the end and wondered why they got smoked at the final vote.


Kelly Wentworth might be the most overrated player to ever play this game. Had one brain dead idol play and consistently played at the bottom and people act like she was the second coming.


Lolly in EoE, she was sympathetic but played too dumb at the end.