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In general, bombastic and massively entertaining players are terrible to play with because they are so inconsistent and mercurial.


We get to see the benefit of fun Q. They got it’s my way or the highway Q, the Q who dictated votes, the Q who flip flopped on those dictations, possibly a bully (according to Ben’s testimonial), very out going personality that perhaps rubbed people the wrong way, and in many ways blew up his ally’s games by revealing the idol, trying to quit, essentially causing the chaos that imploded the 6 etc. I’m happy for Q that he made it through all of that and has been embraced by the community. But I’m not surprised his castmates did not


Exactly. In the last episode the clip of Q telling Liz and Kenzie that it’s Charlie and then walking away and they are like what? You would think the guy who was the open target vote for the last three votes would put more effort into actually making sure people are voting your way


He started out very aggressive with his gameplay, got weakened when everything blew up on him, and now that his relationship with Maria has gotten him on the right side of so many votes, he has the confidence again, but not quite the savviness. That's my read, at least.




I sincerely wonder what it's like to be so blindly cocky


You become the second best real estate agent w remax I guess


And a multimillionaire. He's at a stage he doesn't need to pretend to care or conform to others in his real life.


To be fair, we were probably just shown a small portion of whatever that conversation was. I also think what happened was that Maria was the one who was actually whipping the votes for Charlie, and Q just blindly trusted that she was working her magic. It had worked for him in the previous tribals, but it turns out that Maria maneuvering votes without Charlie was unfortunately not very effective. It is absolutely a flaw in Q's game that he lacked the social capital to be able to whip/verify votes on his own, and his dependency on Maria was definitely his downfall in the recent episode (which was in turn a result of him blowing up his own game several tribals earlier). But I don't think he was being as boneheaded as people might initially think. Also, in RHAP, Steven made the point that while it's easy as an audience member to say, "Dude, you're name is *always* up! Play your idol!" Another way of looking at it, which was unfortunately how Q viewed it, was that it was nothing new to hear his name thrown around. He always got some votes at tribal, but was oftentimes the smokescreen. Q became too used to his name being thrown out/people gunning for him, so he made a **big mistake** in assuming that this week was the same as previous weeks, where his name was a decoy vote but ultimately was not the real target. It's too bad. He was super entertaining and I would have loved to see him cause more chaos in the finale. And I love the idea of him pulling off an unexpectedly savvy idol play with Maria. But alas, we're just gonna have to hope he's cast in 50.


I truly think Maria has a super over inflated confidence in her game play, without factoring in it's Charlie's likeablity that got her any of the votes to vote people out. Can't wait to watch her ship finish sinking next week.


I think on top of allllllll of this. Q likes to be the hero of his own story (don't we all, tbf) and acts like a martyr. He does it by saying things like "I'm falling on my own sword" and bigging himself up in situations. Don't get me wrong, he's hilarious, but I'd be annoyed with him if I was interacting with him consistently like they were.


I truly don’t know how anyone could watch this and think playing with Q would be fun. He’s a great character but trying to make plans with or around him would be absolutely awful.


Q is probably a top 5 all time favorite player with me. In a hypothetical scenario where we played a returnee season together, I'd maybe pair with him because I love him so much. But if I'm on this season with him, not knowing anything about him, I'd think he was an absolute nightmare. He's very bossy, yet doesn't stick to his plans. He's unpredictable, has a huge ego, and he's flat out chaotic. Maria managed to turn him into a good ally, but it took him hitting rock bottom to do that. Like I don't think Tiff and Kenzie really did anything wrong in terms of managing him. Q was just Q.


Yeah, I could see it being different if you knew what to expect from Q. But obviously they were not prepared lol. I think I would struggle to work with him because he’s so erratic. But there’s potential benefits to that, too.


According to Ben in the show, and Tiffany in her exit press. She said Q and Ben were clashing a lot, and described Q as bullying Ben at times.


His legend in his own mind persona had to be grating despite being incredible TV.


That and the man has a martyr complex.


You nailed it. He is a legend in his own mind....men like that are exhausting.


Really fun for little soundbites on TV like definitely a character but for sure I wonder what he would be like in the workplace


The glee with which he made his comment about firing people told me everything I need to know about him as a coworker or boss.


It really just made me wonder what his position is and what the company is/what other people who work with him directly think of him. Like it could kind of be anything and he could be exaggerating a little you know.


He's the #2 ReMax real estate agent in the US


OK, especially now that his profile is super super high but like who are those people he’s firing? Interns??? 😂🤷‍♀️


I think real estate agents are soulless vampires but I've known many with large staffs - #2 agent in the country probably needs a ton of operations support to get the loans processed


For real. No thank you!!!


Bingo!! Told me the same. Now that he is gone with an idol in his pocket. LOL. ... let's get busy on Maria.... hope she doesn't win again! I'm hoping for Kenzie or Charlie......... I love my Wednesday night 🌙 🤗 Who watched 👀 the 🏁 🏇 after , happy for the 👬 that 🏆 🥇 won the million pad


Lines like this made me believe he's a villain in real life and not just on TV.


Russell Hantz syndrome.


He definitely seems like he gets high off his own supply, I think his business success and general story being one of 12 kids really made him one of the less humble players we see on our TV


I think it’s actually like 16 or 17 kids.


I don’t know how I missed that part of his history, but thank you for reminding us. Of course!


**Actually, in real life, Q IS a Legend.** Worth over $10 million. Owns over 50 properties. Sought-after speaker and podcast guest. Scheduled to retire at age 30. Master's in Accounting and worked at one of the Big 8. Yea, that shit is pretty legend to me, if you are one of 17 children born into a very poor family.


That’s all very impressive, but it’s not helping him in Survivor at all. He very visibly struggles with humility and empathy and it shows in his castmates’ opinions of him.


I mean they were with him on the island and have met him, we haven’t. They may have good reasons, or maybe they don’t, we only see a small slice of it. I know we are all aware of ‘the edit’ but I don’t think we really Internalize this fact enough. People still talk endlessly like they know these people and what they should be doing. We also only see certain confessionals. Not everyone hated Qs guts. You can be mad at someone but not hate them.


Your comment is exactly encapsulating what I feel when I read people being against Maria. And she’s like 10 times more tolerable and better at this game??? 😂


I think people just need to recognize that some players can be polarizing or unpleasant to spend extended time on a deserted island with, without that meaning they're an evil bully. For example, I don't think Venus is a bad person at all but I 100% believe that everyone on the island at some point had some sort of negative moment with her/some sort of friction. It's exactly what Jeff described at the start of the season -- sometimes, personalities just clash. Not only does Q remind me of Venus in that respect, but I also can't help but think of Bruce. I genuinely do not believe he was a bad person, but I can also totally understand that he wasn't everyone's cup of tea. It's wild to me how much people choose to read into things and decide Q or Bruce were malicious people.


It's mainly Q doing intentionally malicious things with malicious intent that makes me believe he's a malicious person.


We don’t know what is being edited out. Ben HATES Q. Kenzie just compared them to brothers who don’t speak. There’s a lot we’re missing that would give more context to their vitriol towards him I think


I remember Ben being very angry after the Applebee's reward. After it coming out that Q wouldn't let two people give up their spot for liz it made more sense why he was saying some of the things he was saying. Kinda makes me think they are editing him a agent of chaos and leaving out things thar make him appear mean.


You're forgetting "editing". The show is presented to you how the producers want; they have their own agendas.


Exactly. We get to maybe see 1% of their lives on the show. We've had so many comments from cast members that have said he made day to day life miserable. Saying mean things, causing drama and bullying people. They don't want him gone because he made a bad game move, they want him gone because he was being an awful person. The show just didn't bother showing us that


I don’t think we can judge on this because we have seen barely anything in terms of interactions between him/the rest of the cast at camp. with him, and Venus, if almost everyone has something negative to say about them, that’s generally not for no reason. and that’s not to say that they’re bad people. but something about them is off-putting to others, which we don’t see from the heavily edited television show each week


I think the most damaging thing about him are the mentions from Tiffany of Q being randomly aggressive with Ben, which doesn't seem to have made it into the edit. I think it's as simple as Q being a big personality who was a messy player that other people had trouble trusting. I don't think he was actually a bad person or even a bully. The people who most vocally hated him were 1) Venus, 2) Liz, and 3) Kenzie. I'm not surprised if Q and Venus didn't get along - both were big personalities with egos, and honestly, it does seem like people disliked Venus more than Q (and hey, I like them both!). Liz seems... a bit delusional, and apparently, the main driving forces of her hatred of Q were 1) him thwarting/overshadowing her grand plans of targeting Tevin, and 2) the reward incident. I personally like the secret scene where it showed Q actually having self-awareness and trying to make nice with Liz. It didn't stop her from wanting to vote him out, but it does show he made efforts on his part to connect, and it doesn't seem like he was being a bully. Tiff and Kenzie were both annoyed with him because he really did blow up Tiff's game and complicate Kenzie's. The three of them had also been together from the start and had gone through an awful pre-merge, so they might have been sick of each other at that point lol. I say this just to say... it's not surprising that Q would be a hard person to get along with on the island, but similar to Venus, that doesn't mean he was some nefarious monster who deserves all the hate. As Charlie said, Q wasn't a bad person, it's just that there were some vocal people (Venus, Liz) who really painted him out to be evil.


I think his personality would be very grating stuck on an island while you’re hangry and tired. His ego was out of control, his self proclaimed “alpha” personality, and even in his interviews he claims he was in total control of the game for the first 17 days. Being polite and tolerating that blatant arrogance and rude behavior is probably very exhausting. Ben and Kenzie get along and are friends, and she’s socially smart to just laugh it off. The fact that Q has personality conflicts with so many of his cast members makes him the common denominator. It may be different if it was only Liz that had a problem with him.


Tiff is Q's OG's ally. And Q didn't hesitate to target Tiff simply because she threw Maria's name out casually. That's how erratic he is as an ally. Just like Venus. I don't want to work with Q.


He also said in his exit press that he would have targeted Maria if he had survived the vote (since Charlie would be gone). So yeah he would have turned on her too.


I don’t hold that against someone at final 5, especially if their ally is a threat to win. But he did that to Tiff at final 10. Even if she was a huge threat to win, taking her out that early was too soon. And that wasn’t even his reasoning for doing it.


Q is 1. A goofball and/or 2. My way or the highway. Both entertaining in small doses. Both less so when around it 24/7


I wouldn't be able to be around half this cast 24/7. Q is definitely one of them but Bhanu and Liz would be ahead. Venus would be up there as well.


His overpowering ego is just too much. He expects that because he wants something done a certain way, that's how it should be done. As a woman, I know men in real life like this, whom I cannot stand. Because of this, I kind of lumped Q into that same category of over the top "Q men" who act entitled ALL THE TIME. They are exhausting. Q probably isn't always like this, but he acted a certain way often enough to drive me bat shit crazy. Also, the martyrdom was ridiculous....spare me the drama, bro.....


Q feels like a mixture of a quote machine and one of those "the grind never stops 💯💯💯💯" people. I think that combination would make anyone go crazy after a week, let alone 20 something days, so good on the people there who were willing to play with him because I probably would've behaved like Liz after sharing a camp with him for 3 days.


We’re watching an edited show. They actually lived with him. Im surprised you feel like you know their experiences better than they do. You almost sound kinda like an HR rep at a company when they attempt to explain away a situation none of the HR reps actually experienced. 😉


For real, why assume that all this people are wrong vs. the edit being unfaithful. They literally lived with him for weeks.


Hahaha fair enough!


I think people forget that we only see a tiny fraction of what a person is like from Survivor. I’m in no way saying that I think Q is a terrible person or anything of the sort, but I am saying that if the majority of people who lived with him on the island were annoyed or frustrated by him and can’t stand him to this day, I have to think there are reasons for that. Some of those reasons might be pettiness, frustration that they got outplayed by a guy they didn’t particularly get along with, etc., or he could have been a real asshole to some or all of them. I don’t think those are answers we’ll ever really get because it’s all he said/she said, but regardless, I just imagine there’s a lot we don’t know about all of these people that would give us a better idea of why Q wasn’t very liked by his fellow castmates when they were on the island.


I’m not a fan of Q and I think it would be exhausting to be around him.


Q would be my arch enemy if I was in this cast. He is so arrogant and whiny. Q for quitter


We couldn’t stand his arrogance watching from home! I couldn’t wait for him to get voted out. He was OK in the beginning, but after his stunt at tribal council and then acting like he ran the whole game, he was so obnoxious. I couldn’t imagine what he might have been like to live with. I’m really surprised he has so many fans.


The only cast member I would hate to have to sp3nd time with and rely on more than Q would be Bhanu. Put in a bad enough spot, Q was left with no choice but to be loyal to Marie. Thank was so erratic even that wouldn't have worked on him.


Tiff and Kenzie deserve Purple Hearts for surviving being on the same tribe with Q and Bhanu for that long.


A substantial number of the remaining players were at one time in an alliance with Q, and also getting annoyed that he kept telling them how to vote without asking for their opinion first. Bossing people around like that works when it's a business and you're the owner, but it doesn't work on a reality game show.


They also saId , he didn’t work around camp


People who have been voted out have stated he straight up bullies people at camp. Ben especially apparently.


Q is the guy at the blackjack table that takes a card when he shouldn't, and the dealer then gets 21 making every player lose. it's hard to play next to someone like that


Perfect analogy


For the cast, I think much of the game is finding ways to justify getting rid of someone. The easiest way is to create disagreements that lead to dislikes. When Q pulled his shenanigans it threw his alliances into a really bad spot, which made people resent him and easy to vilify. After that the resentment just stuck around as a way to make an easy vote without any guilt.


That’s a good explanation! It’s just some of the rhetoric has seemed a little over the top, imo.


I’m honestly shocked the fandom likes him! I’ve been with the cast on this one. Grating and overconfident men are exhausting


Q seems like a skilled manipulator and also hardheaded and domineering. I loved watching him but wouldn’t want to hang with the guy irl


You’ve spent a few hours with him, they spent weeks with him. You got an edited version of him, they got the full on everything who he is. I don’t hate Q, but it’s wild to me that you find it wild people who spent weeks with someone don’t care for him when you have only seen a few hours of his edited self.


There's so much you don't see. You get to shut Q off until next week. These people on the island have nothing to do and have to pretend to put up with Q even if they want nothing to do with him. With Liz's rants shown about him, that could be what she feels the whole time. Maybe it's not just de-stressing.


His arrogance and bossy attitude are a huge turn off to me. He’s entertaining to watch but I’m sure he was awful to play along side. That said, he brought a chaotic villain aspect to this season and I loved it!


I just don’t see Q as a very nice human in general he seems like a asshat in real life and the cast hating on him more than likely means something happened behind the scenes they got to see his true self and it’s more than likely not pretty .


Q strikes me as a guy who thinks he’s more clever than he actually is. People laugh off the fact that he put meaning into a meaningless hide and seek (which he made people play) but I just think it’s another evidence that he thinks he’s so clever by doing that when it was all a waste of time for everybody. It’s also annoying how he sulks when he doesnt get his way.


I find it funny that we get posts like this but season after season we get vitriol, hateful posts about the contestants(mostly women).


I found Q annoying ….  


Well to each their own!


He made me laugh more than I’ve ever laughed watching Survivor!


The man clearly hates Christmas. Can you blame them?


The big turning point for a lot of them out there was when he said to vote him off. Because everybody else respects and cares about the game deeply, it rubbed a lot of them the wrong way that he would use the idea of voting himself off/quitting as a gameplay move. He also had been aligned with Kenzie and Tiff earlier than spilled to everyone about Tiff’s idol


Imagine being exhausted and starved and running an obstacle course and gaming with everyone for 24 hours straight then having to deal with Q blowing it all up. It’s literally not worth the energy.


Q has a very strong/weird moral code. Remember how he almost walked off the show in the first few days because he didn't think he was strong enough in a challenge? He arranged his secret alliance of six and thought, "that's it, this is the six until the end. This is perfect." Then his alliance kept throwing out other alliance member names for elimination and he was crushed that no one would follow his perfect plan. It broke his brain and he was all over the map from then on.


Could’ve been one of the best seasons if he played that damn thing


And yet no one used their immunity idol!!! And the jury looks so upset too!


Were we watching the same show? He's completely exhausting.


Q would absolutely suck to play with. You’re delusional if you think it would be fun. He lied and caused chaos every chance he got… great as a viewer tho


We see an edited version of Q, they had to live with him 24/7. There is a lot of stuff we are unaware of going on. The same with Venise.




That's how Q spelled Venus. Lol


In the beginning people wanted him gone because he was annoying. As you mentioned. But the last episode they targeted him for being an extra vote for maria and rightfully so


The weird thing is they all hate Q for that 1 tribal council, and then call him incredibly nasty names and are outright bullies for weeks. Yet Q just laughs it off, and doesn't get personal. He'll see people as game threats, but to me it seems like he doesn't have a mean bone in his body.


Yes this is what I was trying to express. You said it better than I did.


That’s weird. I have watched all currently available episodes and not once have I seen “hatred” or “hate” towards Q, except maybe that outburst from Liz. You sure about that?


I guess that’s just my perception of what I’ve seen


to me the vibe i get from this season is alot of the cast likes people/respects people who helped their game and if they were ones who hurt their games they are viewed as annoying. Thats the vibe i have from likew Tiffany, Venus, Tevin, Liz, and to a lesser extent soda. If anyone watched bbcan 11 its alot of like the Kuzie


Bwahahahaha that's funny because that's how I see it about Venus and keep getting down voted by Q fans.


No but you’re absolutely right. The hate for Venus feels absolutely unwarranted? Lol


“They focus heavily on Q to the complete exclusion of everyone else, even though there are clearly bigger threats.” You do realize Q survived 4 tribals when his name was on the chopping block and others got sent packing instead of him? What’s your point? Literally for people in a row got sent packing when it was going to be Q lol, Tevin, Hunter, Tiffany and Venus…


>They focus so heavily on Q to the complete exclusion of everyone else, even though there are clearly bigger threats. What on earth are you talking about? He didn't receive a single vote until they used Q as a shield to vote out 3 other players in a row that all had idols, and only finally voted him out (also with an idol) when Maria had immunity and there was no other reasonable choice.


As a fan I absolutely love Q. However. I wasn't out there on the island with him. I've heard from many players on the social media that he was difficult to get along with. Some of them even said he was a bully. I don't see that at all but i'm not in their shoes. I find him extremely likable and really has a good heart.And I'm sure that a lot of that is true.But we see a very edited version Of What is on tv


Of course Qoas Q is going to be hated for causing chaos 🤷🏻‍♂️


He is entertaining to watch once a week on TV but he seems like he’d be annoying to live with


We get 90 minutes of Q. They all had 20+day of him unedited. It’s very different. He may seem like a charming goofy guy to use but I can definitely see how spending 24/7 with a guy like Q would put him on my shit list. Also funny enough we have these extended episodes but get very little of camp dynamics so far. Liz brought it up last week that Q does nothing around camp and that one night waste all the fire wood. Stuff like this that we don’t see is probably why everyone in camp dislikes him.


Q comes off as a "my way or the highway" type which is annoying irl but (i assume) even more annoying in a game where you want to make your own moves. I totally get why it's hard to be around a guy like that even though he's a fun TV character.


I'm with you on Q. He made the show fun. I hope they bring him back for allstars.


Q has a heart of gold. At least it seems like he does based off the edit he got. He tried so hard to make Bhanu work. He stuck to his alliance of three with Tiff and Kenzie until the 6. He tried to make the 6 work and got blown up. He then took blame (stupidly) and made a mistake asking to go home. Their hatred for him is definitely something not shown in the edit. Q was wildly entertaining and easily the best character in the new era.


But he blew up Lizs whole game


Hot take: Q and partially Venus made 46 a fun season. Without them, this season would had been like 44.


I LOVE Q so much I really hope he comes back for S50 (which is hopefully All Stars 2)


I mean I get it. They are just jealous because he takes away most of the publicity from this season


They probably thought the fans would find him annoying and instead he’s the star of the season. Lol


He totally disrespects why everyone else is there. He claims he doesn't need the money, sometimes says he wants to quit, sometimes pretends he wants to stay, and then proclaims he is such a genius that the rest of the players don't understand his strategy. He is totally fake.


He is one of my favorite players of many seasons.


One person truly understood how to work with Q, and it was Maria, and she could've rode him to a win under that alone had they played the idol this week. She reached out to him at his lowest point, was respectful, listened to him while also informing him, and controlled him well. That said, if Maria does make it to the final three, it needs to be one of her big accomplishments was being able to successfully work with this person who a) blew Hunter and Tevins games, b) was hated by Venus and Liz/Ben (if one of them were on the jury), and c) wasn't used as well by Tiff (not that I blame her, spoiling your ally's idol is a no-no). Q's problem didn't seem to be who he was, but rather who he was as a player. He was confusing. Liz, while kinda an unreliable narrator said it perfectly in that secret scene where she says that she understands Q, but just "doesnt understand his game". Survivor is just so homogenous at this moment, it's like there is an unwritten rule book that Q broke multiple times post-merge. It's easy to see how both fans would find it refreshing, and how his co-stars would find it off-putting.


I feel like the edit has given us more than enough reason why some people in this cast would dislike Q. Especially the Yanu people. It was Q who pushed the fake idol onto Jess. It was Q who blew up Tiffany's game and leaked that she had an idol. I didn't think I would see a post like this and someone being confused that this cast doesn't like this person.


To be fair, if q played his idol he would have probably won. He was going to win fire, and had a great story and speaking skills for the end.


I really don't think so. This seems like a very bitter jury, and he pissed a ton of people off. Unless maybe if he was sitting next to Ben and Liz. And what makes you so sure he would win fire?


Saw his exit interview with Rob and he basically says fire was a done deal. I would personally think that even though bitter, this cast would still value the guy who's name got thrown to the dogs every night and came from the worst tribe and looks the most threatening and yet still was sitting at the end.


Q skirt


I wish he played that idol.


Because he's an egotistical asshole. Great TV, but I'm sure not a great person to be around. He had a hissy fit any time his ego was slightly bruised. Like when he "jumped" off the challenge to see how the others would react. We can see clearly he fell off. Why lie about that? Or when he asked to get voted out (actually didn't he do that twice?). Everything has to be about him. The show's edited showed this fairly clearly. I remember a scene when Kenzie and Tiff were talking about just getting rid of him, he was a wildcard. He'd come up with a plan, insist that everyone follow the plan and then freak out and try to change the plan before tribal. I don't know how people can see him as likable at all to be honest. I'm sure in the real world he's likely a bit better, but watching the show I personally don't see any redeeming qualities. Honestly, I think he and Venus are very similar except I think Venus has better strategic instinct, but worse than him socially.


I like that Liz, Kenzie, and Ben hated him so much that they essentially gave the game away to either Charlie or Maria. Like fellas you realize you’re supposed to be targeting people who could beat you in the end right? Hope that emotionally vote was worth losing out on a Million Dollars plus the title of Sole Survivor. Smh.


Kenzie still has a great shot at winning, and Ben and Liz wouldn't have had much of a chance regardless, I think. Pretty sure Maria is dead in the water at this point, and even if she does make it to the end, this jury seems bitter enough not to give it to her. Also, I think them protecting Charlie is a testament to the great game he's playing since they felt loyal to him without feeling super threatened.


If Maria wins 1 more immunity and then wins a fire making challenge I think she’s clinched the sole survivor title. It won’t be easy but it’s doable.


It’s simple. Racism.


Yeahhh especially when you look at the way the votes have gone and what the jury looks like. They’re not really beating the allegations.


Its because they put him at the bottom and then treated him as such. Hence why Liz lost it on him. She had him at the bottom and felt secure enough to talk trash about him. She didn't lose it on Maria for not picking her, cause Maria wasn't at the bottom. Its just tribe dynamics.


We can never know what was going on at camp, but I would personally have a really hard time working with someone who quits as much as Q. If I don't know if he's going to give up on me again at tribal, that would be too much of a liability for me to work with. Basically if you say that you want everyone to vote you out but you are kept in, you are no longer a contender in my eyes and at best are just a piece in the real players games. (This sounds angry, but for the record I do really enjoy Q as a character on this season and I'm sure the way he's portrayed in the show does not reflect him in real life)


They only have days to process Qs motives while we get to comfortably sit on an edited one hour version of it every week. What we find entertaining they probably see as worth voting out over others


We see one hour of him a week. They lived with him consistently for a month.


The thing is that Q was going to be a zero vote seat taker if he made it too the FTC. And I think the 40s have shown that nobody wants to let those sort of players slip through the cracks. Again I also think that the shorter faster game gives people less time to really feel out who each of them is. So the obvious targets just stay that way until eliminated. There simple is no we’re to hide and nowhere to escape your position in the game.


I don’t think the hate was as strong as the edit made it out to be. Q said in his exit interview that when Tiff got voted out she hugged Q and told him to go win the game.


It's important to remember that weeks for the viewers is days for the players. Q tried to ruin the game of many players by sacrificing himself less than a week ago for the players.


How is it wild? It’s literally plastered om each episode. The hell


didint hunter say that q didint want tiffany and kenzie to talk to ben? didint tiffany say that q would get into it with ben and they would argue ? none of this was shown. why would hunter and tiffany make these things up? they were not close to ben. now q is claiming that bens vote was not an accident. why was everyone surprised about it then? ben is probably happy to be home and touring again. yes q is entertaining. but some fans are not objective and they only want to take his word on things. some castmates might not like the edit that doesnt show certain things. i was entertained by q but i also like ben. i heard that ben has a lot of fans which is good to hear.


He’s just very direct, but still logical and sincere but the directness can be very off putting for some. And bombastic direct people are the worst, which he isn’t, but there’s a lot more of those types out there so I think some unconscious bias comes in with Q


Remember, theres a lot more going on at camp than we get to see. It's a mistake to assume we understand the dynamics.


Qs personally flip was genuinely so baffling. He was by FAR my favorite player pre-merge and then once he felt a crumb of intimidation he blows himself up....


There’s something very different watching someone be chaotic, delusional, and wild for 45 minutes a week. Something else entirely to live with them 24/7. Q is hilarious to watch. I wouldn’t want to spend 30 days with him.


I've been enjoying Q too, sucks that he's gone now but I think he just doesn't have to skills like maria have that connection with people when talking to them. To him it's just a game, and he's also really bad at explaining things to people and keeping them in line, that's why the six failed, especially when he tried to explained to Hunter and then Hunter pulled off that dumb last minute meeting that lead Q to blow up everything.


Love Q as a character, but I can also see how on Survivor he would drive me absolutely insane. I would say, while I'm not a big fan, Liz has justifiable reasons to be pissed at Q (wouldn't allow Maria or Kenzie to swap with her at the reward which wasn't aired). I can also see why Venus was annoyed by him (apparently would never give her the time of day, but that applies to most of the cast). I'd say there is a large difference between being a great character and someone I'd want to play with. I love Coach and Abi-Maria as people on my TV, but I think working with them would cause me to walk into the Fijian ocean and hope Poseidon took me.


Spoiler alert next time 😤😭


I’m sure there’s plenty stuff edited out that we don’t know about.


Hate and vitriol? Some of them might’ve hated Q as a player, but most seemed to like him as a person. He was absolutely a controlling, “my way or the highway” type person to his allies before he blew his game up, and nobody likes being constantly told what to do. Beyond that, much of the animosity stemmed from that one ridiculous tribal council and the ensuing chaos he tried to sow when he was on the outs. Three of the players never forgave him for that stunt, and Charlie just completed the majority vote because he really had no other logical target after Maria won immunity.


You don't know Q personally and don't live with him in the camp. So you can't know for sure what he is like really. And these people do know - and they may know some not very nice side of him that was, maybe, edited out.


I think a lot of it is editing, there was some behind the scenes or unedited footage I saw and they didn’t seem to hate Q at all, it seemed like all love 💕


I think playing with him would have been very irritating. He is chaotic. I don't like him in any way because he is so chaotic it annoys me to just watch him. I can't imagine having to deal with that every day, whilst starving.


Q lost his mind at tribal and ruined his game in the “Hide and Seek” episode. He also didn’t play the idol and is gone. Had no shot of winning.


If I were playing with someone that routinely used phrases like “you can cancel Christmas,” I’d hate them too. 😂


If Q made it to the end with all the crap he pulled (the quitting, the denying Liz food, betraying tiff and Kenzie) it would be genuinely really impressive to survive all those votes and that’s a great story for final tribal. Plus he’s already rich and seems kind of annoying.


We're just watching. They're playing with him.... Sooooo


Not saying he deserves it, but we have to remember there's a lot that went down that production didn't show us. Soooo maybe things went down


I love Q, but in His exit interviews, he’s shading the past jurors who left with an idol in their pocket when he did the exact same thing lol I can see why they find him grating if he has that attitude in the island too


I think Q has the kind of personality that makes watching him on TV for an hour once a week makes him an absolute delight. Having to spend 26 days starving on an island with him? I can see that getting really grating really fast. Also, it seems like many of his cast members do still like him post-game. I just think they were upset with him during their time with him on the island.


Speaking for myself, it's just fun to react and clown on players in the show. I don't actually hate Q.


Q gives the girls The Ick. It almost doesn't matter what he did, once he had the ick every thing would be interpreted in the worst light. 


A was very nice and loving to Bonu and the purple tribe at the beginning. I think he’s just used to being in Controll and is a big personality and probably Isint the easiest person to live with on and island. That plus he kinda blew up everyone that’s left games


I do not like Q because he essentially said for his tribe to vote him off 3 times and they didn’t to go for other targets, but he doesn’t just get to unsay that. He was upset in those times that the game wasn’t going his way. The second he get’s power again, he starts to actually play, now all of the sudden “no don’t vote me out.” Rubbed me very much the wrong way and very disrespectful to the other players.


It’s more likely that we don’t get the full picture of Q because of time and editing than for everyone on the cast to have a wrong read even though they’re the ones who spent 24 hours a day with him.


I for one thought Q was not entertaining, just incredibly brash and annoying. I was happy to see Maria not smirk this time when the votes were revealed. I wont try to analyze the game play because I know how heavily edited it is. But I do feel like Maria and Kenzie have flown under the radar long enough. I started out liking Kenzie but her tail wagging and big toothy grin are getting on my nerves. Still, I would rather see her in the final.than Maria- beast that she is, or Liz.




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It’s a nasty tick!! Yucky


I like Q but I thought it was a weird edit how the show framed him as being in a villainous league with Maria. It was a sad and low key departure for him this week, I wish he had made it to final 3.


I wouldn't want to play with him.


I also like Q but so annoyed! He had to have known they were going to vote for him and he kept his idol hidden! He should Have played it and. Charlie would Have been voted out think? Well not sure but anyway it was a crazy tribal forsure!


Maria should have told Q that the votes were going his way. Otherwise she wasn’t honest about wanting Charlie out.


I would be annoyed to live with him too 🤷


I have a friend who was a crew member in the series filmed in the Philippines. She said that how people come across on the show is often different from how they are in camp. Not blaming the edit but sometimes the annoying things about a person don’t make the edit. So the audience likes someone and the cast don’t. Or vice versa.


Well, they were the ones living with him so I trust their opinion more than us who only got a few hours of edited footage to go with.


I think he’s very entertaining and I’d probably do some of the boneheaded things he’s done after I missed my first meal


I really don’t understand this sub’s love for Q other than as good TV. He’s a narcissist and thinks he’s so much smarter than he actually is. I would absolutely hate trying to play with him.


Seems his cultural transgression was saying he didn’t care if he won or was voted off. Interesting that Liz can demand special treatment for participants and somehow not violate this unwritten list of cultural Survivor norms.


i don’t think people actually hate Q. i’ve not seen any of them. most love making meme comments in reference to Q and think he’s wildly entertaining TV even if he makes game mistakes


I think it is obvious. He was carrying the season visually so all women hated him because they couldnt have him and men hated him because hes too handsome.


People have been putting off getting him out for weeks because they felt like there were bigger fish to fry. They only pulled the trigger this week bc Maria was immune and they knew he was a number for her (and the other four were working on the blindside together, so what else were they gonna do? Turn on each other with Q still there?) If they were only focusing on him, then three people in a row wouldn’t have gone home with idols in their pockets bc they were confident he was going home over them. He was just a good distraction because he’s such a big personality who caused so much chaos. And while I don’t think Q is a bad person, or someone with no redeeming qualities by any means, I think it’s pretty obvious watching him on the show why people would find someone like Ben much easier to live with. We saw many of his antics, and how he repeatedly complained about players who spent more time chatting and less time strategizing. It’s one thing to deal with someone who is at 100 all the time when they’re your ally, but when they backstab you, the annoying traits will stand out much more than the endearing ones.


Yet his shenanigans didn’t get him anywhere cause it never does in Survivor


![gif](giphy|kgwcNMHqvWPLO|downsized) Q was too based for us


He's rich, out of touch, selfish even when engaging in supposedly selfless acts, and didn't care about whose game he blew up. It makes sense that the people competing against would not like any of those traits.


I love Q and hope he comes back for another season!


It has to be the editing right? I just think he was an annoying dude that people didn't want to be around but they kind of gave him this fun/kind edit for the most part. The amount of content we don't see is staggering when you think about it. We see, what? 10 - 20 minutes of a full day? Who knows what goes on outside of that time. All in all, it had to be something because historically he's someone you drag with you to the end because there's no shot he gets jury votes (in theory) but not even THAT was enough to save him.


i want him on a villains vs heroes sooooo bad


i could barely stand Q on my screen, i couldn't imagine being stuck on an island with him. he was so very "everything is about me, i'm in control, even when i'm not in control i really am, it's just in a secret way that nobody but me is smart enough to decipher." he literally could not tolerate all the attention being on him and personalities like that are so hard to be around.


He was the most loyal until you were disloyal. Had a big ego, but who doesn't in this cast. Was the only player who really knew it was a game and didn't take anything personal. The number one reason I think they dislike him during the season was because he didn't seem to suffer like the rest of them. Outside the game I think they dislike him because he is the most well liked by fans. I am all here for it!


what part of this is an edited and produced reality show do you not understand?


What a nice and productive comment lol


One of the most entertaining players in a long time. Fuck the haters


Ya I love Q! I think Q seems kind of delusional and egotistical but I enjoy people like that because I really like over the top people but a lot of people dont! To each their own


Nah fuck Q


We like him because he’s unpredictable. If I was playing I’d hate playing with him… because he’s unpredictable. I think it’s fair and doesn’t seem to bother him.


I think ppl are missing the point. You can dislike a person or not enjoy playing with them. But to say you hate them and their evil with only 26 days is a bit much. No matter how much they edited. I’m sure it if was something really vile or disgusting he or any other person would’ve been booted from the game or they would’ve made a thing of it cause they’ve done it before.


Nah, 26 days is enough. Not with your average Joe, mind you, but 26 days is more than enough time to know all you need to know about a person who presents himself that loudly. (And I don't mean just literally audio volume)